40 years ago today: Nixon (R) resigns in disgrace

What did you expect from Stat, J? Politically Stat is Jillian's male aspect.

I disagree with you most strongly, @Ropey -

I am my own person, and I bring my own arguments.

Jillian is her own person, and she brings her own arguments.

We are two different individuals and we don't always agree about everything.

Hmmmm..... interesting that you suddenly got very personal.

Your leftist group "think" is just that. you don't have any independent political thought. I sure haven't seen it in any of your posts

Well, your mancrush on me in kind of flattering, in a sort of uncomfortable way, but maybe, just maybe, you could actually rub your 4 brain cells together and concentrate on the OP instead. You know, a topic, with information and ideas, like we grown-ups do it.
I disagree with you most strongly, @Ropey -

I am my own person, and I bring my own arguments.

Jillian is her own person, and she brings her own arguments.

We are two different individuals and we don't always agree about everything.

Hmmmm..... interesting that you suddenly got very personal.

Your leftist group "think" is just that. you don't have any independent political thought. I sure haven't seen it in any of your posts

Well, your mancrush on me in kind of flattering, in a sort of uncomfortable way, but maybe, just maybe, you could actually rub your 4 brain cells together and concentrate on the OP instead. You know, a topic, with information and ideas, like we grown-ups do it.
You referring to yourself as a grownup is a howler, miskeit.
I find President Ford's short speech after the swearing in to be an especially humble and moving one.

"Truth is the glue that holds governments together".

WE kept the Oval Office in Good Hands for a while Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr. But then came along slick willy and it was all down hill from there.


Longest peacetime prosperity since 1920, under Clinton.

The least military engagements of any administration.

You really are that stupid, now aren't you...
Oh my the far left is on fire today with their big text and bold comments:

Although Nixon did continue to decrease American troop strength in South Vietnam, the fighting continued. In 1972, the North Vietnamese launched a massive invasion of South Vietnam. The South Vietnamese forces reeled under the attack, but eventually prevailed with the help of U.S. airpower. After extensive negotiations and the bombing of North Vietnam in December 1972, the Paris Peace Accords were signed in January 1973. Under the provisions of the Accords, U.S. forces were completely withdrawn. Unfortunately, this did not end the war for the Vietnamese and the fighting continued until April 1975 when Saigon fell to the communists.

Nixon declares Vietnam War is ending ? History.com This Day in History ? 12/8/1969
I still remember the joy and satisfaction I felt when I saw that SOB get on the helicopter to leave the White House

I was a kid and I remember the era, but not that specific event. Sadly we won't see that for the current President who has done worse on multiple occasions. Republicans didn't circle the wagons and protect him as Democrats shamelessly do today.
Your leftist group "think" is just that. you don't have any independent political thought. I sure haven't seen it in any of your posts

Well, your mancrush on me in kind of flattering, in a sort of uncomfortable way, but maybe, just maybe, you could actually rub your 4 brain cells together and concentrate on the OP instead. You know, a topic, with information and ideas, like we grown-ups do it.
You referring to yourself as a grownup is a howler, miskeit.

What are you drivelling about now, yah pin notef ziva?
I find President Ford's short speech after the swearing in to be an especially humble and moving one.

"Truth is the glue that holds governments together".

WE kept the Oval Office in Good Hands for a while Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr. But then came along slick willy and it was all down hill from there.


Longest peacetime prosperity since 1920, under Clinton.

The least military engagements of any administration.

You really are that stupid, now aren't you...

Thank you Ronald Reagan for defeating the Soviets.
Thank you AL Gore for inventing the internet.
Somalia, Serbia--lots of little wars under Clinton. But his lack of committment led inevitably to 9/11.
Oh my the far left is on fire today with their big text and bold comments:

Although Nixon did continue to decrease American troop strength in South Vietnam, the fighting continued. In 1972, the North Vietnamese launched a massive invasion of South Vietnam. The South Vietnamese forces reeled under the attack, but eventually prevailed with the help of U.S. airpower. After extensive negotiations and the bombing of North Vietnam in December 1972, the Paris Peace Accords were signed in January 1973. Under the provisions of the Accords, U.S. forces were completely withdrawn. Unfortunately, this did not end the war for the Vietnamese and the fighting continued until April 1975 when Saigon fell to the communists.

