40 years ago today: Nixon (R) resigns in disgrace

Wrong. Nixon decoupled the US dollar from any hard elements (gold, silver, diamonds) and turned our currency into a free-floating currency.

Schools don't teach US history any longer? A lot happened between Bryan's Cross of Gold speech & FDR's removing currency from the gold standard.

Ahhh, William Jennings Bryan, the "silver tongued orator". I bet that most here do not understand the play on words with that designation. 3-time Democratic presidential nominee (1896, 1900, 1908) and I bet that most people don't know that his GRANDSON was also once a Democratic Vice-Presidential nominee (1924). Bryan also scored one of the highest every Democratic landslides in a state outside of the South (not referring to DC either), namely, in newly founded Colorado, where he still holds the electoral record for that state.

Bryan vs. McKinley, Stevenson III vs. Eisenhower.

Two great repeat matchups in our history.



Bryan v. Darrow was no contest though.
Hmmmm, resigning over a cover-up of Republican operatives spying on Democrap scum.....something Democraps do today.

Let's compare that to actually using the IRS to attack right-wing political groups to win an election, giving weapons to foreign drug gangs hoping that will turn public opinion against owning guns in the US due to the border violence, being guilty of manslaughter and a cover-up for the Benghazi deaths when his Admin ignored the threat and warnings about terrorists then lied to the US public, changing Obamacare many times to help his "supporters" and prevent election losses, etc.

The bottom line is that Nixon had enough class to resign for a minor crime, and neither Clinton or Obama had or has enough class to resign for more serious crimes!
Minor crime? cut me a break....sheesh....
I find President Ford's short speech after the swearing in to be an especially humble and moving one.

"Truth is the glue that holds governments together".

WE kept the Oval Office in Good Hands for a while Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr. But then came along slick willy and it was all down hill from there.


What did you expect from Stat, J? Politically Stat is Jillian's male aspect.

I disagree with you most strongly, @Ropey -

I am my own person, and I bring my own arguments.

Jillian is her own person, and she brings her own arguments.

We are two different individuals and we don't always agree about everything.

Hmmmm..... interesting that you suddenly got very personal.

I'm simply saying that leftist Jews are more concerned with Socialism than Judaism and that there's not much difference in the group think of Socialism but it surely does inhibit the practice and study of Judaism.
What did you expect from Stat, J? Politically Stat is Jillian's male aspect.

I disagree with you most strongly, @Ropey -

I am my own person, and I bring my own arguments.

Jillian is her own person, and she brings her own arguments.

We are two different individuals and we don't always agree about everything.

Hmmmm..... interesting that you suddenly got very personal.

I'm simply saying that leftist Jews are more concerned with Socialism than Judaism and that there's not much difference in the group think of Socialism but it surely does inhibit the practice and study of Judaism.
Quite right. They are more dedicated to leftist dogma, probably because they actually know something about it.
Notice the knots they have to time themselves into justifiying Obama's statements on Israel. They start to sound like columns from der Sturmer.
It became very clear to me when a Leftist Jew told me that she believed in Socialism more than Tribalism.

That's when I knew that 'this' argument was useless.
The bottom line is that Nixon had enough class to resign for a minor crime, and neither Clinton or Obama had or has enough class to resign for more serious crimes!
Minor crime? cut me a break....sheesh....

"More Serious" is relative.

Nixon's primary problem was that he recorded shit, and it offered evidence of his part of the Watergate cover-up.

House Judiciary Committee voted to impeach Nixon on the grounds of obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and refusal to obey a congressional subpoena ordering him to release the tapes. On August 5, 1974, Nixon obeyed the Supreme Court ruling and released the tapes. The tapes proved that Nixon had authorized the cover-up as early as June 23, 1972. The Watergate debacle came to an end on August 9, 1974, when Nixon became the first president to resign from office

Obama's done a better job of covering his tracks.
^Before Nixon there were no tapes.

The bottom line is that Nixon had enough class to resign for a minor crime, and neither Clinton or Obama had or has enough class to resign for more serious crimes!
Minor crime? cut me a break....sheesh....

"More Serious" is relative.

Nixon's primary problem was that he recorded shit, and it offered evidence of his part of the Watergate cover-up.

House Judiciary Committee voted to impeach Nixon on the grounds of obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and refusal to obey a congressional subpoena ordering him to release the tapes. On August 5, 1974, Nixon obeyed the Supreme Court ruling and released the tapes. The tapes proved that Nixon had authorized the cover-up as early as June 23, 1972. The Watergate debacle came to an end on August 9, 1974, when Nixon became the first president to resign from office

Obama's done a better job of covering his tracks.

Yep. Nixon's paranoia took him out and President Obama understands the history of American politics.

IMHO, he is a good study and a poor president.
I still remember the joy and satisfaction I felt when I saw that SOB get on the helicopter to leave the White House. It was one of the most rewarding days that I had ever had. However, Ford's pardon soon cast a shadow over the glorious event. I was in law school at the time, and I could not figure out how a person would be "pardoned" for crimes for which he had not yet been convicted. I still don't know, from a legal point of view. I guess that we are lucky that he didn't personally kill anybody, because he would have been pardoned in advance. However, he was directly responsible for the deaths of more Americans than LBJ in Vietnam, which made him evil incarnate, in my book, without even counting other issues, like his complete nervous breakdown, total dishonesty, and that he was 99% asshole.
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^Before Nixon there were no tapes.

Minor crime? cut me a break....sheesh....

"More Serious" is relative.

Nixon's primary problem was that he recorded shit, and it offered evidence of his part of the Watergate cover-up.

