"20%-50% of Republicans are Stupid or Insane" - Former Reagan Official

If you think the DailyKos isn't connected to the Democrat party, then that's what you think. I think differently, and you won't change my mind. so now we come to a draw.
Been nice chatting with you.

DailyKOS is "connected" to the Democratic party the same way Fox, the KKK, the Swiftboat Veterans and the Aryan Nation are connected to the Republican party. That's why the Republican Party is 94% white.

Funny how Republicans scream that this pol is "all lies", but when you ask which answer was a lie, they scream that this pol is "all lies".
Then you ask, "Which specific answer was a lie?", they scream that this pol is "all lies".

Robert Byrd (D-WV) takes offense at your KKK remark.

Also, Democrat controlled states Left the Union and would rather kill their own brothers in the north than surrender their slaves, remember?

1. The Republican Party of the Civil War is not the Repub Party of today. The Repub party of today with its 'southern strategy' would die before they'd support the values they supported during the civil war.

2. When Robert Byrd went into the political arena, southerners were dems. Then came the civil rights movement and they all ran to the repubs. If Byrd were starting out today, he'd be a repub...

3. Don't you feel embarrassed to spew something that stupid which you know to be an outright deception?

And stop trying to allign yourself with the party of Lincoln. If Lincoln were around today, you'd say that he was threatening white society and trying to destroy the economic fabric of the south and call him a "socialist" because he doesn't believe in "free trade" (e.g., letting people have slaves if they want them). Don't think for a second that you think the way Lincoln did.
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So since phonyrightwinger wishes to put the results of some stupid poll against what 'Republicans' believe as a group.. let me answer the supposed premises of the results

1) Obama loves socialist entitlement programs... he is hyper-left wing and against the concepts of personal freedom and personal responsibility
2) Palin was more experienced than Obama, and more qualified... but makes no difference as we don't interview for President, the prez is elected... and we have to live with the doe-in-the-headlights, in-over-his-head Obama
3) Obama cannot be impeached without committing a crime
4) He has a birth cert and has gone thru the scrutiny... either he was born here or he has done a great enough phony document job to convince the authorities... so it is not relevant
5) Obama in his heart does not want terrorists to win or kill US citizens... but does not realize his policies only hurt teh country and is more concerned with international popularity and promoting leftist kumbaya ideals
6) Acorn committed fraud, are a bullshit organization, and should not be allowed around the election process, but did not 'steal' the entire election
7) Obama does not hate white people, but has listened to too much advice from racists and terrorists...

Good enough for you, winger?
DailyKOS is "connected" to the Democratic party the same way Fox, the KKK, the Swiftboat Veterans and the Aryan Nation are connected to the Republican party. That's why the Republican Party is 94% white.

Funny how Republicans scream that this pol is "all lies", but when you ask which answer was a lie, they scream that this pol is "all lies".
Then you ask, "Which specific answer was a lie?", they scream that this pol is "all lies".

Robert Byrd (D-WV) takes offense at your KKK remark.

Also, Democrat controlled states Left the Union and would rather kill their own brothers in the north than surrender their slaves, remember?

1. The Republican Party of the Civil War is not the Repub Party of today. The Repub party of today with its 'southern strategy' would die before they'd support the values they supported during the civil war.

2. When Robert Byrd went into the political arena, southerners were dems. Then came the civil rights movement and they all ran to the repubs. If Byrd were starting out today, he'd be a repub...

3. Don't you feel embarrassed to spew something that stupid which you know to be an outright deception?

And stop trying to allign yourself with the party of Lincoln. If Lincoln were around today, you'd say that he was threatening white society and trying to destroy the economic fabric of the south and call him a "socialist" because he doesn't believe in "free trade" (e.g., letting people have slaves if they want them). Don't think for a second that you think the way Lincoln did.

So the Party of Lincoln is actually the Party of Pelosi? Is that right?

The Democrats who started the Civil War and formed the KKK and spawned Al Gore Sr and Robert Byrd magically transformed themselves into Republicans sometime around 1965, is that right? This new learning amazes me, Brother Maynard

There's more evidence that the Moon is a hollow, artificial satellite and that Atlantis was a real place than your Bizzaroloand explanation of American politics
So since phonyrightwinger wishes to put the results of some stupid poll against what 'Republicans' believe as a group.. let me answer the supposed premises of the results

1) Obama loves socialist entitlement programs... he is hyper-left wing and against the concepts of personal freedom and personal responsibility
2) Palin was more experienced than Obama, and more qualified... but makes no difference as we don't interview for President, the prez is elected... and we have to live with the doe-in-the-headlights, in-over-his-head Obama
3) Obama cannot be impeached without committing a crime
4) He has a birth cert and has gone thru the scrutiny... either he was born here or he has done a great enough phony document job to convince the authorities... so it is not relevant
5) Obama in his heart does not want terrorists to win or kill US citizens... but does not realize his policies only hurt teh country and is more concerned with international popularity and promoting leftist kumbaya ideals
6) Acorn committed fraud, are a bullshit organization, and should not be allowed around the election process, but did not 'steal' the entire election
7) Obama does not hate white people, but has listened to too much advice from racists and terrorists...

