10/2020: Solar is now ‘Cheapest Electricity in History’, confirms IEA

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Yes, solar power is now the cheapest source of electricity in history, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA):
  • Cost: New utility-scale solar projects cost around $30–60 per megawatt hour (MWh) in the US and Europe, and $20–40 per MWh in China and India.

  • Comparison: Solar is cheaper than coal and natural gas in most major countries.

  • Growth: Solar is the fastest-growing source of electricity generation worldwide. In 2023, it was the fastest rising source of electricity generation for the 19th year running.
Solar power has become cheaper for several reasons, including:
  • Manufacturing costs
    The cost of making solar panels has decreased over time due to lower material prices and new manufacturing technologies.

  • Panel efficiency
    The efficiency of solar panels has increased from 6% in 1954 to almost 23% in 2023.

  • Government policies
    Government policies and incentives, such as subsidies and tax credits, have encouraged the adoption of solar power.
Solar power is expected to become even cheaper in the coming years, with costs projected to fall by as much as 60% by 2030.

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Yes, solar power is now the cheapest source of electricity in history, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA):

  • Cost: New utility-scale solar projects cost around $30–60 per megawatt hour (MWh) in the US and Europe, and $20–40 per MWh in China and India.

  • Comparison: Solar is cheaper than coal and natural gas in most major countries.

  • Growth: Solar is the fastest-growing source of electricity generation worldwide. In 2023, it was the fastest rising source of electricity generation for the 19th year running.
Solar power has become cheaper for several reasons, including:

  • Manufacturing costs
    The cost of making solar panels has decreased over time due to lower material prices and new manufacturing technologies.

  • Panel efficiency
    The efficiency of solar panels has increased from 6% in 1954 to almost 23% in 2023.

  • Government policies
    Government policies and incentives, such as subsidies and tax credits, have encouraged the adoption of solar power.
Solar power is expected to become even cheaper in the coming years, with costs projected to fall by as much as 60% by 2030.

How much to install?
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Yes, solar power is now the cheapest source of electricity in history, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA):

  • Cost: New utility-scale solar projects cost around $30–60 per megawatt hour (MWh) in the US and Europe, and $20–40 per MWh in China and India.

  • Comparison: Solar is cheaper than coal and natural gas in most major countries.

  • Growth: Solar is the fastest-growing source of electricity generation worldwide. In 2023, it was the fastest rising source of electricity generation for the 19th year running.
Solar power has become cheaper for several reasons, including:

  • Manufacturing costs
    The cost of making solar panels has decreased over time due to lower material prices and new manufacturing technologies.

  • Panel efficiency
    The efficiency of solar panels has increased from 6% in 1954 to almost 23% in 2023.

  • Government policies
    Government policies and incentives, such as subsidies and tax credits, have encouraged the adoption of solar power.
Solar power is expected to become even cheaper in the coming years, with costs projected to fall by as much as 60% by 2030.

If that were true there'd be an explosion of expansion.
According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the number of natural gas-fired power plants coming online in the United States is increasing:
  • 2023
    The EIA expects 16 gas-fired plants to come online by the end of 2023, with a total capacity of 8.6 gigawatts.
  • 2024 and 2025
    The EIA expects 20 new natural gas-fired power plants to come online, with a total capacity of 7.7 gigawatts.

The new plants are being built in areas with high natural gas production, such as the Gulf Coast, Appalachia, and Florida. They are also being built to replace coal-fired power plants that are retiring.
Love the elektra who - OOOPS - NOW agrees 100% with THIS thread Title, even though all his friends say the Opposite.. as he has for a Decade.
His Link

Surge in U.S. Solar Company Bankruptcies, Despite Trillions in Subsidies​

Solar power got cheap. So why aren’t we using it more?

"Many of us might assume that the reason so much energy still comes from gas and coal power plants is simple economics: those fuels are cheaper. But though it was once true, that assumption has actually been Obliterated by a recent Decline in Solar and Wind Costs over the past Decade.

When it comes to the Cost of energy from New power plants, Onshore Wind and Solar are now the Cheapest sources—costing Less than as, Geothermal, Coal, or Nuclear..."""

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Love the elektra who - OOOPS - NOW agrees 100% with THIS thread Title, even though all his friends say the Opposite!
His Link

"Many of us might assume that the reason so much energy still comes from gas and coal power plants is simple economics: those fuels are cheaper. But though it was once true, that assumption has actually been Obliterated by a recent Decline in Solar and Wind Costs over the past Decade.

When it comes to the Cost of energy from New power plants, Onshore Wind and Solar are now the Cheapest sources—costing Less than as, Geothermal, Coal, or Nuclear..."""

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That is your link, look again
Love the elektra who - OOOPS - NOW agrees 100% with THIS thread Title, even though all his friends say the Opposite.. as he has for a Decade.
His Link

"Many of us might assume that the reason so much energy still comes from gas and coal power plants is simple economics: those fuels are cheaper. But though it was once true, that assumption has actually been Obliterated by a recent Decline in Solar and Wind Costs over the past Decade.

When it comes to the Cost of energy from New power plants, Onshore Wind and Solar are now the Cheapest sources—costing Less than as, Geothermal, Coal, or Nuclear..."""

