38 minutes for Hawaii to clear the NUCLEAR MISSILE false alarm because GOV forgot Twitter password


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
I'd say we need to button up this process.....what do you guys think?

Hawaii Governor Was Slow To Correct Missile Blunder Because He Forgot His Twitter Password

BS Local — More than a week after a false alarm claimed that a missile was headed towards Hawaii and sparked widespread panic, the governor of America’s 50th state made an embarrassing admission as to why it took officials so long to defuse the phony alert. Although Governor David Ige reportedly knew the alert was a mistake two minutes after it was sent, Ige confessed he forgot what his Twitter password was and couldn’t tell the public as a result.

“I have to confess that I don’t know my Twitter account log-ons and the passwords, so certainly that’s one of the changes that I’ve made. I’ve been putting that on my phone so that we can access the social media directly,” Gov. Ige said, via the Honolulu Star Advertiser.

Questions had been mounting since the early morning panic on Jan. 13, when the governor was noticeably silent for 17 minutes after the missile alert was issued. At 8:24 a.m. local time, Ige finally gained access to his Twitter to joinlocal senators in squashing the alarm. A correction on Facebook reportedly came several minutes after Ige’s brief four-word tweet.
I don’t think most govs actually control the office twitter . Staffers do it for them .

Plus, the real issues is why a 2nd false alarm alert didn’t go out .
Our national defense early warning system depends on Twitter? I'm just a little skeptical of that.

Hawaii Governor Was Slow To Correct Missile Blunder Because He Forgot His Twitter Password...Ige confessed he forgot what his Twitter password was and couldn’t tell the public as a result.

“I have to confess that I don’t know my Twitter account log-ons and the passwords, so certainly that’s one of the changes that I’ve made. I’ve been putting that on my phone so that we can access the social media directly,” Gov. Ige said, via the Honolulu Star Advertiser.

WTF? I don't at all believe him. Though I'm not a Twitter user, I have myriad digital accounts for which I've forgotten my password. Never has it taken more than five minutes for me to execute the password recovery process and access my account.

Is Twitter different in that regard? It would need to be vastly different in order for Ige's claim of having forgotten his Twitter password to explain the thirty minute difference between his realizing the alert was false (2 minutes after hearing it) and when the alert's falsity was communicated to Hawaiians.

Has Gov. Ige or his press secretary no direct line(s) to local television and radio stations and that s/he may have used to, say, ten minutes after the alert having been made, commence notifying the populace that it was a mistake? I'm sure those media outlets would have very happily interrupted whatever they were airing to transmit an "oops" message from the governor.

I once worked on a project for a major telecommunications/media firm. On that project, I learned that the client had "hardened" rooms from which it could transmit messages in the aftermath of a natural or man-made calamity that destroyed their primary transmission equipment and facilities. I don't know whether all media and telecommunications firms have such disaster recovery facilities, equipment, and corresponding procedures. (I don't know the specific components of that firm's disaster recovery plans, but I do know it accounts for providing an information collection and transmission capability and energy to power doing so.)​
I don’t think most govs actually control the office twitter . Staffers do it for them .

Plus, the real issues is why a 2nd false alarm alert didn’t go out .
the real issues is why a 2nd false alarm alert didn’t go out .
What? What exactly is a "2nd false alarm alert?"
  • A second alert that would have falsely informed people about the alleged incoming missile? Perhaps including an update about how many minutes away it is?
  • A second alert that corrected the misinformation transmitted by the alert that claimed there was an inbound missile?

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