House Judiciary Committee voted to impeach Nixon on the grounds of obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and refusal to obey a congressional subpoena ordering him to release the tapes. On August 5, 1974, Nixon obeyed the Supreme Court ruling and released the tapes. The tapes proved that Nixon had authorized the cover-up as early as June 23, 1972. The Watergate debacle came to an end on August 9, 1974, when Nixon became the first president to resign from office

Obama's done a better job of covering his tracks.

Yep. Nixon's paranoia took him out and President Obama understands the history of American politics.

IMHO, he is a good study and a poor president.

I'm not certain that Americans really like "Good Presidents"

We like "Good-looking Presidents."

In "Bad Times" a "Good President" becomes somewhat relative: Practically any idiot can be a good president when the economy has no where to go but up.

One of the most competent, best prepared presidents, George Bush (Sr) had done everything possible to be a "Good President," but still only held one term.
There was not a single thing anyone anywhere in the Nixon administration did that was anywhere near as disgraceful as hundreds - if not thousands - of those in the Obama administration have done.
There was not a single thing anyone anywhere in the Nixon administration did that was anywhere near as disgraceful as hundreds - if not thousands - of those in the Obama administration have done.

Well, getting 38,000 American boys killed just so he could save face is pretty bad, but I guess not as bad as going golfing too often, like Obama does....
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I wonder what liberal scum would've done if Nixon just claimed the "tapes were destroyed."

Nixon also had witnesses to contend with, e.g. Howard Dean, et al.

Clinton knew how to handle this problem: Vince Foster would tell no tales about Whitewater Clinton's investments.
I wonder what liberal scum would've done if Nixon just claimed the "tapes were destroyed."

Nixon also had witnesses to contend with, e.g. Howard Dean, et al.

Clinton knew how to handle this problem: Vince Foster would tell no tales about Whitewater Clinton's investments.

Samson, I do believe that you have spent too much time in front of the TV watching the "X-Files".
There was not a single thing anyone anywhere in the Nixon administration did that was anywhere near as disgraceful as hundreds - if not thousands - of those in the Obama administration have done.

Well, getting 38,000 American boys killed just so he could save face is pretty bad, but I guess not as bad as going golfing too often, like Obama does....

Please explain to me - with links - how Pres Nixon was responsible for getting 38k Americans killed.
There was not a single thing anyone anywhere in the Nixon administration did that was anywhere near as disgraceful as hundreds - if not thousands - of those in the Obama administration have done.

Well, getting 38,000 American boys killed just so he could save face is pretty bad, but I guess not as bad as going golfing too often, like Obama does....

Please explain to me - with links - how Pres Nixon was responsible for getting 38k Americans killed.

Long, if I have to explain to you something as basic is why the sun rose in the East and set in the west in 1968, then I doubt that you would understand the Vietnam war.....

However, I admit that the 38,000 was off the top of my head. He actually was only responsible for getting 22,000 killed.

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Well, getting 38,000 American boys killed just so he could save face is pretty bad, but I guess not as bad as going golfing too often, like Obama does....

Please explain to me - with links - how Pres Nixon was responsible for getting 38k Americans killed.

Long, if I have to explain to you something as basic is why the sun rose in the East and set in the west in 1968, then I doubt that you would understand the Vietnam war.....

You mean the war Kennedy started and Johnson expanded and Nixon ended? That war?
Please explain to me - with links - how Pres Nixon was responsible for getting 38k Americans killed.

Long, if I have to explain to you something as basic is why the sun rose in the East and set in the west in 1968, then I doubt that you would understand the Vietnam war.....

You mean the war Kennedy started and Johnson expanded and Nixon ended? That war?

Nixon did not end that war. Ford did, you stupid fucking shaygetz.

Vietnam War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Vietnam War (Vietnamese: Chiến tranh Việt Nam), also known as the Second Indochina War,[32] and known in Vietnam as the Resistance War Against America or simply the American War, was a Cold War-era proxy war that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1 November 1955[A 1] to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975...

...Gerald Ford took over as U.S. president on 9 August 1974 after president Nixon resigned due to the Watergate scandal. At this time, Congress cut financial aid to South Vietnam from $1 billion a year to $700 million. The U.S. midterm elections in 1974 brought in a new Congress dominated by Democrats who were even more determined to confront the president on the war. Congress immediately voted in restrictions on funding and military activities to be phased in through 1975 and to culminate in a total cutoff of funding in 1976....

...On 13 December 1974, North Vietnamese forces attacked Route 14 in Phước Long Province. Phuoc Binh, the provincial capital, fell on 6 January 1975. Ford desperately asked Congress for funds to assist and re-supply the South before it was overrun. Congress refused. The fall of Phuoc Binh and the lack of an American response left the South Vietnamese elite demoralized...

...Schlesinger announced early in the morning of 29 April 1975 the evacuation from Saigon by helicopter of the last U.S. diplomatic, military, and civilian personnel. Frequent Wind was arguably the largest helicopter evacuation in history. It began on 29 April, in an atmosphere of desperation, as hysterical crowds of Vietnamese vied for limited space. Martin pleaded with Washington to dispatch $700 million in emergency aid to bolster the regime and help it mobilize fresh military reserves. But American public opinion had soured on this conflict.

In the United States, South Vietnam was perceived as doomed. President Gerald Ford had given a televised speech on 23 April, declaring an end to the Vietnam War and all U.S. aid.

Now, part of that text had to to with Nixon's resignation, but back to the OP itself:

"40 years ago today: Nixon (R) resigns in disgrace"

Any other questions, putz?

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