40 years ago today: Nixon (R) resigns in disgrace

Strom Thurmond's daughter was black.
So much for Statistheilhitler and his vast pool of (mis)information.

So, Strom Thurmond knocks a woman up, and that erases his record of fighting against Civil Rights in the US as both a Diciecrat, or Republican.

Maybe he did renounce his own racist past and meant it. But nothing he did after the renouncing of racism showed him to be for freedom and equality for all.

Getting re-elected was more important to him than than fighting for the rights of his own flesh and blood. Isn't that the very definition of "feckless"? The word gets thrown around a lot by many of the same people who are talking up Strom, but I doubt they even know what it means, "having no sense of responsibility; indifferent; lazy".

Feckless | Define Feckless at Dictionary.com
Um, to be fair, the Cold War was over before Clinton took office.

But the duplicity of Democratic Partisans like Stat cannot be better illustrated than when the same morons that are still blaming BOOOOSH for every one of Obama's mis-steps during the past 6 years, will absolve Clinton of any responsibility for the rise of Al Queda and their attack on the American Homeland months after Billy departed Washington.

Please point to a single posting of mine where I have blamed former Pres. George W. Bush (43) for any of Obama's policy successes or failures over the last 5.5 years. Please. Just one posting will do.

Hint: you won't find one.

Now, back to the OP:

"40 years ago today: Nixon (R) resigns in disgrace"

Think you might be able to write something cogent about the actual content of the OP, or is that too hard for you to do?

my my aren't we defensive today.

I only said you were duplicitous: This manifests itself in your so-called "Objective" interpretation of poll results, when you are clearly a Democratic Partisan.

I like how you partisans will always say Obama has been president 5.5 years....as if saying 6 years gives him far mores credit than he deserves....:lol:

PS: Your OP stopped being cogent when you posted the thread outside the History Forum.
are you trying to place Obama in the White House when the housing bubble was showing signs of being a problem back in 2002?

Isn't that passing the buck, when the GOP and Bush held the legislative and executive power? Shouldn't you want to see accountability of politicians for what they do, instead if pushing the problems into others?

I admit that Obama's biggest failure was the small stimulus. By not enacting one large enough right away, he should have planned for the mid-terms to have a much different composition, and that the GOP were already talking about obstructing anything and everything the President needed to correct the recession the GOP helped to create.
Strom Thurmond's daughter was black.
So much for Statistheilhitler and his vast pool of (mis)information.

So, Strom Thurmond knocks a woman up, and that erases his record of fighting against Civil Rights in the US as both a Diciecrat, or Republican.

Maybe he did renounce his own racist past and meant it. But nothing he did after the renouncing of racism showed him to be for freedom and equality for all.

Getting re-elected was more important to him than than fighting for the rights of his own flesh and blood. Isn't that the very definition of "feckless"? The word gets thrown around a lot by many of the same people who are talking up Strom, but I doubt they even know what it means, "having no sense of responsibility; indifferent; lazy".

Feckless | Define Feckless at Dictionary.com
Good point.
Liberals crediting Clinton for the peace time. He must have ended the cold war. Oh wait.

The world trade center was not bombed during administration. Oh wait.

Clinton was responsible for surplus. Oh wait. Republicans controlled the purse strings.

Obama has not committed any crimes against the Constitution. Oh wait.

Every day, liberals find new ways to reveal their pathetic ignorance, arrogance, and hypocrisy.

8 years of peacetime under Bill Clinton (D)

a budget surplus under Bill Clinton (D)

Clinton committed no crime against the consitutition. He lied about getting blowjobs in the Oval Office.

Every day, Conservatives find new way to show their collective asses and my, it is funny.

You are truly a fucking moron. Almost as though he ignored the facts I presented.

Clinton lied under oath and in case you did not fucking know it, that is a crime you unreal ignorant ass.

Who left a surplus you fucking moron? Republicans controlled spending for most of clintons presidency you ignorant ass.

Why didnt Clinton deal with a cold war you fuckface?

Did al qaeda rise in power under clinton? You stupid stat asshole.

Presidents sign the spending bills. The entire time, you criticize Obama for America's financial woes, but when Clinton was president and things were going well, suddenly it's just the Republicans in congress.

Very, very selective of you... and Hillaryous, too!

Oh, and anger management training could probably help you some, little hooting owl.
What corruption?
The Republican led congressional committees keep finding no wrongdoing by the President in trumped up scandal after trumped up scandal.

