3rd & Final Presidential Debate 10/22/12

Aug 7, 2012
Will Mitt Romney be able to flip flop on this statement as he does almost all others especially in light of the current Libyan situation and unrest in the ME?

Mitt Romney, 2007: “it’s not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person.”

Joe Biden: “We will follow the SOB to the gates of hell.”

Hope this comes up in the foreign policy debate.

Hope this comes up in the foreign policy debate.

In contrast,

“What I have said is we're going encourage democracy in Pakistan, expand our non-military aid to Pakistan so that they have more of a stake in working with us, but insisting that they go after these militants. And if we have Osama bin Laden in our sights and the Pakistani government is unable or unwilling to take them out, then I think that we have to act, and we will take them out. We will kill bin Laden. We will crush al-Qaida. That has to be our biggest national security priority.”

Second presidential debate: foreign policy, Oct. 7, 2008
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Will Mitt Romney be able to flip flop on this statement as he does almost all others especially in light of the current Libyan situation and unrest in the ME?

Mitt Romney, 2007: “it’s not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person.”

Joe Biden: “We will follow the SOB to the gates of hell.”

Hope this comes up in the foreign policy debate.

Events playing out in the world right now, Prove Romney's Point.

Your Beloved President wants us all to believe killing Osama changed things, and made us safer. Rational People know that is BS.
Will Mitt Romney be able to flip flop on this statement as he does almost all others especially in light of the current Libyan situation and unrest in the ME?

Mitt Romney, 2007: “it’s not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person.”

Joe Biden: “We will follow the SOB to the gates of hell.”

Hope this comes up in the foreign policy debate.

Events playing out in the world right now, Prove Romney's Point.

Your Beloved President wants us all to believe killing Osama changed things, and made us safer. Rational People know that is BS.

The same "rational people" who gave George Bush a mandate to go after him.

It wasn't worth it.

Within months on the anniversary of his first attack our embassies were attacked across the middle east and an
ambassador and his staff killed by links to al-Oeada.
It's really gong to be pathetic - hearing Obama 'spike the football' on how he killed Bin Laden in the next debate.
Poor President Obummer will not be able to lie without being called on it REPEATEDLY this time. And if some lib "moderator" [sic] dares to inject her own lie or his own lie to give the President "cover" THIS time, it will get the reception it deserves.

No place to hide this time, ya lib bitches!

You and your failed President are TOAST.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHSfnqho2jw]Mitt Flop Romney vs Mitt Flop Romney - YouTube[/ame]
Romney has nothing. NOTHING on foreign policy. Not a thing.

The only thing he can talk about was fucking up in England. Bin Laden is one thing. But American sentiment was NOT "it's not worth going after him." And that is what Romney said.

Here was the American response.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32uflbQn9tQ]Crowds celebrate Bin Laden's death - YouTube[/ame]

Now you right wing nutjobs are trying to pretend it didn't matter. Bullshit. Is there no limit to how far you'll bend over to take it just to pretent Romney is the better choice?

To top that off, Romney has lost his Benghazi talking point, and has no traction on Iran. or China. Or ANYTHING really.
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Before "Senator" Obama took the helm, he had NOTHING to recommend him as to foreign policy.

Now that President Obama has BEEN at the helm for almost 4 years, he has NOTHING to recommend him as to foreign policy.
there are no pressing foreign policy issues -

particularly in light of the fact all the Republicans have to complain about is their convoluted rendition of a spontaneous religious backlash to a B rated video in the Middle East.
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Typical liberal taking part of the Romney quote but not all of it here is the exchange between Romney and Associated Press reporter Liz Sidoti on this matter.

SIDOTI: Why haven't we caught bin Laden in your opinion?

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: I think, I wouldn't want to over-concentrate on Bin Laden. He's one of many, many people who are involved in this global Jihadist effort. He's by no means the only leader. It's a very diverse group – Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood and of course different names throughout the world. It's not worth moving heaven and earth and spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person. It is worth fashioning and executing an effective strategy to defeat global, violent Jihad and I have a plan for doing that.

SIDOTI: But would the world be safer if bin laden were caught?

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: Yes, but by a small percentage increase – a very insignificant increase in safety by virtue of replacing bin Laden with someone else. Zarqawi – we celebrated the killing of Zarqawi, but he was quickly replaced. Global Jihad is not an effort that is being populated by a handful or even a football stadium full of people. It is – it involves millions of people and is going to require a far more comprehensive strategy than a targeted approach for bin laden or a few of his associates.

