swastika palestine

  1. Sayaras

    Article: (US) "Polls: Hitler Youth Campus Protests Backfired by Double Digits." [Swastika palestine]

    See? There is light at the end of this very dark tunnel. Have Campus Protests Backfired? Wednesday, May 08, 2024. If the goal of students in recent campus protests was to make American voters more sympathetic to Palestinians, they’ve clearly failed. The latest Rasmussen Reports national...
  2. Sayaras

    NY: swastika palestine by Arab immigrant family attacks, racially targeting...

    Oh well, the NYPD needs more proof. Antisemitic assault at Brooklyn elementary school graduation. Jewish woman, her husband, and teenage son assaulted by Arabic-speaking family at 5th-grade graduation ceremony. NYPD refuses to investigate assault as a hate crime. Gary Willig, Jun 23, 2024...
  3. Sayaras

    As usual, swastika-palestine racist attack is by...

    ARAB Immigrants. Of course. Anas (Ahmad) Saleh is also Arab Of course. So are most masked thugs. StopAntisemitism has successfully identified the perpetrator from the June 10th NYC subway incident as Anas (Ahmad) Saleh and have been working with NYPD and NYC Mayor’s since last Friday...
  4. Sayaras

    "Pro palestine" - Hitler glorification [by Islamists]: BDS, SJP, WOL, AMP, MSA ..

    The following are examples of Hitler admiration. [At best only a few " just" whitewash him..]. Because it's not just one or two cases. It's wide spread - all over "palestine" activism: BDS SJP WOL AMP MSA ... All of them are Muslim, most are Arabs. SJP and the Holocaust Support for Hitler...
  5. Sayaras

    Tip for palestinazi cowards running from Zionist law enforcement...don't put a swastika on your house...

    What a stupid guy. Of course the swastika will show where you are at. Our forces enter the surrounded building in Bethlehem. You cannot miss the swastika on the house of the despicable Nazi in Bethlehem. _ This is a screen grab of the main "palestinian" site.
  6. Sayaras

    Wow! even lib. AOC ain't good enough for swastika-palestine Nerdeen Kiswani (supremacist Arab immigrant)

    It appears that there are some surprises, after all. U.S. Congresswoman gets attacked by the mob in shocking turn of events. By Prudent Politics Staff. June 15, 2024. The political polarization in this country has reached a fever pitch. Now no one is safe. But now, a U.S. Congresswoman got...
  7. Sayaras

    Arab immigration and racism: While no one vandamizes their mosques

    While CAIR islamic lobby keeps duping MSM about a fake i-slamophobia... 'Palestine' painted on Park Avenue Synagogue. 'Palestine' written on wall of one of New York's largest synagogues as city continues to reel from spate of serious antisemitic incidents last week. Gary Willig, Jun 16, 2024...
  8. Sayaras

    African-American actor Pierce compares pro-Palestinian Brooklyn vandals to KKK. - Organized by racist Arab "palestinian" Nerdeen Kiswani - WOL

    Reminder, this Arab palestinian Nerdeen Kiswani has been interrupting Holocaust memorial ceremonies..for years since 2015. Wendall Pierce from 'The Wire' compares pro-Palestinian Brooklyn vandals to KKK https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-806205 Actor Wendall Pierce from the hit...
  9. Sayaras

    It's called gratitude: racist Arab workers spray swastika in Etzion

    I mean how dare you give us employment... HakolHayehudi @hakolhayehudi First publication in HakolHayehudi: Arab workers sprayed a swastika in the Neve Nof construction project in the settlement of Neve Daniel in Gush Etzion. The incident was discovered about two weeks ago and after several...
  10. Sayaras

    Arab students draw swastika at progressive David Yelling college

    DEI at Haaretz(ism) type environment... fruits! Once again displays of hatred and anti-Semitism at the David Yellin College in Jerusalem A swastika was discovered on one of the walls in the college, and "7.10 - only Palestine" was engraved on one of the tables. At the beginning of the...
  11. Sayaras

    Reminder: swastika-palestine arose right after genocidal-Arab "palestinian" Oct/7 atrocities

    The following are just from Oct 2023. Fury as Palestinian protester waves a SWASTIKA at anti-Israel rally in New York City's Times Square as thousands of demonstrators take to the streets across the US - while rockets and gunfire flies in the Middle East. 18:14 BST 08 Oct 2023, updated 04:13...
  12. Sayaras

    Swastika palestine in Toronto: ‘Heil Hitler…If you guys were gone the world would be a better place.'

