"20%-50% of Republicans are Stupid or Insane" - Former Reagan Official

Sure. As long as you figure out how many more registered voters there were in 2008 compared to 2000, then factor in how many people voted Republican who were not in 2000 ... and just generally pull your head out your ass and sell your bullshit story to someone who's actually buying ... rdone, zona and a couple other nimrods on here believe your bullshit ...

Let's get your head and ass wired up here, sonny ... I despise BOTH parties. The GOP has no balls and the Dems are fascists. But sell your revisionism to someone else, huh?

Then let's see the numbers ...

Post 'em. You two seem bent on telling ME I'm wrong. Prove it.

And DO pretend while you're at it you weren't on this board and didn't see all the threads from conservatives that said they weren't voting.

You made the assertion, not me. Prove your own claim ... you said that Republicans didn't come out to vote with NOTHING to back it up. Support your argument.
Post 'em. You two seem bent on telling ME I'm wrong. Prove it.

And DO pretend while you're at it you weren't on this board and didn't see all the threads from conservatives that said they weren't voting.

So wait, the guy who says we're not suppose to trust polling is saying we trust the words of people who are disgruntled at McCain but didn't go out and vote? :eusa_eh:

I'm sure some Conservatives on here said they weren't going to vote and actually went through with it. But I doubt all of them did it or the majority.
Way to ignore my point. Past your bedtime, sonny?

Look at the thread under this one. You leftwingnuts ever make up your mind? No you don't. You cherrypick any-and-everything to suit whatever you're flapping off at the gums about at the time.:rolleyes:

I've seen the thread, pure speculation. Somewhat fun if it doesn't get so quirky .

I do believe you of all people should know I'm no leftwingnut. Funny thing considering how I was the one using the Constitution earlier against a Conservative as to why our rights are important.

I'm not cherrypicking anything. The information is there and available. I gave you the rough number and the year. Obviously you're intelligent enough to infer the information yourself.
Post 'em. You two seem bent on telling ME I'm wrong. Prove it.

And DO pretend while you're at it you weren't on this board and didn't see all the threads from conservatives that said they weren't voting.

So wait, the guy who says we're not suppose to trust polling is saying we trust the words of people who are disgruntled at McCain but didn't go out and vote? :eusa_eh:

I'm sure some Conservatives on here said they weren't going to vote and actually went through with it. But I doubt all of them did it or the majority.

No chumly ... try trusting what you OBSERVE, not what some dumbass poll says.

What you doubt doesn't mean jack shit. An assumption on your part. Nothing more.
No chumly ... try trusting what you OBSERVE, not what some dumbass poll says.

What you doubt doesn't mean jack shit. An assumption on your part. Nothing more.

And an assumption on your part as well Gunny. It goes both ways.
What's missing from the research is context, Darren Lenard Hutchinson observed on his blog Dissenting Justice. "It does not provide comparative results for self-identified Democrats and Independents. So, while Kos and many Daily Kos readers believe that the poll proves the extremism among Republicans, it is difficult to make this conclusion without comparative data," he said.

That is absolutely true. However, the only thing that would be shown with comparative data is whether or not Democrats and independents were as nuts as Republicans, which is possible.

Hutchinson and Moderate Voice's David Adesnik both pointed out that the Kos poll's results on questions about same-sex marriage and gays in the military were far different from those from recent Gallup and Pew surveys.

"But unless you have evidence that something is actually wrong with the poll, what can you possibly say? You can be suspicious of Kos, but that's not an argument," Adesnik conceded.

Bingo! Absolutely correct. Simply attacking the poll because it was commissioned by Kos is not an argument. It is an ad hominem attack, no different than attacking a poll commissioned by Fox News.

I cant say all the time, but Fox does its own polling. That is the difference.
*yawn* Whatever.

:eusa_eh: The numbers speak for themselves. The GOP didn't win because McCain didn't pick a strong Vice President candidate and because he faltered when it came to the economy issues when the economy went free falling.

If McCain "I think interest rates should be zero" sort of statements were not made, and he picked a stronger VP, he'd be sitting in the office today instead of Obama.

I think the Republicans would have lost even if Jesus had been their candidate. Politics is at least partly cyclical and influenced by circumstance. It would have been almost impossible for a Republican to have won in 2008.
I cant say all the time, but Fox does its own polling. That is the difference.

I think you have to look at how the poll was constructed. I have no problems with Fox News doing a poll as long as it is consistent with typical polling methodology.
The only stupid ones I see, are the ones who take and use a poll done by the zoo known as Dailykos Website then try and make some point out of it about people..:lol:

What specifically in the poll appears inaccurate to you, and why?
*yawn* Whatever.

:eusa_eh: The numbers speak for themselves. The GOP didn't win because McCain didn't pick a strong Vice President candidate and because he faltered when it came to the economy issues when the economy went free falling.

If McCain "I think interest rates should be zero" sort of statements were not made, and he picked a stronger VP, he'd be sitting in the office today instead of Obama.

I think the Republicans would have lost even if Jesus had been their candidate. Politics is at least partly cyclical and influenced by circumstance. It would have been almost impossible for a Republican to have won in 2008.

It was the perfect storm for the DEMs and Obama... now we are at a point where the storm has caused its havoc and we need to clean up the mess being left
never said I wasn't partisan., the poll might of been done by a reputable pollster, no I had never heard of them before, and I've been around a long while, but no matter, it was done for a left wing WEBSITE and is now being presented on the news as being legitimate. If this is the type of tactics the Democrat party wants to go with, cause most folks know the Dailykos is connected to the Democrat party, fine by me.