Good enough for you, winger?

Good enough for me Dave. You are SO SO SO Right on.
Robert Byrd (D-WV) takes offense at your KKK remark.

Also, Democrat controlled states Left the Union and would rather kill their own brothers in the north than surrender their slaves, remember?

1. The Republican Party of the Civil War is not the Repub Party of today. The Repub party of today with its 'southern strategy' would die before they'd support the values they supported during the civil war.

2. When Robert Byrd went into the political arena, southerners were dems. Then came the civil rights movement and they all ran to the repubs. If Byrd were starting out today, he'd be a repub...

3. Don't you feel embarrassed to spew something that stupid which you know to be an outright deception?

And stop trying to allign yourself with the party of Lincoln. If Lincoln were around today, you'd say that he was threatening white society and trying to destroy the economic fabric of the south and call him a "socialist" because he doesn't believe in "free trade" (e.g., letting people have slaves if they want them). Don't think for a second that you think the way Lincoln did.

So the Party of Lincoln is actually the Party of Pelosi? Is that right?

The Democrats who started the Civil War and formed the KKK and spawned Al Gore Sr and Robert Byrd magically transformed themselves into Republicans sometime around 1965, is that right? This new learning amazes me, Brother Maynard

There's more evidence that the Moon is a hollow, artificial satellite and that Atlantis was a real place than your Bizzaroloand explanation of American politics

If your great great great grandfather was a racist, would that make you a racist?
This is a poll done by Research 2000 for Daily Kos. Research 2000 constructed a typical poll and asked people to identify whether or not they are Republicans. If they said they were Republicans, they asked a series of questions, which are all listed here.

Daily Kos :: State of the Nation

Of the responses, the following percentages either agreed or didn't know.

Should Obama be impeached? 68%
Obama not born in the US? 58%
Obama wants the terrorists to win? 57%
ACORN stole the election? 76%
Obama is a racist who hates white people? 64%
Should your state secede from the Union? 42%
Should Genesis be taught in public schools? 85%
Should contraception be outlawed? 44%

Here is the methodology of the poll

The Daily Kos Republican Poll was conducted by Research 2000 from January 20 through January 31, 2010. A total of 2003 self identified Republicans were interviewed nationally by telephone. Those interviewed were selected by the random variation of the last four digits of telephone numbers, nationally.

The margin for error, according to standards customarily used by statisticians, is no more than plus or minus 2% percentage points. This means that there is a 95 percent probability that the "true" figure would fall within that range if the entire self identified Republican population were sampled. The margin for error is higher for any demographic subgroup, such as for gender or region.

This is a typical poll.

Bruce Bartlett, who worked as an economist in the Reagan administration had this to say about the poll results.

I can only conclude from this new poll of 2003 self-identified Republicans nationwide that between 20% and 50% of the party is either insane or mind-numbingly stupid.

Why I Am Not a Republican | Capital Gains and Games

Really?... Koooooooooooooooooooooooooooooz Poll?... Bruce Bartlett?...

We should see if Little Green Footballs has a Poll of DemocRATS out?...


So the Party of Lincoln is actually the Party of Pelosi? Is that right?

The Democrats who started the Civil War and formed the KKK and spawned Al Gore Sr and Robert Byrd magically transformed themselves into Republicans sometime around 1965, is that right? This new learning amazes me, Brother Maynard

There's more evidence that the Moon is a hollow, artificial satellite and that Atlantis was a real place than your Bizzaroloand explanation of American politics

Interesting... pick the person you hate most in the dem party... of course, that being the most powerful person. Hmmmm... maybe there's some correlation?

I can't help it if your party rejected every value it used to have. You'd have to take that up with your party. Oh wait... any repub who comes close to having decent values gets called a "RINO". You wouldn't even nominate Richard Nixon today. You'd call him a RINO. Actually, you'd call him a socialist for starting the EPA, and a commie lover for opening China and then you'd say he was weak for ending the Vietnam War. Oh.... and you'd say he's a "one-world" type b/c he believed in diplomacy and let Kissinger shuttle around the globe.

Tell us, what values do you think your party shares with Lincoln?
If you think the DailyKos isn't connected to the Democrat party, then that's what you think. I think differently, and you won't change my mind. so now we come to a draw.
Been nice chatting with you.

