"20%-50% of Republicans are Stupid or Insane" - Former Reagan Official

Don't tell me.......lemmie guess.............

If the poll had been done by FAUX Noise, it would have been legit?

If you and Soggy No Load actually believe that, then there's this really nice beach front property in Amarillo that I'd like to have you invest in.

Only gonna cost ya a grand.

:lol::lol::lol: There is no credibility in this poll what-so-ever. It's simply a poll on what libtards believe republicans believe---:lol::lol::lol: Because it was libtards that were polled.

Any evidence of this? Or are you just making things up to justify your close-minded worldview?

And do YOU have any evidence that actual registered Republicans aka likely voters were polled?---:lol::lol:--or just the "say so" from a left wing organization who states that Republicans "were called" by telephone & asked these questions.
The only stupid ones I see, are the ones who take and use a poll done by the zoo known as Dailykos Website then try and make some point out of it about people..:lol:

Don't tell me.......lemmie guess.............

If the poll had been done by FAUX Noise, it would have been legit?

If you and Soggy No Load actually believe that, then there's this really nice beach front property in Amarillo that I'd like to have you invest in.

Only gonna cost ya a grand.

:lol::lol::lol: There is no credibility in this poll what-so-ever. It's simply a poll on what libtards believe republicans believe---:lol::lol::lol: Because it was libtards that were polled.

How would you answer those questions?
my true colors is I'm sick of playing with you all. I've stated my opinions on the poll, I even posted an Aol article about it, which I see everyone is Ignoring cause it could come close to me being right..but again, whatever.:lol:

Sorry, I'm not interested in your "opinion" of the poll. Once again we return to a recurring problem on these boards - "Opinions" do NOT equal "facts". The "facts" are that this poll is as accurate as any polling, and your "opinion" of DailyKOS doesn't change that.

Also, I'd recommend re-reading your link - it doesn't call into question the results at all, in fact it says:

"But unless you have evidence that something is actually wrong with the poll, what can you possibly say? You can be suspicious of Kos, but that's not an argument," Adesnik conceded.

Oh so now it's if you are VERY suspicious of a poll that is being paid for by a left wing website and have NO EVIDENCE you should just overlook that all and go with anyway... then how come the lefties and the Progressive party is not believing the polls that shows the Obama is tanking? If I remember they even attacked Gallop or Rasmussen, one of those..and they are LEGITMATE pollsters, not some obscure pollster being hired out to some lefty loon WEBSITE LIKE THE DAILY KOS just so they can use it to attack people who are Republicans. but like I said, if you think the Democrat-Progressive party should run with stuff like this, go for it.

If by "tanking", you mean higher approval numbers than Reagan, at the same point in his presidency - of course I believe it. Polls are not 100% accurate, but that doesn't mean they don't show trends. Also, I don't speak for "the lefties" or the "Progressive party" - but if you'd actually do some research you'd find that Research 2000 is quite a well-known polling company, not "some obscure pollster".

I'm kinda confused by your post overall - you seem to both be defending your right to ignore polls when they don't agree with you, and criticizing "the lefties" for doing exactly the same thing.

Also, I've said nothing about the dnc "running with this" - I don't work for the DNC, and if I did, I wouldn't recommend them running with it.

The thing is, you're arguing from a perspective where you're trying to defend your fellow conservatives - and expecting me to do the same (hence your strange references to "the lefties") - whereas I'm fully aware that if this poll was done for Democrats, I'm sure you'd see equally ridiculous beliefs, with equal numbers of people agreeing (Bush caused 9/11, etc, etc).

You're blinded by partisanship.
You did it again, Toro. You said "Don't Know." Read the threads you posted in the OP again. That's not the same as "Not sure." They aren't the same thing. But to better emphasize the point, you should just post the 'Yes' responses. Adding in the "Not Sures" doesn't mean anything. It could simply mean that the chose not to answer. That said, the 'Yes' results are to be expected by the core Republicans. And as you just mentioned, the Democratic responses would be similar if the roles were reversed. What this means is that the former Reagan Official is just as biased as the people he admonishes. It's laughable, which was perhaps the point of this thread.

My mistake.

However, I do believe that the "not sures" mean something. My strong hunch is that if you substituted the two phrases, the answers would not be materially different.

"Not sure" may mean that they choose not to answer, but it usually implies skepticism, which is affected by political bias. This is why "not sure" comes up more often if Republicans are asked if Obama was born in America or if Democrats are asked if Bush was behind 9/11. The answer is meaningful because it flushes out political cognitive biases and a suspension of critical judgment.
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Sorry, I'm not interested in your "opinion" of the poll. Once again we return to a recurring problem on these boards - "Opinions" do NOT equal "facts". The "facts" are that this poll is as accurate as any polling, and your "opinion" of DailyKOS doesn't change that.

Also, I'd recommend re-reading your link - it doesn't call into question the results at all, in fact it says:

"But unless you have evidence that something is actually wrong with the poll, what can you possibly say? You can be suspicious of Kos, but that's not an argument," Adesnik conceded.

