40 years ago today: Nixon (R) resigns in disgrace


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
Richard Nixon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The announcement was on the evening of August 8th, 1974, the actual resignation took effect on August 9th, 1974, at noon EST.













Gerald Ford swearing in:

(August 9, 1974, 12:00 EST)

Moving moments in US-American history.
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Good riddance to a bad crook.

Too bad we couldn't have gotten rid of Jr. (aka Shrub) in the same way.

Lying to the country is bad.

Lying to the country to promote a personal war is worse.

We should have Shrub, Cheney, RumsFAILED, and Rove put into Spandau.
Good riddance to a bad crook.

Too bad we couldn't have gotten rid of Jr. (aka Shrub) in the same way.

Lying to the country is bad.

Lying to the country to promote a personal war is worse.

We should have Shrub, Cheney, RumsFAILED, and Rove put into Spandau.

Nixon began the fall of the Soviet Union, NIXON opened the door to China, now "experimenting" with free markets. Give the man his due, pyschologically twisted, but he accomplished so much. RIP Richard Nixon. If only he had not been so personally insecure.
Richard Nixon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The announcement was on the evening of August 8th, 1974, the actual resignation took effect on August 9th, 1974, at noon EST.














Gerald Ford swearing in:


(August 9, 1974, 12:00 EST)

Moving moments in US-American history.

Yeah, I was around then. He did the honorable thing. Something that half-breed boy of yours knows nothing about. HONOR.

Now go the fuck away. What's next? You pile on George Washington because he was English!?!?

Jesus....Tell your boy to do the right thing and resign also. The country would begetter off without this asshole.
Sad commentary of the brainwashing of the American public of today that we can acknowledge the history of Nixon's disgrace forty years later while ignoring or rationalizing a current president whose failings and corruption and ineptitude dwarf Nixon's shame.
I find President Ford's short speech after the swearing in to be an especially humble and moving one.

Ford gave up his chance to remain President for the good of the mation, a fine & honorable man.

Do you mean through his pardoning of ex-President Nixon shortly after assuming office?
Ford might have won the election if not for his "Free Poland" gaffe during the debates.

Nixon probably would have beaten the Impeachment vote but he decided to resign because he though the Nation didn't need to be put through that.
Ford gave up his chance to remain President for the good of the mation, a fine & honorable man.

Do you mean through his pardoning of ex-President Nixon shortly after assuming office?
Ford might have won the election if not for his "Free Poland" gaffe during the debates.

Nixon probably would have beaten the Impeachment vote but he decided to resign because he though the Nation didn't need to be put through that.

Yes, and he found his soul again, after losing it in politics, still, his resignation hurt this country; I am remembering his accomplishments today. Did both bad & good, a complex man.
Good riddance to a bad crook.

Too bad we couldn't have gotten rid of Jr. (aka Shrub) in the same way.

Lying to the country is bad.

Lying to the country to promote a personal war is worse.

We should have Shrub, Cheney, RumsFAILED, and Rove put into Spandau.

Nixon began the fall of the Soviet Union, NIXON opened the door to China, now "experimenting" with free markets. Give the man his due, pyschologically twisted, but he accomplished so much. RIP Richard Nixon. If only he had not been so personally insecure.

Nixon began the fall of the Soviet Union


If people studied Soviet history the seeds were sown within the Soviet Union in its fall long before any politician in the US starting claiming responsibility. It surfaced with Khrushchev's infamous speech . It always existed under the sub surface , it would take too long and to much text to go through it all. What Nixon or Reagan did was just one small factor , more theater then fact

That said Nixon did put wage and price controls in when the economy started going haywire
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Ford gave up his chance to remain President for the good of the mation, a fine & honorable man.

Do you mean through his pardoning of ex-President Nixon shortly after assuming office?
Ford might have won the election if not for his "Free Poland" gaffe during the debates.

Nixon probably would have beaten the Impeachment vote but he decided to resign because he though the Nation didn't need to be put through that.

No. Wrong.

As of August 5, 1974, only 16 GOP Senators were still supporting Nixon. The House already had enough votes to impeach by an almost 3 to 1 margin.

The news that only 16 GOP senators were still standing with him is the reason WHY he resigned.
Richard Nixon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The announcement was on the evening of August 8th, 1974, the actual resignation took effect on August 9th, 1974, at noon EST.














Gerald Ford swearing in:


(August 9, 1974, 12:00 EST)

Moving moments in US-American history.

Yeah, I was around then. He did the honorable thing. Something that half-breed boy of yours knows nothing about. HONOR.

Now go the fuck away. What's next? You pile on George Washington because he was English!?!?

Jesus....Tell your boy to do the right thing and resign also. The country would begetter off without this asshole.

I was around then, too. Nixon did what he had to do in order to not go to jail.

And no, I will not "go the fuck away". You do not have that kind of power over me, but I realize that it is part of your Tea Party Unicornland delusions of grandeur. Color me surprised.

"Half-breed boy" - oh my, do racism much?

You will notice that in the OP, I made absolutely no editorial comment about Nixon, but I expected ugliness from asswipes like you who don't even take the time to realize this.

So, thank you for once again showing your ass.
Sad commentary of the brainwashing of the American public of today that we can acknowledge the history of Nixon's disgrace forty years later while ignoring or rationalizing a current president whose failings and corruption and ineptitude dwarf Nixon's shame.

Does every thread on this site HAVE to be about Obama???

Just shut it already.
Ford gave up his chance to remain President for the good of the mation, a fine & honorable man.

Do you mean through his pardoning of ex-President Nixon shortly after assuming office?

YES. Ford did what was best for this nation(.)

Quite possible that his actions were pure.

But it looked to too many people as if a secret deal was made between Nixon and Ford, along the lines of 'pardon me, and I will make you President'.

I personally think that that was NOT the case.
Yeah, I was around then. He did the honorable thing. Something that half-breed boy of yours knows nothing about. HONOR.

Now go the fuck away. What's next? You pile on George Washington because he was English!?!?

Jesus....Tell your boy to do the right thing and resign also. The country would begetter off without this asshole.

So, firing the man in charge of the Watergate investigation was honorable?

Firing the men who refused to fire him was, as well?

Look, Nixon did a lot of great things, What he did with regards to Watergate was far from honorable, though.
In 69' I was in the Navy and sent the Nixon's a xmas card, they sent one back, I still have it with the original envelope.

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