BTW. Hamas fakestine is a devilish child of MB.
Hatem Bazian of SJP is MB linked.
This Amazing document from the British archive reveals, Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, served as a spy for Nazi Germany.
Holocaust Remembrance Day is an opportunity to...
Does CAIR Islamofascumist lobby still enjoy tax exemption???
Woman arrested for attacks on ultra-Orthodox man in New York: 'F**ck the Jews!' | Watch.
Former CAIR employee from Kentucky was filmed hitting and cursing at an ultra-Orthodox man in the lobby of a Manhattan office building; After...
Long overdue.
US attorney general establishes October 7 task force to prosecute Hamas.
Pam Bondi launches Joint Task Force October 7 (JTF 10-7) to prosecute Hamas operatives, disrupt terror financing and combat antisemitic crimes in US; task force will work with FBI, Treasury and Israel to...
A real border czar is needed..yesterday.
In his November 17, 2024 lesson on Islamic eschatology, Colorado Islamic scholar Karim Abu Zayd discussed prophecies stating that Islam would enter every home on Earth, and that America and China would fall, with Muslims ultimately conquering Europe...
He [Doyle / Dewolf] was never in Gaza nor in Israel. But he organizes pro fakestine encampment in UCLA.
He couldn't even say what is a Palestinian.
It's sad and laughable at the same time.
Since he is fed pallywood lies, he has no idea that Jews and Arabs are actual neighbors inside Israeli...
Any questions???
Corrected Media @correctedmedia @UNRWA = Hamas:
Liza Rosen @LizaRosen0000:
Oct 11:
The UN wants this video to be removed from the internet, because it caught Hamas-UNRWA employee firing a guided missile from a UN school in Gaza.
9:36 PM · Oct 12, 2024
Kudos to nypost.
Remember the hostages. Remember that Israel will live and fight on.
By Post Editorial Board.
Published Oct. 7, 2024, 9:45 a.m. ET
Images of Israeli hostages taken by Hamas during the Oct. 7 terror attacks projected onto the walls of Jerusalem's Old City on Oct. 6...
Is this what Erdogan believes?
(“Müslüman Teröristtir. Müslümanın ilk vazifesi terörist olmaktır. Kafirler Müslümanlardan korkacaktır. Korkmadığı zaman Müslüman değildir.”).
Well known Turkish Muslim poet: ‘The first duty of Muslims is to be terrorists. Kafirs [infidels] should be...
BTW, Up to 2001, this islamofascist Iran's proxy teror org., Hezbollah "killed more Americans than had any other terrorist group...Hizbollah’s ultimate goal is to build an Islamic republic in Lebanon, modeled on that of Iran."
The Terrorism of Hizbollah: Ideology, Scope, Threat
Emotional. And rightfully so.
Remember how it all began.
Asides from hiding among civilians to casuase deaths to gather sympathy in the West.
Not even going back to 1913...
DNC stands in support as parents of American hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin plead for deal.
By Hannah Sarisohn...
2019 at Islamic lobby CAIR
Democratic vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz spoke at an event for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in 2019, where he rubbed shoulders with an anti-Semitic scholar behind much of the Hamas propaganda on college campuses in the wake of Oct. 7...
Remember. It's about "freedom" fighting.
...waving a black flag that has the words of the Islamic creed known as the Shahada on it — traditionally understood to be the flag under which the Muslim p. Muhammad began his conquests — held a separate sign reading, “Allah is gathering all...
Who are they trying to "help?" Asides from genocidal Hamas' intentional casualties strategy?
🚨 Breaking: Pro-Palestinian protesters toppled American 🇺🇲 flags near the Congress, and are now burning them while chanting “Burn that sh*t!” and “Allah Akbar” 👇
They are enemies of both America...
One word: Deception.
Or Taqyia.
Have you seen today (in DC) the kaffiyah woman and other mainly non-Jews protesting Bibi with shirts saying "Jews against..."?
