40 years ago today: Nixon (R) resigns in disgrace

Absolutely correct. When you have allies like that (dispensing your propaganda) - you have free reign to do as you wish. I put the MSM in America directly behind this corrupt bunch of assholes inhabiting the White House. The MSM in America will never be trusted again. Hell, as it is now, they tell us the sun is shining and I call BS until I go outside and see for myself.
What corruption?
The Republican led congressional committees keep finding no wrongdoing by the President in trumped up scandal after trumped up scandal.

Trumped up scandals.

Liberals.are such fucktards. Absolutely worthless pieces of shit.
Conservatives are dopes who are fact averse who would rather destroy the US than see it prosper.
What corruption?
The Republican led congressional committees keep finding no wrongdoing by the President in trumped up scandal after trumped up scandal.

Trumped up scandals.

Liberals.are such fucktards. Absolutely worthless pieces of shit.
Conservatives are dopes who are fact averse who would rather destroy the US than see it prosper.

How prosperous have we been for the last 5 years? I mean if you're not already wealthy. They've made out like bandits.
8 years of peacetime under Bill Clinton (D)

a budget surplus under Bill Clinton (D)

Clinton committed no crime against the consitutition. He lied about getting blowjobs in the Oval Office.

Every day, Conservatives find new way to show their collective asses and my, it is funny.

You are truly a fucking moron. Almost as though he ignored the facts I presented.

Clinton lied under oath and in case you did not fucking know it, that is a crime you unreal ignorant ass.

Who left a surplus you fucking moron? Republicans controlled spending for most of clintons presidency you ignorant ass.

Why didnt Clinton deal with a cold war you fuckface?

Did al qaeda rise in power under clinton? You stupid stat asshole.

Um, to be fair, the Cold War was over before Clinton took office.

But the duplicity of Democratic Partisans like Stat cannot be better illustrated than when the same morons that are still blaming BOOOOSH for every one of Obama's mis-steps during the past 6 years, will absolve Clinton of any responsibility for the rise of Al Queda and their attack on the American Homeland months after Billy departed Washington.

When the cold war ended is not the point. The point is that had alot to do with the "peace time" in the 90s. Also, morons like shanty who apparently thinks obama is simply innocent of EVERYTHING does not know or care republicans controlled clintons spending in the 90s.

Imagine how utterly fucking moronic one needs to be to think obama is innocent of everything and all of the scandals are trumped up.

How fucking stupid can liberals allow themselves to get?
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Well, it depends on what the definition of "is" is........

It's bullshit from the start. That asshole should have been walked to the front gate and kicked out.

a LIAR is a LIAR is a LIAR is a LIAR.
Clinton was impeached and not convicted.

And frankly, while Clinton was a heel for cheating on his wife, it didn't seem to effect his ability to lead the US through the public views as a solid Presidency.

And yet every achievement he had is reviled by Democrats today. NAFTA, lower spending, welfare reform. Obama has undone half of it.
Not really true.

NAFTA does suck.

The spending is largely the result of dealing with the largest recession since the Great Depression. And Obama has lowered deficits more than any President in over 50 years. If you don't want deficits like that, then you don't enact deregulation of financial and banking institutions.

And there's no evidence of Obama gutting welfare reforms of 1996.
Does Obama?s Plan ?Gut Welfare Reform??
Trumped up scandals.

Liberals.are such fucktards. Absolutely worthless pieces of shit.
Conservatives are dopes who are fact averse who would rather destroy the US than see it prosper.

How prosperous have we been for the last 5 years? I mean if you're not already wealthy. They've made out like bandits.
That's an incredible indictment of the GOP's obstruction of economic recovery. And obstruction of proposals to make the tax code more progressive.
Are you volunteering?


Seriously, Deepthroat for what, pray tell?

You see, this is part of the ultimate RW butthurt meme that somehow, under the surface, Barack Obama is far more criminal that Nixon ever was.

But that is a lie. A bold-faced lie. There is not even one shred of even one scandal to pin on this president.

Benghazi was a tragedy, not a scandal.

The IRS flap is just that: a flap. And there is not even one piece of evidence to connect the president with anything the Lois Lerner did that upsets Righties. Not even one shred.

Righties destroy their own credibility when they automatically spew "scandal" and "criminal" every time they see something they don't like. Boy - Wolf. Remember that children's story.

You're blinded by your partisanship. When is Obama going to have the IRS investigated? We know why. And so do you.

