23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Acquitting trump has set some dangerous precedents. And while the trumps ass kissers think this is a victoiry because their thug was allowed to keep his job, the losers in this scenario are all of us as Americans.

23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified
In voting to acquit President Trump, the Senate has legitimated legal and moral claims that will not serve America well.

February 5, 2020

The Senate today voted largely along party lines to acquit President Donald Trump on two articles of impeachment. The acquittal, in the simplest sense, is a declaration that the House of Representatives failed to prove its case. But it is also a statement of values by the Senate—an embrace of certain basic propositions about the president’s conduct, the House’s conduct in impeaching him, and its own responsibilities.

At least in those circumstances in which the president and the majority of the Senate are of the same political party, the Senate has adopted the following propositions:

  1. It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to condition aid to a foreign government on the delivery of personal favors to himself.
  2. It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to demand that a foreign head of state dish dirt on the president’s political opponents—or demand that he make dirt up if none is available to dish.
  3. For that matter, it is not an impeachable offense for the president to push a foreign law-enforcement agency to investigate a U.S. citizen for conduct no U.S. law-enforcement agency has found to warrant an investigation.
  4. Abuse of power is not an impeachable offense. The oath he swears to “faithfully execute” his duties and “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution” notwithstanding, the president is generally free to use his powers under Article II of the Constitution to benefit himself and harm those he disfavors.
23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified
Acquitting trump has set some dangerous precedents. And while the trumps ass kissers think this is a victoiry because their thug was allowed to keep his job, the losers in this scenario are all of us as Americans.

23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified
In voting to acquit President Trump, the Senate has legitimated legal and moral claims that will not serve America well.

February 5, 2020

The Senate today voted largely along party lines to acquit President Donald Trump on two articles of impeachment. The acquittal, in the simplest sense, is a declaration that the House of Representatives failed to prove its case. But it is also a statement of values by the Senate—an embrace of certain basic propositions about the president’s conduct, the House’s conduct in impeaching him, and its own responsibilities.

At least in those circumstances in which the president and the majority of the Senate are of the same political party, the Senate has adopted the following propositions:

  1. It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to condition aid to a foreign government on the delivery of personal favors to himself.
  2. It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to demand that a foreign head of state dish dirt on the president’s political opponents—or demand that he make dirt up if none is available to dish.
  3. For that matter, it is not an impeachable offense for the president to push a foreign law-enforcement agency to investigate a U.S. citizen for conduct no U.S. law-enforcement agency has found to warrant an investigation.
  4. Abuse of power is not an impeachable offense. The oath he swears to “faithfully execute” his duties and “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution” notwithstanding, the president is generally free to use his powers under Article II of the Constitution to benefit himself and harm those he disfavors.
23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified
/—-/ Trump did none of those things you moron.
Trumpbots are going to cry like little bitches when the next democratic president takes up these newly expanded presidential powers and uses them to actually do some good.
Acquitting trump has set some dangerous precedents. And while the trumps ass kissers think this is a victoiry because their thug was allowed to keep his job, the losers in this scenario are all of us as Americans.

23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified
In voting to acquit President Trump, the Senate has legitimated legal and moral claims that will not serve America well.

February 5, 2020

The Senate today voted largely along party lines to acquit President Donald Trump on two articles of impeachment. The acquittal, in the simplest sense, is a declaration that the House of Representatives failed to prove its case. But it is also a statement of values by the Senate—an embrace of certain basic propositions about the president’s conduct, the House’s conduct in impeaching him, and its own responsibilities.

At least in those circumstances in which the president and the majority of the Senate are of the same political party, the Senate has adopted the following propositions:

  1. It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to condition aid to a foreign government on the delivery of personal favors to himself.
  2. It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to demand that a foreign head of state dish dirt on the president’s political opponents—or demand that he make dirt up if none is available to dish.
  3. For that matter, it is not an impeachable offense for the president to push a foreign law-enforcement agency to investigate a U.S. citizen for conduct no U.S. law-enforcement agency has found to warrant an investigation.
  4. Abuse of power is not an impeachable offense. The oath he swears to “faithfully execute” his duties and “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution” notwithstanding, the president is generally free to use his powers under Article II of the Constitution to benefit himself and harm those he disfavors.
23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified

It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to condition aid to a foreign government on the delivery of personal favors to himself.

If exposing Biden's corruption benefits Trump, then Biden's corruption must remain hidden, forever!!!

It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to demand that a foreign head of state dish dirt on the president’s political opponents—or demand that he make dirt up if none is available to dish.

You're right, Obama and Hillary and the DNC should not be punished for the Steele dossier.
LOL, the reasoning behind the article is identical to someone saying that if an accused murderer was acquitted by a not guilty verdict that the jury is in effect declaring that murder is now acceptable.

