30 years ago today - 9-13-1994 - the 1994 'assault weapon' ban went into effect

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Bridge, USS Enterprise
And what did it accomplish over its 10 year lifetime??


  • It did not take existing guns off the street .
  • It did not prevent the legal manufacture of more of these guns, thus allowing for the number of guns on the street to increase
  • There were more 'assault weapons' on the street at the end of the ban than at the beginning
  • Anyone who wanted a 'assault weapon' could legally acquire one.

The 1994 AWB did nothing to reduce shootings of any kind because the 1994 did nothing to reduce access to such weapons.


The Clinton Assault Weapon Ban showed the validity of the entire "Slippery Slope Theorem" in regards to gun control.

The ink wasn't dry on this Atrocity, and gun control freaks were actually pushing for even more Draconian style gun control laws.

The Brady Bunch and other extremist groups didn't even wait to see whether their new law would end violence forever as they promised it would. They were just pushing for more restrictions.
Actually it did reduce things. But the fact it lasted only 10 years just basically made it worthess.
The Clinton Assault Weapon Ban showed the validity of the entire "Slippery Slope Theorem" in regards to gun control.
The ink wasn't dry on this Atrocity, and gun control freaks were actually pushing for even more Draconian style gun control laws.
The Brady Bunch and other extremist groups didn't even wait to see whether their new law would end violence forever as they promised it would. They were just pushing for more restrictions.
Gun owners should trust Democrats with the right to keep and bear arms less than Democrats trust Christian conservatives with the right to choose.
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