40 years ago today: Nixon (R) resigns in disgrace

Incorrect! Nixon froze all prices and wages for 90 days based on controlling inflation as we switched over to the gold standard. The war in the Middle East and the Oil embargo caused the problem directly.

In response to the US aid to Israel, on October 16, 1973, OPEC announced a decision to raise the posted price of oil by 70%, to $5.11 a barrel.[14] The following day, oil ministers agreed to the embargo, a cut in production by five percent from September's output, and to continue to cut production over time in five percent increments until their economic and political objectives were met.[15] October 19, U.S. President Richard Nixon requested Congress to appropriate $2.2 billion in emergency aid to Israel, including $1.5 billion in outright grants. George Lenczowski notes, "Military supplies did not exhaust Nixon's eagerness to prevent Israel's collapse...This [$2.2 billion] decision triggered a collective OPEC response".[16] Libya immediately announced it would embargo all oil shipments to the United States.[17] Saudi Arabia and the other Arab oil-producing states quickly followed suit, joining the embargo on October 20, 1973.[18] At their meeting in Kuwait the OPEC oil-producing countries, proclaimed the oil boycott that provided for curbs on their oil exports to various consumer countries and a total embargo on oil deliveries to the United States as a "principal hostile country".[19] The embargo was thus variously extended to Western Europe and Japan.

1973 oil crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wrong. Nixon decoupled the US dollar from any hard elements (gold, silver, diamonds) and turned our currency into a free-floating currency.

Yet that is not what caused the Oil crisis in 1973..

I never said it was related. He did that already in 1970-1971. Pay attention.
You love the dramatic added, resigned in DISGRACE

to me it's more disgraceful to be Impeached and not resign..

I can see your point -- remember too, Nixon stepping down in very close election with Kennedy for the good of the country -- very stand-up.

Once upon a time, you could even find Democrats putting the country's good ahead of their personal interests. Rutherford B. Hayes' opponent declined to challenge the House's decision to give Hayes the election because he felt the country's healing after the War was more important than who held the White House for four years.

Partisanship aside, I think we can only mourn the days when public servants actually viewed themselves as servants of the public.

This is, of course, a lie. And you know it.

Samuel J. Tilden (D), even with the results of 6 states thrown out, won by exactly +3.00% over Rutherford B. Hayes (R). Republican legislatures in 6 states, including Florida, threw the results out and a national commission of 8 Republicans and 7 Democrats, voting strictly among party lines, decided to place the Republican slates of electors for those respective states into position instead of the Democratic slates. For four months long, the battle cry was "Tilden, or blood!"

Only when the Republicans (who, at that time, were Liberal) promised the Democrats (who, at that time were overwhelmingly white, southern and ultra-conservative) that they would SLOW DOWN the rate of Reconstruction by removing Yankee troops from the south, did the Democrats acceed and give up. It was called the Compromise of 1877.

This is the one case of 4 clear electoral backfires where the national popular vote was also involved where, in this particular case (1876), without a shadow of a doubt, the election was stolen, plain and simple. 1880, 1888 and 2000 were not stolen. 1876 WAS.

Hayes won in the so-called electoral college 185-184, the closest EC win ever.

His presidency was unremarkable and he did not run for re-election. He and James K. Polk were probably the two most bland presidents in our history, imo.

It's all part of the congressional and historic records.
There's an important lesson to draw here: both parties in Congress eventually cooperated to hold Nixon accountable. The GOP didn't circle the wagon to enable Nixon to violate the Constitution.

They forced him out after they figured it would hurt them politically to continue support. Then the Republican appointee president pardoned Nixon to be sure that he wouldn't be held accountable for his crimes.
Nixon didn't commit any crimes. The pardon was so the enemies of freedom wouldn't trump up more bogus charges against this great man. He didn't serve one day in prison. He was one of our greatest Presidents ever.

Obama is the greatest liar we've ever had squatting in our White Zhouse.

Of course he did. Alone, by personally ordering the break-in and then ordering the ensuing cover-up and then lying about it. That is called perjury. And he actually DID personally instruct the IRS to follow his political opponents. The evidence is overwhelming. Had the HOR voted on the articles of Impeachment (and it was going to) and the Senate convicted (it would have, about 84 to 16), then Nixon would have been forcibly removed from office and then, in a civil court, would have been charged and definitely sent to jail. And the GOP in 1974, already sensing impending doom in the coming mid-terms, did not want to handle the imagery of seeing a GOP former president being booked and sent to prison. This is why all but 16 GOP senators abandoned Nixon. They knew better than to continue to support a losing cause.

This is the ONLY reason why that man resigned. He had no choice.

No amount of strange, RWNJ unicornland thinking on your part will change actual facts.

No amount of re-writing of history on your part will change the actual events as they happened. Especially since EVERY SINGLE GOPer of that day with any name recognition, including Alexander Haig, including Henry Kissinger, admitted that Nixon totally fucked up, and illegally so.
Are you volunteering?