SIDOTI: Do you fault the administration for not catching him though? I mean, they've had quite a few years going after him.

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: There are many things that have not been done perfectly in any conduct of war. In the Second World War, we paratroopered in our troops further than they were supposed to be from the beaches. We landed in places on the beaches that weren't anticipated. Do I fault Eisenhower? No, he won. And I'm nowhere near as consumed with bin Laden as I am concerned about global Jihadist efforts.
there are no pressing foreign policy issues -

particularly in light of the fact all the Republicans have to complain about is their convoluted rendition of a spontaneous religious backlash to a B rated video in the Middle East.

The support of the assclown in chief for the so-called Arab spring comes to mind. His inability to assist Mubarak, who, despite all his many faults, at least had Egypt moving toward the future, not the 8th Century. The RECKLESS behavior of The ONE in FAILING to assist the students in Iran when there was a chance to undo the damage of the Islamist leadership. The rudderless and directionless meanderings of his overall foreign policy. His refusal to provide protection to OUR own diplomat in harms way DESPITE prior warnings. His incredible disregard of the nearly criminal behavior of the Red Chinese government (and others) with regard to issue of protectionism, etc.

There is nothing in his handling of foreign policy that positively recommends that schmuck. He HAS to GO.
Will Mitt Romney be able to flip flop on this statement as he does almost all others especially in light of the current Libyan situation and unrest in the ME?

Mitt Romney, 2007: “it’s not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person.”

Joe Biden: “We will follow the SOB to the gates of hell.”

Hope this comes up in the foreign policy debate.

Events playing out in the world right now, Prove Romney's Point.

Your Beloved President wants us all to believe killing Osama changed things, and made us safer. Rational People know that is BS.

You are wrong but let's pretend you're right. What will Romney do to bring these jihadists to justice? Will he handle it like he said he would with bin Laden? What will he do differently to calm the unrest? (considering that no president has been able to change the Middle East all that much).
So, what I wil take away is that Romney should do nothing in the middle east, especially not offend the jihadists by taking out their leaders like bin Laden and others! This so they won't attack us. Orwellian! Got it!

:lmao: @ The ONE.
Typical liberal taking part of the Romney quote but not all of it here is the exchange between Romney and Associated Press reporter Liz Sidoti on this matter.

SIDOTI: Why haven't we caught bin Laden in your opinion?

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: I think, I wouldn't want to over-concentrate on Bin Laden. He's one of many, many people who are involved in this global Jihadist effort. He's by no means the only leader. It's a very diverse group – Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood and of course different names throughout the world. It's not worth moving heaven and earth and spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person. It is worth fashioning and executing an effective strategy to defeat global, violent Jihad and I have a plan for doing that.

SIDOTI: But would the world be safer if bin laden were caught?

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: Yes, but by a small percentage increase – a very insignificant increase in safety by virtue of replacing bin Laden with someone else. Zarqawi – we celebrated the killing of Zarqawi, but he was quickly replaced. Global Jihad is not an effort that is being populated by a handful or even a football stadium full of people. It is – it involves millions of people and is going to require a far more comprehensive strategy than a targeted approach for bin laden or a few of his associates.

SIDOTI: Do you fault the administration for not catching him though? I mean, they've had quite a few years going after him.

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: There are many things that have not been done perfectly in any conduct of war. In the Second World War, we paratroopered in our troops further than they were supposed to be from the beaches. We landed in places on the beaches that weren't anticipated. Do I fault Eisenhower? No, he won. And I'm nowhere near as consumed with bin Laden as I am concerned about global Jihadist efforts.

Why are you bothering the twit OP with details?
Will Mitt Romney be able to flip flop on this statement as he does almost all others especially in light of the current Libyan situation and unrest in the ME?

Mitt Romney, 2007: “it’s not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person.”

Joe Biden: “We will follow the SOB to the gates of hell.”

Hope this comes up in the foreign policy debate.

Events playing out in the world right now, Prove Romney's Point.

Your Beloved President wants us all to believe killing Osama changed things, and made us safer. Rational People know that is BS.

You are wrong but let's pretend you're right. What will Romney do to bring these jihadists to justice? Will he handle it like he said he would with bin Laden? What will he do differently to calm the unrest? (considering that no president has been able to change the Middle East all that much).

Oh shit. I've spent so much time pretending that I know what's wrong, that I never came up with an answer for what's right.

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