It reminnds the busted 5/11/23 tweet by Islamic bigot "palesinian" SJP founder Hatem Bazian tweeting "as Jews" - he who oversees JVP...
Using babies...
Of course it's typical palestinianism.
Mother suicide bomber blows herself up along with her baby in Nigeria terror attack that kills 18.
16:19 BST 30 Jun 2024, updated 16:35 BST 30 Jun 2024
By Miriam Kuepper
It was one of three attacks targeting a wedding, hospital and...
There is light at the end of this very dark tunnel.
Have Campus Protests Backfired?
Wednesday, May 08, 2024.
If the goal of students in recent campus protests was to make American voters more sympathetic to Palestinians, they’ve clearly failed.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national...
Oh well, the NYPD needs more proof.
Antisemitic assault at Brooklyn elementary school graduation.
Jewish woman, her husband, and teenage son assaulted by Arabic-speaking family at 5th-grade graduation ceremony. NYPD refuses to investigate assault as a hate crime.
Gary Willig, Jun 23, 2024...
I couldn't stop laughing.
[Not] Sorry.
Pepsi's new logo causes an uproar in Lebanon: Reminiscent of the Israeli flag.
Lebanon seeks ban on distribution of Pepsi products due to claims that the company has introduced a new logo which is reminiscent of the Israeli flag.
Israel National News...
ARAB Immigrants. Of course.
Anas (Ahmad) Saleh is also Arab
Of course.
So are most masked thugs.
StopAntisemitism has successfully identified the perpetrator from the June 10th NYC subway incident as Anas (Ahmad) Saleh and have been working with NYPD and NYC Mayor’s since last Friday...
The following are examples of Hitler admiration. [At best only a few " just" whitewash him..].
Because it's not just one or two cases.
It's wide spread - all over "palestine" activism: BDS SJP WOL AMP MSA ...
All of them are Muslim, most are Arabs.
SJP and the Holocaust
Support for Hitler...
It appears that there are some surprises, after all.
U.S. Congresswoman gets attacked by the mob in shocking turn of events.
By Prudent Politics Staff.
June 15, 2024.
The political polarization in this country has reached a fever pitch. Now no one is safe.
But now, a U.S. Congresswoman got...
While CAIR islamic lobby keeps duping MSM about a fake i-slamophobia...
'Palestine' painted on Park Avenue Synagogue.
'Palestine' written on wall of one of New York's largest synagogues as city continues to reel from spate of serious antisemitic incidents last week.
Gary Willig, Jun 16, 2024...
First thing first. More control on immigration here in our country good ol' USA.
Then ban radical pro terror Islamist lobbies like CAIR...
Anti-Israel protesters demonstrate outside New York Nova festival exhibit.
Protesters were heard chanting "Long live the Intifada" and "Kill another...
THe fact that besides Arabs there are a few non Arabs in managing the org. in order to camouflage its extremisrs intents, it still doesn't make it "jewish". JVP still guided by the islamists.
Look how the Arab Muslim Hatem Bazian tries to convince by saying "we as jews"... lol.
Dr. Bazian's...
The following are just from Oct 2023.
Fury as Palestinian protester waves a SWASTIKA at anti-Israel rally in New York City's Times Square as thousands of demonstrators take to the streets across the US - while rockets and gunfire flies in the Middle East.
18:14 BST 08 Oct 2023, updated 04:13...
It's a palestine routine more than by neo nazis, by now.
"Free Palestine" rioter made Nazi salute towards photographers.
The Jews are the Nazis and Hitler just fought Zionists. That's pretty much the path they're taking now to make neo-Nazism more appealing..
(Feb 2024)
‘Death to the...
While sjp palestine racists will highlight any cases which any western country has likewise...
Refugee who fled Sudan civil war fulfills Olympic dream in Israel.