DailyKOS is "connected" to the Democratic party the same way Fox, the KKK, the Swiftboat Veterans and the Aryan Nation are connected to the Republican party. That's why the Republican Party is 94% white.

Funny how Republicans scream that this pol is "all lies", but when you ask which answer was a lie, they scream that this pol is "all lies".
Then you ask, "Which specific answer was a lie?", they scream that this pol is "all lies".

More absolutely unsubstantiated and hyper-partisan bullshit myth from rdean

Well, here's the KKK's platform:

The program

Go through it and come back and tell us what percentage of those stated principles do you generally agree with.
Really?... Koooooooooooooooooooooooooooooz Poll?... Bruce Bartlett?...

We should see if Little Green Footballs has a Poll of DemocRATS out?...



ummm... mal.. you're late to the party. Kos didn't do that poll. They just printed it. And as was also pointed out that bastion of liberal thought The Wall Street Journal uses the same polling company. :eusa_whistle:
This is a poll done by Research 2000 for Daily Kos. Research 2000 constructed a typical poll and asked people to identify whether or not they are Republicans. If they said they were Republicans, they asked a series of questions, which are all listed here.

Daily Kos :: State of the Nation

Of the responses, the following percentages either agreed or didn't know.

Should Obama be impeached? 68%
Obama not born in the US? 58%
Obama wants the terrorists to win? 57%
ACORN stole the election? 76%
Obama is a racist who hates white people? 64%
Should your state secede from the Union? 42%
Should Genesis be taught in public schools? 85%
Should contraception be outlawed? 44%

Here is the methodology of the poll

The Daily Kos Republican Poll was conducted by Research 2000 from January 20 through January 31, 2010. A total of 2003 self identified Republicans were interviewed nationally by telephone. Those interviewed were selected by the random variation of the last four digits of telephone numbers, nationally.

The margin for error, according to standards customarily used by statisticians, is no more than plus or minus 2% percentage points. This means that there is a 95 percent probability that the "true" figure would fall within that range if the entire self identified Republican population were sampled. The margin for error is higher for any demographic subgroup, such as for gender or region.

This is a typical poll.

Bruce Bartlett, who worked as an economist in the Reagan administration had this to say about the poll results.

I can only conclude from this new poll of 2003 self-identified Republicans nationwide that between 20% and 50% of the party is either insane or mind-numbingly stupid.

Why I Am Not a Republican | Capital Gains and Games

Really?... Koooooooooooooooooooooooooooooz Poll?... Bruce Bartlett?...

We should see if Little Green Footballs has a Poll of DemocRATS out?...



Which results specifically in the poll look inaccurate to you?
More absolutely unsubstantiated and hyper-partisan bullshit myth from rdean

He's correct to the extent that a lot of different groups comprise the political parties. People of the DailyKos variety, probably lean democrat in the way that the average KKK'er would vote for repub positions. I'd wager, though, that the average democrat doesn't even know what DailyKos is and the average Repub isn't a KKK'er. Moreover, there are far more conservadems than there are moderate and liberal repubs.

I would state that the average KKKer would either not vote, vote against a black or jewish candidate, or would vote for some extremist winger party... but those who pay attention to the hyper-partisan political BS put out by the KoSPoS would definitely tend to vote DEM

I can only hope there are more conservatives than Bush style moderates or 'liberal' REPs.... and I would assert that there are not more moderate DEMs than those on the far left.. but I would contend that the sway of how the independents go determines a lot of what happens in these elections... as seen by them being fed up with Bush and unfortunately electing Obama.. and as we are seeing with independents flocking away from Obama, what he is doing, and the actions of the DEM controlled congress
I think the Republicans would have lost even if Jesus had been their candidate. Politics is at least partly cyclical and influenced by circumstance. It would have been almost impossible for a Republican to have won in 2008.

Maybe you're right. But McCain was ahead in the polls until the economy tanked...at which point people looked at this guy who said "I don't know much about economics" and his running mate and said... "oh oh...". At least that's how I see it.
This is a poll done by Research 2000 for Daily Kos. Research 2000 constructed a typical poll and asked people to identify whether or not they are Republicans. If they said they were Republicans, they asked a series of questions, which are all listed here.

Daily Kos :: State of the Nation

Of the responses, the following percentages either agreed or didn't know.

Should Obama be impeached? 68%
Obama not born in the US? 58%
Obama wants the terrorists to win? 57%
ACORN stole the election? 76%
Obama is a racist who hates white people? 64%
Should your state secede from the Union? 42%
Should Genesis be taught in public schools? 85%
Should contraception be outlawed? 44%

Here is the methodology of the poll

This is a typical poll.

Bruce Bartlett, who worked as an economist in the Reagan administration had this to say about the poll results.

