40 years ago today: Nixon (R) resigns in disgrace

You gotta laugh about the outrage about subpoenaed missing 18 minutes of private White House conversations. What administration would even comply with a subpoena of it's private conversations? We can't even get records from the freaking IRS. Any one of the scandals alleged in the Obama administration would make the Watergate scandal pale in comparison. People died in Benghazi while Obama ate Pizza. The president used "executive privilege" to disrupt a congressional investigation into alleged gun running by a rogue federal agency apparently sanctioned by the A.G. How would that look on the list of impeachable offenses of the Nixon administration?
It's remarkable that after 40 years the blind partisan right continues to defend the criminal acts of Richard Nixon.

We can only hope they constitute a tiny minority of apologists among conservatives, where the majority of conservatives acknowledge the fact that Nixon indeed violated the law and Constitution, and was compelled to resign in disgrace consequently.
It's remarkable that after 40 years the blind partisan right continues to defend the criminal acts of Richard Nixon.

We can only hope they constitute a tiny minority of apologists among conservatives, where the majority of conservatives acknowledge the fact that Nixon indeed violated the law and Constitution, and was compelled to resign in disgrace consequently.

And yet in the here an now, the far left can not hold their own accountable as they would someone that has an (R) next to their name over 40 years ago.
If the media ever turned on Obama the way it was united against Nixon he wouldn't have to wait to be impeached. He would be laughed out of Washington.
You gotta laugh about the outrage about subpoenaed missing 18 minutes of private White House conversations. What administration would even comply with a subpoena of it's private conversations? We can't even get records from the freaking IRS. Any one of the scandals alleged in the Obama administration would make the Watergate scandal pale in comparison. People died in Benghazi while Obama ate Pizza. The president used "executive privilege" to disrupt a congressional investigation into alleged gun running by a rogue federal agency apparently sanctioned by the A.G. How would that look on the list of impeachable offenses of the Nixon administration?

Nixon didn't have the main stream media covering for him
You gotta laugh about the outrage about subpoenaed missing 18 minutes of private White House conversations. What administration would even comply with a subpoena of it's private conversations? We can't even get records from the freaking IRS. Any one of the scandals alleged in the Obama administration would make the Watergate scandal pale in comparison. People died in Benghazi while Obama ate Pizza. The president used "executive privilege" to disrupt a congressional investigation into alleged gun running by a rogue federal agency apparently sanctioned by the A.G. How would that look on the list of impeachable offenses of the Nixon administration?

Not a republican administration, obviously:

The Supreme Court ruled yesterday unanimously, and definitively, that President Nixon must turn over tape recordings of White House conversations needed by the Watergate special prosecutor for the trial of the President’s highest aides.

Ordering compliance with a trial subpoena “forthwith,” the court rejected Mr. Nixon’s broad claims of unreviewable executive privilege and said they “must yield to the demonstrated, specific need for evidence in a pending criminal trial.”

Court Orders Nixon to Yield Tapes; President Promises to Comply Fully - The Washington Post

No one is above the law in the context of a legally conducted criminal investigation, including the president and his staff, where objective, documented facts and evidence established wrong-doing by the Nixon White House, and thus warranted a criminal investigation.

What's laughable is your ignorance of the law and partisanism, where unlike Nixon, there is no objective, documented 'evidence' of President Obama 'violating' any laws with regard to phoney scandals such as 'Benghazi.'
You gotta laugh about the outrage about subpoenaed missing 18 minutes of private White House conversations. What administration would even comply with a subpoena of it's private conversations? We can't even get records from the freaking IRS. Any one of the scandals alleged in the Obama administration would make the Watergate scandal pale in comparison. People died in Benghazi while Obama ate Pizza. The president used "executive privilege" to disrupt a congressional investigation into alleged gun running by a rogue federal agency apparently sanctioned by the A.G. How would that look on the list of impeachable offenses of the Nixon administration?

Not a republican administration, obviously:

The Supreme Court ruled yesterday unanimously, and definitively, that President Nixon must turn over tape recordings of White House conversations needed by the Watergate special prosecutor for the trial of the President’s highest aides.

Ordering compliance with a trial subpoena “forthwith,” the court rejected Mr. Nixon’s broad claims of unreviewable executive privilege and said they “must yield to the demonstrated, specific need for evidence in a pending criminal trial.”

Court Orders Nixon to Yield Tapes; President Promises to Comply Fully - The Washington Post

No one is above the law in the context of a legally conducted criminal investigation, including the president and his staff, where objective, documented facts and evidence established wrong-doing by the Nixon White House, and thus warranted a criminal investigation.

What's laughable is your ignorance of the law and partisanism, where unlike Nixon, there is no objective, documented 'evidence' of President Obama 'violating' any laws with regard to phoney scandals such as 'Benghazi.'