Sort of like the ass wipe appointed to investigate the IRS (you know, the major Obama contributor) that not one soul has seen or heard from since being "appointed"?

Or trying to get the "Attorney General" who refuses to appoint Special Prosecutors? You know - Barry's "buddy"?
Congressional committees appoint their own committee members and investigators. Why can't they find any wrongdoing?
They take the 5th, which is proof they are guilty of a crime, otherwise there would be no need.
Civics 101 for you: Presidents do not launch investigations. Congresses do.
Special prosecutor?

I guess the Justice Department never launched an investigation. I guess the Attorney General is not the chief law enforcement officer in the nation. I guess the AG is not appointed by and answerable to the president.
Statistheilhitler is an ill informed dunce of a poseur.
Thanks for pointing out that Statist does not know his ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to Civics.
Strom Thurmond's daughter was black.
So much for Statistheilhitler and his vast pool of (mis)information.

So, Strom Thurmond knocks a woman up, and that erases his record of fighting against Civil Rights in the US as both a Diciecrat, or Republican.

Maybe he did renounce his own racist past and meant it. But nothing he did after the renouncing of racism showed him to be for freedom and equality for all.

Yet your ilk was so quick to forgive Robert KKK Byrd. Your hypocrisy is running down your leg.
Strom Thurmond's daughter was black.
So much for Statistheilhitler and his vast pool of (mis)information.

So, Strom Thurmond knocks a woman up, and that erases his record of fighting against Civil Rights in the US as both a Diciecrat, or Republican.

Maybe he did renounce his own racist past and meant it. But nothing he did after the renouncing of racism showed him to be for freedom and equality for all.

Yet your ilk was so quick to forgive Robert KKK Byrd. Your hypocrisy is running down your leg.

Well that was differnt because Byrd remained a Democrat, therefore a good guy.
Um, to be fair, the Cold War was over before Clinton took office.

But the duplicity of Democratic Partisans like Stat cannot be better illustrated than when the same morons that are still blaming BOOOOSH for every one of Obama's mis-steps during the past 6 years, will absolve Clinton of any responsibility for the rise of Al Queda and their attack on the American Homeland months after Billy departed Washington.

When the cold war ended is not the point. The point is that had alot to do with the "peace time" in the 90s. Also, morons like shanty who apparently thinks obama is simply innocent of EVERYTHING does not know or care republicans controlled clintons spending in the 90s.

Imagine how utterly fucking moronic one needs to be to think obama is innocent of everything and all of the scandals are trumped up.

How fucking stupid can liberals allow themselves to get?
Republican committee finds no wrongdoing.
Yet another setback for Benghazi conspiracy theorists | MSNBC

Clinton's budget proposals that the Democrats helped to pass, and lowered deficits. Washingtonpost.com: Asking American to 'Face Facts,' Clinton Presents Plan to Raise Taxes, Cut Deficit

And you haven't brought a single fact into the discussion.

So many people have no clue how the budget process works. First, only congress can propose and until they've passed one, the President can't sign it. Secondly, you have to look at the policies that were passed during the admin to see what actually affects the budget long term.

Most Democrats obediently regurgitate the dogmatic party line that the Clintons had "passed along" a balanced budget to Bush, but they always avoid mentioning the fact that that balancing act was performed by a Republican-controlled congress, and was only made possible because of the unsustainable increase in tax revenues resulting from the soon-to-burst dot-com tech bubble. Also they carefully disregard the fact that Federal budgets are only created by Congress, and that Clinton’s role was simply to sign his name to it.

After Bush took office the inevitable happened with the failure of the overheated, tech-inflated, false economy which had been developing during the previous decade. That failure removed the temporary increase in tax proceeds, leaving the pre-existing level of budget expenditures to again exceed the available revenue.

In the November 2006 elections, Democrats won back the majority in both the House and Senate, and in the three fiscal years that have started since then (2008, 2009, 2010), they have run record deficits of $458.6 billion, $1.41 trillion and $1.55 trillion.

The estimated deficit for the fiscal year (2010) of $1.55 trillion is more than three times as large as the $458.6 billion deficit that President George W. Bush presided over with a Democratic Congress in fiscal 2008. In fiscal 2010, of course, Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress as well as the White House.