For Jamal Abdoul-Magid, life's an endless obstacle course: from a refugee cleaner on Herzliya beach to top athlete discovered by...
Of course WaPo didn't write about Arab Qatar for universities and Islamist lobbies CAIR - Muslim Brotherhood SJP. Why would they?
NYC deputy mayor charges Washington Post with antisemitism.
Luke Tress, JTA
May 20, 2024, 7:43 AM
Deputy of NYC Mayor Eric Adams calls out Washington Post for...
This section inside Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, is called "little palestine"... no less
New York: Anti-Israel protesters arrested in Brooklyn.
At least a dozen arrested after Pro-Palestinian Arab demonstrators march in Bay Ridge and clash with officers.
Israel National News, May 19, 2024...
Non-Zionist Jews have always been a target. Whether in Israel by Arab "palestinians" or Arabs with Israeli ID,
or in Europe/US/Canada - mostly by racist-Arab-Muslim immigrants "activists".
Lea Bridge Station: Swastika graffiti found on Holocaust Day.
8th May
The graffiti was found at this bus...
Does Hillary and any decent person have a chance against the well oiled Arab Republic of Qatar and anti-Israel Soros money machine pushing pallywood and Pallyweid?
Hillary Clinton slams anti-Israel protests on college campuses, says students have been fed propaganda.
By Jacob Magid
09 May...
Since the base of "protests" --is Arab immigrants' SJP / CAIR Islamist-lobby-- used to race baiting reminiscent of the 1930s, why bring in more?
At Holocaust event, Biden, Johnson, Jeffries condemn antisemitic protests in US.
“We told the world that Israel and the Jewish people are not alone,”...
Aziza Zahran is typical, as in praising Hitler and asking why he didn't finish the job - at the same time the SJP racist palestine Arab has been comparing Nazi Germany to Israel...
just like that infamous outcast troll here who wont be able to withhold her spamming childish, yet racist, boring...
* "Protest" and support for Hamas on October 7.
* The Islamic "terrorists in suits" who ignite the hatred - financed by terrorist elements.
* SJP's Muslim Brotherhood 100 year vision to Islamize America.
* The propaganda machine of Hamas and Iran has been working for years.
* They don't...
Asides from al jihadzeera boss QATAR money and Samidoun/PFLP links, PalestiNazis, Muslim Brotherhood HITLER obsession, note also how infamous racist Arab "palestinian" Hatem Bazian founder of SJP (and its ofshoot WOL by Nerdeen Kiswani infamous for disrupting Holocaust memorial ceremonies) uses...
This is from the NYPost yesterday:
...“professional outside agitators” not affiliated with Columbia or the pro-Palestinian cause...
Who are these??? And why do these cowards hide their ugly faces??
Hundreds of NYPD cops storm Columbia campus to clear out anti-Israel mob.
Dorian Geiger and...
The following article which was translated by some penpals , gives an overview historic sketch.
Hitler, Khomeini and Red Danny: the dark history of student organizations in the world.
In light of the anti-Semitic demonstrations on campuses in the USA, I set out to check whether...
So basically, while --oiled by Arab oil money from Qatar-- Muslim Brotherhood and its SJP has help from Marxists, they also play on the naiive.
Anti-Israel protesters at NYU admit they have no idea what they’re protesting: ‘I wish I was more educated’
NY Post | 04/25/2024 | Emily Crane
Harvard University is once again at the center of controversy over anti-Semitism, following the sharing of an overtly antisemitic cartoon by a faculty group on its Instagram page, igniting widespread criticism.
The racist Arab "Palestine" activism by the infamous rabble rousers gang at Harvard...
Gee, I was told, it's all, just, purely... something about oKyooPeisHon.
Freed hostage recounts torture of women in Gaza’s terror tunnels – Washington Post.
Jerusalem Post Staff, January 18, 2024.
Agam Almog-Goldstein. Photo credit: according to Article 27 A of the Copyright Law)