2011 Vegetable Garden & Backyard Garden Thread


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2009
The Free Texas Republic
I've been growing veggies for years. So much so that I will be cutting back this year because the pantry and freezers are still pretty full. From 3000 sq. feet down to about a third of that.
Tomatoes, peppers, onions, lettuce, squash, cukes, peas, and okra will make up this years effort.
Ive also built a small hen house, next week I am going to pick up some pullets. Fresh eggs, fresh (no added hormones, no antibiotics) meat.
good for you.

I'm trying to garden outta pots this year. Last year I tried with cheaper 5 gal paint cans. It didn't work so well cuz I had to poke holes to prevent rot, but just ended up with soil that dried to fast in the heat.

This year I have scallions and mini carrots in long pots, a tomato in a 1/4 barrel, and 2 pots for cucumbers. Also working on some herbs indoors in the windows. I'd like to keep them going year around.
<hr style="color:#e1dfdf; background-color:#e1dfdf" size="1"> I grow Roma and Cherry tomatoes. The roma has just as good a flavor as any other, produces well in my heavy clay soil, and being a meatier variety doesn't take as long to cook down in sauces. The cherrys are for my lunch box. Tomato slices can turn a sandwich into goo after a few hours.

This year I am limiting my peppers to bell, jalapeno, and banana wax.

I've a strawberry, oregano, and cilantro in planters on the porch.
what is up? lettuce spinach asparagus <---eating these already

what is next: beets, carrots, onions

what needs to be planted....o my....tomatoes..cucumbers...squash, beans, corn, bell peppers, hot peppers...the strawberries need to be moved.....we put in 23 more asparagus crowns...

my oregano, thyme and chives are up and coming on strong
Picked up my chicks today, Bufforpingtons, 18 of them. Now I are a farmer.

dont forget to get a government subsidy [-1sp] :lol:

I have a few things coming out of the ground. The tomato plant I started indoors at the start of winter isn't doing so well outside. might have put it out to soon.

Hell, I am trying as hard as possible to not be in the government's notice.
<hr style="color:#e1dfdf; background-color:#e1dfdf" size="1"> I grow Roma and Cherry tomatoes. The roma has just as good a flavor as any other, produces well in my heavy clay soil, and being a meatier variety doesn't take as long to cook down in sauces. The cherrys are for my lunch box. Tomato slices can turn a sandwich into goo after a few hours.

This year I am limiting my peppers to bell, jalapeno, and banana wax.

I've a strawberry, oregano, and cilantro in planters on the porch.

Just bought myself my own Easter present. Plants for a small garden :)

Three diff tomato plants. Solar Fire (supposed to be heat tolerant...good for the desert...hopefully I wont kill it.). Yellow pear and Mr Stripey.

Two squash plants (crook neck and zucchini)

Bell peppers and strawberries.

Got any tips??
My veggies are doing just fine. Here's a picture of the cabbage patch.

<hr style="color:#e1dfdf; background-color:#e1dfdf" size="1"> I grow Roma and Cherry tomatoes. The roma has just as good a flavor as any other, produces well in my heavy clay soil, and being a meatier variety doesn't take as long to cook down in sauces. The cherrys are for my lunch box. Tomato slices can turn a sandwich into goo after a few hours.

This year I am limiting my peppers to bell, jalapeno, and banana wax.

I've a strawberry, oregano, and cilantro in planters on the porch.

Just bought myself my own Easter present. Plants for a small garden :)

Three diff tomato plants. Solar Fire (supposed to be heat tolerant...good for the desert...hopefully I wont kill it.). Yellow pear and Mr Stripey.

Two squash plants (crook neck and zucchini)

Bell peppers and strawberries.

Got any tips??

Not really, it all sounds good.
If the maters start gettin black rot at the blossom end it is one of two things, not enough water or not enough calcium. A little lime or some water will do the trick.
<hr style="color:#e1dfdf; background-color:#e1dfdf" size="1"> I grow Roma and Cherry tomatoes. The roma has just as good a flavor as any other, produces well in my heavy clay soil, and being a meatier variety doesn't take as long to cook down in sauces. The cherrys are for my lunch box. Tomato slices can turn a sandwich into goo after a few hours.

This year I am limiting my peppers to bell, jalapeno, and banana wax.

I've a strawberry, oregano, and cilantro in planters on the porch.

Just bought myself my own Easter present. Plants for a small garden :)

Three diff tomato plants. Solar Fire (supposed to be heat tolerant...good for the desert...hopefully I wont kill it.). Yellow pear and Mr Stripey.

Two squash plants (crook neck and zucchini)

Bell peppers and strawberries.

Got any tips??

Not really, it all sounds good.
If the maters start gettin black rot at the blossom end it is one of two things, not enough water or not enough calcium. A little lime or some water will do the trick.

Thanks for the tip! Have you ever tried using bone meal in the soil? A friend told me to use bone meal when you are planting bulbs and roses...so I bought some. I was just reading the box it came in, and it also says it's good for vegetable gardens (1lb per every 10 square feet). I'm gonna give it a try.
I've been doing about 1200 sq ft, a variety of veggies, put it to sleep with peat, manure, lime in the winter, try something new every year.

when i had chickens i found their manure downright nuclear for some plants

i'm planning another chickenhouse, a really big one. this time i'm thinking along the lines of a barn septic tank, pump it out to the garden every year....
The chicks have been here for a week. Wings are almost completely feathered out. They are a hoot to watch. Going to put up the fencing today or tomorrow for a run and let them outside for a bit.
The garden, the little bit of rain we got the other night was a big help. Chemical laden water out of the hose just isn't as good. Tomatoes are flowering and there are buds on the peppers. Okra is looking good as are the squash and cucumbers. One more soaking rain in the next few days would set me up nicely.
I have corn, radish, lettuce,cucumber,spinacvh and brocolli up so far.

Thinking of planting bluegill and crappie though it has been so wet here, Set a new record for wettest April ever.
I've got some things sprouting in my pots!

My spices are coming in, slowly but surely.

but one odd thing. My cucumbers are growing in one pot, but the pot next to it has nothing.

And I bought a strawberry plant. Here's hoping my pot is big enough for it to thrive.
Need to weed my strawberries...

I also have about 100 assorted tomato and pepper plants indoors in peat post.
I will give most of them away of course.
I have corn, radish, lettuce,cucumber,spinacvh and brocolli up so far.

Thinking of planting bluegill and crappie though it has been so wet here, Set a new record for wettest April ever.

It's been the driest in local memory here, but we had a similar situation three or four years ago and June and July were milder and wetter than usual. So I will be blessed by whatever rain comes my way and drag out the hose until then.

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