24 Hour Ban On YouTube


Make Vikings Great Again
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 31, 2023
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About once a month or so, YouTube gives me a cyber spanking for telling the truth about this, that, or the other thing. I think they call it "bullying" or some stupid thing like that. I'm usually calling a purple-haired bearer of nose rings a lunatic or some other accurate title of some sort.

Anyway, I was watching some BooTube shorts this morning and came across a scene from the movie, Naked Gun, where OJ Simpson was featured. I gave the clip a thumbs down and commented "F that murderer." I was immediately banned for "bullying" OJ Simpson who is currently rotting in his grave and burning in hell.

The woke morons at YouTube are about as out of touch with reality as chimpanzees on LSD.
About once a month or so, YouTube gives me a cyber spanking for telling the truth about this, that, or the other thing. I think they call it "bullying" or some stupid thing like that. I'm usually calling a purple-haired bearer of nose rings a lunatic or some other accurate title of some sort.

Anyway, I was watching some BooTube shorts this morning and came across a scene from the movie, Naked Gun, where OJ Simpson was featured. I gave the clip a thumbs down and commented "F that murderer." I was immediately banned for "bullying" OJ Simpson who is currently rotting in his grave and burning in hell.

The woke morons at YouTube are about as out of touch with reality as chimpanzees on LSD.

It's the Left as a whole. This is my opinion from my experiences.
Google illegally stopped paying many conservatives web site click revenue about 6 years ago maybe more). I was one of those and never received earned pay from Google.

The Left has compiled a massive list of "the enemy", meaning those voicing opposition to their elitist/globalist takeover.
(If you doubt the Lefts obsession with gathering personal data, please wake up)
Many on the Right who have voiced their opposition have been quietly blocked from many websites without them knowing it.
It's one of the reasons most Google, Facebook and major Leftist sites made sure you were personally identifiable and could no longer anonymously access their web sites.
You find out when you notice your comments never get any likes or comments or your listings never appear.

In a way, I say it's their site and so they can do as they please. I just wish the Conservative right had equal access. Slowly it's changing such as when Musk bought Twitter, and now Truth Social. but it's a long slow process.
YouTube and Facebook both still dominate no matter how much they have snubbed the Right.
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About once a month or so, YouTube gives me a cyber spanking for telling the truth about this, that, or the other thing. I think they call it "bullying" or some stupid thing like that. I'm usually calling a purple-haired bearer of nose rings a lunatic or some other accurate title of some sort.

Anyway, I was watching some BooTube shorts this morning and came across a scene from the movie, Naked Gun, where OJ Simpson was featured. I gave the clip a thumbs down and commented "F that murderer." I was immediately banned for "bullying" OJ Simpson who is currently rotting in his grave and burning in hell.

The woke morons at YouTube are about as out of touch with reality as chimpanzees on LSD.
Were you banned from WATCHING YouTube?
About once a month or so, YouTube gives me a cyber spanking for telling the truth about this, that, or the other thing. I think they call it "bullying" or some stupid thing like that. I'm usually calling a purple-haired bearer of nose rings a lunatic or some other accurate title of some sort.

Anyway, I was watching some BooTube shorts this morning and came across a scene from the movie, Naked Gun, where OJ Simpson was featured. I gave the clip a thumbs down and commented "F that murderer." I was immediately banned for "bullying" OJ Simpson who is currently rotting in his grave and burning in hell.

The woke morons at YouTube are about as out of touch with reality as chimpanzees on LSD.
Don't believe you
About once a month or so, YouTube gives me a cyber spanking for telling the truth about this, that, or the other thing. I think they call it "bullying" or some stupid thing like that. I'm usually calling a purple-haired bearer of nose rings a lunatic or some other accurate title of some sort.

Anyway, I was watching some BooTube shorts this morning and came across a scene from the movie, Naked Gun, where OJ Simpson was featured. I gave the clip a thumbs down and commented "F that murderer." I was immediately banned for "bullying" OJ Simpson who is currently rotting in his grave and burning in hell.

The woke morons at YouTube are about as out of touch with reality as chimpanzees on LSD.

Glad I only use it for recipes and linking to songs.

About once a month or so, YouTube gives me a cyber spanking for telling the truth about this, that, or the other thing. I think they call it "bullying" or some stupid thing like that. I'm usually calling a purple-haired bearer of nose rings a lunatic or some other accurate title of some sort.

Anyway, I was watching some BooTube shorts this morning and came across a scene from the movie, Naked Gun, where OJ Simpson was featured. I gave the clip a thumbs down and commented "F that murderer." I was immediately banned for "bullying" OJ Simpson who is currently rotting in his grave and burning in hell.

The woke morons at YouTube are about as out of touch with reality as chimpanzees on LSD.
I get "banned" at least twice a month and unable to post comments.
Were you banned from WATCHING YouTube?
No. Just from commenting. It's a 24 hour ban. Nevertheless ... I'm deeply apologetic for "bullying" OJ Simpson or in any way hurting his feelings. We must never hurt the feeling of a dead, "F"ing murderer.
I keep screenshots of all the 'bans' I get, because they've never told me WHO is complaining about me, WHAT I said, or WHY they consider what I said "harassment and bullying".

So I've been keeping screenshots since 2022, when this bullshit started.

So when there is FINALLY a civil suit against Google for doing this. I can give them years worth of proof I am the one being HARASSED and BULLIED BY THEM!!!!
I keep screenshots of all the 'bans' I get, because they've never told me WHO is complaining about me, WHAT I said, or WHY they consider what I said "harassment and bullying".

So I've been keeping screenshots since 2022, when this bullshit started.

So when there is FINALLY a civil suit against Google for doing this. I can give them years worth of proof I am the one being HARASSED and BULLIED BY THEM!!!!
Exactly! I've even responded to them after a 24-hour ban asking what I said or who whined about me but they never respond. In this case ... my only derogatory post was about that monster, OJ, and the ban came immediately thereafter. It's actually the first time I actually knew why I was "punished" by some non-binary freak with too much time on its hands.

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