
  1. Sayaras

    Wow! even lib. AOC ain't good enough for swastika-palestine Nerdeen Kiswani (supremacist Arab immigrant)

    It appears that there are some surprises, after all. U.S. Congresswoman gets attacked by the mob in shocking turn of events. By Prudent Politics Staff. June 15, 2024. The political polarization in this country has reached a fever pitch. Now no one is safe. But now, a U.S. Congresswoman got...
  2. Sayaras

    Quote: "The Palestinian-Arab terror nourishes from Nazism." More Hitler's Arabic 'Mein Kampf' by terrorists

    It seems like a routine, swastikas and 'Mein kampf': Hitlerism on steroids in Arab Palestine IDF fighters captured "Mein Kampf" in Arabic in Gush Etzion. 05.20.24. In Gush Etzion, IDF soldiers operated against terrorist elements, confiscating incendiary materials, weapons and terrorist...
  3. Sayaras

    UK: Swastika scrawled by a pupil in a classroom - brainwashed ? into RACISM by pro-"palestinian" propaganda [Swastika palestine]

    They atill call it "pro palestine" as if these protesters are FOR anyone besides being ANTI one people... Police investigate school after swastika is found scrawled on back of pupil's chair as parents fear children are being brainwashed into anti-Semitism by pro-Palestinian activists By Sue...
  4. Sayaras

    The Islamist MONEY at swastika-palestine "protests" mobs

    Asides from al jihadzeera boss QATAR money and Samidoun/PFLP links, PalestiNazis, Muslim Brotherhood HITLER obsession, note also how infamous racist Arab "palestinian" Hatem Bazian founder of SJP (and its ofshoot WOL by Nerdeen Kiswani infamous for disrupting Holocaust memorial ceremonies) uses...

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