Why I Am Not a Republican | Capital Gains and Games

Really?... Koooooooooooooooooooooooooooooz Poll?... Bruce Bartlett?...

We should see if Little Green Footballs has a Poll of DemocRATS out?...



Which results specifically in the poll look inaccurate to you?

What specifically about ANY OF THIS seems sane? This is complete asshattery..... the fact that you would spend days on here bashing this about demonstrates that you are neither sane nor smart.
This is a poll done by Research 2000 for Daily Kos. Research 2000 constructed a typical poll and asked people to identify whether or not they are Republicans. If they said they were Republicans, they asked a series of questions, which are all listed here.

Daily Kos :: State of the Nation

Of the responses, the following percentages either agreed or didn't know.

Should Obama be impeached? 68%
Obama not born in the US? 58%
Obama wants the terrorists to win? 57%
ACORN stole the election? 76%
Obama is a racist who hates white people? 64%
Should your state secede from the Union? 42%
Should Genesis be taught in public schools? 85%
Should contraception be outlawed? 44%

Here is the methodology of the poll

The Daily Kos Republican Poll was conducted by Research 2000 from January 20 through January 31, 2010. A total of 2003 self identified Republicans were interviewed nationally by telephone. Those interviewed were selected by the random variation of the last four digits of telephone numbers, nationally.

The margin for error, according to standards customarily used by statisticians, is no more than plus or minus 2% percentage points. This means that there is a 95 percent probability that the "true" figure would fall within that range if the entire self identified Republican population were sampled. The margin for error is higher for any demographic subgroup, such as for gender or region.

This is a typical poll.

Bruce Bartlett, who worked as an economist in the Reagan administration had this to say about the poll results.

I can only conclude from this new poll of 2003 self-identified Republicans nationwide that between 20% and 50% of the party is either insane or mind-numbingly stupid.

Why I Am Not a Republican | Capital Gains and Games

Why is the conclusion/opinion of Bartlett of such value to all those libs who give "thanks" to Toro for sharing the information in the OP?

It LOOKS like Bartlett doesn't believe President Obama should be impeached. Frankly, neither do I. But, having the other opinion is hardly a hallmark of insanity or stupidity.

Having a question about the location on the planet where this President was born also simply does not qualify. You may not LIKE the fact that his "records" (like the certification of live birth issued in Hawaii) leave questions. But they do leave questions.

It seems kind of silly to me to believe that ACORN "stole" the election. But it isn't so silly to believe that they tried.

I don't care for talk of cessation, but the discussion is far from insane or a hallmark of stupidity considering how this nation got itself started.

Believing that Genesis should be taught in the schools is considered a sign of insanity or stupidity by Mr. Bartlett? Funny. I was taught the native Indian belief about creation when I was in grade school. Why is learning about the beliefs we have and/or share or about the beliefs which others have and/or share a bad thing?

I personally believe that outlawing contraception is a bad idea. Is there some reasons though that we can't discuss or debate it on the merits (in a representative republic)?

Personal disagreement with the answers to those poll "questions" is not the point. The point is that none of it validly qualifies for Bartlett's conclusion about the GOP memberships' relative insanity or stupidity.
This is a poll done by Research 2000 for Daily Kos. Research 2000 constructed a typical poll and asked people to identify whether or not they are Republicans. If they said they were Republicans, they asked a series of questions, which are all listed here.

Daily Kos :: State of the Nation

Of the responses, the following percentages either agreed or didn't know.

Should Obama be impeached? 68%
Obama not born in the US? 58%
Obama wants the terrorists to win? 57%
ACORN stole the election? 76%
Obama is a racist who hates white people? 64%
Should your state secede from the Union? 42%
Should Genesis be taught in public schools? 85%
Should contraception be outlawed? 44%

Here is the methodology of the poll

This is a typical poll.

Bruce Bartlett, who worked as an economist in the Reagan administration had this to say about the poll results.

Why I Am Not a Republican | Capital Gains and Games

Really?... Koooooooooooooooooooooooooooooz Poll?... Bruce Bartlett?...

We should see if Little Green Footballs has a Poll of DemocRATS out?...



Which results specifically in the poll look inaccurate to you?

I've Illustrated it... It's the Source.


Poll: Republicans Say Palin More Qualified to Be President Than Obama - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

In a poll of Republicans:

1. Two in three believe Obama is a Socialist

2. A majority believe Sarah Palin is more qualified than Obama

3. 39% believe Obama should be impeached

4. Only 42% believe he was born in the US

5. 25% believe Obama "wants the terrorists to win"

6. 25% believe ACORN stole the last election

7. 31% believe Obama hates white people

It just goes to prove Joseph Goebbels theory that if you repeat a lie often enough, people will start to believe it.

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