Lord Long Rod
Diamond Member
- Jan 17, 2023
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- #1
It's 2019. Trump is in office. The Dems, including the neo-Marxist revolutionaries hiding in their midst, are absolutely SEETHING in HATRED. How dare this man stand in their way! They effectively got the wheels of the revolution turning with the election of the Ayatollah Barack Hussein Hamas Obama in 2008. Then came Trump. But Hillary showed her ugly face too. And GODDMAN, it is ugly as the dirty ass on a baboon. Hillary, is no darling of the neo-Marxists. She may be a hero to the libs, but not the true radicals who want revolution notwithstanding her avowed dedication to leftist revolutionary Saul Alinsky. Hillary only promotes Hillary.
So, engulfed in burning hatred for Trump, the left expenses all of its assets to weaponize the mechanisms of government to fight for them against Trump and the American people. There are endless investigations, media complicity, unhinged conspiracy and fake dossiers floating around with all sorts of outlandish tales. In reality, things were pretty good for the nation during the Trump year. There was not one American who could honestly and truthfully say in 2019 that they were worse off than they were in 2016 when gauged by all objective standards like earnings, savings, security, etc... Therefore, most, if not all, of the popular concerns over Trump were completely irrational. The left created the unsavory image that Mr. Trump is a raging lunatic who may, at any time, barge into your private residence and rape your invalid mother, steal her Social Security benefits, then burn down your house around you right before he rushes off to lead a KKK rally. It was all utterly preposterous. But who do we get mad at? The creators of such tripe, or the idiots who suspend disbelief and believe it? The answer, of course, if that we should get mad at all of them, for they are all enemies of the republic who advocate the government taking actions that are not authorized, and sometimes expressly prohibited by, our constitution.
Then the Wu-Tang Flu virus hit America in late 1999. By April 2020, America had built itself up into a towering inferno of fear and rage, in large part in due to the complicit media and corrupt bureaucrats. Trump had noble intentions to hasten the creation of an effective inoculation against the China Death. But then it turned out to be some sort of experimental horse shit. In order to fully understand the China Bug, one must know that there is a leftist ideology called "Public Health", not to be confused with "Pubic Health". Public health involves controlling large societal populations and managing them through a health crisis. It is out of this bullshit that we find the genesis of the magical term "FLATTEN THE CURVE". It is rumored that if you whisper the term "FLATTEN THE CURVE" five times over a pentagram lighted with black candles that Der Fuhrer Fauci will manifest itself inside the pentagram and throw a baseball at you like a little girl. But I digress.
The Public Health theories also led former New York Gub-na, Mario Ravioli Cuomo, to house Covid positive patients in nursing home along with sickly old folks in order to keep hospital beds from filling up (i.e., "FLATTENING THE CURVE"). Cuomo was praised bigly for this by the leftist twats and complicit media. He even won some sort of stupid media award ( a Grammy or some shit) for his manly, in-charge, modern-day Mussolini pressers. Of course, all the sickly residents in the said nursing homes got infected with the Wu-Tang virus and died slow, agonizing deaths in which they essentially suffocated. But that Cuomo!!! Boy, he sure did 'FLATTEN THE CURVE!!" He was the hero of the China Bio Attack! See, the Public Health theory is that we do what is best for the most people, as determined by the left.
So then Fauci and the Biden bozos started showboating with the stupid Covid vaccines. Without getting into the specifics of why these do not qualify as traditional vaccines and why they are harmful, it soon became apparent that everyone in any position of authority when it came to purportedly fighting the China Wrath Bug was LYING to us. They said the vaccines would prevent you from infection from the Sesame Chicken Plague. They do not. They said it will keep you from spreading the virus. They don't. The only thing the experimental serums actually seem to do is twofold. First, they seem to reduce the symptoms of those that get bit by the China Bug. In fact, it seems that a lot of folks caught it and spread it without even know that they had it. In other words, the chance of hospitalization in vaccinated people were lower (Keeping the hospital beds open and FLATTEN THE CURVE, per your Public Health professionals). The second thing the vaccines do, and then become more likely to do as you keep getting boosted, is to fuck up your heart and weaken it.
It shall be noted here that this last consequence does not appear to be too widespread. For the Public Health Professionals it is perfectly acceptable for a few thousand of young, healthy people, sometimes even athletes, to drop dead of heart attacks if the trade off is FLATTENING THE CURVE and keeping people out of the hospital. If it has not yet become clear to you, the Public Health professionals do not give a shit about YOU, individually. You are but a number; a cog in the wheel. These Public Health people care about the wheel, or the whole, and are perfectly content to let some individual cogs perish. This exposes the fundamental distinction between the left and the U.S. Constitution, to wit: The constitution is centered on the individual, while the left shuns the individual in favor of the collective.