It's idiotic but typical of the way hyper-partisan lemmings react when verdicts or elections don't go their way.
Acquitting trump has set some dangerous precedents. And while the trumps ass kissers think this is a victoiry because their thug was allowed to keep his job, the losers in this scenario are all of us as Americans.

23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified
In voting to acquit President Trump, the Senate has legitimated legal and moral claims that will not serve America well.

February 5, 2020

The Senate today voted largely along party lines to acquit President Donald Trump on two articles of impeachment. The acquittal, in the simplest sense, is a declaration that the House of Representatives failed to prove its case. But it is also a statement of values by the Senate—an embrace of certain basic propositions about the president’s conduct, the House’s conduct in impeaching him, and its own responsibilities.

At least in those circumstances in which the president and the majority of the Senate are of the same political party, the Senate has adopted the following propositions:

  1. It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to condition aid to a foreign government on the delivery of personal favors to himself.
  2. It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to demand that a foreign head of state dish dirt on the president’s political opponents—or demand that he make dirt up if none is available to dish.
  3. For that matter, it is not an impeachable offense for the president to push a foreign law-enforcement agency to investigate a U.S. citizen for conduct no U.S. law-enforcement agency has found to warrant an investigation.
  4. Abuse of power is not an impeachable offense. The oath he swears to “faithfully execute” his duties and “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution” notwithstanding, the president is generally free to use his powers under Article II of the Constitution to benefit himself and harm those he disfavors.
23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified
Trumpbots are going to cry like little bitches when the next democratic president takes up these newly expanded presidential powers and uses them to actually do some good.

and that 'democratic' president is going to cry like a little girl, when the Republican Speaker uses Pelosi methods to ram a partisan impeachment down his throat.
Acquitting trump has set some dangerous precedents. And while the trumps ass kissers think this is a victoiry because their thug was allowed to keep his job, the losers in this scenario are all of us as Americans.

23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified
In voting to acquit President Trump, the Senate has legitimated legal and moral claims that will not serve America well.

February 5, 2020

The Senate today voted largely along party lines to acquit President Donald Trump on two articles of impeachment. The acquittal, in the simplest sense, is a declaration that the House of Representatives failed to prove its case. But it is also a statement of values by the Senate—an embrace of certain basic propositions about the president’s conduct, the House’s conduct in impeaching him, and its own responsibilities.

At least in those circumstances in which the president and the majority of the Senate are of the same political party, the Senate has adopted the following propositions:

  1. It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to condition aid to a foreign government on the delivery of personal favors to himself.
  2. It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to demand that a foreign head of state dish dirt on the president’s political opponents—or demand that he make dirt up if none is available to dish.
  3. For that matter, it is not an impeachable offense for the president to push a foreign law-enforcement agency to investigate a U.S. citizen for conduct no U.S. law-enforcement agency has found to warrant an investigation.
  4. Abuse of power is not an impeachable offense. The oath he swears to “faithfully execute” his duties and “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution” notwithstanding, the president is generally free to use his powers under Article II of the Constitution to benefit himself and harm those he disfavors.
23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified
Trumpbots are going to cry like little bitches when the next democratic president takes up these newly expanded presidential powers and uses them to actually do some good.

and that 'democratic' president is going to cry like a little girl, when the Republican Speaker uses Pelosi methods to ram a partisan impeachment down his throat.

Been there, done that .... see: Bill Clinton
LOL, the reasoning behind the article is identical to someone saying that if an accused murderer was acquitted by a not guilty verdict that the jury is in effect declaring that murder is now acceptable.

It's idiotic but typical of the way hyper-partisan lemmings react when verdicts or elections don't go their way.
Did you even listen to the legal arguments the White House used? You should have since the republicans voted their approval for the president to be above the law and congressional oversight.
Acquitting trump has set some dangerous precedents. And while the trumps ass kissers think this is a victoiry because their thug was allowed to keep his job, the losers in this scenario are all of us as Americans.

23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified
In voting to acquit President Trump, the Senate has legitimated legal and moral claims that will not serve America well.

February 5, 2020

The Senate today voted largely along party lines to acquit President Donald Trump on two articles of impeachment. The acquittal, in the simplest sense, is a declaration that the House of Representatives failed to prove its case. But it is also a statement of values by the Senate—an embrace of certain basic propositions about the president’s conduct, the House’s conduct in impeaching him, and its own responsibilities.

