101M Get Food Aid from Federal Gov’t; Outnumber Full-Time Private Sector Workers - Se

Overloading the middle class tax payers is called a success in Obamaland.

What happens is Democrats blame Republicans and Republican blame Democrats... then they both (D's / R's) grow entitlements and the amount of people on welfare while inflating the deficit.

Thank you Republicans and thank you Democrats for being the anti business pro welfare parties, or party...

List me the last party in power R/D to shrink any Government program and not replace it with something bigger. Neither side has.
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no kidding was just listening to hanity and he was saying 50 million its hard to believe a 1/3rd number of the USA is on food stamps.
You should never admit to listening to Hannity unless you are mocking him. It gives you away.
You should never admit to listening to Hannity unless you are mocking him. It gives you away.

Not really, a channel flipper.love NPR in the mourning. I get bored fast....love my 80's/ christian rock/ western songs though.
You should never admit to listening to Hannity unless you are mocking him. It gives you away.

Gives you away as what? Someone who listens to the radio? Big deal.

I was actually, by chance, listening to him today too. However, I can't imagine that these stats arent manipulated in some way. because if more are getting aid than are working, we are in alot of danger.

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