11 States Most Likely to Go Bankrupt - This Shouldn't Make You Blue, RATHER Red MAD!


Apr 22, 2007
The first three states are dead meat, the next five only 2-3 will go belly up and the last three will probably make it.
Nonsense the data on payments to vs. payments from DC are among the most cockeyed around. Take military basing:

Air Bases make noise so they get stuck out in the boonies.

Naval and Marine bases are where harbor space and landing zones are (or at time of purchase were) relatively cheap.

Army bases are spread more evenly throughout the country.

Four of the five service academies are in the Northeast Washington-Boston corridor.

That is the result of not wanting the inconvenience of national defense but wanting the benefits.

Another big revenue shifter are retirees who can no longer afford to live in their old home town and move south to avoid extortionate state and local taxes. State and local taxes are determined at the state and local level so that too is a desired outcome of the people doing excess paying. This list can be extended but basically while the good times rolled shifting revenues for greater convenience seemed like a good idea now it turns out to have been idiocy. You place your money and take your chances.
Nonsense the data on payments to vs. payments from DC are among the most cockeyed around. Take military basing:

Air Bases make noise so they get stuck out in the boonies.

Naval and Marine bases are where harbor space and landing zones are (or at time of purchase were) relatively cheap.

Army bases are spread more evenly throughout the country.

Four of the five service academies are in the Northeast Washington-Boston corridor.

That is the result of not wanting the inconvenience of national defense but wanting the benefits.

Another big revenue shifter are retirees who can no longer afford to live in their old home town and move south to avoid extortionate state and local taxes. State and local taxes are determined at the state and local level so that too is a desired outcome of the people doing excess paying. This list can be extended but basically while the good times rolled shifting revenues for greater convenience seemed like a good idea now it turns out to have been idiocy. You place your money and take your chances.

I had this talk some years back with an Uber Liberal decrying the lack of military installations in the North so I spoke.................................

The Liberals ran off the Airbases, not that Nixon did not have some affect when he closed every military base in MA after the State was ignorant enough to vote for McGovern in '72, because over the years the cities moved ever closer around the bases and screamed about the "noise" especially at night.

The Army's premier Training Ground is Ft Irwin, California which itself is larger than RI. Modern artillery, rocket systems, helicopter gunships need miles and miles between the shooters the impact areas and civilization. Tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled arty, and thousands of troops need lots and lots of room. Bring in AF, Navy, MC close air support and you have even more noise and need more room.

Dropping napalm on an Elementary school brings lots of bad PR.
We just elected a good Governor here in NV. One of his first things was to halt the unpaid furloughs and put the state workers back on 5 day's a week, but then he also ordered a 5% across the board pay cut for all state workers. My god you should hear how they whine about it. They are allready paid 15% more than someone in the private sector for the same job and still they whine about it.
I think this is the start of serious sectional tensions.

Anti-corruption commissions will be needed in most of those states before any money is forthcoming. The mob or street gangs or motorcycle gangs own virtually every state on that list so a real housecleaning will be demanded as a quid pro quo. That will not be welcome.

State and local government employees will see their salaries reduced to the national average. Which will be very unwelcome.

I don't see the problem getting solved.

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