
  1. Sayaras

    Oh (no...) yes, 'da bigot' is angry... (pallyWeid)

    I mean what possible reason does genocidal Gaza regime have in its numbers publishing... Even racist Omar Shakir has affirmed that we should trust Hamas Gaza Health Ministry... Read also how lying Rashida converts Arab "palestinians" into a "race."... LOL. "Rashida Tlaib Fumes Over US House...
  2. Sayaras

    "Haaretz: IDF soldiers don't rape Arab women due to racism." [Pro Arab racism twisted Haaretzism vs fake racism - pallyweid buzzards]

    What's amazing is that at liberal Wikipedia ubreliable Haaretz is no.1 in sources on Israel.. Haaretz: IDF soldiers don't rape Arab women due to racism. A Haaretz article sparked outrage online after it claimed that 'IDF soldiers don't rape Arab women due to racism.' Online users criticized...
  3. Sayaras

    I mean who cares about Arab-supremacy Islamic genocide of 150,000?

    But BLM Black Lives Matter not when under Arab supremacy and Islamist bigotry in Sudan Since the conflict erupted last April an estimated 150,000 people may have been killed. Ten million people have fled their homes and around 25 million people – 54 per cent of the population – face critical...
  4. Sayaras

    At least re Russia dealing w/ dangerous-Islamists - no "apartheid/genocide" palyweid blah-blah "protests"

    Not biggest fan of Putin, but gotta give it to him, on this.
  5. Sayaras

    UN: No proof of "famine" - Another Pallywood genocide-lie [pallyWeid]

    Remember how many sentences were uttered by drama pallywood rhetoric industry??? United Nations commitee says not enough evidence to declare famine in Gaza. Report triggered by U.S. report of famine in Gaza; After its release IDF announced a daily “tactical pause of military activity” to...
  6. Sayaras

    Most Arab "palestinians" support Oct 7 genocide atrocities - guilty majority - racism. Most dead Gazans = combatants!

    Nevertheless the PallyWeid terminology is raging... despite most Gazans dead being combatants... and the criticism of leftist Govt. of Spain, etc. [who understandably lost the elections] who hurried to announce support for a 23rd Arab state called "palestine" is about the timing... Most...
  7. Sayaras

    Another Arab poses as an IDF to slander: invents lies about "killing babies" [racism / Taqyyia / Pallywood]

    Only God knows how many [racist Arab] fake "soldiers" are out there... Online incitement: an Arab who impersonated a soldier and slandered Israel was arrested. A 19-year-old Arab from Abu Ghosh posed as an IDF soldier and gave an interview against Israel on social media. The police arrested...
  8. Sayaras

    'The diamonds are in our hands': Gaza hostage rescue mission from the savages "palestine" regime - minute-by-minute

    Daring operation in broad daylight. So it was the usual too.. see how Gaza regime brought about more casualties of its people... _____ 'The diamonds are in our hands': Gaza hostage rescue mission minute-by-minute. Forces moved stealthily in daylight to buildings holding Noa Argamani...
  9. Sayaras

    MSM never learns from vicious "palestine" regime crimes on its own people (pallyweid / self infliction / human shields / islamofascism)

    So now it's UNRWA. Two weeks ago it was Hamas munitions fite in tents and months ago jihadis' rockets that struck hospital. And so on and so on.. media falls day in day out for Gaza regime traps of "women and children." _____ Falling for Hamas tactics’: IDF names 9 terrorists killed in school...
  10. Sayaras

    Then hypocrite genocidal "palestine" whines PallyWeid slogans: WEAPONS in a CHILD's vedroom

    But don't expect over this hunan shields routine, any encampment on campus, by Muslim Brothethood with Al JihadZeera's Qatar money... n A Child's Bedroom: IDF locates rocket and mortar cache in Rafah. Israel National News Jun 3, 2024, 5:29 PM
  11. Sayaras

    So why does Gaza genocidal "health ministry" store munitions near displaced "palestinians"? [May 27 fire]

