40 years ago today: Nixon (R) resigns in disgrace

Liberals crediting Clinton for the peace time. He must have ended the cold war. Oh wait.

The world trade center was not bombed during administration. Oh wait.

Clinton was responsible for surplus. Oh wait. Republicans controlled the purse strings.

Obama has not committed any crimes against the Constitution. Oh wait.

Every day, liberals find new ways to reveal their pathetic ignorance, arrogance, and hypocrisy.

8 years of peacetime under Bill Clinton (D)

a budget surplus under Bill Clinton (D)

Clinton committed no crime against the consitutition. He lied about getting blowjobs in the Oval Office.

Every day, Conservatives find new way to show their collective asses and my, it is funny.
To Nixon, the Vietnam war was just another political tool to get elected. I remember well his running based on a "secret plan to end the war", which he admitted in taped interviews with David Frost, years later, did not exist. By the end, Nixon had suffered a breakdown. He was walking around the White House, at night, drunk, and talking to presidential portraits. Even Johnny Carson told his writers to stop writing jokes for his monolog on Nixon, saying, "He is a sick man". He got two of my high school friends killed, and I knew that he had absolutely no qualms about getting me killed, too, if it helped to shine up his presidential legacy.

Even bumbling Bush II, could not begin to match Nixon when it came to putting the entire country at the cross roads of crisis. Between Nixon and LBJ, America came to regard riots in the streets and burning cities as everyday events. "Hard hats" and war protesters fought in the streets. Racial riots, fueled by the blacks suffering the most burden of the killing in Vietnam, barely rated prime time news coverage anymore.
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Your leftist group "think" is just that. you don't have any independent political thought. I sure haven't seen it in any of your posts

Well, your mancrush on me in kind of flattering, in a sort of uncomfortable way, but maybe, just maybe, you could actually rub your 4 brain cells together and concentrate on the OP instead. You know, a topic, with information and ideas, like we grown-ups do it.

It really is pointless to try to keep them on topic; they'll blindly defend any republican – including the likes of Nixon.

While Nazis (like you) defend the "most transparent administration" in the history of politics. I would also include the "most corrupt administration" in the history of politics.

Again, for the brain-dead nazi liberals like you - Nixon was honorable enough to resign. That piece of gutter trash that YOU follow has no honor - wouldn't know the first thing about honor.

Democrats and "honor" are the biggest oxymoron in the history of politics.
Well, your mancrush on me in kind of flattering, in a sort of uncomfortable way, but maybe, just maybe, you could actually rub your 4 brain cells together and concentrate on the OP instead. You know, a topic, with information and ideas, like we grown-ups do it.

It really is pointless to try to keep them on topic; they'll blindly defend any republican – including the likes of Nixon.

While Nazis (like you) defend the "most transparent administration" in the history of politics. I would also include the "most corrupt administration" in the history of politics.

Again, for the brain-dead nazi liberals like you - Nixon was honorable enough to resign. That piece of gutter trash that YOU follow has no honor - wouldn't know the first thing about honor.

Democrats and "honor" are the biggest oxymoron in the history of politics.

Problem is that today's Woodward and Bernstein's are covering for Obama. And lefties parrot the propaganda.
LINKS about poll in article at the site


Slim majority believe Watergate was a serious matter, according to CNN poll

posted at 12:01 pm on August 8, 2014 by Ed Morrissey

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Well, this explains a few things about our current politics – or maybe politics in general. Tomorrow will mark the fortieth anniversary of the only presidential resignation in American history, when Richard Nixon stepped down rather than face impeachment and removal over the abuses of power uncovered in the Watergate scandal. Back then, those abuses shocked the nation, especially after the White House tapes showed Nixon himself deeply involved in them. These days, nearly half of all Americans think of it as business as usual:

Forty-six percent of people believe the events leading up to the resignation of President Nixon were “just politics,” according to a new poll that coincides with the 40th anniversary of his stepping down.

The CNN poll found a narrow majority, 51 percent, believe the Watergate scandal was a serious matter, while slightly less describe it as the kind of thing in which both parties engage.

Or maybe that’s business as usual:

Those numbers have been relatively constant over the last three decades. When the question was asked in 1982 — eight years after Nixon resigned — 52 percent said it was a very serious matter, while 45 percent described it as just politics.