Seriously, Deepthroat for what, pray tell?

You see, this is part of the ultimate RW butthurt meme that somehow, under the surface, Barack Obama is far more criminal that Nixon ever was.

But that is a lie. A bold-faced lie. There is not even one shred of even one scandal to pin on this president.

Benghazi was a tragedy, not a scandal.

The IRS flap is just that: a flap. And there is not even one piece of evidence to connect the president with anything the Lois Lerner did that upsets Righties. Not even one shred.

Righties destroy their own credibility when they automatically spew "scandal" and "criminal" every time they see something they don't like. Boy - Wolf. Remember that children's story.



What did you expect from Stat, J? Politically Stat is Jillian's male aspect.

I disagree with you most strongly, @Ropey -

I am my own person, and I bring my own arguments.

Jillian is her own person, and she brings her own arguments.

We are two different individuals and we don't always agree about everything.

Hmmmm..... interesting that you suddenly got very personal.
Nixon was nearly impeached for doing things Obama does every day. But the bllack guy gets a pass because he's black.
Nixon was nearly impeached for doing things Obama does every day. But the bllack guy gets a pass because he's black.


Nope, no racism there.

Keep on patronizing blacks and keep thinking that is not racism. That way, you can get pats on your back from the dipshits on the left.

If you are going to deny you voted for Obama simply because he is black or he is a democrat, then why don't you list all of the reasons you did.

He had no voting record of any real significance in the senate. We do not know anything he did in school. That means he has no published writings of any kind. We know next to nothing still.

So, statguy, list the things you felt made him so qualified to be president.

I have asked this from you left wing hypocritical, patronizing racists a lot and I never received anything from any of you. Your turn. Racist.
Nixon was nearly impeached for doing things Obama does every day. But the bllack guy gets a pass because he's black.


Nope, no racism there.

Keep on patronizing blacks and keep thinking that is not racism. That way, you can get pats on your back from the dipshits on the left.

If you are going to deny you voted for Obama simply because he is black or he is a democrat, then why don't you list all of the reasons you did.

He had no voting record of any real significance in the senate. We do not know anything he did in school. That means he has no published writings of any kind. We know next to nothing still.

So, statguy, list the things you felt made him so qualified to be president.

I have asked this from you left wing hypocritical, patronizing racists a lot and I never received anything from any of you. Your turn. Racist.

Typical RWNJ racist drivel: in order to deflect, you accuse me or others of being racist. Same old tired crap.

This thread is NOT about Obama. You do realize that the OP is not about him, right?

Pay attention.

Nope, no racism there.

Keep on patronizing blacks and keep thinking that is not racism. That way, you can get pats on your back from the dipshits on the left.

If you are going to deny you voted for Obama simply because he is black or he is a democrat, then why don't you list all of the reasons you did.

He had no voting record of any real significance in the senate. We do not know anything he did in school. That means he has no published writings of any kind. We know next to nothing still.

So, statguy, list the things you felt made him so qualified to be president.

I have asked this from you left wing hypocritical, patronizing racists a lot and I never received anything from any of you. Your turn. Racist.

Typical RWNJ racist drivel: in order to deflect, you accuse me or others of being racist. Same old tired crap.

This thread is NOT about Obama. You do realize that the OP is not about him, right?

Pay attention.

No, but it was YOU that stated Rabbi is a racist in your pathetic, typical race card hippy shit.

I then pointed out to you, that it is you that is racist. I asked you, for what I would think would be sort of simple, a list of reasons you voted for Obama.

I see you cannot answer it, so you will not answer it.

Hey, did you ever hook with mertex? You were sure trying. I am sure, since you are a good enough socialist and hate republicans enough, she would gladly spread em for you.

BTW, do not feel so bad. Not one of your pathetic liberal friends have even attempted to give me the list of reasons you felt Obama was so qualified.

So, you just keep on patronizing black people in order to make yourself accepted among your little friends. Funny stuff to me, how ignorant you actually are.

What did you expect from Stat, J? Politically Stat is Jillian's male aspect.

I disagree with you most strongly, @Ropey -

I am my own person, and I bring my own arguments.

Jillian is her own person, and she brings her own arguments.

We are two different individuals and we don't always agree about everything.

Hmmmm..... interesting that you suddenly got very personal.

Your leftist group "think" is just that. you don't have any independent political thought. I sure haven't seen it in any of your posts

Nope, no racism there.

Keep on patronizing blacks and keep thinking that is not racism. That way, you can get pats on your back from the dipshits on the left.

If you are going to deny you voted for Obama simply because he is black or he is a democrat, then why don't you list all of the reasons you did.

He had no voting record of any real significance in the senate. We do not know anything he did in school. That means he has no published writings of any kind. We know next to nothing still.

So, statguy, list the things you felt made him so qualified to be president.

I have asked this from you left wing hypocritical, patronizing racists a lot and I never received anything from any of you. Your turn. Racist.