Civics 101 for you: Presidents do not launch investigations. Congresses do.
Special prosecutor?
Clinton was impeached and not convicted.

And frankly, while Clinton was a heel for cheating on his wife, it didn't seem to effect his ability to lead the US through the public views as a solid Presidency.

And yet every achievement he had is reviled by Democrats today. NAFTA, lower spending, welfare reform. Obama has undone half of it.
Not really true.

NAFTA does suck.

The spending is largely the result of dealing with the largest recession since the Great Depression. And Obama has lowered deficits more than any President in over 50 years. If you don't want deficits like that, then you don't enact deregulation of financial and banking institutions.

And there's no evidence of Obama gutting welfare reforms of 1996.
Does Obama?s Plan ?Gut Welfare Reform??

The recession was over years ago. Revenue has been soaring.
We can add repeal of Glass Steagal to Clinton's accomplishments. You know, the measure that liberals today swear is responsible for the recession.
Obama gutted the work requirement. That is undoubted.
You're blinded by your partisanship. When is Obama going to have the IRS investigated? We know why. And so do you.

Civics 101 for you: Presidents do not launch investigations. Congresses do.
Special prosecutor?

I guess the Justice Department never launched an investigation. I guess the Attorney General is not the chief law enforcement officer in the nation. I guess the AG is not appointed by and answerable to the president.
Statistheilhitler is an ill informed dunce of a poseur.
A few, like Thurmond did, most just faded away.
. And he rejected racism when he switched parties.

No. That is a bald-faced lie. Strom Thurmond, who was the "States' Rights" nominee for President in 1948, went from being a Dixiecrat to an Independent to a Republican and to his dying day, he was a vile, ugly racist.

I love it when Righties like you lie right out their asses. It's fun to watch.

Strom Thurmond - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1948, Thurmond stated:
"all the laws of Washington and all the bayonets of the Army cannot force the Negro into our homes, into our schools, our churches and our places of recreation and amusement.

Starting in the 1970s, he moderated his position on race, but continued to defend his early segregationist campaigns on the basis of states' rights in the context of Southern society at the time. He never fully renounced his earlier viewpoints.
The fucking liberals call everyone who didn't vote for Obama a racist, so it's no surprise you'd call Strom a racist too. Face it, the democrats started the KKK and do anything to keep blacks on their liberal plantation. There is nothing racist about states rights. Your article is full of shit.
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They forced him out after they figured it would hurt them politically to continue support. Then the Republican appointee president pardoned Nixon to be sure that he wouldn't be held accountable for his crimes.
Nixon didn't commit any crimes. The pardon was so the enemies of freedom wouldn't trump up more bogus charges against this great man. He didn't serve one day in prison. He was one of our greatest Presidents ever.

Obama is the greatest liar we've ever had squatting in our White Zhouse.

Of course he did. Alone, by personally ordering the break-in and then ordering the ensuing cover-up and then lying about it. That is called perjury. And he actually DID personally instruct the IRS to follow his political opponents. The evidence is overwhelming. Had the HOR voted on the articles of Impeachment (and it was going to) and the Senate convicted (it would have, about 84 to 16), then Nixon would have been forcibly removed from office and then, in a civil court, would have been charged and definitely sent to jail. And the GOP in 1974, already sensing impending doom in the coming mid-terms, did not want to handle the imagery of seeing a GOP former president being booked and sent to prison. This is why all but 16 GOP senators abandoned Nixon. They knew better than to continue to support a losing cause.

This is the ONLY reason why that man resigned. He had no choice.

No amount of strange, RWNJ unicornland thinking on your part will change actual facts.

No amount of re-writing of history on your part will change the actual events as they happened. Especially since EVERY SINGLE GOPer of that day with any name recognition, including Alexander Haig, including Henry Kissinger, admitted that Nixon totally fucked up, and illegally so.

^^^ example of liberals rewriting history to suit the lies.
Nixon also had witnesses to contend with, e.g. Howard Dean, et al.

Clinton knew how to handle this problem: Vince Foster would tell no tales about Whitewater Clinton's investments.

Samson, I do believe that you have spent too much time in front of the TV watching the "X-Files".

Apparently, connecting dots isn't your strength. That OK, synthesis a higher level thinking skill, and you'll probably develop it after you graduate high school.

Vince Foster died = Fact

Vince Forster was in charge of the Clinton's Whitewater investment files = Fact

There were questions about the legality of these investments = Fact

Vince Foster died, so did the primary witness to any possible investment impropriety = Fact

The files disappeared = Fact

Good luck in school this year!