Let's not be a conspiracy theorist here. DailyKOS is no more "connected" to the Democratic Party than Rush Limbaugh is "connected" to the Republican Party. DailyKOS is a blog written by a bunch of liberals, not an arm of the Party. And just like Rush, the writers of the DailyKOS rarely lie. They spin - that's what their jobs are - but they rarely lie. Just because you disagree doesn't make them wrong - and just because you don't like what they say doesn't make what they say to be incorrect. Emotions and opinions aren't the same thing as facts.

If you think the DailyKos isn't connected to the Democrat party, then that's what you think. I think differently, and you won't change my mind. so now we come to a draw.
Been nice chatting with you.

DailyKOS is "connected" to the Democratic party the same way Fox, the KKK, the Swiftboat Veterans and the Aryan Nation are connected to the Republican party. That's why the Republican Party is 94% white.

Funny how Republicans scream that this pol is "all lies", but when you ask which answer was a lie, they scream that this pol is "all lies".
Then you ask, "Which specific answer was a lie?", they scream that this pol is "all lies".
Let's not be a conspiracy theorist here. DailyKOS is no more "connected" to the Democratic Party than Rush Limbaugh is "connected" to the Republican Party. DailyKOS is a blog written by a bunch of liberals, not an arm of the Party. And just like Rush, the writers of the DailyKOS rarely lie. They spin - that's what their jobs are - but they rarely lie. Just because you disagree doesn't make them wrong - and just because you don't like what they say doesn't make what they say to be incorrect. Emotions and opinions aren't the same thing as facts.

If you think the DailyKos isn't connected to the Democrat party, then that's what you think. I think differently, and you won't change my mind. so now we come to a draw.
Been nice chatting with you.

DailyKOS is "connected" to the Democratic party the same way Fox, the KKK, the Swiftboat Veterans and the Aryan Nation are connected to the Republican party. That's why the Republican Party is 94% white.

Funny how Republicans scream that this pol is "all lies", but when you ask which answer was a lie, they scream that this pol is "all lies".
Then you ask, "Which specific answer was a lie?", they scream that this pol is "all lies".

More absolutely unsubstantiated and hyper-partisan bullshit myth from rdean
If you think the DailyKos isn't connected to the Democrat party, then that's what you think. I think differently, and you won't change my mind. so now we come to a draw.
Been nice chatting with you.

DailyKOS is "connected" to the Democratic party the same way Fox, the KKK, the Swiftboat Veterans and the Aryan Nation are connected to the Republican party. That's why the Republican Party is 94% white.

Funny how Republicans scream that this pol is "all lies", but when you ask which answer was a lie, they scream that this pol is "all lies".
Then you ask, "Which specific answer was a lie?", they scream that this pol is "all lies".

More absolutely unsubstantiated and hyper-partisan bullshit myth from rdean

Because they "scream" it's all lies.

Thanks for proving my point.
DailyKOS is "connected" to the Democratic party the same way Fox, the KKK, the Swiftboat Veterans and the Aryan Nation are connected to the Republican party. That's why the Republican Party is 94% white.

Funny how Republicans scream that this pol is "all lies", but when you ask which answer was a lie, they scream that this pol is "all lies".
Then you ask, "Which specific answer was a lie?", they scream that this pol is "all lies".

More absolutely unsubstantiated and hyper-partisan bullshit myth from rdean

Because they "scream" it's all lies.

Thanks for proving my point.

Nothing proved your point, nor you asinine assertions about the KKK and others being associated with teh REP party... even though it has been shown time and time again that the Daily Piece of Shit, errr, the Daily KoS is nothing but a leftist propaganda source... not a news site, and certainly not credible
More absolutely unsubstantiated and hyper-partisan bullshit myth from rdean

He's correct to the extent that a lot of different groups comprise the political parties. People of the DailyKos variety, probably lean democrat in the way that the average KKK'er would vote for repub positions. I'd wager, though, that the average democrat doesn't even know what DailyKos is and the average Repub isn't a KKK'er. Moreover, there are far more conservadems than there are moderate and liberal repubs.
Let's not be a conspiracy theorist here. DailyKOS is no more "connected" to the Democratic Party than Rush Limbaugh is "connected" to the Republican Party. DailyKOS is a blog written by a bunch of liberals, not an arm of the Party. And just like Rush, the writers of the DailyKOS rarely lie. They spin - that's what their jobs are - but they rarely lie. Just because you disagree doesn't make them wrong - and just because you don't like what they say doesn't make what they say to be incorrect. Emotions and opinions aren't the same thing as facts.

If you think the DailyKos isn't connected to the Democrat party, then that's what you think. I think differently, and you won't change my mind. so now we come to a draw.
Been nice chatting with you.

DailyKOS is "connected" to the Democratic party the same way Fox, the KKK, the Swiftboat Veterans and the Aryan Nation are connected to the Republican party. That's why the Republican Party is 94% white.

Funny how Republicans scream that this pol is "all lies", but when you ask which answer was a lie, they scream that this pol is "all lies".
Then you ask, "Which specific answer was a lie?", they scream that this pol is "all lies".

Robert Byrd (D-WV) takes offense at your KKK remark.

Also, Democrat controlled states Left the Union and would rather kill their own brothers in the north than surrender their slaves, remember?

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