Typical RWNJ racist drivel: in order to deflect, you accuse me or others of being racist. Same old tired crap.

This thread is NOT about Obama. You do realize that the OP is not about him, right?

Pay attention.

The problem with loons like Owl is Everything is about Obama.
Keep on patronizing blacks and keep thinking that is not racism. That way, you can get pats on your back from the dipshits on the left.

If you are going to deny you voted for Obama simply because he is black or he is a democrat, then why don't you list all of the reasons you did.

He had no voting record of any real significance in the senate. We do not know anything he did in school. That means he has no published writings of any kind. We know next to nothing still.

So, statguy, list the things you felt made him so qualified to be president.

I have asked this from you left wing hypocritical, patronizing racists a lot and I never received anything from any of you. Your turn. Racist.

Typical RWNJ racist drivel: in order to deflect, you accuse me or others of being racist. Same old tired crap.

This thread is NOT about Obama. You do realize that the OP is not about him, right?

Pay attention.

The problem with loons like Owl is Everything is about Obama.

LOL, from the party that is still obsessed with the guy who left office 5 1/2 years ago...

You really have no self realization, it's hilarious.
Typical RWNJ racist drivel: in order to deflect, you accuse me or others of being racist. Same old tired crap.

This thread is NOT about Obama. You do realize that the OP is not about him, right?

Pay attention.

The problem with loons like Owl is Everything is about Obama.

LOL, from the party that is still obsessed with the guy who left office 5 1/2 years ago...

You really have no self realization, it's hilarious.

Notice, how with them everything is about the right wing being racist. I asked them for the list of reasons they voted for Obama. Me pointing to these pieces of hypocritical shit that they are the racists, really pisses them off. Them, not knowing that patronizing blacks is racism is hilarious.

Notice, how they still have not even come close to even attempting to list for us all of the reasons, all of the accomplishments, and all of the clear qualifications that made Obama qualified to be president to them.

If they want me to list once again all of the crimes against the constitution by Obama that makes what Nixon did look like the biggest so what crime of the century that it was, I will be happy to do so.

In the meantime, I am still waiting for one of these wastes of blood to list me all of the qualifications that they saw. Mind you, there are no writings of any kind that we see from college, we do not even know his grades, and no significant rulings of any kind as senator.

The reason they do not list the things they saw, is because there isn't anything to list. They may list a couple thing, but they know it will be a laughable joke.

So, what does all of that mean. It means that assholes like JoeB (what a traitorous schmuck he is) are the patronizing racists and their race card shit is nothing but ironical hypocritical shit.

So, every time these wastes of blood bring up the race card (that is at the top of their little list of cliches they use) just remind them of the racists they actually are. Ask them, why they voted for Obama.

They are losers. Especially JoeB.
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Beyond a doubt the left's finest hour and they never stopped fantasizing about it. It was about a 3rd rate "black bag" job that was common in politics. LBJ even bugged Goldwater's plane. Neither the media nor any political administration nor the American public would allow stories from an unverified, unidentified "informant" to be published as fact today. One half of the Woodward and Bernstein team was the son of card carrying communists who taught him Marxist theory including "the end justifies the means" and he was brought up with an abiding hatred for Nixon who was a HUAC prosecutor. None of this was made public at the time because the media universally hated Nixon and there was no balance to the news. Nixon fell for it and the republicans chickened out as usual. Any one of today's scandals could have the same effect on the Obama administration if the media used the same tactics.

Well, Nixon made a few mistakes.

The first one was, not having a designated fall guy.

His successors realized that having a Patsie you can blame stuff on was the way to avoid trouble- Ollie North, Scooter Libby, Lois Lerner, Webb Hubbell.

He should have had the IRS audit his enemies

Nope, no racism there.

Keep on patronizing blacks and keep thinking that is not racism. That way, you can get pats on your back from the dipshits on the left.

If you are going to deny you voted for Obama simply because he is black or he is a democrat, then why don't you list all of the reasons you did.

He had no voting record of any real significance in the senate. We do not know anything he did in school. That means he has no published writings of any kind. We know next to nothing still.

So, statguy, list the things you felt made him so qualified to be president.

I have asked this from you left wing hypocritical, patronizing racists a lot and I never received anything from any of you. Your turn. Racist.

Typical RWNJ racist drivel: in order to deflect, you accuse me or others of being racist. Same old tired crap.

This thread is NOT about Obama. You do realize that the OP is not about him, right?

Pay attention.
There's no deflection. Posts about Nixon invaraibly bring up comparisons to the Chump In Chief currently in the WH. Nixon's impeachment articles read like Obama's actions. So we ask the question why Nixon was forced to resign, even facing opposition from Republicans in Congress, while Obama gets a pass. Obama himself likes to point out that he doesnt look like any of his predecessors. So the answer must be he gets a pass because he's black. Or half black. Or dusky. Or whatever it is he he is pretending to be.
Amazing how far the US has fallen in 40 years.

Obama has done worse things than Nixon and is still in office breaking the law...

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