1.25 Million Arabs Live and Worship in Israel

Embracing the Maimonidean Approach
Indeed, it was Maimonides’ son, Rabbi Abraham, who took his father’s view to its logical conclusion when he argued that, although Islamic religious practices should not be imitated, strictly speaking they do not fall under the biblical prohibition of following the ways of the Gentiles. This is so simply because “Muslims are monotheists who abhor idolatry.”

He unequivocally accepts the talmudic view that any Gentile religious system is illicit (Christerism)and the only alternatives for Gentiles are conversion or observance of the Seven Laws of Noah which, by definition, exclude any other religious system [Laws of Kings 10:9].
Why are Jews prohibited by rabbinic law from entering churches? Why are Jews allowed to enter mosques?

Jews are allowed to enter mosques because Rambam (Maimonides) who lived in Muslim controlled countries including Egypt made a determination that Muslims and Jews believe in the same God. Jews are forbidden from walking into a bais avodah zorah, or house of idol worship (christian churchs). A mosque is certainly not a house of idol worship. Statues are not allowed in mosques.

Question: I am Orthodox, and an artist. From time to time I go into Churches, not during services, to admire the art and architecture. I have no desire for any other religion, but know the Talmud in Avodah Zarah 17b says a Jew should not even go past the doors of a pagan temple.

Can a Jew enter a Church? | Jewish Values Online
Not All Israeli Citizens Are Equal

"Today, a Jew from any country can move to Israel, while a Palestinian refugee, with a valid claim to property in Israel, cannot. And although Palestinians make up about 20 percent of Israel’s population, the 2012 budget allocates less than 7 percent for Palestinian citizens.

Tragically for Palestinians, Zionism requires the state to empower and maintain a Jewish majority even at the expense of its non-Jewish citizens, and the occupation of the West Bank is only one part of it. What exists today between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea is therefore essentially one state, under Israeli control, where Palestinians have varying degrees of limited rights: 1.5 million are second-class citizens, and four million more are not citizens at all. If this is not apartheid, then whatever it is, it’s certainly not democracy."

Not All Israeli Citizens Are Equal
Indeed, because 20% of Israel's population (not including claims by ethnically cleansed refugees) are not Jews, to call Israel a Jewish state is a misnomer.

Correct. It is a Zionist state which has corrupted and perverted Judaism for it's own agenda.
Why do you support ethnic cleansing and governments who's charter calls for genocide?

I don't support Zionist Israel.
Tell us why one Jew must not be allowed to live next door to a Palestinian.

Ask the European Zionist colonists that drove the Palestinians out. They lived side by side without much trouble until the Zionists came along.
Not All Israeli Citizens Are Equal

"Today, a Jew from any country can move to Israel, while a Palestinian refugee, with a valid claim to property in Israel, cannot. And although Palestinians make up about 20 percent of Israel’s population, the 2012 budget allocates less than 7 percent for Palestinian citizens.

Tragically for Palestinians, Zionism requires the state to empower and maintain a Jewish majority even at the expense of its non-Jewish citizens, and the occupation of the West Bank is only one part of it. What exists today between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea is therefore essentially one state, under Israeli control, where Palestinians have varying degrees of limited rights: 1.5 million are second-class citizens, and four million more are not citizens at all. If this is not apartheid, then whatever it is, it’s certainly not democracy."

Not All Israeli Citizens Are Equal
Indeed, because 20% of Israel's population (not including claims by ethnically cleansed refugees) are not Jews, to call Israel a Jewish state is a misnomer.

Correct. It is a Zionist state which has corrupted and perverted Judaism for it's own agenda.
Why do you support ethnic cleansing and governments who's charter calls for genocide?
The Zionist state of Israel is founded on ethnic cleansing.
Yeah, that's why 1.25 million Arabs live and worship freely in Israel, serving in the Israeli military and elected members of the Israeli government.
You are an A-1 dumbass.
Anyone who cannot be civil is added to my ignore list.
Tell us why one Jew must not be allowed to live next door to a Palestinian.

Have you noticed that each time we ask this question, Team Palestine deflects? The proof is in the reality -- more than a million Arab Muslims living in Israel, and none living in "Palestine".
Tell us why one Jew must not be allowed to live next door to a Palestinian.

Have you noticed that each time we ask this question, Team Palestine deflects? The proof is in the reality -- more than a million Arab Muslims living in Israel, and none living in "Palestine".
Yep, even they know how evil their position is by refusing to answer why they support ethnic cleansing in Pali land.
Tell us why one Jew must not be allowed to live next door to a Palestinian.

Have you noticed that each time we ask this question, Team Palestine deflects? The proof is in the reality -- more than a million Arab Muslims living in Israel, and none living in "Palestine".
Yep, even they know how evil their position is by refusing to answer why they support ethnic cleansing in Pali land.

