
  1. The Duke

    Help me find my favorite Rolling Stones song.

    Now, I haven't even heard this song played on the radio very often. It has lots of horn in it. I taped it and played along with it a lot.. It goes: Ba da da da da da da da da da da; Dada da da da, da da da da da. Help me if you can. No clue as to what the name is. Have heard 100s of Stones...
  2. L

    ★ One Word Song Titles A-Z ★

    The game title tells you all you need to know. (Optional) Post a vid of the song to accompany the title. I'll do the first one to get the game started Abacab - Genesis
  3. B

    Doom Metal Matters

  4. AveryJarhman

    'Jillian Michaels ROASTS Lizzo' by The Amazing Lucas

    "Jillian Michaels ROASTS Lizzie" The Amazing Lucas •Jan 13, 2020 156,081 views Hello. FACT: Melissa Viviane Jefferson, aka American Urban-TRUTH-Teller 'Lizzo', composes, as well as performs HATEFUL music informing our ENTIRE world that American girls and women are less than human BBTCHES...
  5. protectionist

    What is your favorite musical instrument ?

    Now before anybody starts jumping off the topic, we are talking about musical INSTRUMENTS, OK ? So it's not about performers, or bands, or songs. I will start this by naming my favorite which is the mandolin. I know it's just the little brother of the much more prestigious violin, but when...
  6. protectionist

    Pentatonic Scale ? Why ?

    I keep hearing raves from rock music authors about the Pentatonic scale. I'm a bit puzzled about this. I play songs in major scale, that are supposed to have been played in pentatonic scale by top guitarists, (Clapton, Hendrix) and I like my style fine. For one thing, a pentatonic has only 5...
  7. protectionist

    A GREAT Christmas Present

    There's a very wide choice of items that people with money to spend, can choose for Christmas presents. Probably most people will gravitate toward electronics. Computers, video games, cell phones, etc. Here's another idea. Instead of that gadget that will be obsolete within a year, how...
  8. 2

    The Music Industry's Endgame (World Takeover)

    Almost all of Rock n Roll involved, maybe 95%, Pop, Metal, Alternative, Punk, New on.. Pay Attention to Your music collection's non-hits along with the hits on the radio. Wrap Around The Vine
  9. Mortis

    What's Your Favorite Rock Bands?

    I must say that I have many favorite rock bands! I grew up listening to AC/DC, Metallica, Nirvana, and many more! So, what's your favorite rock bands and what are your favorite videos?
  10. AveryJarhman

    Comparing American Music Legend Sam Cooke & Violence Hustling Nipsey Hussle

    #TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions I found this image on Facebook. Hello. Thanks to my dad, I grew up listening to Sam Cooke's voice and popular music. While some folks want to compare Sam and Nipsey, there is one really huge difference...
  11. NewsVine_Mariyam

    Songs of Healing

    If there is a particular song that has helped you through a trying or difficult time or you would like to offer to others feel free to add it here. A New Hallelujah Raise a Hallelujah "Sing a little louder"
  12. AveryJarhman

    The Emancipation of Slaves Through Music with Dr. Matthew Knowles

    #TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions The Emancipation of Slaves Through Music with Dr. Matthew Knowles Respectfully, I am curious to learn if Dr. Mathew Knowles has developed a theory explaining why his son-in-law, American urban...
  13. Litwin

    Crazy $hitt from Eastern Europe (Muscovy is not Europe) , Music , Films, etc.

    Crazy $hitt from Eastern / Central Europe (Muscovy is not Europe, its Afro- Asia ) , Music , Films, etc.
  14. H

    K-pop meets “NK-Pop”? How music brought the two Koreas closer

    K-pop meets “NK-Pop”? How music brought the two Koreas closer Will possible future cultural exchanges help improve inter-Korean relations? So far, the responses have been largely positive, but it is unclear if such events will continue beyond the Games.
  15. Y

    For @Dalia -- music of our childhood

  16. Litwin

    Music, flashy media-products from Eastern - central Europe/Not from Muscovy which is under the sanct