More proof that the far left will ignore their own and not condemn Obama for his illegal acts, yet wants to go back 40 years to condemn someone with an (R) next to their name.
You gotta laugh about the outrage about subpoenaed missing 18 minutes of private White House conversations. What administration would even comply with a subpoena of it's private conversations? We can't even get records from the freaking IRS. Any one of the scandals alleged in the Obama administration would make the Watergate scandal pale in comparison. People died in Benghazi while Obama ate Pizza. The president used "executive privilege" to disrupt a congressional investigation into alleged gun running by a rogue federal agency apparently sanctioned by the A.G. How would that look on the list of impeachable offenses of the Nixon administration?

Not a republican administration, obviously:

The Supreme Court ruled yesterday unanimously, and definitively, that President Nixon must turn over tape recordings of White House conversations needed by the Watergate special prosecutor for the trial of the President’s highest aides.

Ordering compliance with a trial subpoena “forthwith,” the court rejected Mr. Nixon’s broad claims of unreviewable executive privilege and said they “must yield to the demonstrated, specific need for evidence in a pending criminal trial.”

Court Orders Nixon to Yield Tapes; President Promises to Comply Fully - The Washington Post

No one is above the law in the context of a legally conducted criminal investigation, including the president and his staff, where objective, documented facts and evidence established wrong-doing by the Nixon White House, and thus warranted a criminal investigation.

What's laughable is your ignorance of the law and partisanism, where unlike Nixon, there is no objective, documented 'evidence' of President Obama 'violating' any laws with regard to phoney scandals such as 'Benghazi.'

More proof that the far left will ignore their own and not condemn Obama for his illegal acts, yet wants to go back 40 years to condemn someone with an (R) next to their name.

Well, let's see now:

exactly what "illegal" acts are those, and why have charges not been filed? Where are the investigating committees?


Oh, and dumbfuck, yesterday was the 40 year anniversary of Nixon's resignation, for that reason, this thread. Grow a pair and be a man. If you can.
Cue to RWNJ explosion of anger and rage and "Obama is just as bad" in







And now we know why the thread is not in the History Forum.

Predictably partisan.


It also has to do with politics, in case you didn't notice.

If you don't like it, typical bellyaching RWNJ that you are, well then, tough fuck for you!!!

They told him he had to go only because the media convinced the general public he was a crook. GOP figured its best to cut your losses. This was nothing but a coup with uber liberal Jimmy Carter waiting in the wings. His job was to discourage Americans and disrupt the economy and create gas shortages.

It's telling and interesting to see republicans, conservatives, and others on the partisan right contrive, lie, and otherwise attempt to defend the likes of Richard Nixon while at the same time listening to his White House tapes, where as president Nixon instructed his staff to deny NYT reporters access to the WH, order the IRS to investigate his political enemies, and conspire to obstruct justice by authorizing paying millions of dollars to buy the silence of fellow criminal conspirators.

Much like all the far left on this board that defend Obama no matter what he does that was worse than Nixon and worse than Bush?

Many look at Nixon for what he did like end the Vietnam war, but I guess to the far left that was a bad thing!

Nixon did not end the Vietnam war. That is a lie. Gerald Ford did, and actually, the Vietnamese ended us, for all intents and purposes.
The reason they say he resigned in disgrace was because he was going to be impeached for sure, no doubt. The hearing had been held and there were was great embarrassment to not just to Nixon and his Administration, but to the country. We learned from the TV broadcast hearings that our President had a crude and criminal side that overwhelmed his positive attributes. He made our democracy look weak, illegitimate, corrupt, vulnerable and appear to be on the same level as some banana republic. The feeling were bi-partisan. After the hearings, it was Republicans who went to the Nixon and told him he had to go. There was no question that he would be impeached and convicted in the Senate.
They told him he had to go only because the media convinced the general public he was a crook. GOP figured its best to cut your losses. This was nothing but a coup with uber liberal Jimmy Carter waiting in the wings. His job was to discourage Americans and disrupt the economy and create gas shortages.

It was Nixon who created the gas shortages with his price controls, not Carter.

Incorrect! Nixon froze all prices and wages for 90 days based on controlling inflation as we switched over to the gold standard. The war in the Middle East and the Oil embargo caused the problem directly.

In response to the US aid to Israel, on October 16, 1973, OPEC announced a decision to raise the posted price of oil by 70%, to $5.11 a barrel.[14] The following day, oil ministers agreed to the embargo, a cut in production by five percent from September's output, and to continue to cut production over time in five percent increments until their economic and political objectives were met.[15] October 19, U.S. President Richard Nixon requested Congress to appropriate $2.2 billion in emergency aid to Israel, including $1.5 billion in outright grants. George Lenczowski notes, "Military supplies did not exhaust Nixon's eagerness to prevent Israel's collapse...This [$2.2 billion] decision triggered a collective OPEC response".[16] Libya immediately announced it would embargo all oil shipments to the United States.[17] Saudi Arabia and the other Arab oil-producing states quickly followed suit, joining the embargo on October 20, 1973.[18] At their meeting in Kuwait the OPEC oil-producing countries, proclaimed the oil boycott that provided for curbs on their oil exports to various consumer countries and a total embargo on oil deliveries to the United States as a "principal hostile country".[19] The embargo was thus variously extended to Western Europe and Japan.