    The poisonous swastika-palestine virus is spreading in Canada too. Pro-Hamas "activist" at University of Toronto: ‘Heil Hitler…If you guys were gone the world would be a better place.'
  13. Sayaras

    Quote: "The Palestinian-Arab terror nourishes from Nazism." More Hitler's Arabic 'Mein Kampf' by terrorists

    It seems like a routine, swastikas and 'Mein kampf': Hitlerism on steroids in Arab Palestine IDF fighters captured "Mein Kampf" in Arabic in Gush Etzion. 05.20.24. In Gush Etzion, IDF soldiers operated against terrorist elements, confiscating incendiary materials, weapons and terrorist...
  14. Sayaras

    Bay Ridge: Mob by infamous Nazi-inspired Arab "palestine" Nerdeen Kiswani - Holocaust ceremonies interrupter WOL linked to racist attacks : ARRESTED

    This section inside Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, is called "little palestine"... no less New York: Anti-Israel protesters arrested in Brooklyn. At least a dozen arrested after Pro-Palestinian Arab demonstrators march in Bay Ridge and clash with officers. Israel National News, May 19, 2024...
  15. Sayaras

    These swastika-palestine racist Arab immigrants in Denmark - "not antisemitic"...

    Because defacing Holocauat monument with GENOCIDAL Hamas - on yomHashoah is about "freedom from occupation". Don't you get it?. Adam Ma’anit @adammaanit: The monument to the rescue of Danish Jews in Copenhagen this morning on Yom HaShoah. Disgraceful. H/t @vika_lisek May 6, 2024 Hen...
  16. Sayaras

    Racist Arab-Islamic man threatens Jewish man online, shows off his Nazi flag… [swastika palestine]

    Oh wait. Put in context... right? Where are the "learned" universities presidents when you [DON'T] need them... Arab man threatens Jewish man online, shows off his Nazi flag… An Arab man threatened a Jewish man while in an online video discussion and showed off his Nazi flag. The racist...
  17. Sayaras

    UK: Swastika scrawled by a pupil in a classroom - brainwashed ? into RACISM by pro-"palestinian" propaganda [Swastika palestine]

    They atill call it "pro palestine" as if these protesters are FOR anyone besides being ANTI one people... Police investigate school after swastika is found scrawled on back of pupil's chair as parents fear children are being brainwashed into anti-Semitism by pro-Palestinian activists By Sue...
  18. Sayaras

    Swastikas inside the giant tunnel uncovered by the IDF in Gaza (swastika palestine)

    These guys want another Arab separate state... Swastikas inside the giant tunnel uncovered by the IDF in Gaza. (Journalist) Yoni Ben Menachem @yonibmen
  19. Sayaras

    Biden loses (in polls) to Trump - After cowing to swastika-palestine protesters

    Why did he think anti Israel steps would help him? Just because "uncommitted" votes mostly by Muslims in MI pushed by Islamic CAIR lobby? 'Uncommitted Vote' Campaign was Designed to Unify Fractious Islamists. by Sam Westrop. Focus on Western Islamism. March 14, 2024...
  20. Sayaras

    Heil Hitler and Gaza encampment Syracuse U & convicted killer [swastika palestine #13]

    Only after it was exposed, convicted killer "activist" at "free palestine" encamped was arrested. Horrific inaction by Kent Syverud - inexcusable. Jews are not safe in New York State - at Syracuse U. Our greatest nightmares as Jews are coming true. It is happening again. Op-ed. Ronn Torossian...
  21. Sayaras

    Swastika and "palestinian" stuff at London's non-Zionist religious-Jewish-area [Swastika palestine #8]

