125,000 migrants released onto streets of San Diego in just six months ‘without proper vetting’: county supervisor


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2012
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San Diego has become a favored dumping ground for Biden's illegals. Even as that county's supervisor indicates that proper vetting of those turned loose is not being accomplished, the illegals are bussed in and dumped on to city streets.

Just more of the dangers Biden inflicts on US citizens.

A “minimum” of 125,000 migrants have been released from detention “without proper vetting” onto the streets of San Diego in just six months, according to a county leader.

San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond told The Post how Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents are “completely overwhelmed” by the surge of border crossings in Southern California — which he warns will have “dire consequences” for the rest of the country.
It was just terrible a couple of years back when my daughter lived in SD and moved back to Virginia.....I can't fathom what it must be like now......Her gated community took on the nickname Ft. Apache.

It was surrounded by homeless and "migrant" encampments.

Stores were closing and the city even ended bus service there.
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