Nixon declares Vietnam War is ending ? History.com This Day in History ? 12/8/1969

No. The last troops were airlifted out of Saigon in May, 1975, 2 and 1/2 years after the Paris Peace Accords.

Gerald Ford announced the end of the war, not that fucking crook Nixon.

Nice try. Want a nice lollipop to go with your unicorn coloring drawings?
WE kept the Oval Office in Good Hands for a while Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr. But then came along slick willy and it was all down hill from there.


Longest peacetime prosperity since 1920, under Clinton.

The least military engagements of any administration.

You really are that stupid, now aren't you...

Thank you Ronald Reagan for defeating the Soviets.
Thank you AL Gore for inventing the internet.
Somalia, Serbia--lots of little wars under Clinton. But his lack of committment led inevitably to 9/11.

Thank you Ronald Reagan for the highest amount of scandals AND convictions in any one administration in all of history.

Clinton did not lead to 9-11, you stupid RWNJ fuckwad. But enjoy your unicorns and lollipops and fruit punch.
Oh my the far left is on fire today with their big text and bold comments:

Although Nixon did continue to decrease American troop strength in South Vietnam, the fighting continued. In 1972, the North Vietnamese launched a massive invasion of South Vietnam. The South Vietnamese forces reeled under the attack, but eventually prevailed with the help of U.S. airpower. After extensive negotiations and the bombing of North Vietnam in December 1972, the Paris Peace Accords were signed in January 1973. Under the provisions of the Accords, U.S. forces were completely withdrawn. Unfortunately, this did not end the war for the Vietnamese and the fighting continued until April 1975 when Saigon fell to the communists.

Nixon declares Vietnam War is ending ? History.com This Day in History ? 12/8/1969

No. The last troops were airlifted out of Saigon in May, 1975, 2 and 1/2 years after the Paris Peace Accords.

Gerald Ford announced the end of the war, not that fucking crook Nixon.

Nice try. Want a nice lollipop to go with your unicorn coloring drawings?

Nixon set the agenda for withdrawal and Vietnamization of the war.
I was actually there, unlike you who saw it on a television drama or read it on Wiki.
WE kept the Oval Office in Good Hands for a while Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr. But then came along slick willy and it was all down hill from there.


Longest peacetime prosperity since 1920, under Clinton.

The least military engagements of any administration.

You really are that stupid, now aren't you...

Clinton? Are you serious? Of the top of my head

- Iraq
- Afghanistan
- The Sudan
- Kosovo
- Haiti
- Somalia
- Bosnia
- Macedonia
- Kuwait
Longest peacetime prosperity since 1920, under Clinton.

The least military engagements of any administration.

You really are that stupid, now aren't you...

Thank you Ronald Reagan for defeating the Soviets.
Thank you AL Gore for inventing the internet.
Somalia, Serbia--lots of little wars under Clinton. But his lack of committment led inevitably to 9/11.

Thank you Ronald Reagan for the highest amount of scandals AND convictions in any one administration in all of history.

Clinton did not lead to 9-11, you stupid RWNJ fuckwad. But enjoy your unicorns and lollipops and fruit punch.

You're an ignorant hack. How many members of Nixon's administration were convicted and served time?
Clinton's failure in Somalia led bin Laden to conclude Americans wouldn't fight, encouraging him to launch 9/11. bin Laden said so himself.
WE kept the Oval Office in Good Hands for a while Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr. But then came along slick willy and it was all down hill from there.


Longest peacetime prosperity since 1920, under Clinton.

The least military engagements of any administration.

You really are that stupid, now aren't you...

Clinton? Are you serious? Of the top of my head

- Iraq
- Afghanistan
- The Sudan
- Kosovo
- Haiti
- Somalia
- Bosnia
- Macedonia
- Kuwait

Statistheilhitler is an ignorant little schlep who just finished his first year in community college and thinks he knows everything.
I disagree with you most strongly, @Ropey -

I am my own person, and I bring my own arguments.

Jillian is her own person, and she brings her own arguments.

We are two different individuals and we don't always agree about everything.

