
  1. Sayaras

    NY: swastika palestine by Arab immigrant family attacks, racially targeting...

    Oh well, the NYPD needs more proof. Antisemitic assault at Brooklyn elementary school graduation. Jewish woman, her husband, and teenage son assaulted by Arabic-speaking family at 5th-grade graduation ceremony. NYPD refuses to investigate assault as a hate crime. Gary Willig, Jun 23, 2024...
  2. Sayaras

    I mean who cares about Arab-supremacy Islamic genocide of 150,000?

    But BLM Black Lives Matter not when under Arab supremacy and Islamist bigotry in Sudan Since the conflict erupted last April an estimated 150,000 people may have been killed. Ten million people have fled their homes and around 25 million people – 54 per cent of the population – face critical...
  3. Sayaras

    For palestine! Allah Akbar!

    Poor girl. I hope she recovers, somehow, one day from this racist Islamofascistic pro "palestine" atrocity. [mughtasibin min 'ajl filastin مغتصبين من أجل فلسطين] AJC - American Jewish Committee: We are horrified and outraged by the recent antisemitic incident in France in which a...
  4. Sayaras

    Why do racists wear masks - racism, Arabs & attempted kidnapping of Jewish kids

    Question is rhetorical of course. All the more reason for a recent proposal to ban masks in certain vulnerable areas. London community security group shares footage of alleged attempted kidnapping of Jewish children. By Michael Starr. Published: June 18, 2024. In London, a Jewish father...
  5. Sayaras

    Tip for palestinazi cowards running from Zionist law enforcement...don't put a swastika on your house...

    What a stupid guy. Of course the swastika will show where you are at. Our forces enter the surrounded building in Bethlehem. You cannot miss the swastika on the house of the despicable Nazi in Bethlehem. _ This is a screen grab of the main "palestinian" site.
  6. Sayaras

    Arab immigration and racism: While no one vandamizes their mosques

    While CAIR islamic lobby keeps duping MSM about a fake i-slamophobia... 'Palestine' painted on Park Avenue Synagogue. 'Palestine' written on wall of one of New York's largest synagogues as city continues to reel from spate of serious antisemitic incidents last week. Gary Willig, Jun 16, 2024...
  7. Sayaras

    Most Arab "palestinians" support Oct 7 genocide atrocities - guilty majority - racism. Most dead Gazans = combatants!

    Nevertheless the PallyWeid terminology is raging... despite most Gazans dead being combatants... and the criticism of leftist Govt. of Spain, etc. [who understandably lost the elections] who hurried to announce support for a 23rd Arab state called "palestine" is about the timing... Most...
  8. Sayaras

    African-American actor Pierce compares pro-Palestinian Brooklyn vandals to KKK. - Organized by racist Arab "palestinian" Nerdeen Kiswani - WOL

    Reminder, this Arab palestinian Nerdeen Kiswani has been interrupting Holocaust memorial ceremonies..for years since 2015. Wendall Pierce from 'The Wire' compares pro-Palestinian Brooklyn vandals to KKK https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-806205 Actor Wendall Pierce from the hit...
  9. Sayaras

    Another Arab poses as an IDF to slander: invents lies about "killing babies" [racism / Taqyyia / Pallywood]

    Only God knows how many [racist Arab] fake "soldiers" are out there... Online incitement: an Arab who impersonated a soldier and slandered Israel was arrested. A 19-year-old Arab from Abu Ghosh posed as an IDF soldier and gave an interview against Israel on social media. The police arrested...
  10. Pastelli

    Article: "Hatred of Israel is part of a malevolent anti-white racism"

    In addition to this article, racist-liars such as Hatem Bazian of SJP and Omar Shakir ex HRW tried to portray Israel as if all only "white." (The deceptive tactic meant to arouse racism by non-whites radicals, not just Farrakhan islamofascists). While of course it is multi ethnic multi color...
  11. Sayaras

    Terrified in Gedera: Illegal Arab resident sprays swastika, attempts to enter houses

    Note: Arab illegal residents is a huge problem in Israel. Source Terrified residents in Gedera: "Illegal resident tried to enter the houses". Frightened residents who live in Gedera reported to the police about illegal residents who are walking around the courtyards of the houses and trying...
  12. Sayaras

    Swastika palestine in Toronto: ‘Heil Hitler…If you guys were gone the world would be a better place.'