That’s been a remarkably stable outcome, actually, over the last 32 years of polling on the question. The results have ranged from 52/44 to 49/46, within the margins of error. The most recent result was in 2002 on the 30th anniversary of the Watergate break-in, and it was 51/42.

all of it here:
Slim majority believe Watergate was a serious matter, according to CNN poll « Hot Air
I wonder how many people really know what it was about. A lot of people may not know what it was that actually happened.
It really is pointless to try to keep them on topic; they'll blindly defend any republican – including the likes of Nixon.

While Nazis (like you) defend the "most transparent administration" in the history of politics. I would also include the "most corrupt administration" in the history of politics.

Again, for the brain-dead nazi liberals like you - Nixon was honorable enough to resign. That piece of gutter trash that YOU follow has no honor - wouldn't know the first thing about honor.

Democrats and "honor" are the biggest oxymoron in the history of politics.

Problem is that today's Woodward and Bernstein's are covering for Obama. And lefties parrot the propaganda.

Absolutely correct. When you have allies like that (dispensing your propaganda) - you have free reign to do as you wish. I put the MSM in America directly behind this corrupt bunch of assholes inhabiting the White House. The MSM in America will never be trusted again. Hell, as it is now, they tell us the sun is shining and I call BS until I go outside and see for myself.
Liberals crediting Clinton for the peace time. He must have ended the cold war. Oh wait.

The world trade center was not bombed during administration. Oh wait.

Clinton was responsible for surplus. Oh wait. Republicans controlled the purse strings.

Obama has not committed any crimes against the Constitution. Oh wait.

Every day, liberals find new ways to reveal their pathetic ignorance, arrogance, and hypocrisy.

8 years of peacetime under Bill Clinton (D)

a budget surplus under Bill Clinton (D)

Clinton committed no crime against the consitutition. He lied about getting blowjobs in the Oval Office.

Every day, Conservatives find new way to show their collective asses and my, it is funny.
Yeah. People keep mistaking the lie and calling it perjury. Lying under oath can just be lying under oath. Perjury is far more specific in lying about something material to the guilt of someone.
While Nazis (like you) defend the "most transparent administration" in the history of politics. I would also include the "most corrupt administration" in the history of politics.

Again, for the brain-dead nazi liberals like you - Nixon was honorable enough to resign. That piece of gutter trash that YOU follow has no honor - wouldn't know the first thing about honor.

Democrats and "honor" are the biggest oxymoron in the history of politics.

Problem is that today's Woodward and Bernstein's are covering for Obama. And lefties parrot the propaganda.

Absolutely correct. When you have allies like that (dispensing your propaganda) - you have free reign to do as you wish. I put the MSM in America directly behind this corrupt bunch of assholes inhabiting the White House. The MSM in America will never be trusted again. Hell, as it is now, they tell us the sun is shining and I call BS until I go outside and see for myself.
What corruption?
The Republican led congressional committees keep finding no wrongdoing by the President in trumped up scandal after trumped up scandal.
Liberals crediting Clinton for the peace time. He must have ended the cold war. Oh wait.

The world trade center was not bombed during administration. Oh wait.

Clinton was responsible for surplus. Oh wait. Republicans controlled the purse strings.

Obama has not committed any crimes against the Constitution. Oh wait.

Every day, liberals find new ways to reveal their pathetic ignorance, arrogance, and hypocrisy.

8 years of peacetime under Bill Clinton (D)

a budget surplus under Bill Clinton (D)

Clinton committed no crime against the consitutition. He lied about getting blowjobs in the Oval Office.

Every day, Conservatives find new way to show their collective asses and my, it is funny.
Yeah. People keep mistaking the lie and calling it perjury. Lying under oath can just be lying under oath. Perjury is far more specific in lying about something material to the guilt of someone.

Well, it depends on what the definition of "is" is........

It's bullshit from the start. That asshole should have been walked to the front gate and kicked out.

a LIAR is a LIAR is a LIAR is a LIAR.
To Nixon, the Vietnam war was just another political tool to get elected. I remember well his running based on a "secret plan to end the war", which he admitted in taped interviews with David Frost, years later, did not exist. By the end, Nixon had suffered a breakdown. He was walking around the White House, at night, drunk, and talking to presidential portraits. Even Johnny Carson told his writers to stop writing jokes for his monolog on Nixon, saying, "He is a sick man". He got two of my high school friends killed, and I knew that he had absolutely no qualms about getting me killed, too, if it helped to shine up his presidential legacy.

