
  1. Sayaras

    Oh (no...) yes, 'da bigot' is angry... (pallyWeid)

    I mean what possible reason does genocidal Gaza regime have in its numbers publishing... Even racist Omar Shakir has affirmed that we should trust Hamas Gaza Health Ministry... Read also how lying Rashida converts Arab "palestinians" into a "race."... LOL. "Rashida Tlaib Fumes Over US House...
  2. Sayaras

    PAID Posters on Wikipedia and on forums by Islamist lobbies

    The only conclusion from the phenomenon of ORGANIZED clubs working in cahoots on Wikipedia is MONEY. Just like Palestine Tech and Euro-Med... Just as the encampment are paid. ISGAP found the central donors to be Westchester People’s Action Coalition (WESPAC); Tides Foundation; American...
  3. 2aguy

    Jamal Bowman, who actually obstructed Congress...loses primary election...

    Saw this on twitter, will wait to post the link after the final totals are in...
  4. Sayaras

    Another Arab poses as an IDF to slander: invents lies about "killing babies" [racism / Taqyyia / Pallywood]

    Only God knows how many [racist Arab] fake "soldiers" are out there... Online incitement: an Arab who impersonated a soldier and slandered Israel was arrested. A 19-year-old Arab from Abu Ghosh posed as an IDF soldier and gave an interview against Israel on social media. The police arrested...
  5. Pastelli

    More on fake "genocide" and palestine govt. prevents aid

    How many kids did Gaza regime bring about their deaths- today? ### Hamas continues to intentionally disrupt the provision of aid and continues to attack and loot warehouses, harass aid convoys and steal and sell international aid. UN halts food distribution from US-built Gaza pier due to...
  6. Sayaras

    'LEAVE!' The origins of Palestinian "refugees” - in their own words. Arab leaders fault

    Why did many Arabs leave in 1948? On top of that all, major Arab leaders have been keeping the "refugees" in slums (Jordan, Lebanon, Syria) and use them as ping pong PMW video documentary: “Leave: The origins of Palestinian refugees” (in their own words) Itamar Marcus | May 15, 2024. Arab...
  7. Pastelli

    Clinton slams Isrelophobe protests on college campuses, says students have been fed propaganda [pallywood / racism]

    Does Hillary and any decent person have a chance against the well oiled Arab Republic of Qatar and anti-Israel Soros money machine pushing pallywood and Pallyweid? Hillary Clinton slams anti-Israel protests on college campuses, says students have been fed propaganda. By Jacob Magid 09 May...
  8. Sayaras

    Liberal gullible used by Muslim Brotherhood / racist Arabs / SJP: 'We don't know what we're protesting' (on Campus) we hope it's cool maybe..

    So basically, while --oiled by Arab oil money from Qatar-- Muslim Brotherhood and its SJP has help from Marxists, they also play on the naiive. Anti-Israel protesters at NYU admit they have no idea what they’re protesting: ‘I wish I was more educated’ NY Post | 04/25/2024 | Emily Crane Two...
  9. Sayaras

    Hamas-run Gaza Death Ministry Admits To Flaws In Casualty Data.

    Question is why does the MSM trust the death ministry more than what itself does ? Hamas Admits Problem with 1 in 3 Reported "Deaths"… April 9, 2024 | Flash Brief Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry Admits To Flaws In Casualty Data. Latest Developments. The Hamas-run Gaza Ministry of Health said...
  10. Sayaras

    Oppressive Islamic Republic goes Pallywood

    The problem is, who will tell the truth to Millions of Iranians who don't have access outside opppressive regime media? * Iran claims success, TV shows month old Texas fire as aftermath. Iranians celebrate attack on Israel after missiles, drones launched; celebrations also seen in Beirut's...
  11. FDR_Reagan

    Article: Most Arab pAlEsTiNiAns killed were [adult] TERRORISTS, here is shy

    This line is really striking: 1:3 civilian-to-combatant ratio, that is, one civilian killed for every three Hamas combatants, a ratio unheard-of in the history of warfare. What Percentage of Those Killed by the IDF in Gaza were Civilians? Should we really be taking Hamas numbers at face value...
  12. FDR_Reagan

    Overwhelming racist society: Poll: 71% of Palestinian Arabs support genocidal October 7th attack

    The day after the war. Is Still Scary ___ Poll: 71% of Palestinian Arabs support October 7th attack. A Palestinian-run survey found that 71% of Palestinians see the decision to attack Israel on October 7th as a good one. 93% do not (want to say they) believe terror organization committed...
  13. FDR_Reagan

    Iran desecrates sanctity of historic Esther / Mordecai tombs with bAlEsTiNiAn flag

    No shame and zero self respect. === Palestinian flag hung at Tomb of Mordecai and Esther in Iran. Flag found when Iran's chief rabbi arrived with members of the Jewish community to observe the Fast of Esther and pray at the traditional site Are...
  14. FDR_Reagan

    Professor: Hamas fakes casualty figures: ‘The numbers are not real’ [Gaza DEATH Ministry].

    The weirdest thing is that no one at MSM bothers to stress where the "figures" done from but just parrots it. There is no secret as to WHY Pallywood should ever lie ___ This is now (Mar 2024): Hamas fakes casualty figures: ‘The numbers are not real’. Abraham Wyner, a professor of statistics...
  15. FDR_Reagan

    PALLY-WEID: Did Pallywood already come up with a new FAKE buzzword after "apartheidgenocide"?

