21 States Sue Over Biden Executive Order Halting Keystone Pipeline


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Legal Insurrection

21 States Sue Over Biden Executive Order Halting Keystone Pipeline
“The power to regulate foreign and interstate commerce belongs to Congress – not the President. This is another example of Joe Biden overstepping his constitutional role …”

Posted by William A. Jacobson Wednesday, March 17, 2021


I was wondering when someone would sue over Biden’s executive order halting construction of the Keystone Pipeline. That move has destroyed thousands of high-paying blue collar jobs, and together with other anti-energy moves, seriously damaged the nation’s energy independence.


Republicans have nothing approaching the legal infrastructure to resist Biden that Democrats had to resist Trump. Instead, Republicans have to rely on state Attorney Generals, who have limited standing to sue. So it was a good sign when Republican Attorneys General sent a letter to the Biden administration threatening suit.



His legal team must have seen this coming...that means all the keystone EO was was just virtue signaling to Biden's dumb ass base voter....all of those lives ruined so Joe can look progressive....nice guy this Joe...
We don't need to be India 2nd of importer of US oil, we knocked the SA to 4th place.
U.S. becomes India's second biggest oil supplier, Saudi plunges to No. 4 | Reuters

All it is doing it to make the oil companies get richer, all without the Keystone Pipeline.

Your class warfare babble is long ago stale, besides that you seem to ignore Biden's illegal EO over it, how come?

Big oil profit margin is SMALLER than Walmart and McDonalds, how come you are not picking on them for being rich?

Canada invested billions into this pipeline too and they are ANGRY when that incompetant pussball shuts it down.
Legal Insurrection

21 States Sue Over Biden Executive Order Halting Keystone Pipeline
“The power to regulate foreign and interstate commerce belongs to Congress – not the President. This is another example of Joe Biden overstepping his constitutional role …”

Posted by William A. Jacobson Wednesday, March 17, 2021


I was wondering when someone would sue over Biden’s executive order halting construction of the Keystone Pipeline. That move has destroyed thousands of high-paying blue collar jobs, and together with other anti-energy moves, seriously damaged the nation’s energy independence.


Republicans have nothing approaching the legal infrastructure to resist Biden that Democrats had to resist Trump. Instead, Republicans have to rely on state Attorney Generals, who have limited standing to sue. So it was a good sign when Republican Attorneys General sent a letter to the Biden administration threatening suit.



When did Congress approve the Keystone XL pipeline?
We don't need to be India 2nd of importer of US oil, we knocked the SA to 4th place.
U.S. becomes India's second biggest oil supplier, Saudi plunges to No. 4 | Reuters

All it is doing it to make the oil companies get richer, all without the Keystone Pipeline.

Exactly. Red Joe needs us to buy our oil at high prices from his Middle East connections (10% to the "big guy", as always), and it then needs to be transported the massive distances via CO2-spewing ships, trains, and trucks. That's Joe Biden's energy policy.
seriously damaged the nation’s energy independence.

It doesn't even interfere with our energy independence.

Gas should be next to nothing, the oil companies are making it hand over fist.
We don't need to be India 2nd of importer of US oil, we knocked the SA to 4th place.
U.S. becomes India's second biggest oil supplier, Saudi plunges to No. 4 | Reuters

All it is doing it to make the oil companies get richer, all without the Keystone Pipeline.

Exactly. Red Joe needs us to buy our oil at high prices from his Middle East connections (10% to the "big guy", as always), and it then needs to be transported the massive distances via CO2-spewing ships, trains, and trucks. That's Joe Biden's energy policy.

We are energy independent and we don't need to import any oil.
We don't need to be India 2nd of importer of US oil, we knocked the SA to 4th place.
U.S. becomes India's second biggest oil supplier, Saudi plunges to No. 4 | Reuters

All it is doing it to make the oil companies get richer, all without the Keystone Pipeline.