    The question is of course rhetoric. We all know why Hamas uses civilians. See the intl. Outcry on the May 27 fire. Hamas loves the graphic images of dead.. DF suspects Hamas artillery caused deadly fire in Rafah, investigation ongoing. The military clarified that the strike occurred outside...
  12. Sayaras

    So it's 15k among the 24k dead Arab "palestinians"? (PallyWeid) - Gaza death toll

    But facts don't matter , the points is to shout the G word 24/7. Volley of shots fired at Jewish girls’ school in Toronto; no injuries. Two suspects open fire on Bais Chaya Mushka complex in early hours of morning; political leaders condemn incident as antisemitic; Jewish community laments...
  13. Pastelli

    Rafah op. Eliminates two Hamas "health ministry" palestine-butchers while they're using its civilians

    Now wait for the ICC/ICJ/OIC etc. "condemnation " of [human shields] "innocent civilians".. _____ Strike in Rafah: Two senior Hamas terrorists eliminated. IAF aircraft eliminates terrorist Yassin Rabia, the Commander of Hamas’ leadership in Judea and Samaria, as well as Khaled Nagar, a...
  14. Sayaras

    Wow! Even lefty Dem. slam Islamic Karim Khan ICC propaganda "arrest warrant"

    I'm actiually surprised at Hakeem Jeffries of Dems.... Biden, lawmakers blast ICC’s intent to charge Israeli leaders. U.S. politicians from both sides of the aisle denounce International Criminal Court prosecutor’s seeking arrest warrants for the Israeli prime minister and other officials in...
  15. Sayaras

    US calls [ISLAMIC Karim Khan] ICC "arrest warrant" - OUTRAGEOUS (He first anmounced on propagandist infamous Amanpour)

    Talk is cheap Mr. Biden. And your previous statements also contributed to this. Biden calls ICC arrest warrant request for Israeli leaders 'outrageous' By Reuters. Published: May 20, 2024 19:49 Updated: May 20, 2024 19:50. The International Criminal Court prosecutor's application for arrest...
  16. Sayaras

    Genocidal Islamist-palestine preventing Israel from alleviating Gazans' suffering as their suffering is strategy

    Any protests against Hamas yet? They claim they are "for" Arab-palestine... Avichai Adraee @AvichaiAdraee: Hamas is trying to prevent Israel from alleviating the suffering of the people of Gaza because their suffering is strategic for its leaders. Hamas intensifies its attacks against Israeli...
  17. Sayaras

    These swastika-palestine racist Arab immigrants in Denmark - "not antisemitic"...

    Because defacing Holocauat monument with GENOCIDAL Hamas - on yomHashoah is about "freedom from occupation". Don't you get it?. Adam Ma’anit @adammaanit: The monument to the rescue of Danish Jews in Copenhagen this morning on Yom HaShoah. Disgraceful. H/t @vika_lisek May 6, 2024 Hen...
  18. Sayaras

    'Police confirm ‘Heil Hitler’ salute during Madison pro-Palestinian protests' [swastika palestine # 11]

    Question: Why is it called still "pro" palestine??? Who really cares about those Arabs anyway, in Syria, or Gaza? Police confirm ‘Heil Hitler’ salute during Madison pro-Palestinian protests, suspect identified. By: Steve Schuster / May 9, 2024/ Antisemitic messages line the sidewalks of the...
  19. Sayaras

    72% of Americans Back Israel's Rafah Operation, 78% Want [Genocidal-palestine] Hamas Removed

    You think that swastika-Palestine protests changed this? Poll: 72% of Americans Back Israel's Rafah Operation, 78% Want Hamas Removed. Authors: The Hill, The Spectator Index, Hen Mazzig. Apr 29, 2024, 10:46 PM A recent Harvard-Harris poll reveals that 72% of Americans support Israel's...
  20. Sayaras

    'Hamas Gaza regime is responsible for Gaza civilian suffering - controls aid', "palestinian" Authority media reports