At least in those circumstances in which the president and the majority of the Senate are of the same political party, the Senate has adopted the following propositions:

  1. It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to condition aid to a foreign government on the delivery of personal favors to himself.
  2. It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to demand that a foreign head of state dish dirt on the president’s political opponents—or demand that he make dirt up if none is available to dish.
  3. For that matter, it is not an impeachable offense for the president to push a foreign law-enforcement agency to investigate a U.S. citizen for conduct no U.S. law-enforcement agency has found to warrant an investigation.
  4. Abuse of power is not an impeachable offense. The oath he swears to “faithfully execute” his duties and “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution” notwithstanding, the president is generally free to use his powers under Article II of the Constitution to benefit himself and harm those he disfavors.
23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified
/—-/ Trump did none of those things you moron.
He did each and every one of them. He has in fact admitted to most of them, and most of the senate republicans have admitted he did them as well. They have just decided they are OK with it.

Would you have been OK with it had it been Obama?
Acquitting trump has set some dangerous precedents. And while the trumps ass kissers think this is a victoiry because their thug was allowed to keep his job, the losers in this scenario are all of us as Americans.

23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified
In voting to acquit President Trump, the Senate has legitimated legal and moral claims that will not serve America well.

February 5, 2020

The Senate today voted largely along party lines to acquit President Donald Trump on two articles of impeachment. The acquittal, in the simplest sense, is a declaration that the House of Representatives failed to prove its case. But it is also a statement of values by the Senate—an embrace of certain basic propositions about the president’s conduct, the House’s conduct in impeaching him, and its own responsibilities.

At least in those circumstances in which the president and the majority of the Senate are of the same political party, the Senate has adopted the following propositions:

  1. It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to condition aid to a foreign government on the delivery of personal favors to himself.
  2. It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to demand that a foreign head of state dish dirt on the president’s political opponents—or demand that he make dirt up if none is available to dish.
  3. For that matter, it is not an impeachable offense for the president to push a foreign law-enforcement agency to investigate a U.S. citizen for conduct no U.S. law-enforcement agency has found to warrant an investigation.
  4. Abuse of power is not an impeachable offense. The oath he swears to “faithfully execute” his duties and “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution” notwithstanding, the president is generally free to use his powers under Article II of the Constitution to benefit himself and harm those he disfavors.
23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified


Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental health disease. You haz it Moon Bat.
Acquitting trump has set some dangerous precedents. And while the trumps ass kissers think this is a victoiry because their thug was allowed to keep his job, the losers in this scenario are all of us as Americans.

23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified
In voting to acquit President Trump, the Senate has legitimated legal and moral claims that will not serve America well.

February 5, 2020

The Senate today voted largely along party lines to acquit President Donald Trump on two articles of impeachment. The acquittal, in the simplest sense, is a declaration that the House of Representatives failed to prove its case. But it is also a statement of values by the Senate—an embrace of certain basic propositions about the president’s conduct, the House’s conduct in impeaching him, and its own responsibilities.

At least in those circumstances in which the president and the majority of the Senate are of the same political party, the Senate has adopted the following propositions:

  1. It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to condition aid to a foreign government on the delivery of personal favors to himself.
  2. It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to demand that a foreign head of state dish dirt on the president’s political opponents—or demand that he make dirt up if none is available to dish.
  3. For that matter, it is not an impeachable offense for the president to push a foreign law-enforcement agency to investigate a U.S. citizen for conduct no U.S. law-enforcement agency has found to warrant an investigation.
  4. Abuse of power is not an impeachable offense. The oath he swears to “faithfully execute” his duties and “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution” notwithstanding, the president is generally free to use his powers under Article II of the Constitution to benefit himself and harm those he disfavors.
23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified

It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to condition aid to a foreign government on the delivery of personal favors to himself.

If exposing Biden's corruption benefits Trump, then Biden's corruption must remain hidden, forever!!!

It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to demand that a foreign head of state dish dirt on the president’s political opponents—or demand that he make dirt up if none is available to dish.

You're right, Obama and Hillary and the DNC should not be punished for the Steele dossier.
Don’t forget the irs targeting.
Acquitting trump has set some dangerous precedents. And while the trumps ass kissers think this is a victoiry because their thug was allowed to keep his job, the losers in this scenario are all of us as Americans.

23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified
In voting to acquit President Trump, the Senate has legitimated legal and moral claims that will not serve America well.

February 5, 2020

The Senate today voted largely along party lines to acquit President Donald Trump on two articles of impeachment. The acquittal, in the simplest sense, is a declaration that the House of Representatives failed to prove its case. But it is also a statement of values by the Senate—an embrace of certain basic propositions about the president’s conduct, the House’s conduct in impeaching him, and its own responsibilities.