Exactly. Red Joe needs us to buy our oil at high prices from his Middle East connections (10% to the "big guy", as always), and it then needs to be transported the massive distances via CO2-spewing ships, trains, and trucks. That's Joe Biden's energy policy.

We are energy independent and we don't need to import any oil.

Wow. Just how stupid are you?

In 2019, the United States imported about 9.14 million barrels per day (MMb/d) of petroleum from about 90 countries. Petroleum includes crude oil, hydrocarbon gas liquids, refined petroleum products such as gasoline and diesel fuel, and biofuels (including ethanol and biodiesel). Crude oil imports of about 6.80 MMb/d accounted for about 74% of U.S. total gross petroleum imports in 2019, and non-crude oil petroleum accounted for about 26% of U.S. total gross petroleum imports.
Legal Insurrection

21 States Sue Over Biden Executive Order Halting Keystone Pipeline
“The power to regulate foreign and interstate commerce belongs to Congress – not the President. This is another example of Joe Biden overstepping his constitutional role …”

Posted by William A. Jacobson Wednesday, March 17, 2021


I was wondering when someone would sue over Biden’s executive order halting construction of the Keystone Pipeline. That move has destroyed thousands of high-paying blue collar jobs, and together with other anti-energy moves, seriously damaged the nation’s energy independence.


Republicans have nothing approaching the legal infrastructure to resist Biden that Democrats had to resist Trump. Instead, Republicans have to rely on state Attorney Generals, who have limited standing to sue. So it was a good sign when Republican Attorneys General sent a letter to the Biden administration threatening suit.



When did Congress approve the Keystone XL pipeline?

Trump administration approves Keystone XL pipeline
Legal Insurrection

21 States Sue Over Biden Executive Order Halting Keystone Pipeline
“The power to regulate foreign and interstate commerce belongs to Congress – not the President. This is another example of Joe Biden overstepping his constitutional role …”

Posted by William A. Jacobson Wednesday, March 17, 2021


I was wondering when someone would sue over Biden’s executive order halting construction of the Keystone Pipeline. That move has destroyed thousands of high-paying blue collar jobs, and together with other anti-energy moves, seriously damaged the nation’s energy independence.


Republicans have nothing approaching the legal infrastructure to resist Biden that Democrats had to resist Trump. Instead, Republicans have to rely on state Attorney Generals, who have limited standing to sue. So it was a good sign when Republican Attorneys General sent a letter to the Biden administration threatening suit.



When did Congress approve the Keystone XL pipeline?

If congress passed but Obama VETOED the bill in 2015, why did Biden use the EO to stop it?
This is another obstruction tactic by the Trumpists to raise Holy Hell among their sycophantic faithful! President Biden is well within his authority to shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline. The 21 States involved in this supercilious suit have based the suit on Article I and the Commerce Clause. If the fools would have read Trump's own Executive Order they would have known their suit was groundless! Here is the first paragraph of Section 6 of Biden's Executive Order;

" Sec. 6. Revoking the March 2019 Permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline. (a) On March 29, 2019, the President granted to TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, L.P. a Presidential permit (the “Permit”) to construct, connect, operate, and maintain pipeline facilities at the international border of the United States and Canada (the “Keystone XL pipeline”), subject to express conditions and potential revocation in the President’s sole discretion. The Permit is hereby revoked in accordance with Article 1(1) of the Permit."
~~ Executive Order on Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis | The White House ~~ [Emphasis added]

The bottom line is if this were a, indeed, an Article 1 matter involving interstate commerce, those 21 States might have a shot depending on the subject of the suit. But since it is solely an Article II matter, the suit will be tossed because this is not at all involving commerce.
This is another obstruction tactic by the Trumpists to raise Holy Hell among their sycophantic faithful! President Biden is well within his authority to shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline. The 21 States involved in this supercilious suit have based the suit on Article I and the Commerce Clause. If the fools would have read Trump's own Executive Order they would have known their suit was groundless! Here is the first paragraph of Section 6 of Biden's Executive Order;

