nerdeen kiswani

  1. Sayaras

    Article: (US) "Polls: Hitler Youth Campus Protests Backfired by Double Digits." [Swastika palestine]

    See? There is light at the end of this very dark tunnel. Have Campus Protests Backfired? Wednesday, May 08, 2024. If the goal of students in recent campus protests was to make American voters more sympathetic to Palestinians, they’ve clearly failed. The latest Rasmussen Reports national...
  2. Sayaras

    As usual, swastika-palestine racist attack is by...

    ARAB Immigrants. Of course. Anas (Ahmad) Saleh is also Arab Of course. So are most masked thugs. StopAntisemitism has successfully identified the perpetrator from the June 10th NYC subway incident as Anas (Ahmad) Saleh and have been working with NYPD and NYC Mayor’s since last Friday...
  3. Sayaras

    Wow! even lib. AOC ain't good enough for swastika-palestine Nerdeen Kiswani (supremacist Arab immigrant)

    It appears that there are some surprises, after all. U.S. Congresswoman gets attacked by the mob in shocking turn of events. By Prudent Politics Staff. June 15, 2024. The political polarization in this country has reached a fever pitch. Now no one is safe. But now, a U.S. Congresswoman got...
  4. Sayaras

    African-American actor Pierce compares pro-Palestinian Brooklyn vandals to KKK. - Organized by racist Arab "palestinian" Nerdeen Kiswani - WOL

    Reminder, this Arab palestinian Nerdeen Kiswani has been interrupting Holocaust memorial ceremonies..for years since 2015. Wendall Pierce from 'The Wire' compares pro-Palestinian Brooklyn vandals to KKK Actor Wendall Pierce from the hit...
  5. Sayaras

    Reminder: swastika-palestine arose right after genocidal-Arab "palestinian" Oct/7 atrocities

    The following are just from Oct 2023. Fury as Palestinian protester waves a SWASTIKA at anti-Israel rally in New York City's Times Square as thousands of demonstrators take to the streets across the US - while rockets and gunfire flies in the Middle East. 18:14 BST 08 Oct 2023, updated 04:13...
  6. Sayaras

    Bay Ridge: Mob by infamous Nazi-inspired Arab "palestine" Nerdeen Kiswani - Holocaust ceremonies interrupter WOL linked to racist attacks : ARRESTED

    This section inside Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, is called "little palestine"... no less New York: Anti-Israel protesters arrested in Brooklyn. At least a dozen arrested after Pro-Palestinian Arab demonstrators march in Bay Ridge and clash with officers. Israel National News, May 19, 2024...
  7. FDR_Reagan

    Airport Riots: Nerdeen Kiswani: Holocaust-memorial-interrupter racist-Arab pAlEsTInIaN

    Interrupting Holocaust commemorative ceremonies is "free-pAlEsTInE?" .Nerdeen Kiswani (WOL) is infamous for interrupting Holocaust commemorative ceremonies. Gunz, a former classmate of Kiswani's at CUNY Law, has said that Kiswani has been criticized "because she interrupts Holocaust...

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