    The poisonous swastika-palestine virus is spreading in Canada too. Pro-Hamas "activist" at University of Toronto: ‘Heil Hitler…If you guys were gone the world would be a better place.'
  13. Pastelli

    "Pro" palestine & Nazi symbols

    It's a palestine routine more than by neo nazis, by now. "Free Palestine" rioter made Nazi salute towards photographers. The Jews are the Nazis and Hitler just fought Zionists. That's pretty much the path they're taking now to make neo-Nazism more appealing.. (Feb 2024) ‘Death to the...
  14. Pastelli

    African refugee escaping Arab racist genocide - fulfills dream in multiracial - Democratic Israel

    While sjp palestine racists will highlight any cases which any western country has likewise... Refugee who fled Sudan civil war fulfills Olympic dream in Israel. For Jamal Abdoul-Magid, life's an endless obstacle course: from a refugee cleaner on Herzliya beach to top athlete discovered by...
  15. Sayaras

    Lefty bigoted Washington Post is only OK with Arab-Islamic money for swastika-palestine "protests"

    Of course WaPo didn't write about Arab Qatar for universities and Islamist lobbies CAIR - Muslim Brotherhood SJP. Why would they? NYC deputy mayor charges Washington Post with antisemitism. Luke Tress, JTA May 20, 2024, 7:43 AM Deputy of NYC Mayor Eric Adams calls out Washington Post for...
  16. Sayaras

    Bay Ridge: Mob by infamous Nazi-inspired Arab "palestine" Nerdeen Kiswani - Holocaust ceremonies interrupter WOL linked to racist attacks : ARRESTED

    This section inside Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, is called "little palestine"... no less New York: Anti-Israel protesters arrested in Brooklyn. At least a dozen arrested after Pro-Palestinian Arab demonstrators march in Bay Ridge and clash with officers. Israel National News, May 19, 2024...
  17. Sayaras

    These swastika-palestine racist Arab immigrants in Denmark - "not antisemitic"...

    Because defacing Holocauat monument with GENOCIDAL Hamas - on yomHashoah is about "freedom from occupation". Don't you get it?. Adam Ma’anit @adammaanit: The monument to the rescue of Danish Jews in Copenhagen this morning on Yom HaShoah. Disgraceful. H/t @vika_lisek May 6, 2024 Hen...
  18. Sayaras

    UK: Swastika scrawled by a pupil in a classroom - brainwashed ? into RACISM by pro-"palestinian" propaganda [Swastika palestine]

    They atill call it "pro palestine" as if these protesters are FOR anyone besides being ANTI one people... Police investigate school after swastika is found scrawled on back of pupil's chair as parents fear children are being brainwashed into anti-Semitism by pro-Palestinian activists By Sue...
  19. Sayaras

    Heil Hitler and Gaza encampment Syracuse U & convicted killer [swastika palestine #13]

    Only after it was exposed, convicted killer "activist" at "free palestine" encamped was arrested. Horrific inaction by Kent Syverud - inexcusable. Jews are not safe in New York State - at Syracuse U. Our greatest nightmares as Jews are coming true. It is happening again. Op-ed. Ronn Torossian...
  20. Sayaras

    Swastika and "palestinian" stuff at London's non-Zionist religious-Jewish-area [Swastika palestine #8]

    Non-Zionist Jews have always been a target. Whether in Israel by Arab "palestinians" or Arabs with Israeli ID, or in Europe/US/Canada - mostly by racist-Arab-Muslim immigrants "activists". Lea Bridge Station: Swastika graffiti found on Holocaust Day. 8th May The graffiti was found at this bus...
  21. Sayaras

    'Police confirm ‘Heil Hitler’ salute during Madison pro-Palestinian protests' [swastika palestine # 11]