" Sec. 6. Revoking the March 2019 Permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline. (a) On March 29, 2019, the President granted to TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, L.P. a Presidential permit (the “Permit”) to construct, connect, operate, and maintain pipeline facilities at the international border of the United States and Canada (the “Keystone XL pipeline”), subject to express conditions and potential revocation in the President’s sole discretion. The Permit is hereby revoked in accordance with Article 1(1) of the Permit."
~~ Executive Order on Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis | The White House ~~ [Emphasis added]

The bottom line is if this were a, indeed, an Article 1 matter involving interstate commerce, those 21 States might have a shot depending on the subject of the suit. But since it is solely an Article II matter, the suit will be tossed because this is not at all involving commerce.

I mean, Xi's man is FUHRER. his word is LAW.

How dare the peasants question him...
We don't need to be India 2nd of importer of US oil, we knocked the SA to 4th place.
U.S. becomes India's second biggest oil supplier, Saudi plunges to No. 4 | Reuters

All it is doing it to make the oil companies get richer, all without the Keystone Pipeline.

Your class warfare babble is long ago stale, besides that you seem to ignore Biden's illegal EO over it, how come?

Big oil profit margin is SMALLER than Walmart and McDonalds, how come you are not picking on them for being rich?

Canada invested billions into this pipeline too and they are ANGRY when that incompetant pussball shuts it down.

The Keystone XL would certainly benefit China.
This is another obstruction tactic by the Trumpists to raise Holy Hell among their sycophantic faithful! President Biden is well within his authority to shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline. The 21 States involved in this supercilious suit have based the suit on Article I and the Commerce Clause. If the fools would have read Trump's own Executive Order they would have known their suit was groundless! Here is the first paragraph of Section 6 of Biden's Executive Order;

" Sec. 6. Revoking the March 2019 Permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline. (a) On March 29, 2019, the President granted to TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, L.P. a Presidential permit (the “Permit”) to construct, connect, operate, and maintain pipeline facilities at the international border of the United States and Canada (the “Keystone XL pipeline”), subject to express conditions and potential revocation in the President’s sole discretion. The Permit is hereby revoked in accordance with Article 1(1) of the Permit."
~~ Executive Order on Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis | The White House ~~ [Emphasis added]

The bottom line is if this were a, indeed, an Article 1 matter involving interstate commerce, those 21 States might have a shot depending on the subject of the suit. But since it is solely an Article II matter, the suit will be tossed because this is not at all involve commerce.

As long as Biden/Harris are harassed and hounded every second of their administration, until both of them are gone, I'm happy. I want them hit with continuous lawsuits, protests, insults, exposes on their corruption, and public anger and mistrust until they give up and leave, or die.
We don't need to be India 2nd of importer of US oil, we knocked the SA to 4th place.
U.S. becomes India's second biggest oil supplier, Saudi plunges to No. 4 | Reuters

All it is doing it to make the oil companies get richer, all without the Keystone Pipeline.

Your class warfare babble is long ago stale, besides that you seem to ignore Biden's illegal EO over it, how come?

Big oil profit margin is SMALLER than Walmart and McDonalds, how come you are not picking on them for being rich?

Canada invested billions into this pipeline too and they are ANGRY when that incompetant pussball shuts it down.

The Keystone XL would certainly benefit China.

Evidence please, Canada thought it would benefit them and USA, but what do you have?
We don't need to be India 2nd of importer of US oil, we knocked the SA to 4th place.
U.S. becomes India's second biggest oil supplier, Saudi plunges to No. 4 | Reuters

All it is doing it to make the oil companies get richer, all without the Keystone Pipeline.

Exactly. Red Joe needs us to buy our oil at high prices from his Middle East connections (10% to the "big guy", as always), and it then needs to be transported the massive distances via CO2-spewing ships, trains, and trucks. That's Joe Biden's energy policy.

We are energy independent and we don't need to import any oil.

We still import 6-7 million bpd from Canada and Mexico.. Some 6% is bought from OPEC.

Here's a very cool interactive map.


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