Hmmmm..... interesting that you suddenly got very personal.

Your leftist group "think" is just that. you don't have any independent political thought. I sure haven't seen it in any of your posts

Well, your mancrush on me in kind of flattering, in a sort of uncomfortable way, but maybe, just maybe, you could actually rub your 4 brain cells together and concentrate on the OP instead. You know, a topic, with information and ideas, like we grown-ups do it.

It really is pointless to try to keep them on topic; they'll blindly defend any republican – including the likes of Nixon.
Clinton did not lead to 9-11, you stupid RWNJ fuckwad. But enjoy your unicorns and lollipops and fruit punch.

How do you figure that since the terrorists were in the US training for their mission when he left office? Did they know W would replace Slick Willy and they would hate him? That was quite the forethought. Any proof though?
Oh my the far left is on fire today with their big text and bold comments:

Although Nixon did continue to decrease American troop strength in South Vietnam, the fighting continued. In 1972, the North Vietnamese launched a massive invasion of South Vietnam. The South Vietnamese forces reeled under the attack, but eventually prevailed with the help of U.S. airpower. After extensive negotiations and the bombing of North Vietnam in December 1972, the Paris Peace Accords were signed in January 1973. Under the provisions of the Accords, U.S. forces were completely withdrawn. Unfortunately, this did not end the war for the Vietnamese and the fighting continued until April 1975 when Saigon fell to the communists.

Nixon declares Vietnam War is ending ? History.com This Day in History ? 12/8/1969

No. The last troops were airlifted out of Saigon in May, 1975, 2 and 1/2 years after the Paris Peace Accords.

Gerald Ford announced the end of the war, not that fucking crook Nixon.

Nice try. Want a nice lollipop to go with your unicorn coloring drawings?

Nixon set the agenda for withdrawal and Vietnamization of the war.
I was actually there, unlike you who saw it on a television drama or read it on Wiki.

Now, you finally tell the truth. I knew that with just a little effort, you might just get it right, kus. Nixon set the stage for the end, but he did not end it. Gerald Ford ended it.

I was 12 when the Vietnam War came to an end and I watched the process from 1972 on with great interest, you old fuckbag, you.
No. The last troops were airlifted out of Saigon in May, 1975, 2 and 1/2 years after the Paris Peace Accords.

Gerald Ford announced the end of the war, not that fucking crook Nixon.

Nice try. Want a nice lollipop to go with your unicorn coloring drawings?

Nixon set the agenda for withdrawal and Vietnamization of the war.
I was actually there, unlike you who saw it on a television drama or read it on Wiki.

Now, you finally tell the truth. I knew that with just a little effort, you might just get it right, kus. Nixon set the stage for the end, but he did not end it. Gerald Ford ended it.

I was 12 when the Vietnam War came to an end and I watched the process from 1972 on with great interest, you old fuckbag, you.

No you idiot. It ended under Ford. But Nixon was responsible for it.
You werent 12 when it ended. Maybe your father was.
Liberals crediting Clinton for the peace time. He must have ended the cold war. Oh wait.

The world trade center was not bombed during administration. Oh wait.

Clinton was responsible for surplus. Oh wait. Republicans controlled the purse strings.

Obama has not committed any crimes against the Constitution. Oh wait.

Every day, liberals find new ways to reveal their pathetic ignorance, arrogance, and hypocrisy.
Last edited:
Your leftist group "think" is just that. you don't have any independent political thought. I sure haven't seen it in any of your posts

Well, your mancrush on me in kind of flattering, in a sort of uncomfortable way, but maybe, just maybe, you could actually rub your 4 brain cells together and concentrate on the OP instead. You know, a topic, with information and ideas, like we grown-ups do it.

It really is pointless to try to keep them on topic; they'll blindly defend any republican – including the likes of Nixon.

They utterly lack the ability to stay OT for more than 20 seconds and they get nasty and personal immediately. They try to make it about a member instead of debating the ideas or confronting the information. Their childish nature is easy to see through. It's hard work growing up a Conservative out of his pacifier-sucking infancy, and most of the time I have no more patience for such asswipes.

I knew in the moment that I created this thread the RWNJs would howl like hyenas, and indeed, they have.

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