    That is quite surprising that one palestinian" regime would blame the other Amidst the Oct 7 war. Hamas controls ATMs, cash, and the humanitarian aid trucks. Hamas is responsible for Gaza civilian suffering, PA media reports. Gaza War (2023) May 7, 2024.
  21. Sayaras

    Amid Swastika-palestine virus: Biden to deliver keynote address at US Holocaust Memorial Museum after Yom HaShoah

    But he never acted against the duo islamofascists: Ilhan Omar / Rashida Tlaib and Hamas-linked CAIR lobby. __ Biden to deliver keynote address at US Holocaust Memorial Museum after Yom HaShoah. By Hannah Sarisohn. 05/01/2024 08:58 PM
  22. Sayaras

    Liberal gullible used by Muslim Brotherhood / racist Arabs / SJP: 'We don't know what we're protesting' (on Campus) we hope it's cool maybe..

    So basically, while --oiled by Arab oil money from Qatar-- Muslim Brotherhood and its SJP has help from Marxists, they also play on the naiive. Anti-Israel protesters at NYU admit they have no idea what they’re protesting: ‘I wish I was more educated’ NY Post | 04/25/2024 | Emily Crane Two...
  23. Sayaras

    Hamas-run Gaza Death Ministry Admits To Flaws In Casualty Data.

    Question is why does the MSM trust the death ministry more than what itself does ? Hamas Admits Problem with 1 in 3 Reported "Deaths"… April 9, 2024 | Flash Brief Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry Admits To Flaws In Casualty Data. Latest Developments. The Hamas-run Gaza Ministry of Health said...
  24. TroglocratsRdumb

    Dearborn hate rally At an International Al-Quds Day rally in Dearborn, Michigan, held on April 5, 2024 and streamed live on on Facebook, protesters chanted: “Death to America!” and “Death to Israel!” “We live...
  25. FDR_Reagan

    Article: Most Arab pAlEsTiNiAns killed were [adult] TERRORISTS, here is shy

    This line is really striking: 1:3 civilian-to-combatant ratio, that is, one civilian killed for every three Hamas combatants, a ratio unheard-of in the history of warfare. What Percentage of Those Killed by the IDF in Gaza were Civilians? Should we really be taking Hamas numbers at face value...
  26. FDR_Reagan

    PallyWeid and Hamas OFFICIAL document

    Comment. So it's not just the made up numbers of 30k but victims of their own crimes ae pinned on the zionist state +++ Hamas document reveals it hides casualties, blames failed rocket launches on Israel - IDF. An official Hamas document recovered by IDF soldiers proves that many Gazan...
  27. FDR_Reagan

    History repeated: 1938, When Nazis lied on Britain falsely claiming of intentional "stravation" of Arabs in Palestine

    Nov 1938: "Britain Starving Arab Civilians in Palestine." Berlin press hold up mirror. Criticism of Germany Resented. BERLIN, NOV. 29. There is a fresh anti-British outburst in ths press as a result of a German report from Beirut that Britain has forbidden transport to convey food to...
  28. FDR_Reagan

    A decade to the G slur by PallyWeid

    Omer Bartov can be credited to be the first to come up with the G slur at the Oct 7 war. Which explains why longtine Israelophobe C. Amanpour promoted his rhetoric on Nov 15, 2023, and she anxiously asked him when the G word can already/finally be applied. That was long before Gaza's 'dead baby...
  29. FDR_Reagan

    U.S. slams racist Francesca Albanese (UN) and her pallyWeid "accusation "

    Better late than never... _________ Department Press Briefing - March 27, 2024 - United States Department of State. MR MILLER: I did see the report. Let me say a couple things about it. First, we have long – for longstanding – for a longstanding period of time opposed the mandate...
  30. Sayaras

    The REAL genocide: Arab anti-Jewish genocide campaign since 1920 (VS PallyWeid]

    Facts VS fiction. The problem is also the parroting Gaza-Death-ministry's manufactured "numbers" and always failing to add the ratio of about 1 terrorist neutralized to each civilian who are used by the jihad fascist regime to cause as more deaths as they can. Yes. The real genocide of "adbakh...

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