    First Hitler's helper and nazi-stormtroopers promoter Ahmad Shukeiri - came up in 1961 with the "spartheid" slur. Then it was genocide-lie especially 3 years ago, in 2021 The problem is that they pushed the...
  16. Sayaras

    Cows for McDonald's...

    Hi “Queers 🏳️‍🌈 for Palestine 🇵🇸” 👋 You there? _ — Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) February 8, 2024
  17. FDR_Reagan

    Clip titled: 'From the river to the sea? Pro fakestinians being useful idiots'

    This reminds me of a conversation I had with a gullible Iranian Moslem student who asked me why Israel is larger than Iran.. From the river to the sea? Pro fakestinians being useful idiots Jan 27, 2024. #standwithisrael #woke #israelnews
  18. Sayaras

    Court of Justice and real Genocides (ICJ vs facts)

    So what about real Genocide vs propaganda by "Palestinian" Arab self inflicted human shields industry ? ___ Insight into the selective indignation involved in falsely accusing Israel of “genocide” while ignoring actual genocides can be found here: “The Real Genocides the World Ignores,” by...
  19. Pastelli

    Heard the news? There is a so called "genocide" LOL...

    Population stats for Arab "Palestinians": 1993 - 2.2 million 2003 - 3 million 2013 - 4 million 2023 - 5.4 million
  20. FDR_Reagan

    SO RARE: BBC apologises for reporting a Hamas claim about IDF ‘summary executions' - LIE (Pallywood)

    Why doesn't the Biased BS Corp. apologize for everyday pro genocidis, pro ethnic-cleansing Jihad groups - narrative? ×#× BBC apologises for reporting a Hamas claim about IDF ‘summary executions’. BBC radio news bulletins reported Hamas’ allegation on Christmas Eve but the corporation has...
  21. Sayaras

    Besides pro-genocide Islamic states, almost no one supports South Africa's fake "genocide" case (aided by racist "Palestinian" Authority)

    The trick with the fake genocide case is to send a non Muslim country to head it as being the "face." But it's all Islamic bigots behind it. Al Jazeera lists the countries which have officially backed the South African case before the ICJ claiming Israel is engaged in "genocide." It starts...
  22. FDR_Reagan

    Arab 'ethnic cleansing of Jews' vs racists false cry of "ethnic cleansing"

    While bigots always look for bombastic words. Here are: Facts. History. Reality. (Not to mention defining evacuating for safety-- from genocidal palestinian leadership using them as shields -- as so called "cleansing")...
  23. Sayaras

    Ali Abunimah / Max Blumenthal also lied in 2010 ('Go back to Auschwitz' flotilla)

    Tne Islamists 'go back to Auchwtz' flotilla coming from Turkey by: "palestine" so called "activists" in 2010. _ _ _ ACCUSATION THAT FLOTILLA “AUSCHWITZ” EXCHANGE WAS FAKED EXPOSED AS, ERRR, FAKE by Hawkeye This is a cross-post by Ben Cohen of Z-Word The IDF has now released an official...
  24. Sayaras

    Ugly Pro frankenstein "palestine" savages disrupt kids

    The pro-Hamas savages are totalitarians. You must submit and do as they demand, or you will not get a moment’s peace. Carols by Candlelight live TV Christmas broadcast ambushed by pro-Palestinian protest,” Sky News Australia, December 24, 2023:
  25. FDR_Reagan

    More pallywood victim card fake-Plastinians (not just Sulaiman_Ahmed)

    The point is that it is not about random cases. But a STRATEGY Mom I OK, it's just for the cameras This one is typical. Look also how they push kids at soldiers
  26. Sayaras

    LOL Hamas: 'US more Nazi, Fascist than Z....' "Palestianism" lamguage

    Don't you love racist Palestiniamism lexicon? This one is quite new: And of course, it was on Al Jazeera - terror-Hamas mouthpiece Hamas Senior Official Saleh Al-Arouri: The People In Gaza Support Us, Otherwise They Would Be Angry With Hamas; No More Prisoner Swap Deals Before Final And...
  27. Sayaras

    Hamas refused to release remaining female hostages - doesn’t want them speaking publicly what they've endured

    With that in mind, just think what might have happened to the Bibas family. Aviva Klompas @AvivaKlompas: According to an Israeli official, Hamas didn’t want to release the remaining female hostages because it doesn’t want them speaking publicly about what they have endured. Imagine what that...
  28. Sayaras

    TAQIYYA: little girl freed from Palestinian Jihadi savages exposed lie of Hamas

    Little girl Hila Rotem Shoshani, the who was released last night from Hamas captivity without her mother and wife, revealed to her family members the lie of the terrorist organization Hamas. On 11/25 a drama unfolded that almost led to the cancellation of the second round of the release of 13...
  29. Sayaras

    "Worst vever" - after UN lied, desperate Amanpour begs for hype rhetoric

    Amanpour selecting interviewees and desperately begging: please say "genocide" (On civilians uses by 'Palestinian' regime as shields) Longtime anti-Israel activist Christiane Amanoour, as part of demonizing Israel has also an obsession with semantics... But Amanpour didn't give up, after...
  30. Sayaras

    Just another racist lying Pallywood - the false "accusation" against an innocent lady

    An Israeli receives threats after false claims that she is the "Gaza nurse" from the viral video. Thread: Israel-Hamas war misinformation - Day 40 Hannah Abutbul, an Israeli influencer, is being falsely doxxed as the woman in the misleading video of a supposed nurse at Al-Shifa hospital...

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