Ok, following your logic, I now understand what happened to JFK

Marylyn Monroe, mysteriously found dead in 1962. FACT

Marylyn Monroe had had an affair with JFK-FACT

Bobby Kennedy had been sent by JFK to break things off with MM--FACT

Frank Sinatra, friend of MM, had helped get JFK elected, but JFK had dumped him when he became a liability-FACT

JFK shot dead in 1963--FACT

RFK shot dead in 1968--FACT

Therefore, Frank Sinatra had the Kennedy's killed as revenge against them for their shabby treatment of MM and himself.

And Samson, I am not even going to bore you with the obvious fact that Elvis was on the grassy knoll....

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You are truly a fucking moron. Almost as though he ignored the facts I presented.

Clinton lied under oath and in case you did not fucking know it, that is a crime you unreal ignorant ass.

Who left a surplus you fucking moron? Republicans controlled spending for most of clintons presidency you ignorant ass.

Why didnt Clinton deal with a cold war you fuckface?

Did al qaeda rise in power under clinton? You stupid stat asshole.

Um, to be fair, the Cold War was over before Clinton took office.

But the duplicity of Democratic Partisans like Stat cannot be better illustrated than when the same morons that are still blaming BOOOOSH for every one of Obama's mis-steps during the past 6 years, will absolve Clinton of any responsibility for the rise of Al Queda and their attack on the American Homeland months after Billy departed Washington.

When the cold war ended is not the point. The point is that had alot to do with the "peace time" in the 90s. Also, morons like shanty who apparently thinks obama is simply innocent of EVERYTHING does not know or care republicans controlled clintons spending in the 90s.

Imagine how utterly fucking moronic one needs to be to think obama is innocent of everything and all of the scandals are trumped up.

How fucking stupid can liberals allow themselves to get?
Republican committee finds no wrongdoing.
Yet another setback for Benghazi conspiracy theorists | MSNBC

Clinton's budget proposals that the Democrats helped to pass, and lowered deficits. Washingtonpost.com: Asking American to 'Face Facts,' Clinton Presents Plan to Raise Taxes, Cut Deficit

And you haven't brought a single fact into the discussion.
And yet every achievement he had is reviled by Democrats today. NAFTA, lower spending, welfare reform. Obama has undone half of it.
Not really true.

NAFTA does suck.

The spending is largely the result of dealing with the largest recession since the Great Depression. And Obama has lowered deficits more than any President in over 50 years. If you don't want deficits like that, then you don't enact deregulation of financial and banking institutions.

And there's no evidence of Obama gutting welfare reforms of 1996.
Does Obama?s Plan ?Gut Welfare Reform??

The recession was over years ago. Revenue has been soaring.
We can add repeal of Glass Steagal to Clinton's accomplishments. You know, the measure that liberals today swear is responsible for the recession.
Obama gutted the work requirement. That is undoubted.
High joblessness persisted because of the nature of the recession being the result of the Bush/GOP asset bubble. Revenues are soaring and deficits are reduced, something the Bush and GOP congresses never did when they held the executive and legislative branches.
Glass-Steagal is another problem from Clinton and the GOP congress. But Bush and the GOP were warned back in 2002 by Dean Baker that the housing bubble existed and that when it burst, it would cause a large recession. As [MENTION=49669]Dad2three[/MENTION] pointed out in the Econ forum, Bush accelerated the housing bubble more by changing rules on how loans were given.
Revenues rose under Obama, but not as much had a second stimulus been passed to get people to work, reduce unemployment, and reduce government spending on welfare and such.
8 years of peacetime under Bill Clinton (D)

a budget surplus under Bill Clinton (D)

Clinton committed no crime against the consitutition. He lied about getting blowjobs in the Oval Office.

Every day, Conservatives find new way to show their collective asses and my, it is funny.

You are truly a fucking moron. Almost as though he ignored the facts I presented.

Clinton lied under oath and in case you did not fucking know it, that is a crime you unreal ignorant ass.

Who left a surplus you fucking moron? Republicans controlled spending for most of clintons presidency you ignorant ass.

Why didnt Clinton deal with a cold war you fuckface?

Did al qaeda rise in power under clinton? You stupid stat asshole.

Um, to be fair, the Cold War was over before Clinton took office.

But the duplicity of Democratic Partisans like Stat cannot be better illustrated than when the same morons that are still blaming BOOOOSH for every one of Obama's mis-steps during the past 6 years, will absolve Clinton of any responsibility for the rise of Al Queda and their attack on the American Homeland months after Billy departed Washington.

