voter id

  1. J

    DE. SC strikes down government imposed no-excuse ballots, will N.Y.’s S.C. do same?

    It is interesting to note, when talking about New York, the home of Tammany Hall type election thugs, who perfected the art of election fraud using “absentee” ballots (see: 1931: Tammany Hall, Voter Fraud, and Sullivan County), and that New Yorkers recently rejected a constitutional amendment...
  2. J

    A fatal flaw with the security of mail-in ballots . . . no chain of custody

    . Let us keep in mind, with in-person voting and adequate ID we know the person in the booth is filling out the ballot. With mail-in ballots, there is no practical way to know if the one who filled out a mailed-in ballot and made the choices thereon and sent it in, is the qualified and...
  3. The Original Tree

    Georgia Hearing 10,000 Dead People Voted for Biden, 2,600 Felons

    The Margin of Victory is only 12,000 votes and there are 100s of thousands if Illegal Votes that were counted. And on and on and on the fraud goes. You cannot watch this video of The Georgia Hearing and feel like our Republic is about to sink in to The Abyss never to rise again. Unless this...
  4. The Original Tree

    Democrats already conceding the ELECTION and tipping their hand on how they plan to block the Peaceful Transition of Power

    They were given weeks of early voting, mass mail in ballots, and extending counting. In some of these corrupt blue states they are not even requiring post marks or matching signatures. So what are you hearing from The Left? Disenfranchisement? Voter Suppression with record votes cast? WTH...
  5. protectionist

    Trump Must Enact CITIZENSHIP Voter ID Before 2020 Election

    The Republicans could be facing a catastrophe in 2020, if they don't some up with an airtight system to stop illegal alien and other non-citizen voting. The Mexican border isn't being deluged by accident, with migrants trying to get into the US. Leftist schemers are behind all these caravans...
  6. P@triot

    H.R. 1

    Once again the left is expanding their efforts to steal elections through various forms of voter fraud... H.R. 1 would sabotage state voter ID laws, which currently combat impersonation and voter registration fraud, duplicate voting, and voting by ineligible individuals like illegal aliens...
  7. P@triot

    Progressive Propaganda: The Voter Fraud Edition

    The left has come up with some of the most absurd excuses in the world not to have clean, proper elections. From racists stuff like "black people don't have ID and can't figure out how to get it" to "there is no voter fraud anyway", to "it will discourage voting". All of it has been proven to be...
  8. The Original Tree

    Democrat Controlled Maryland Votes To Allow Illegal Criminals To Vote

    Not only is there massive voter fraud in Democrat Controlled shitholes, but now you son of a bitches aren't even going to bother with hiding what you agenda is? Give me a fucking break. Deport them and you, and shoot anyone that tries to cross back over in to THE US! The only reason this vote...
  9. ShootSpeeders

    Man goes to prison for registering dead people as democrats.

    Obozo and hillary both assured us there is no such thing as vote fraud. They said that because they know their racist white-hating party can't survive except by stealing elections.
  10. The Original Tree

    National Voter ID On The Horizon

    If Lefty is so CONCERNED ABOUT THE RUSSIANS or even their OWN PARTY DEFRAUDING VOTERS, then why IS LEFTY OPPOSED TO VOTER ID? Why does he advocate giving Amnesty and the right to vote to ILLEGALS? Why are Lefty STATES ILLEGALLY GIVING ILLEGALS Driver Licenses and enrolling them in MOTOR...
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