Why do you support the ethnic cleansing of the Muslims and Christians?
Tell us why one Jew must not be allowed to live next door to a Palestinian.

Have you noticed that each time we ask this question, Team Palestine deflects? The proof is in the reality -- more than a million Arab Muslims living in Israel, and none living in "Palestine".
Yep, even they know how evil their position is by refusing to answer why they support ethnic cleansing in Pali land.

Why do you support the ethnic cleansing of the Muslims and Christians?

Why do you support a Jew free zone in Judea and Samaria?
Tell us why one Jew must not be allowed to live next door to a Palestinian.

Have you noticed that each time we ask this question, Team Palestine deflects? The proof is in the reality -- more than a million Arab Muslims living in Israel, and none living in "Palestine".
Yep, even they know how evil their position is by refusing to answer why they support ethnic cleansing in Pali land.

Why do you support the ethnic cleansing of the Muslims and Christians?

Why do you support a Jew free zone in Judea and Samaria?
Recent converts to Islamism tend to be over the top in their saliva-slinging tirades aim at The Zionists™. They're looking for islamo-street cred.

I find them to be like a swaggering teenager who just drank his first six pack of beer.
Indeed, because 20% of Israel's population (not including claims by ethnically cleansed refugees) are not Jews, to call Israel a Jewish state is a misnomer.

Correct. It is a Zionist state which has corrupted and perverted Judaism for it's own agenda.
Why do you support ethnic cleansing and governments who's charter calls for genocide?

I don't support Zionist Israel.
Tell us why one Jew must not be allowed to live next door to a Palestinian.

Ask the European Zionist colonists that drove the Palestinians out. They lived side by side without much trouble until the Zionists came along.
Why do you refuse to answer why you support ethnic cleansing?
You afraid of the answer we already know?
You should.
Tell us why one Jew must not be allowed to live next door to a Palestinian.

Have you noticed that each time we ask this question, Team Palestine deflects? The proof is in the reality -- more than a million Arab Muslims living in Israel, and none living in "Palestine".
Yep, even they know how evil their position is by refusing to answer why they support ethnic cleansing in Pali land.

Why do you support the ethnic cleansing of the Muslims and Christians?
Shitforbrains, 1.25 million Arabs live and worship freely in Israel. They also serve in the IDF and are elected members of the Israeli government.

Yet one Jew living next door sends you freaks foaming at the mouth.
Why do you refuse to answer why you support ethnic cleansing?
You afraid of the answer we already know?
You should.

According to Challenger, Jews don't exist as an ethnicity, therefore they can't actually BE ethnically cleansed. I guess they could be religiously cleansed, but SO much easier to convert-or-die them than to make them move.
Why do you refuse to answer why you support ethnic cleansing?
You afraid of the answer we already know?
You should.

According to Challenger, Jews don't exist as an ethnicity, therefore they can't actually BE ethnically cleansed. I guess they could be religiously cleansed, but SO much easier to convert-or-die them than to make them move.
They are straight out of 1936 Germany. Brownshirter freaks.
Tell us why one Jew must not be allowed to live next door to a Palestinian.

Have you noticed that each time we ask this question, Team Palestine deflects? The proof is in the reality -- more than a million Arab Muslims living in Israel, and none living in "Palestine".
Yep, even they know how evil their position is by refusing to answer why they support ethnic cleansing in Pali land.

Why do you support the ethnic cleansing of the Muslims and Christians?

Why do you support a Jew free zone in Judea and Samaria?
Where did you get that?
Why do you refuse to answer why you support ethnic cleansing?
You afraid of the answer we already know?
You should.

According to Challenger, Jews don't exist as an ethnicity, therefore they can't actually BE ethnically cleansed. I guess they could be religiously cleansed, but SO much easier to convert-or-die them than to make them move.
They are straight out of 1936 Germany. Brownshirter freaks.

Yes, there are distinct similarities between Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1939 and Zionist Israel since 1948.
Correct. It is a Zionist state which has corrupted and perverted Judaism for it's own agenda.
Why do you support ethnic cleansing and governments who's charter calls for genocide?

I don't support Zionist Israel.
Tell us why one Jew must not be allowed to live next door to a Palestinian.

Ask the European Zionist colonists that drove the Palestinians out. They lived side by side without much trouble until the Zionists came along.
Why do you refuse to answer why you support ethnic cleansing?
You afraid of the answer we already know?
You should.
I don't support ethnic cleansing, that's what Zionists have done since 1947 and continue to do in the present day. I've no objection however, when it comes to removing illegal Zionist squatter colonists from Palestine.

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