    Music, shiny media-products from Eastern - central Europe/Not from Muscovy which is under the sanctions Belarus, Latvia, Ukraine, Poland, Romania, etc. N1, Hymn of the Ukrainian anti - thug and anti- Muscovite revolution , from Belarusian band Lapis Truckoj N2, Ukrainian hipster...
  17. AlphaBetaUnlimited

    Do what you can to help against forced scripting of the musicians you love

    (Examples of forced Zionist scripting) Zion didn't need to do the whole video like this to do what it wanted. Taylor is actually very beautiful. LWYMMD Look What You Made Me Do Zion Look what they're making Taylor Swift do You don't have to wonder who's reputation Taylor Swift is about to be...
  18. AlphaBetaUnlimited

    Musicians Being Harmed to Read Zionist Scripts

    (not a conspiracy theory, reality of conspiration) Where to start? Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, someone more modern? Pretty much anyone modern. We have had a major problem going back decades and ending up in the complete take over of the music industry (musicians) that we now see. However...
  19. Y

    Favorite Songs From the 1960's

  20. Y

    More "Devil Doll"

    This is the good/angel Doll --
  21. AveryJarhman

    Urban Story-TRUTH-Teller Drake's Rise To Success

    Avery Replies: “How to Be a Better Drake”, The Biggest Rapper Alive by Rob Harvilla/ ___ Reading interviews, I learned Aubrey "Drake" Graham is a fan of criminal child abuse victim the late popular American urban story-TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur. Tupac Addresses America’s Culture of African...
  22. Y

    What happened to Devil Doll ??

    Does anybody here know what happened to Devil Doll ?? I just discovered their music and they have not done anything in 10 years. Devil Doll (American band) - Wikipedia Devil Doll
  23. MindWars

    These guys are bad a** THUNDERSTRUCK

  24. Y

    The latest from Lemaitre with Jennie Abrahamson

    Here is the latest tune from Lemaitre with Jennie Abrahamson. Very beautiful. Sounds like Olivia Newton John in her younger daze.
  25. Stasha_Sz

    Baroque, Classical & Romantic Music

    Seems that the music thread has gotten away from some of the truly great melodies of all time. To remedy this, I would like to propose that aficionados post some of their favourite works from the Baroque, Classical through the Romantic eras, (1600~1750; 1730~1830; 1820~1920, respectively) I will...
  26. Onyx

    Nazi Punk vs Afro Punk

    One of my favorite subjects is music, so I like to inform people about relatively obscure genres. My favorite music is usually subversive or emotional, so I am mostly a fan of punk rock. Yesterday I made a thread about Jihadist hip hop and Taqwacore, which carried two very different messages...
  27. Divine Wind

    Post a theme song for a favorite fellow USMB member

    Have fun and post a theme song of a favorite fellow USMB member. First up, Hossfly
  28. Y

    To every thing there is a season

    I could not easily decide whether to say this in the Music Section or in Philosophy. But since it is so powerful I have put it here with the other most powerful ideas of Philosophy. The American rock band The Byrds produced their version of this song in 1965 which was originally by The...
  29. Ridgerunner

    Happy Birthday Fleetwood Mac?

    I just heard from a fairly reliable source that today is the 49th anniversary of the founding of the great Blues Band Fleetwood Mac. August of "67" seems just about right. I have done my due diligence and searched the inter-web looking for some substantial documentation to firm this rumor (no...
  30. Ridgerunner

    ROAD TRIP!!!!

    How many of us can say we haven't been on a classic old fashion ROAD TRIP!!!!? Some of my best memories come from cruising down the asphalt getting white line fever. I just happen to see this link to what someone thinks are some great songs to travel by. Peruse this list and see if you can add...
  31. AveryJarhman

    Azealia Banks Attacks Photographers After Assault Hearing: ‘Suck My D**k, Fa**ots’

  32. CremeBrulee

    #1 Hit When You Were Born

    Title pretty much says it all. That explains a lot.:)
  33. CremeBrulee

    Native American Music

    Here ya go Gracie. Hope it doesn't keep you up longer lulz.
  34. P

    The State of Jazz in America

    I'm concerned that Jazz appreciation in the US is toast. People think Jazz is smooth jazz. I struggle to meet Gen Y women who can stand it. Should I get over it, or is there a great tragedy in the loss of all-american jazz appreciation?
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