    Question: Why is it called still "pro" palestine??? Who really cares about those Arabs anyway, in Syria, or Gaza? Police confirm ‘Heil Hitler’ salute during Madison pro-Palestinian protests, suspect identified. By: Steve Schuster / May 9, 2024/ Antisemitic messages line the sidewalks of the...
  22. Pastelli

    Clinton slams Isrelophobe protests on college campuses, says students have been fed propaganda [pallywood / racism]

    Does Hillary and any decent person have a chance against the well oiled Arab Republic of Qatar and anti-Israel Soros money machine pushing pallywood and Pallyweid? Hillary Clinton slams anti-Israel protests on college campuses, says students have been fed propaganda. By Jacob Magid 09 May...
  23. Pastelli

    One of the ironies is some BLM cowing to "palestine" propaganda - despite Arab racism goliath

    Do some at BLM even know what ABID means among Arabs especially among Arab "palestine"? The "palestine" racist Arab example: Aaron Klein, "Rice labeled 'black spinster'", YNet, July 31, 2006. https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3284271,00.html Some global examples here: And not just...
  24. Pastelli

    AG warns masked Israelophobia students "protesting" could be charged under anti-KKK law

    The only question is, why did it take so long to use it. Ohio AG warns masked students protesting against Israel could be charged under anti-KKK law. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/ohio-ag-warns-masked-students-protesting-against-israel-could-be-charged-under-anti-kkk-law/
  25. Sayaras

    Swastika-palestine: Arab "Palestinian" leader of encampment on SU campus: " 'Anti-Semite' who praised Hitler, called for 'Death to Jews' "

    Aziza Zahran is typical, as in praising Hitler and asking why he didn't finish the job - at the same time the SJP racist palestine Arab has been comparing Nazi Germany to Israel... just like that infamous outcast troll here who wont be able to withhold her spamming childish, yet racist, boring...
  26. Pastelli

    Genocide Palestine nazi mob: "go back to Germany and get gassed" (GRAP)

    Maybe fascist palestine encampment needs to be "dependent on the context." https://freebeacon.com/campus/northwestern-jewish-students-recount-scary-and-shocking-campus-anti-semitism-in-meetings-with-lawmakers/
  27. Sayaras

    Swastika-palestine Mob led by SJP's Muslim Brotherhood in (court doc.) plan to Islamize America (Not about the "Palestinians")

    * "Protest" and support for Hamas on October 7. * The Islamic "terrorists in suits" who ignite the hatred - financed by terrorist elements. * SJP's Muslim Brotherhood 100 year vision to Islamize America. * The propaganda machine of Hamas and Iran has been working for years. * They don't...
  28. Sayaras

    The Islamist MONEY at swastika-palestine "protests" mobs

    Asides from al jihadzeera boss QATAR money and Samidoun/PFLP links, PalestiNazis, Muslim Brotherhood HITLER obsession, note also how infamous racist Arab "palestinian" Hatem Bazian founder of SJP (and its ofshoot WOL by Nerdeen Kiswani infamous for disrupting Holocaust memorial ceremonies) uses...
  29. Sayaras

    Who is Islamic Mashal Sherzad? Pro-Palestine ex-DEI manager sues Minnesota. University after firing over swastika [swastika-palestine]

    Note: Neither Pakistan, nor Iran nor Afghanistan have "land disputes" with Israel... _________ Who is Mashal Sherzad? Pro-Palestine ex-DEI manager sues Minnesota. University after firing over swastika photo By Shweta Kukreti Apr 27, 2024 04:39 PM IST A DEI manager at the University of...
  30. Sayaras

    Article: Wrath of the Keffiyeh Nazis.Hitler predicted them and they will end up with him on the ash heap of history.

    What's worth noting is that this was written in February... before the encampment garbage... Wrath of the Keffiyeh Nazis. Hitler predicted them and they will end up with him on the ash heap of history. Benjamin Kerstein. Feb 20, 2024. “There is a certain concord and consent in evil souls.”...

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