40 years ago today: Nixon (R) resigns in disgrace

In 69' I was in the Navy and sent the Nixon's a xmas card, they sent one back, I still have it with the original envelope.

Wow! That really is something.

I like Nixon - I was just a kid, but Nixon was one of the smartest presidents we ever had.

RIP, Mr President.

Probably good to remember that Nixon's first Vice-President, Spiro Agnew (R-MD), resigned in December 1973 because of bribery charges. Agnew even took bribes while in the White House.

And his scandal, which was pretty damned large, was still dwarfed by Watergate.

Two resignations of the two highest officials within our land within 9 months of each other.

Enter Gerald Ford, who was totally innocent in all of this, who was nominated to the Vice Presidency in December 1973 and sweepingly approved by his colleagues in Congress, making him the first non-elected Vice President in history. And just nine months later, he became the first non-elected president in history.
Nixon was a great President. The communists wanted him out and they succeeded in trumpeting up charges against him. Obama has done worse, yet he refuses to resign.
Nixon was a great President. The communists wanted him out and they succeeded in trumpeting up charges against him. Obama has done worse, yet he refuses to resign.

You live in a dream world. Nixon's direct involvement in Watergate and the cover-up thereafter is what undid him. Nixon personally ordered the break-in and he personally ordered the cover-up. It's all part of the record these days.

Unless of course you are willing to call 60% of the REPUBLICANS in congress communists as well. Because Nixon also lost the support of most all Republicans as well.

And Obama has not been involved in even one scandal, thank you very much.

Enjoy your unicorns. Want some popcorn, too?
Ford gave up his chance to remain President for the good of the mation, a fine & honorable man.

Do you mean through his pardoning of ex-President Nixon shortly after assuming office?
Ford might have won the election if not for his "Free Poland" gaffe during the debates.

Nixon probably would have beaten the Impeachment vote but he decided to resign because he though the Nation didn't need to be put through that.
Back then, just being impeached was punishment enough as it brought shame to the Office. Clinton had no shame so he refused to resign and the fucking people celebrated him.

Shame has lost its sting these days.
Well we know if they were a Democrat they wouldn't of

take Billy boy Clinton-Impeached

and then Obama wins lie of the year and he's still there lying from his soap box
Well we know if they were a Democrat they wouldn't of

take Billy boy Clinton-Impeached

and then Obama wins lie of the year and he's still there lying from his soap box

Well, so much for any intelligent conversation :eusa_whistle:

Let's roll!!!
Nixon was a great President. The communists wanted him out and they succeeded in trumpeting up charges against him. Obama has done worse, yet he refuses to resign.

You live in a dream world. Nixon's direct involvement in Watergate and the cover-up thereafter is what undid him. Nixon personally ordered the break-in and he personally ordered the cover-up. It's all part of the record these days.

Unless of course you are willing to call 60% of the REPUBLICANS in congress communists as well. Because Nixon also lost the support of most all Republicans as well.

And Obama has not been involved in even one scandal, thank you very much.

Enjoy your unicorns. Want some popcorn, too?
Nixon never ordered the break in of Watergate. He was going to stomp the Dems in the election anyway and win in a landslide, so there was no need to break in. Obama has a scandal every week. You just won't admit it.
Well we know if they were a Democrat they wouldn't of

take Billy boy Clinton-Impeached

and then Obama wins lie of the year and he's still there lying from his soap box

But ... but ... but ... Obama ... .

Obama indeed. Nixon's so-called crime pales. Nixon thought about using the IRS against his enemies, but never did. Obama hired them for that reason and sent the word down to go after conservatives.
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Do you mean through his pardoning of ex-President Nixon shortly after assuming office?
Ford might have won the election if not for his "Free Poland" gaffe during the debates.

Nixon probably would have beaten the Impeachment vote but he decided to resign because he though the Nation didn't need to be put through that.
Back then, just being impeached was punishment enough as it brought shame to the Office. Clinton had no shame so he refused to resign and the fucking people celebrated him.

Shame has lost its sting these days.

So Clinton wasn't shamed? I disagree - I have never seen a man suffer so much for this type of transgression.

Meanwhile, back at the Nixon thread....
wow, static lives in some Democrat/Obama twilight zone

His dear leader hasn't been involved in one scandal

Lying to the people in the country and winning lie of the year doesn't count as a scandal in Obama twilight zone
allowing an invasion on our borders and being derelict in his duty to protect us from it isn't a scandal
Not stopping his IRS from harming the people in this country isn't a scandal

and we could go on and on in Obama twilight zone
Well we know if they were a Democrat they wouldn't of

take Billy boy Clinton-Impeached

and then Obama wins lie of the year and he's still there lying from his soap box

But ... but ... but ... Obama ... .

Obama indeed. Nixon's so-called crime pales.

You're full of it.

Nixon, to me, should not have resigned, he should have maintained that that he did not authorize Watergate. He should also have come forward with the information, though and not try to stifle the investigation.

Obama scandals are crap-sandwiches that you pack in your Batman lunch box.
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Ford might have won the election if not for his "Free Poland" gaffe during the debates.

Nixon probably would have beaten the Impeachment vote but he decided to resign because he though the Nation didn't need to be put through that.
Back then, just being impeached was punishment enough as it brought shame to the Office. Clinton had no shame so he refused to resign and the fucking people celebrated him.

Shame has lost its sting these days.

So Clinton wasn't shamed? I disagree - I have never seen a man suffer so much for this type of transgression.

Meanwhile, back at the Nixon thread....
Obama is begging to be impeached because Clinton never suffered shame for it and gained even more popularity.
Back then, just being impeached was punishment enough as it brought shame to the Office. Clinton had no shame so he refused to resign and the fucking people celebrated him.

Shame has lost its sting these days.

So Clinton wasn't shamed? I disagree - I have never seen a man suffer so much for this type of transgression.

Meanwhile, back at the Nixon thread....
Obama is begging to be impeached because Clinton never suffered shame for it and gained even more popularity.

I've already reported members of this site for hijacking this thread with stupidity.

If you need to bitch about Obama, please start an Obama thread and kindly let the grown-ups have a discussion.

wow, static lives in some Democrat/Obama twilight zone

His dear leader hasn't been involved in one scandal

Lying to the people in the country and winning lie of the year doesn't count as a scandal in Obama twilight zone
allowing an invasion on our borders and being derelict in his duty to protect us from it isn't a scandal
Not stopping his IRS from harming the people in this country isn't a scandal

and we could go on and on in Obama twilight zone

Indeed! Even if Obama had nothing to do with the IRS scandal, he should at least had a Special Prosecutor investigate it. But he refuses to, doesn't he? That tells me he is covering up. Oops, isn't that what Nixon was being impeached for?
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