Articles: What Republican Senate Control Means for America

Sen. Whitehouse says Democrats controlled Congress at end of Clinton presidency | PolitiFact Rhode Island

"When George Bush took office, President Clinton, a Democrat, and the Democratic Congress at the time had left an annual budget that was in surplus."
Sheldon Whitehouse on Thursday, June 24th, 2010 in a Senate floor speech

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I disagree with you most strongly, @Ropey -

I am my own person, and I bring my own arguments.

Jillian is her own person, and she brings her own arguments.

We are two different individuals and we don't always agree about everything.

Hmmmm..... interesting that you suddenly got very personal.

Your leftist group "think" is just that. you don't have any independent political thought. I sure haven't seen it in any of your posts

Well, your mancrush on me in kind of flattering, in a sort of uncomfortable way, but maybe, just maybe, you could actually rub your 4 brain cells together and concentrate on the OP instead. You know, a topic, with information and ideas, like we grown-ups do it.

Man crush?:lol: I feel sorry for you actually. Leftism hasn't done anything for Jews, but that's your thing....Anyone who can objectively look at Obama, look at things as they are today in the U.S. and around the world and say with a straight face He is a good president is not living in the real world. I suppose you could if you have blind faith in leftism...... that's a problem
Samson, I do believe that you have spent too much time in front of the TV watching the "X-Files".

Apparently, connecting dots isn't your strength. That OK, synthesis a higher level thinking skill, and you'll probably develop it after you graduate high school.

Vince Foster died = Fact

Vince Forster was in charge of the Clinton's Whitewater investment files = Fact

There were questions about the legality of these investments = Fact

Vince Foster died, so did the primary witness to any possible investment impropriety = Fact

The files disappeared = Fact

Good luck in school this year!

Ok, following your logic, I now understand what happened to JFK

Marylyn Monroe, mysteriously found dead in 1962. FACT

Marylyn Monroe had had an affair with JFK-FACT

Bobby Kennedy had been sent by JFK to break things off with MM--FACT

Frank Sinatra, friend of MM, had helped get JFK elected, but JFK had dumped him when he became a liability-FACT

JFK shot dead in 1963--FACT

RFK shot dead in 1968--FACT

Therefore, Frank Sinatra had the Kennedy's killed as revenge against them for their shabby treatment of MM and himself.

And Samson, I am not even going to bore you with the obvious fact that Elvis was on the grassy knoll....


Leaving out Oswald = Fact.

Try to keep up.
When the cold war ended is not the point. The point is that had alot to do with the "peace time" in the 90s. Also, morons like shanty who apparently thinks obama is simply innocent of EVERYTHING does not know or care republicans controlled clintons spending in the 90s.

Imagine how utterly fucking moronic one needs to be to think obama is innocent of everything and all of the scandals are trumped up.

How fucking stupid can liberals allow themselves to get?
Republican committee finds no wrongdoing.
Yet another setback for Benghazi conspiracy theorists | MSNBC

Clinton's budget proposals that the Democrats helped to pass, and lowered deficits. Washingtonpost.com: Asking American to 'Face Facts,' Clinton Presents Plan to Raise Taxes, Cut Deficit

And you haven't brought a single fact into the discussion.

So many people have no clue how the budget process works. First, only congress can propose and until they've passed one, the President can't sign it. Secondly, you have to look at the policies that were passed during the admin to see what actually affects the budget long term.

Most Democrats obediently regurgitate the dogmatic party line that the Clintons had "passed along" a balanced budget to Bush, but they always avoid mentioning the fact that that balancing act was performed by a Republican-controlled congress, and was only made possible because of the unsustainable increase in tax revenues resulting from the soon-to-burst dot-com tech bubble. Also they carefully disregard the fact that Federal budgets are only created by Congress, and that Clinton’s role was simply to sign his name to it.

After Bush took office the inevitable happened with the failure of the overheated, tech-inflated, false economy which had been developing during the previous decade. That failure removed the temporary increase in tax proceeds, leaving the pre-existing level of budget expenditures to again exceed the available revenue.

In the November 2006 elections, Democrats won back the majority in both the House and Senate, and in the three fiscal years that have started since then (2008, 2009, 2010), they have run record deficits of $458.6 billion, $1.41 trillion and $1.55 trillion.

The estimated deficit for the fiscal year (2010) of $1.55 trillion is more than three times as large as the $458.6 billion deficit that President George W. Bush presided over with a Democratic Congress in fiscal 2008. In fiscal 2010, of course, Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress as well as the White House.