Even bumbling Bush II, could not begin to match Nixon when it came to putting the entire country at the cross roads of crisis. Between Nixon and LBJ, America came to regard riots in the streets and burning cities as everyday events. "Hard hats" and war protesters fought in the streets. Racial riots, fueled by the blacks suffering the most burden of the killing in Vietnam, barely rated prime time news coverage anymore.
The evidence about Nixon stumbling around was fabricated. After resigning Nixon worked the phones and ate corned beef hash.
You clearly get your info on that period from left wing periodicals.
Problem is that today's Woodward and Bernstein's are covering for Obama. And lefties parrot the propaganda.

Absolutely correct. When you have allies like that (dispensing your propaganda) - you have free reign to do as you wish. I put the MSM in America directly behind this corrupt bunch of assholes inhabiting the White House. The MSM in America will never be trusted again. Hell, as it is now, they tell us the sun is shining and I call BS until I go outside and see for myself.
What corruption?
The Republican led congressional committees keep finding no wrongdoing by the President in trumped up scandal after trumped up scandal.

Sort of like the ass wipe appointed to investigate the IRS (you know, the major Obama contributor) that not one soul has seen or heard from since being "appointed"?

Or trying to get the "Attorney General" who refuses to appoint Special Prosecutors? You know - Barry's "buddy"?
Liberals crediting Clinton for the peace time. He must have ended the cold war. Oh wait.

The world trade center was not bombed during administration. Oh wait.

Clinton was responsible for surplus. Oh wait. Republicans controlled the purse strings.

Obama has not committed any crimes against the Constitution. Oh wait.

Every day, liberals find new ways to reveal their pathetic ignorance, arrogance, and hypocrisy.

8 years of peacetime under Bill Clinton (D)

a budget surplus under Bill Clinton (D)

Clinton committed no crime against the consitutition. He lied about getting blowjobs in the Oval Office.

Every day, Conservatives find new way to show their collective asses and my, it is funny.

You are truly a fucking moron. Almost as though he ignored the facts I presented.

Clinton lied under oath and in case you did not fucking know it, that is a crime you unreal ignorant ass.

Who left a surplus you fucking moron? Republicans controlled spending for most of clintons presidency you ignorant ass.

Why didnt Clinton deal with a cold war you fuckface?

Did al qaeda rise in power under clinton? You stupid stat asshole.
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I wonder what liberal scum would've done if Nixon just claimed the "tapes were destroyed."

Nixon also had witnesses to contend with, e.g. Howard Dean, et al.

Clinton knew how to handle this problem: Vince Foster would tell no tales about Whitewater Clinton's investments.

Samson, I do believe that you have spent too much time in front of the TV watching the "X-Files".

Apparently, connecting dots isn't your strength. That OK, synthesis a higher level thinking skill, and you'll probably develop it after you graduate high school.

Vince Foster died = Fact

Vince Forster was in charge of the Clinton's Whitewater investment files = Fact

There were questions about the legality of these investments = Fact

Vince Foster died, so did the primary witness to any possible investment impropriety = Fact

The files disappeared = Fact

Good luck in school this year!
Liberals crediting Clinton for the peace time. He must have ended the cold war. Oh wait.

The world trade center was not bombed during administration. Oh wait.

Clinton was responsible for surplus. Oh wait. Republicans controlled the purse strings.

Obama has not committed any crimes against the Constitution. Oh wait.

Every day, liberals find new ways to reveal their pathetic ignorance, arrogance, and hypocrisy.

8 years of peacetime under Bill Clinton (D)

a budget surplus under Bill Clinton (D)

Clinton committed no crime against the consitutition. He lied about getting blowjobs in the Oval Office.

Every day, Conservatives find new way to show their collective asses and my, it is funny.

You are truly a fucking moron. Almost as though he ignored the facts I presented.

Clinton lied under oath and in case you did not fucking know it, that is a crime you unreal to ignorant ass.

Who left a surplus you fucking moron? Republicand controlled spending for most of clintons presidency you ignorant ass.