At least in those circumstances in which the president and the majority of the Senate are of the same political party, the Senate has adopted the following propositions:

  1. It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to condition aid to a foreign government on the delivery of personal favors to himself.
  2. It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to demand that a foreign head of state dish dirt on the president’s political opponents—or demand that he make dirt up if none is available to dish.
  3. For that matter, it is not an impeachable offense for the president to push a foreign law-enforcement agency to investigate a U.S. citizen for conduct no U.S. law-enforcement agency has found to warrant an investigation.
  4. Abuse of power is not an impeachable offense. The oath he swears to “faithfully execute” his duties and “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution” notwithstanding, the president is generally free to use his powers under Article II of the Constitution to benefit himself and harm those he disfavors.
23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified
/—-/ Trump did none of those things you moron.
He did each and every one of them. He has in fact admitted to most of them, and most of the senate republicans have admitted he did them as well. They have just decided they are OK with it.

Would you have been OK with it had it been Obama?
He did that and more.
LOL, the reasoning behind the article is identical to someone saying that if an accused murderer was acquitted by a not guilty verdict that the jury is in effect declaring that murder is now acceptable.

It's idiotic but typical of the way hyper-partisan lemmings react when verdicts or elections don't go their way.
Did you even listen to the legal arguments the White House used?
Some of it, what does that have to do with the fact that the verdict doesn't mean what the articles author says it means?

You should have since the republicans voted their approval for the president to be above the law and congressional oversight.
That's YOUR opinion which doesn't demonstrate anything regarding the veracity of the highly biased and frankly idiotic premise of the article.

Face it the House Democrats screwed the pooch and rushed this case through like a bunch of amateurs which explains why they were whining for the Senate to finish building the case for them. IMHO the Senate should hold the HoR in contempt for doing such a shoddy job and attempting to foist off its Constitutional Responsibility onto the Senate.
Acquitting trump has set some dangerous precedents. And while the trumps ass kissers think this is a victoiry because their thug was allowed to keep his job, the losers in this scenario are all of us as Americans.

23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified
In voting to acquit President Trump, the Senate has legitimated legal and moral claims that will not serve America well.

February 5, 2020

The Senate today voted largely along party lines to acquit President Donald Trump on two articles of impeachment. The acquittal, in the simplest sense, is a declaration that the House of Representatives failed to prove its case. But it is also a statement of values by the Senate—an embrace of certain basic propositions about the president’s conduct, the House’s conduct in impeaching him, and its own responsibilities.

At least in those circumstances in which the president and the majority of the Senate are of the same political party, the Senate has adopted the following propositions:

  1. It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to condition aid to a foreign government on the delivery of personal favors to himself.
  2. It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to demand that a foreign head of state dish dirt on the president’s political opponents—or demand that he make dirt up if none is available to dish.
  3. For that matter, it is not an impeachable offense for the president to push a foreign law-enforcement agency to investigate a U.S. citizen for conduct no U.S. law-enforcement agency has found to warrant an investigation.
  4. Abuse of power is not an impeachable offense. The oath he swears to “faithfully execute” his duties and “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution” notwithstanding, the president is generally free to use his powers under Article II of the Constitution to benefit himself and harm those he disfavors.
23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified


Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental health disease. You haz it Moon Bat.
At least he has something. You have nothing.
Acquitting trump has set some dangerous precedents. And while the trumps ass kissers think this is a victoiry because their thug was allowed to keep his job, the losers in this scenario are all of us as Americans.

23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified
In voting to acquit President Trump, the Senate has legitimated legal and moral claims that will not serve America well.

February 5, 2020

The Senate today voted largely along party lines to acquit President Donald Trump on two articles of impeachment. The acquittal, in the simplest sense, is a declaration that the House of Representatives failed to prove its case. But it is also a statement of values by the Senate—an embrace of certain basic propositions about the president’s conduct, the House’s conduct in impeaching him, and its own responsibilities.

At least in those circumstances in which the president and the majority of the Senate are of the same political party, the Senate has adopted the following propositions:

  1. It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to condition aid to a foreign government on the delivery of personal favors to himself.
  2. It is not an impeachable offense for the president of the United States to demand that a foreign head of state dish dirt on the president’s political opponents—or demand that he make dirt up if none is available to dish.
  3. For that matter, it is not an impeachable offense for the president to push a foreign law-enforcement agency to investigate a U.S. citizen for conduct no U.S. law-enforcement agency has found to warrant an investigation.
  4. Abuse of power is not an impeachable offense. The oath he swears to “faithfully execute” his duties and “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution” notwithstanding, the president is generally free to use his powers under Article II of the Constitution to benefit himself and harm those he disfavors.
23 Dangerous Propositions the Senate Just Ratified
/—-/ Trump did none of those things you moron.
He did each and every one of them. He has in fact admitted to most of them, and most of the senate republicans have admitted he did them as well. They have just decided they are OK with it.

Would you have been OK with it had it been Obama?
/——/ Adam Shytface couldn’t make the case because he had no evidence of wrong doing.

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