Articles: What Republican Senate Control Means for America

Sen. Whitehouse says Democrats controlled Congress at end of Clinton presidency | PolitiFact Rhode Island

"When George Bush took office, President Clinton, a Democrat, and the Democratic Congress at the time had left an annual budget that was in surplus."
Sheldon Whitehouse on Thursday, June 24th, 2010 in a Senate floor speech

I'm well aware of how the budget process works. When presidents make their budget proposals public, the allies in his party often take those cues and try to make the spending priorities and sources of revenues happen.

The Democrats in the House and Senate passed that Omnibus Budget of 1993, and it helped to bring on deficit reduction.
Republican committee finds no wrongdoing.
Yet another setback for Benghazi conspiracy theorists | MSNBC

Clinton's budget proposals that the Democrats helped to pass, and lowered deficits. Washingtonpost.com: Asking American to 'Face Facts,' Clinton Presents Plan to Raise Taxes, Cut Deficit

And you haven't brought a single fact into the discussion.

So many people have no clue how the budget process works. First, only congress can propose and until they've passed one, the President can't sign it. Secondly, you have to look at the policies that were passed during the admin to see what actually affects the budget long term.

Most Democrats obediently regurgitate the dogmatic party line that the Clintons had "passed along" a balanced budget to Bush, but they always avoid mentioning the fact that that balancing act was performed by a Republican-controlled congress, and was only made possible because of the unsustainable increase in tax revenues resulting from the soon-to-burst dot-com tech bubble. Also they carefully disregard the fact that Federal budgets are only created by Congress, and that Clinton’s role was simply to sign his name to it.

After Bush took office the inevitable happened with the failure of the overheated, tech-inflated, false economy which had been developing during the previous decade. That failure removed the temporary increase in tax proceeds, leaving the pre-existing level of budget expenditures to again exceed the available revenue.

In the November 2006 elections, Democrats won back the majority in both the House and Senate, and in the three fiscal years that have started since then (2008, 2009, 2010), they have run record deficits of $458.6 billion, $1.41 trillion and $1.55 trillion.

The estimated deficit for the fiscal year (2010) of $1.55 trillion is more than three times as large as the $458.6 billion deficit that President George W. Bush presided over with a Democratic Congress in fiscal 2008. In fiscal 2010, of course, Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress as well as the White House.

Articles: What Republican Senate Control Means for America

Sen. Whitehouse says Democrats controlled Congress at end of Clinton presidency | PolitiFact Rhode Island

"When George Bush took office, President Clinton, a Democrat, and the Democratic Congress at the time had left an annual budget that was in surplus."
Sheldon Whitehouse on Thursday, June 24th, 2010 in a Senate floor speech

I'm well aware of how the budget process works. When presidents make their budget proposals public, the allies in his party often take those cues and try to make the spending priorities and sources of revenues happen.

The Democrats in the House and Senate passed that Omnibus Budget of 1993, and it helped to bring on deficit reduction.

In the 1990s, the unemployment rate peaked in June 1992 at 7.8%. Bill Clinton took office in January 1993 with the unemployment rate at 7.3%. So, now we see a downward trend in the unemployment rate before Clinton took office. We can hardly give Clinton the credit for that, now can we? The economy was already expanding under the Reagan’s tax reforms. The Economic Recovery Tax Act (ERTA) of 1981 and the Tax Reform Act of 1986. The unemployment started to drop in March 1983 which stood at 10.3% and continued to drop passed his last term and into the George H.W. Bush administration to March 1989 when the rate bottomed out at 5%.


As mentioned above, the unemployment rate was going up before Clinton took office; peaked to 8.2% (unadjusted) in Feb 1993 and 8.1% (unadjusted) in Jan 1993 and the started to go down before the tax increases of The Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1993 was signed in to law in August 1993. The unemployment rate for August 1993 stood at 6.8%. So, how do you conclude that “Clinton’s tax increases stimulated the economy or lowered the UNRATE“? Next, the Republicans took back Congress in 1994. In 1997, the Tax Relief Act of 1997 was signed into law in August 1997. The unemployment rate stood at 4.8%. The economy really took off and expanded. The computer and technology sector drove the markets, i.e., the dotcom boom. The unemployment rate stood at 3.9% from September 2000 to December 2000. There was a lot of hiring in the dotcom boom because of the Year 2000 which brought about a lot of preparation for possible computer issues because of potential computer time software problems. So… in conclusion, who really gets credit for the 1990s boom?