    Non-Zionist Jews have always been a target. Whether in Israel by Arab "palestinians" or Arabs with Israeli ID, or in Europe/US/Canada - mostly by racist-Arab-Muslim immigrants "activists". Lea Bridge Station: Swastika graffiti found on Holocaust Day. 8th May The graffiti was found at this bus...
  22. Sayaras

    'Police confirm ‘Heil Hitler’ salute during Madison pro-Palestinian protests' [swastika palestine # 11]

    Question: Why is it called still "pro" palestine??? Who really cares about those Arabs anyway, in Syria, or Gaza? Police confirm ‘Heil Hitler’ salute during Madison pro-Palestinian protests, suspect identified. By: Steve Schuster / May 9, 2024/ Antisemitic messages line the sidewalks of the...
  23. Sayaras

    72% of Americans Back Israel's Rafah Operation, 78% Want [Genocidal-palestine] Hamas Removed

    You think that swastika-Palestine protests changed this? Poll: 72% of Americans Back Israel's Rafah Operation, 78% Want Hamas Removed. Authors: The Hill, The Spectator Index, Hen Mazzig. Apr 29, 2024, 10:46 PM A recent Harvard-Harris poll reveals that 72% of Americans support Israel's...
  24. Sayaras

    Hitlerism at "pro palestine"

    Why are some still surprised? Australian National University: Pro-Palestine students allegedly perform Nazi salutes and impersonate Hitler during meeting. By David Southwell For Daily Mail Australia16:42 09 May 2024, updated 17:04 09 May 2024 Student allegedly does Nazi salute on camera...
  25. Sayaras

    Rise of racism / fascism: So why is Biden considering bringing more Arab "palestinians"?

    Since the base of "protests" --is Arab immigrants' SJP / CAIR Islamist-lobby-- used to race baiting reminiscent of the 1930s, why bring in more? At Holocaust event, Biden, Johnson, Jeffries condemn antisemitic protests in US. “We told the world that Israel and the Jewish people are not alone,”...
  26. Sayaras

    Swastika-palestine: Arab "Palestinian" leader of encampment on SU campus: " 'Anti-Semite' who praised Hitler, called for 'Death to Jews' "

    Aziza Zahran is typical, as in praising Hitler and asking why he didn't finish the job - at the same time the SJP racist palestine Arab has been comparing Nazi Germany to Israel... just like that infamous outcast troll here who wont be able to withhold her spamming childish, yet racist, boring...
  27. Sayaras

    Swastika-palestine Mob led by SJP's Muslim Brotherhood in (court doc.) plan to Islamize America (Not about the "Palestinians")

    * "Protest" and support for Hamas on October 7. * The Islamic "terrorists in suits" who ignite the hatred - financed by terrorist elements. * SJP's Muslim Brotherhood 100 year vision to Islamize America. * The propaganda machine of Hamas and Iran has been working for years. * They don't...
  28. Sayaras

    The Islamist MONEY at swastika-palestine "protests" mobs

    Asides from al jihadzeera boss QATAR money and Samidoun/PFLP links, PalestiNazis, Muslim Brotherhood HITLER obsession, note also how infamous racist Arab "palestinian" Hatem Bazian founder of SJP (and its ofshoot WOL by Nerdeen Kiswani infamous for disrupting Holocaust memorial ceremonies) uses...
  29. Sayaras

    Toronto: Swastikas drawn on baby hostage [Swastika-palestine]

    But it's just about "land" I mean (overwhingly racist) Arab-palestine just wants a "state" and nothing else. Right? Related on most "Arab palestinians are racists", from 2014 poll: https://www.timesofisrael.com/poll-93-of-palestinians-hold-anti-jewish-beliefs/amp/ _____ Swastika drawn on...
  30. Sayaras

    Oh sure. G'bye. Just remember to wear your hijab 24/7.

    Not a bad idea. __ Iran University Offers Scholarships to Expelled US Students Story by Brendan Cole. https://www.newsweek.com/iran-shiraz-protesters-palestinian-1896011

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