1973 oil crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wrong. Nixon decoupled the US dollar from any hard elements (gold, silver, diamonds) and turned our currency into a free-floating currency.

Schools don't teach US history any longer? A lot happened between Bryan's Cross of Gold speech & FDR's removing currency from the gold standard.

Ahhh, William Jennings Bryan, the "silver tongued orator". I bet that most here do not understand the play on words with that designation. 3-time Democratic presidential nominee (1896, 1900, 1908) and I bet that most people don't know that his GRANDSON was also once a Democratic Vice-Presidential nominee (1924). Bryan also scored one of the highest every Democratic landslides in a state outside of the South (not referring to DC either), namely, in newly founded Colorado, where he still holds the electoral record for that state.

Bryan vs. McKinley, Stevenson III vs. Eisenhower.

Two great repeat matchups in our history.


We need a Deep Throat today. Just sayin'.

Are you volunteering?


Seriously, Deepthroat for what, pray tell?

You see, this is part of the ultimate RW butthurt meme that somehow, under the surface, Barack Obama is far more criminal that Nixon ever was.

But that is a lie. A bold-faced lie. There is not even one shred of even one scandal to pin on this president.

Benghazi was a tragedy, not a scandal.

The IRS flap is just that: a flap. And there is not even one piece of evidence to connect the president with anything the Lois Lerner did that upsets Righties. Not even one shred.

Righties destroy their own credibility when they automatically spew "scandal" and "criminal" every time they see something they don't like. Boy - Wolf. Remember that children's story.

You're blinded by your partisanship. When is Obama going to have the IRS investigated? We know why. And so do you.

Civics 101 for you: Presidents do not launch investigations. Congresses do.
Obama is doing such a good Nixon imitation with the turning The IRS into a political arm of government then does it not follow that he could PERFECT the imitation by resigning this very day?
You lie! Racist democrats (ie Dixiecrats) never left the democrat party.

A few, like Thurmond did, most just faded away.
. And he rejected racism when he switched parties.

No. That is a bald-faced lie. Strom Thurmond, who was the "States' Rights" nominee for President in 1948, went from being a Dixiecrat to an Independent to a Republican and to his dying day, he was a vile, ugly racist.

I love it when Righties like you lie right out their asses. It's fun to watch.

Strom Thurmond - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1948, Thurmond stated:
"all the laws of Washington and all the bayonets of the Army cannot force the Negro into our homes, into our schools, our churches and our places of recreation and amusement.

Starting in the 1970s, he moderated his position on race, but continued to defend his early segregationist campaigns on the basis of states' rights in the context of Southern society at the time. He never fully renounced his earlier viewpoints.
Good riddance to a bad crook.

Too bad we couldn't have gotten rid of Jr. (aka Shrub) in the same way.

Lying to the country is bad.

Lying to the country to promote a personal war is worse.

We should have Shrub, Cheney, RumsFAILED, and Rove put into Spandau.

Nixon began the fall of the Soviet Union, NIXON opened the door to China, now "experimenting" with free markets. Give the man his due, pyschologically twisted, but he accomplished so much. RIP Richard Nixon. If only he had not been so personally insecure.

It's a strange quirk of human nature that often the qualities that make someone a good person individually make them bad leaders, while the qualities that make someone a bad person individually often make them good leaders.

Go figure.


Sometimes, but not always, imho. However, I found your observation to be astute and beautifully written
It was Nixon who created the gas shortages with his price controls, not Carter.

Incorrect! Nixon froze all prices and wages for 90 days based on controlling inflation as we switched over to the gold standard. The war in the Middle East and the Oil embargo caused the problem directly.

In response to the US aid to Israel, on October 16, 1973, OPEC announced a decision to raise the posted price of oil by 70%, to $5.11 a barrel.[14] The following day, oil ministers agreed to the embargo, a cut in production by five percent from September's output, and to continue to cut production over time in five percent increments until their economic and political objectives were met.[15] October 19, U.S. President Richard Nixon requested Congress to appropriate $2.2 billion in emergency aid to Israel, including $1.5 billion in outright grants. George Lenczowski notes, "Military supplies did not exhaust Nixon's eagerness to prevent Israel's collapse...This [$2.2 billion] decision triggered a collective OPEC response".[16] Libya immediately announced it would embargo all oil shipments to the United States.[17] Saudi Arabia and the other Arab oil-producing states quickly followed suit, joining the embargo on October 20, 1973.[18] At their meeting in Kuwait the OPEC oil-producing countries, proclaimed the oil boycott that provided for curbs on their oil exports to various consumer countries and a total embargo on oil deliveries to the United States as a "principal hostile country".[19] The embargo was thus variously extended to Western Europe and Japan.

1973 oil crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was horrible times. Gas soared to 50 cents a gallon and gas lines wrapped around the block. Damn Carter to Hell!

Funny, you can remember 1979, but you cannot remember 1973. 73 was by and far the worst of the two.

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