The Public Health Profession bullshit was identified years ago as an area in which leftists can dominate and use to practice their beloved authoritarianism. Even that dipshit Chelsea Clinton (Hillary and Webb's kid) has a degree in Public Health. This is the sort of diabolical sociopathic discipline that conjures up shit like GAIN OF FUCTION research. Let me explain GOF briefly. See, we have a particular pathogen. It makes people sick if they get it in their systems. Therefore, we work to treat and prevent sickness from it. But, the forward thinking Public Health Professional thinks to him or her self, "Hmmmmmm.... What if that damned pathogen mutates and makes itself immune to our treatments? Then it could spread and KILL US ALL!!!!!! Therefore, we must play God and mutate this thing ourselves, making it deadly and more contagious in the process, so we can work out a preventative strategy." Now, this all sounds well and good. But how, exactly, do they know the pathogen will mutate in the same way that they alter it? They don't. Is it even possible for a pathogen to just up and mutate so quickly that it can wipe out huge swaths of the world's population. No. That has never been possible, and it is much less possible today with technology. So, why in the hell are we engineering super deadly and contagious pathogens so far advanced from what is naturally occurring, and therefore what our bodies could fight off effectively with antibody production, which could, if released, come closest to setting off some sort of actual deadly pandemic? See, mutations and antibody production are evolutionary. If we just produce some sort of killer virus that is 7-8 generations AHEAD of what is naturally occurring, our bodies will be virtually defenseless against it...EXCEPT in the case of rMRA concoctions (which may have deadly and other deleterious side effects we have yet to learn about).
The bottom line here is that if we stray too far from nature then we will all be dead. The Public Health people did us no favors by taking us in a different direction altogether. The truth is that we, as people, would have been much better off just contracting the China Death and building up natural antibodies than getting the ghastly experimental vaccines in the mad quest to FLATTEN THE CURVE. Yes, in the former scenario people would die. But they died in the FLATTEN THE CURVE scenario too, and they continue to die from heart problems. The ultimate long-term effects of the fake vaccines remain unknown. But they still pimp it like its "New Coke".
Then what happens? The tranny boom happens. Now that the Chinese Black Death has abated, westerners are changing their genders in droves. Is there any connection between this and the Wu-Tang Klan Kleenex Death? YES! Yes, there is.
No, I do not think the bullshit "vaccine" is causing trannyism to boom. It could be. I don't know. But that is not where I am going with this. Rather, both the Public Health Ideology and the promotion of goofball sex stuff and ritualistic sexual mutilation are PRODUCTS OF THE NEO-MARXIST REVOLUTION. This is sick, stupid shit that erodes the moral and social fabric of our republic. They are attacks on us and our institutions. They serve the exact same purpose as wide open borders and out of control federal spending, to wit: to destroy the American republic in order to replace it with a Marxist form of government ("democratic socialism", then followed very quickly pure leftist authoritarianism with gulags, death camps, and suffering because "democratic socialism" is not a real thing).
These are indeed fucked up times in which we find ourselves. And we may not ever get back to normalcy. I don't have much else I can say about it these days. Just protect yourselves and your loved ones, for therein lies virtue and piece of mind.
So, engulfed in burning hatred for Trump, the left expenses all of its assets to weaponize the mechanisms of government to fight for them against Trump and the American people. There are endless investigations, media complicity, unhinged conspiracy and fake dossiers floating around with all sorts of outlandish tales. In reality, things were pretty good for the nation during the Trump year. There was not one American who could honestly and truthfully say in 2019 that they were worse off than they were in 2016 when gauged by all objective standards like earnings, savings, security, etc... Therefore, most, if not all, of the popular concerns over Trump were completely irrational. The left created the unsavory image that Mr. Trump is a raging lunatic who may, at any time, barge into your private residence and rape your invalid mother, steal her Social Security benefits, then burn down your house around you right before he rushes off to lead a KKK rally. It was all utterly preposterous. But who do we get mad at? The creators of such tripe, or the idiots who suspend disbelief and believe it? The answer, of course, if that we should get mad at all of them, for they are all enemies of the republic who advocate the government taking actions that are not authorized, and sometimes expressly prohibited by, our constitution.
Then the Wu-Tang Flu virus hit America in late 1999. By April 2020, America had built itself up into a towering inferno of fear and rage, in large part in due to the complicit media and corrupt bureaucrats. Trump had noble intentions to hasten the creation of an effective inoculation against the China Death. But then it turned out to be some sort of experimental horse shit. In order to fully understand the China Bug, one must know that there is a leftist ideology called "Public Health", not to be confused with "Pubic Health". Public health involves controlling large societal populations and managing them through a health crisis. It is out of this bullshit that we find the genesis of the magical term "FLATTEN THE CURVE". It is rumored that if you whisper the term "FLATTEN THE CURVE" five times over a pentagram lighted with black candles that Der Fuhrer Fauci will manifest itself inside the pentagram and throw a baseball at you like a little girl. But I digress.