Oh so now it's if you are VERY suspicious of a poll that is being paid for by a left wing website and have NO EVIDENCE you should just overlook that all and go with anyway... then how come the lefties and the Progressive party is not believing the polls that shows the Obama is tanking? If I remember they even attacked Gallop or Rasmussen, one of those..and they are LEGITMATE pollsters, not some obscure pollster being hired out to some lefty loon WEBSITE LIKE THE DAILY KOS just so they can use it to attack people who are Republicans. but like I said, if you think the Democrat-Progressive party should run with stuff like this, go for it.

If by "tanking", you mean higher approval numbers than Reagan, at the same point in his presidency - of course I believe it. Polls are not 100% accurate, but that doesn't mean they don't show trends. Also, I don't speak for "the lefties" or the "Progressive party" - but if you'd actually do some research you'd find that Research 2000 is quite a well-known polling company, not "some obscure pollster".

I'm kinda confused by your post overall - you seem to both be defending your right to ignore polls when they don't agree with you, and criticizing "the lefties" for doing exactly the same thing.

Also, I've said nothing about the dnc "running with this" - I don't work for the DNC, and if I did, I wouldn't recommend them running with it.

The thing is, you're arguing from a perspective where you're trying to defend your fellow conservatives - and expecting me to do the same (hence your strange references to "the lefties") - whereas I'm fully aware that if this poll was done for Democrats, I'm sure you'd see equally ridiculous beliefs, with equal numbers of people agreeing (Bush caused 9/11, etc, etc).

You're blinded by partisanship.

never said I wasn't partisan., the poll might of been done by a reputable pollster, no I had never heard of them before, and I've been around a long while, but no matter, it was done for a left wing WEBSITE and is now being presented on the news as being legitimate. If this is the type of tactics the Democrat party wants to go with, cause most folks know the Dailykos is connected to the Democrat party, fine by me.
Oh so now it's if you are VERY suspicious of a poll that is being paid for by a left wing website and have NO EVIDENCE you should just overlook that all and go with anyway... then how come the lefties and the Progressive party is not believing the polls that shows the Obama is tanking? If I remember they even attacked Gallop or Rasmussen, one of those..and they are LEGITMATE pollsters, not some obscure pollster being hired out to some lefty loon WEBSITE LIKE THE DAILY KOS just so they can use it to attack people who are Republicans. but like I said, if you think the Democrat-Progressive party should run with stuff like this, go for it.

If by "tanking", you mean higher approval numbers than Reagan, at the same point in his presidency - of course I believe it. Polls are not 100% accurate, but that doesn't mean they don't show trends. Also, I don't speak for "the lefties" or the "Progressive party" - but if you'd actually do some research you'd find that Research 2000 is quite a well-known polling company, not "some obscure pollster".

I'm kinda confused by your post overall - you seem to both be defending your right to ignore polls when they don't agree with you, and criticizing "the lefties" for doing exactly the same thing.

Also, I've said nothing about the dnc "running with this" - I don't work for the DNC, and if I did, I wouldn't recommend them running with it.

The thing is, you're arguing from a perspective where you're trying to defend your fellow conservatives - and expecting me to do the same (hence your strange references to "the lefties") - whereas I'm fully aware that if this poll was done for Democrats, I'm sure you'd see equally ridiculous beliefs, with equal numbers of people agreeing (Bush caused 9/11, etc, etc).

You're blinded by partisanship.

never said I wasn't partisan., the poll might of been done by a reputable pollster, no I had never heard of them before, and I've been around a long while, but no matter, it was done for a left wing WEBSITE and is now being presented on the news as being legitimate. If this is the type of tactics the Democrat party wants to go with, cause most folks know the Dailykos is connected to the Democrat party, fine by me.

Let's not be a conspiracy theorist here. DailyKOS is no more "connected" to the Democratic Party than Rush Limbaugh is "connected" to the Republican Party. DailyKOS is a blog written by a bunch of liberals, not an arm of the Party. And just like Rush, the writers of the DailyKOS rarely lie. They spin - that's what their jobs are - but they rarely lie. Just because you disagree doesn't make them wrong - and just because you don't like what they say doesn't make what they say to be incorrect. Emotions and opinions aren't the same thing as facts.
If by "tanking", you mean higher approval numbers than Reagan, at the same point in his presidency - of course I believe it. Polls are not 100% accurate, but that doesn't mean they don't show trends. Also, I don't speak for "the lefties" or the "Progressive party" - but if you'd actually do some research you'd find that Research 2000 is quite a well-known polling company, not "some obscure pollster".

I'm kinda confused by your post overall - you seem to both be defending your right to ignore polls when they don't agree with you, and criticizing "the lefties" for doing exactly the same thing.

Also, I've said nothing about the dnc "running with this" - I don't work for the DNC, and if I did, I wouldn't recommend them running with it.

The thing is, you're arguing from a perspective where you're trying to defend your fellow conservatives - and expecting me to do the same (hence your strange references to "the lefties") - whereas I'm fully aware that if this poll was done for Democrats, I'm sure you'd see equally ridiculous beliefs, with equal numbers of people agreeing (Bush caused 9/11, etc, etc).