Proponents of tax increases often reference the Clinton 1993 tax increase and the subsequent period of economic growth as evidence that deficit reduction through tax hikes is a pro-growth policy. What these proponents ignore, however, is that the tax increases occurred at a time when the economy was recovering from recession and strong growth was to be expected. They also ignore that the real acceleration in the economy began in 1997, when economic growth should have cooled. This acceleration in growth coincided with a powerful pro-growth tax cut.

The evidence is persuasive that the tax increase probably slowed the economy compared to the growth it would have achieved and that the subsequent tax cuts of 1997, not the tax increases, were the source of the acceleration in real growth in the latter half of the decade. As taxes are now above their historical average as a share of the economy, and are rising, Congress should look to enact additional tax relief to keep the economy strong.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

The Dangerous Myth About The Bill Clinton Tax Increase - Forbes
Apparently, connecting dots isn't your strength. That OK, synthesis a higher level thinking skill, and you'll probably develop it after you graduate high school.

Vince Foster died = Fact

Vince Forster was in charge of the Clinton's Whitewater investment files = Fact

There were questions about the legality of these investments = Fact

Vince Foster died, so did the primary witness to any possible investment impropriety = Fact

The files disappeared = Fact

Good luck in school this year!

Ok, following your logic, I now understand what happened to JFK

Marylyn Monroe, mysteriously found dead in 1962. FACT

Marylyn Monroe had had an affair with JFK-FACT

Bobby Kennedy had been sent by JFK to break things off with MM--FACT

Frank Sinatra, friend of MM, had helped get JFK elected, but JFK had dumped him when he became a liability-FACT

JFK shot dead in 1963--FACT

RFK shot dead in 1968--FACT

Therefore, Frank Sinatra had the Kennedy's killed as revenge against them for their shabby treatment of MM and himself.

And Samson, I am not even going to bore you with the obvious fact that Elvis was on the grassy knoll....


Leaving out Oswald = Fact.

Try to keep up.

Oh, don't get me wrong. It is really plausible! I mean, Bill and Hillary are sitting around with their campaign advisors who are telling them that "This Whitewater thing could really have an adverse impact on the election.". Bill says, "Any suggestions?" Somebody in the room says, "Well, why not kill this Foster guy?." Bill says, "Damn! Why didn't I think of that? Call Vito and tell him to make it look like suicide". An advisor says, "Bill, don't you think that is kind of risky, and maybe an over reaction? Why don't we just steal the files. then it would his word against ours"" Bill says, Naw! It is the only logical thing to do. Hillary never liked the SOB anyway. Next item on the agenda?"
I find President Ford's short speech after the swearing in to be an especially humble and moving one.

"Truth is the glue that holds governments together".

WE kept the Oval Office in Good Hands for a while Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr. But then came along slick willy and it was all down hill from there.


Longest peacetime prosperity since 1920, under Clinton.

The least military engagements of any administration.

You really are that stupid, now aren't you...

Longest peacetime prosperity since 1920, under Clinton.

Yes - Thank Goodness for Reagonomics - Slick Willy got a free ride off of it.
WE kept the Oval Office in Good Hands for a while Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr. But then came along slick willy and it was all down hill from there.


Longest peacetime prosperity since 1920, under Clinton.

The least military engagements of any administration.

You really are that stupid, now aren't you...

Longest peacetime prosperity since 1920, under Clinton.

Yes - Thank Goodness for Reagonomics - Slick Willy got a free ride off of it.

Uh,, there was a president BETWEEN Reagan and Clinton, his name was George H. W. Bush (41) and there was an economic downturn in 1992. Guess that came from Reagan, too.

Gawd, you Righties really ARE that stupid, what?


You have to take into account the fact that the Right is very impressionable. When Bush II landed on a aircraft carrier in a jet fighter, with the words, "Mission accomplished" displayed on the bridge, Right Wingers everywhere experienced orgasms....
Longest peacetime prosperity since 1920, under Clinton.

The least military engagements of any administration.

You really are that stupid, now aren't you...

Longest peacetime prosperity since 1920, under Clinton.

Yes - Thank Goodness for Reagonomics - Slick Willy got a free ride off of it.

Uh,, there was a president BETWEEN Reagan and Clinton, his name was George H. W. Bush (41) and there was an economic downturn in 1992. Guess that came from Reagan, too.

Gawd, you Righties really ARE that stupid, what?

Was that supposed to be some kind of response? Reagan didnt repeal the business cycle. Wow, he must not have been god.
Clinton benefitted from Reagan's policies. Remember the "peace dividend"? Of course you dont.

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