- - - - - - - --

Again, your link, look at your post I replied to. But zi don't care, your link says in order for solar and wind to be cheaper we must tax, oil to levelise the cost

instituting a fee on carbon would help make sure that polluters are paying their fair share of that price. This could take the form of a cap and trade market or a tax on every ton of emissions produced
Love the elektra who - OOOPS - NOW agrees 100% with THIS thread Title, even though all his friends say the Opposite.. as he has for a Decade.
His Link
No, your link, which says Solar and Wind need federal subsidies. Wind and solar are not cheaper, they need subsidies and a tax on fossil fuels, per Abu's link
The federal government can also make direct investments in clean energy. Langer says one major way political leaders can ensure an energy transition is by providing consistent subsidies to solar and wind.
No, your link, which says Solar and Wind need federal subsidies. Wind and solar are not cheaper, they need subsidies and a tax on fossil fuels, per Abu's link
The federal government can also make direct investments in clean energy. Langer says one major way political leaders can ensure an energy transition is by providing consistent subsidies to solar and wind.
Oil gets subsidies that their massive profits say they do not need. The difference would be the amount of money the fossil industries donate to Repbublican politicians who will protect them against renewable replacement and the good of the people.
Oil gets subsidies that their massive profits say they do not need. The difference would be the amount of money the fossil industries donate to Repbublican politicians who will protect them against renewable replacement and the good of the people.

Oil gets subsidies

That's a lie.

Allowing an oil company to deduct the expenses of finding oil is not a subsidy.
Not even a little bit.

Oil companies pay massive taxes on their earnings and governments tax their
products heavily to collect more massive amounts of taxes.
Oil gets subsidies that their massive profits say they do not need. The difference would be the amount of money the fossil industries donate to Repbublican politicians who will protect them against renewable replacement and the good of the people.
Whataboutisms, I can kill very easily.

And then you throw in it is partisan, that shows you are ignorant and making things up.

The oil industry loves renewables, renewables are largely a product of oil.
Whataboutisms, I can kill very easily.

And then you throw in it is partisan, that shows you are ignorant and making things up.

The oil industry loves renewables, renewables are largely a product of oil.
Initially , as most of things are today. The important thing is that one time use allows them to capture the heat of the sun and the power of the wind for years ( Non-polluting and very low cost to maintain the free energy that the natural systems of the physical world gives US all. )
Initially , as most of things are today. The important thing is that one time use allows them to capture the heat of the sun and the power of the wind for years ( Non-polluting and very low cost to maintain the free energy that the natural systems of the physical world gives US all. )
You have no idea what you are talking about.

First and foremost wind and solar are captured by the hour, not years.
Second, wind and solar are the most expensive way to make electricity
Third, solar panels on an industrial scale have an useful lifespan of Tens years
Fourth, wind turbines are breaking at an extreme rate almost immediately
Fifth, no solar or wind project today can provide the power for a modern society.

Big changes are coming, we either lead or become a third world country.

Feel free to reply to any of the four points made
You have no idea what you are talking about.

First and foremost wind and solar are captured by the hour, not years.
Second, wind and solar are the most expensive way to make electricity
Third, solar panels on an industrial scale have an useful lifespan of Tens years
Fourth, wind turbines are breaking at an extreme rate almost immediately
Fifth, no solar or wind project today can provide the power for a modern society.

Big changes are coming, we either lead or become a third world country.

Feel free to reply to any of the four points made
Thanks but no thanks. You will simply deny any replies. You seem to have an endless supply of excuses. The question is why ? How much is the fossil fuels industry paying you ? Do you not care at all what kind of world you leave your children and grandchildren. They will inherit the mistakes we make , only compounded greatly. Try to have a nice life but I really don't know how you can live with yourself. Goodbye !
Thanks but no thanks. You will simply deny any replies. You seem to have an endless supply of excuses. The question is why ? How much is the fossil fuels industry paying you ? Do you not care at all what kind of world you leave your children and grandchildren. They will inherit the mistakes we make , only compounded greatly. Try to have a nice life but I really don't know how you can live with yourself. Goodbye !
Thanks but no thanks yet here you are replying with an excuses
Anything to try to keep your losing argument going on and on infinitum. This issue was settled years ago. Not interested in giving you a platform to keep the stupid argument going. Goodbye once and for all.!
Anything to try to keep your losing argument going on and on infinitum. This issue was settled years ago. Not interested in giving you a platform to keep the stupid argument going. Goodbye once and for all.!
Twice with your excuses as to why you refuse to discuss the simple while you troll my posts

Stand is in way over his head. Only those of low intelligence support industrial wind and solar, failures
The question is why ? How much is the fossil fuels industry paying you ?
A basic assumption of Stann's that is wrong.

Stand is insinuating, stating, the fossil fuel industry is competing with Solar and Wind. The fossil fuel industry is not. Solar and Wind are a product of the fossil fuel industry. Solar and wind increase the use fossil fuels.

The fossil fuel industry supports Solar and wind, it is a profitable industry for fossil fuels.
Twice with your excuses as to why you refuse to discuss the simple while you troll my posts

Stann is in way over his head. Only those of low intelligence support industrial wind and solar, failures
So funny, Stann disagrees that he is of low intelligence but can't reply to prove differently

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