You're blinded by partisanship.

never said I wasn't partisan., the poll might of been done by a reputable pollster, no I had never heard of them before, and I've been around a long while, but no matter, it was done for a left wing WEBSITE and is now being presented on the news as being legitimate. If this is the type of tactics the Democrat party wants to go with, cause most folks know the Dailykos is connected to the Democrat party, fine by me.

Let's not be a conspiracy theorist here. DailyKOS is no more "connected" to the Democratic Party than Rush Limbaugh is "connected" to the Republican Party. DailyKOS is a blog written by a bunch of liberals, not an arm of the Party. And just like Rush, the writers of the DailyKOS rarely lie. They spin - that's what their jobs are - but they rarely lie. Just because you disagree doesn't make them wrong - and just because you don't like what they say doesn't make what they say to be incorrect. Emotions and opinions aren't the same thing as facts.

If you think the DailyKos isn't connected to the Democrat party, then that's what you think. I think differently, and you won't change my mind. so now we come to a draw.
Been nice chatting with you.
never said I wasn't partisan., the poll might of been done by a reputable pollster, no I had never heard of them before, and I've been around a long while, but no matter, it was done for a left wing WEBSITE and is now being presented on the news as being legitimate. If this is the type of tactics the Democrat party wants to go with, cause most folks know the Dailykos is connected to the Democrat party, fine by me.

Let's not be a conspiracy theorist here. DailyKOS is no more "connected" to the Democratic Party than Rush Limbaugh is "connected" to the Republican Party. DailyKOS is a blog written by a bunch of liberals, not an arm of the Party. And just like Rush, the writers of the DailyKOS rarely lie. They spin - that's what their jobs are - but they rarely lie. Just because you disagree doesn't make them wrong - and just because you don't like what they say doesn't make what they say to be incorrect. Emotions and opinions aren't the same thing as facts.

If you think the DailyKos isn't connected to the Democrat party, then that's what you think. I think differently, and you won't change my mind. so now we come to a draw.
Been nice chatting with you.

What exactly do you mean by "connected"?
never said I wasn't partisan., the poll might of been done by a reputable pollster, no I had never heard of them before, and I've been around a long while, but no matter, it was done for a left wing WEBSITE and is now being presented on the news as being legitimate. If this is the type of tactics the Democrat party wants to go with, cause most folks know the Dailykos is connected to the Democrat party, fine by me.

Let's not be a conspiracy theorist here. DailyKOS is no more "connected" to the Democratic Party than Rush Limbaugh is "connected" to the Republican Party. DailyKOS is a blog written by a bunch of liberals, not an arm of the Party. And just like Rush, the writers of the DailyKOS rarely lie. They spin - that's what their jobs are - but they rarely lie. Just because you disagree doesn't make them wrong - and just because you don't like what they say doesn't make what they say to be incorrect. Emotions and opinions aren't the same thing as facts.

If you think the DailyKos isn't connected to the Democrat party, then that's what you think. I think differently, and you won't change my mind. so now we come to a draw.
Been nice chatting with you.

Stephanie believes her uninformed opinion is the "draw" of critical thinking skills. Well, we can then infer pretty closely as to how she would have voted in the poll.
That poll was even much worse.

85% Genesis should be taught in public school. How many Republicans on this site say that's not true.

Asked if Sarah Palin was qualified to be president, only 14% said no?

Is birth control equal to abortion? 48% said no.
When asked if abortion was murder, only 8% said no.

When asked if they were against the death penalty, only 4% yes. I wonder if they are willing to execute women who have had an abortion? After all, isn't it "murder"?

A staggering 15% said you can get to heaven without Christ.

This is the Republican Party. They deny it, but this is it.

You didn't even need to touch the keyboard.

F-ing moron hack.
Wow, a Daily Kos poll??? LOL!!!!!

And so, this massive poll, by non-partisan independent pollster Research 2000 of over 2,000 self-identified Republicans, was born.

OpEdNews - Article: The 2010 Comprehensive Daily Kos/Research 2000 Poll of Self-Identified Republicans

I can see where you fit in on that pol.

When you pay an organization to give a pol, it has to be non partisan, otherwise, they lose credibility and can't survive as a company.

Besides, I can see there was nothing you disagreed with. So why accuse?

Polls are like you, rdone ... fraudulent and worthless.
The only stupid ones I see, are the ones who take and use a poll done by the zoo known as Dailykos Website then try and make some point out of it about people..:lol:

Don't tell me.......lemmie guess.............

If the poll had been done by FAUX Noise, it would have been legit?

If you and Soggy No Load actually believe that, then there's this really nice beach front property in Amarillo that I'd like to have you invest in.

Only gonna cost ya a grand.

Nah. Polls are bullshit by either side. They reflect what the pollsters leads them to reflect.
so because the Dailykos farmed it out to some other left wing pollster, that is suppose to make it legitimate and to be used by a so called News Station, like Pmsnbc..

I guess criticizing the very people who vote is one way to get people to come over to the Progressive side..:lol:

So, was there any part of that pol that you disagreed with?:lol::rofl::lol:

I got a good name for a poll ... Is Rdone a hack and an idiot or what? You're a shoe-in, dude.

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