The Public Health theories also led former New York Gub-na, Mario Ravioli Cuomo, to house Covid positive patients in nursing home along with sickly old folks in order to keep hospital beds from filling up (i.e., "FLATTENING THE CURVE"). Cuomo was praised bigly for this by the leftist twats and complicit media. He even won some sort of stupid media award ( a Grammy or some shit) for his manly, in-charge, modern-day Mussolini pressers. Of course, all the sickly residents in the said nursing homes got infected with the Wu-Tang virus and died slow, agonizing deaths in which they essentially suffocated. But that Cuomo!!! Boy, he sure did 'FLATTEN THE CURVE!!" He was the hero of the China Bio Attack! See, the Public Health theory is that we do what is best for the most people, as determined by the left.
So then Fauci and the Biden bozos started showboating with the stupid Covid vaccines. Without getting into the specifics of why these do not qualify as traditional vaccines and why they are harmful, it soon became apparent that everyone in any position of authority when it came to purportedly fighting the China Wrath Bug was LYING to us. They said the vaccines would prevent you from infection from the Sesame Chicken Plague. They do not. They said it will keep you from spreading the virus. They don't. The only thing the experimental serums actually seem to do is twofold. First, they seem to reduce the symptoms of those that get bit by the China Bug. In fact, it seems that a lot of folks caught it and spread it without even know that they had it. In other words, the chance of hospitalization in vaccinated people were lower (Keeping the hospital beds open and FLATTEN THE CURVE, per your Public Health professionals). The second thing the vaccines do, and then become more likely to do as you keep getting boosted, is to fuck up your heart and weaken it.
It shall be noted here that this last consequence does not appear to be too widespread. For the Public Health Professionals it is perfectly acceptable for a few thousand of young, healthy people, sometimes even athletes, to drop dead of heart attacks if the trade off is FLATTENING THE CURVE and keeping people out of the hospital. If it has not yet become clear to you, the Public Health professionals do not give a shit about YOU, individually. You are but a number; a cog in the wheel. These Public Health people care about the wheel, or the whole, and are perfectly content to let some individual cogs perish. This exposes the fundamental distinction between the left and the U.S. Constitution, to wit: The constitution is centered on the individual, while the left shuns the individual in favor of the collective.
The Public Health Profession bullshit was identified years ago as an area in which leftists can dominate and use to practice their beloved authoritarianism. Even that dipshit Chelsea Clinton (Hillary and Webb's kid) has a degree in Public Health. This is the sort of diabolical sociopathic discipline that conjures up shit like GAIN OF FUCTION research. Let me explain GOF briefly. See, we have a particular pathogen. It makes people sick if they get it in their systems. Therefore, we work to treat and prevent sickness from it. But, the forward thinking Public Health Professional thinks to him or her self, "Hmmmmmm.... What if that damned pathogen mutates and makes itself immune to our treatments? Then it could spread and KILL US ALL!!!!!! Therefore, we must play God and mutate this thing ourselves, making it deadly and more contagious in the process, so we can work out a preventative strategy." Now, this all sounds well and good. But how, exactly, do they know the pathogen will mutate in the same way that they alter it? They don't. Is it even possible for a pathogen to just up and mutate so quickly that it can wipe out huge swaths of the world's population. No. That has never been possible, and it is much less possible today with technology. So, why in the hell are we engineering super deadly and contagious pathogens so far advanced from what is naturally occurring, and therefore what our bodies could fight off effectively with antibody production, which could, if released, come closest to setting off some sort of actual deadly pandemic? See, mutations and antibody production are evolutionary. If we just produce some sort of killer virus that is 7-8 generations AHEAD of what is naturally occurring, our bodies will be virtually defenseless against it...EXCEPT in the case of rMRA concoctions (which may have deadly and other deleterious side effects we have yet to learn about).
The bottom line here is that if we stray too far from nature then we will all be dead. The Public Health people did us no favors by taking us in a different direction altogether. The truth is that we, as people, would have been much better off just contracting the China Death and building up natural antibodies than getting the ghastly experimental vaccines in the mad quest to FLATTEN THE CURVE. Yes, in the former scenario people would die. But they died in the FLATTEN THE CURVE scenario too, and they continue to die from heart problems. The ultimate long-term effects of the fake vaccines remain unknown. But they still pimp it like its "New Coke".
Then what happens? The tranny boom happens. Now that the Chinese Black Death has abated, westerners are changing their genders in droves. Is there any connection between this and the Wu-Tang Klan Kleenex Death? YES! Yes, there is.
No, I do not think the bullshit "vaccine" is causing trannyism to boom. It could be. I don't know. But that is not where I am going with this. Rather, both the Public Health Ideology and the promotion of goofball sex stuff and ritualistic sexual mutilation are PRODUCTS OF THE NEO-MARXIST REVOLUTION. This is sick, stupid shit that erodes the moral and social fabric of our republic. They are attacks on us and our institutions. They serve the exact same purpose as wide open borders and out of control federal spending, to wit: to destroy the American republic in order to replace it with a Marxist form of government ("democratic socialism", then followed very quickly pure leftist authoritarianism with gulags, death camps, and suffering because "democratic socialism" is not a real thing).
These are indeed fucked up times in which we find ourselves. And we may not ever get back to normalcy. I don't have much else I can say about it these days. Just protect yourselves and your loved ones, for therein lies virtue and piece of mind.