4.2% GDP growth, 5.8% for quarter, no phony Pub crises, disfunction- TY for nothing....

Forget the 5.8 figure- That has disappeared!....I notice the Pub rag WSJ doesn't blame the weather for last quarter's bad figures. Moaning, spinning a-holes. I'll wait for the dupes to get their marching orders lol...
The U.S. economy's second-quarter rebound was more robust than previously estimated and corporate profits surged, putting the recovery back on track as it ended its fifth year.

labour day is the official beginning to the Nov 4th elections - the Rs need worst news than a 5 year recovery to hoodwinkle the pubic to vote for them ....
The biggest problem the GOP has with their base is the govt. shutdown. They feel it is wrong not to make govt. work. I wish neither side would have started this BS and get down to doing their job, which is to make the govt. function..Congress really needs to get their collective house in order...

So which party has been in control for the better part of a decade?
The U.S. economy's second-quarter rebound was more robust than previously estimated and corporate profits surged, putting the recovery back on track as it ended its fifth year.

labour day is the official beginning to the Nov 4th elections - the Rs need worst news than a 5 year recovery to hoodwinkle the pubic to vote for them ....

No, they don't need anything. Obama's record is more than enough....
When you have a serial liar as POTUS and government agencies engaging in rogue behavior without consequence and with other agencies like the census bureau being under the direct control of Mr. Mendacious, who can you HONESTY believe anymore. Lack of credibility from the head has a distinctive way of poisoning the well for everyone and everything. At these market levels it's every man or woman for themselves. Confidence in government statistics is as credible as most of Obama's utterances.

At the end of the day, any self-respecting person in a leadership role has to be able to honestly ask themselves whether the people under their charge are better off than if that person had not been in charge. Unfortunately, the narcissistic mirror Obama gazes into will never tell him the truth, a resounding NO!

The government has now made a change in the gross investment number I, which now includes R&D (Research and Development) spending, art, music, film royalties, books & theatre. This change in GDP has not been implemented elsewhere in the world. So the U.S. is the first to accomplish this rewriting of the GDP number.

R&D, which shouldn't even be accounted for as investment, adds a significant amount to the GDP -it accounts for around 2% of U.S. GDP. Art, music, film royalties, books & theatre add another 0.5%.

Previously, pension spending was included in GDP. After this adjustment we also look at the "promise" to pay out pensions. So we are talking about imaginary numbers that are now included in GDP.

Real GDP is nominal GDP, but inflation adjusted with CPI. The CPI has an adjustment applied to it which adds a multiplier to different asset classes in the CPI. The total sum of this creates a lower CPI, which makes the real GDP look bigger."

If anyone believes these types of things in this election year along with all of the other blatant things that have been going on in this election year, then you are crazy. I expect nothing less from Franco. Ignorant as the day is long.
Dupes are so dumb they'll believe anything...

A) Since Pubs in opposition only want to stop ALL legislation, as Voodoo is their way of stealing from the nonrich....all they wanted was to make Obama a one term Pres., damn the country and the world.....
B)The Dems have been in control of congress for less than six months- if you remember Teddy was on his death bed, THIRTEEN DAYS IN SESSION, hater dupes.

B) After the shyttte that was Nixon, the president can appoint 3 people to run the IRS- all your stupid conspiracy bs is just that, MORON.:fu::funnyface:
Dupes are so dumb they'll believe anything...

A) Since Pubs in opposition only want to stop ALL legislation, as Voodoo is their way of stealing from the nonrich....all they wanted was to make Obama a one term Pres., damn the country and the world.....
B)The Dems have been in control of congress for less than six months- if you remember Teddy was on his death bed, THIRTEEN DAYS IN SESSION, hater dupes.

B) After the shyttte that was Nixon, the president can appoint 3 people to run the IRS- all your stupid conspiracy bs is just that, MORON.:fu::funnyface:

The MORON here is you, bub.

The only reason we have 4%+ growth for last quarter is because the prior quarter was early 2 points negative. The growth rate is calculated quarter over quarter. Averaged out, we are seeing only a bit above 2% growth, which is dismal for an economy that should be growing 3% plus in the normal course.

So which party has been in control for the better part of a decade?

6 straight years of GOP debacle and fiasco. You can tear down a house in minutes, but it takes much, much longer to build one. What has the GOP built in the last 20 years besides debt, debacle, bombs, and an enormous economic downslide. Sad their ignorant base is simply not smart enough to see anything but black, like Obama, or white, like the GOP.
Forget the 5.8 figure- That has disappeared!....I notice the Pub rag WSJ doesn't blame the weather for last quarter's bad figures. Moaning, spinning a-holes. I'll wait for the dupes to get their marching orders lol...

Dumbshit, all YOU are going to see is the Senate go Pub.
Every American household has lost thousands of discretionary dollars annually as a result of this moronic and sinister administration's energy policy yet democrat stupidity results in a bogus thread like this one. Too stupid to even realize how much they continue to lose. Buying power and economic expansion vanquished by a hack admin. But he's on their team so they remain ignorantly loyal. Lap dogs.
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Forget the 5.8 figure- That has disappeared!....I notice the Pub rag WSJ doesn't blame the weather for last quarter's bad figures. Moaning, spinning a-holes. I'll wait for the dupes to get their marching orders lol...

Dumbshit, all YOU are going to see is the Senate go Pub.

surprisingly that is not what the stock market is seeing, August should have been negative to enhance the Rs chances in Nov. - still time but only a mild fall or slightly positive market from now till Nov will make it more likely the Republicans are going to end up short of their goal.

and the country will be saved.


So the GDP is up 2 % for the year so far.... Nothing to brag about.
This asswipe doesn't know that the PIRATES have stolen the economy....What a dipshit Francostein is!

good grief, Franko can't be for real, nobody would be that in love with a President and totally embarrass themselves daily trying to build him up and out of that 70 disapproval...sheesh they have to BE PAID or say hello Jim Jones
good grief, Franko can't be for real, nobody would be that in love with a President and totally embarrass themselves daily trying to build him up and out of that 70 disapproval...sheesh they have to BE PAID or say hello Jim Jones

It's a man crush....Sometimes they just can't help themselves...Hormones maybe?

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