Please point to a single posting of mine where I have blamed former Pres. George W. Bush (43) for any of Obama's policy successes or failures over the last 5.5 years. Please. Just one posting will do.

Hint: you won't find one.

Now, back to the OP:

"40 years ago today: Nixon (R) resigns in disgrace"

Think you might be able to write something cogent about the actual content of the OP, or is that too hard for you to do?
You are truly a fucking moron. Almost as though he ignored the facts I presented.

Clinton lied under oath and in case you did not fucking know it, that is a crime you unreal ignorant ass.

Who left a surplus you fucking moron? Republicans controlled spending for most of clintons presidency you ignorant ass.

Why didnt Clinton deal with a cold war you fuckface?

Did al qaeda rise in power under clinton? You stupid stat asshole.

Um, to be fair, the Cold War was over before Clinton took office.

But the duplicity of Democratic Partisans like Stat cannot be better illustrated than when the same morons that are still blaming BOOOOSH for every one of Obama's mis-steps during the past 6 years, will absolve Clinton of any responsibility for the rise of Al Queda and their attack on the American Homeland months after Billy departed Washington.

Please point to a single posting of mine where I have blamed former Pres. George W. Bush (43) for any of Obama's policy successes or failures over the last 5.5 years. Please. Just one posting will do.

Hint: you won't find one.

Now, back to the OP:

"40 years ago today: Nixon (R) resigns in disgrace"

Think you might be able to write something cogent about the actual content of the OP, or is that too hard for you to do?

my my aren't we defensive today.

I only said you were duplicitous: This manifests itself in your so-called "Objective" interpretation of poll results, when you are clearly a Democratic Partisan.

I like how you partisans will always say Obama has been president 5.5 years....as if saying 6 years gives him far more credit than he deserves....:lol:

PS: Your OP stopped being cogent when you posted the thread outside the History Forum.
Um, to be fair, the Cold War was over before Clinton took office.

But the duplicity of Democratic Partisans like Stat cannot be better illustrated than when the same morons that are still blaming BOOOOSH for every one of Obama's mis-steps during the past 6 years, will absolve Clinton of any responsibility for the rise of Al Queda and their attack on the American Homeland months after Billy departed Washington.

Please point to a single posting of mine where I have blamed former Pres. George W. Bush (43) for any of Obama's policy successes or failures over the last 5.5 years. Please. Just one posting will do.

Hint: you won't find one.

Now, back to the OP:

"40 years ago today: Nixon (R) resigns in disgrace"

Think you might be able to write something cogent about the actual content of the OP, or is that too hard for you to do?

my my aren't we defensive today.

I only said you were duplicitous: This manifests itself in your so-called "Objective" interpretation of poll results, when you are clearly a Democratic Partisan.

I like how you partisans will always say Obama has been president 5.5 years....as if saying 6 years gives him far more credit than he deserves....:lol:

PS: Your OP stopped being cogent when you posted the thread outside the History Forum.

Not defensive. Just correcting your stupidity. It's a hard job, but (sigh) someone has to do it.

I wrote 5.5 years, because that is currently far more correct than saying 6 years. In just a little more than 5 months, it will THEN be the 6 year mark. Even first graders can understand this. Can you?
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Please point to a single posting of mine where I have blamed former Pres. George W. Bush (43) for any of Obama's policy successes or failures over the last 5.5 years. Please. Just one posting will do.

Hint: you won't find one.

Now, back to the OP:

"40 years ago today: Nixon (R) resigns in disgrace"

Think you might be able to write something cogent about the actual content of the OP, or is that too hard for you to do?

my my aren't we defensive today.

I only said you were duplicitous: This manifests itself in your so-called "Objective" interpretation of poll results, when you are clearly a Democratic Partisan.

I like how you partisans will always say Obama has been president 5.5 years....as if saying 6 years gives him far more credit than he deserves....:lol:

PS: Your OP stopped being cogent when you posted the thread outside the History Forum.

Not defensive. Just correcting your stupidity. It's a hard job, but (sigh) someone has to do it.

Whining seems to be a hobby for you;

Strom Thurmond's daughter was black.
So much for Statistheilhitler and his vast pool of (mis)information.

So, Strom Thurmond knocks a woman up, and that erases his record of fighting against Civil Rights in the US as both a Diciecrat, or Republican.

Maybe he did renounce his own racist past and meant it. But nothing he did after the renouncing of racism showed him to be for freedom and equality for all.

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