Why didnt Clinton deal with a cold war you fuckface?
Lying under oath is a misdemeanor.
Clinton and Democrats set the track to get to budget surpluses in the first half of his first term, and it continued after the Republicans came to office in 1995.
And the Cold War ended because Truman and every President after kept military spending up, and the economic problems of the Soviets were exacerbated by their attempts to keep up in the arms race.
Liberals crediting Clinton for the peace time. He must have ended the cold war. Oh wait.

The world trade center was not bombed during administration. Oh wait.

Clinton was responsible for surplus. Oh wait. Republicans controlled the purse strings.

Obama has not committed any crimes against the Constitution. Oh wait.

Every day, liberals find new ways to reveal their pathetic ignorance, arrogance, and hypocrisy.

8 years of peacetime under Bill Clinton (D)

a budget surplus under Bill Clinton (D)

Clinton committed no crime against the consitutition. He lied about getting blowjobs in the Oval Office.

Every day, Conservatives find new way to show their collective asses and my, it is funny.

You are truly a fucking moron. Almost as though he ignored the facts I presented.

Clinton lied under oath and in case you did not fucking know it, that is a crime you unreal ignorant ass.

Who left a surplus you fucking moron? Republicans controlled spending for most of clintons presidency you ignorant ass.

Why didnt Clinton deal with a cold war you fuckface?

Did al qaeda rise in power under clinton? You stupid stat asshole.

Um, to be fair, the Cold War was over before Clinton took office.

But the duplicity of Democratic Partisans like Stat cannot be better illustrated than when the same morons that are still blaming BOOOOSH for every one of Obama's mis-steps during the past 6 years, will absolve Clinton of any responsibility for the rise of Al Queda and their attack on the American Homeland months after Billy departed Washington.
Problem is that today's Woodward and Bernstein's are covering for Obama. And lefties parrot the propaganda.

Absolutely correct. When you have allies like that (dispensing your propaganda) - you have free reign to do as you wish. I put the MSM in America directly behind this corrupt bunch of assholes inhabiting the White House. The MSM in America will never be trusted again. Hell, as it is now, they tell us the sun is shining and I call BS until I go outside and see for myself.
What corruption?
The Republican led congressional committees keep finding no wrongdoing by the President in trumped up scandal after trumped up scandal.

Trumped up scandals.

Liberals.are such fucktards. Absolutely worthless pieces of shit.
8 years of peacetime under Bill Clinton (D)

a budget surplus under Bill Clinton (D)

Clinton committed no crime against the consitutition. He lied about getting blowjobs in the Oval Office.

Every day, Conservatives find new way to show their collective asses and my, it is funny.
Yeah. People keep mistaking the lie and calling it perjury. Lying under oath can just be lying under oath. Perjury is far more specific in lying about something material to the guilt of someone.

Well, it depends on what the definition of "is" is........

It's bullshit from the start. That asshole should have been walked to the front gate and kicked out.

a LIAR is a LIAR is a LIAR is a LIAR.
Clinton was impeached and not convicted.

And frankly, while Clinton was a heel for cheating on his wife, it didn't seem to effect his ability to lead the US through the public views as a solid Presidency.
Yeah. People keep mistaking the lie and calling it perjury. Lying under oath can just be lying under oath. Perjury is far more specific in lying about something material to the guilt of someone.

Well, it depends on what the definition of "is" is........

It's bullshit from the start. That asshole should have been walked to the front gate and kicked out.

a LIAR is a LIAR is a LIAR is a LIAR.
Clinton was impeached and not convicted.

And frankly, while Clinton was a heel for cheating on his wife, it didn't seem to effect his ability to lead the US through the public views as a solid Presidency.

And yet every achievement he had is reviled by Democrats today. NAFTA, lower spending, welfare reform. Obama has undone half of it.
Absolutely correct. When you have allies like that (dispensing your propaganda) - you have free reign to do as you wish. I put the MSM in America directly behind this corrupt bunch of assholes inhabiting the White House. The MSM in America will never be trusted again. Hell, as it is now, they tell us the sun is shining and I call BS until I go outside and see for myself.
What corruption?
The Republican led congressional committees keep finding no wrongdoing by the President in trumped up scandal after trumped up scandal.

Sort of like the ass wipe appointed to investigate the IRS (you know, the major Obama contributor) that not one soul has seen or heard from since being "appointed"?

Or trying to get the "Attorney General" who refuses to appoint Special Prosecutors? You know - Barry's "buddy"?
Congressional committees appoint their own committee members and investigators. Why can't they find any wrongdoing?

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