40 years ago today: Nixon (R) resigns in disgrace

wow, static lives in some Democrat/Obama twilight zone

His dear leader hasn't been involved in one scandal

Lying to the people in the country and winning lie of the year doesn't count as a scandal in Obama twilight zone
allowing an invasion on our borders and being derelict in his duty to protect us from it isn't a scandal
Not stopping his IRS from harming the people in this country isn't a scandal

and we could go on and on in Obama twilight zone

Gotta love it.
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So Clinton wasn't shamed? I disagree - I have never seen a man suffer so much for this type of transgression.

Meanwhile, back at the Nixon thread....
Obama is begging to be impeached because Clinton never suffered shame for it and gained even more popularity.

I've already reported members of this site for hijacking this thread with stupidity.

If you need to bitch about Obama, please start an Obama thread and kindly let the grown-ups have a discussion.

So we are suppose to celebrate the resignation of a great president and leader of this Country with you or get the Hell out?
The tragedy is that without Watergate, Nixon would be considered a great President.

OSHA, the EPA, SALT I, Normalizing relations with China, ending the Vietnam War, starting the Cancer Institute.

The whole thing was for nothing. He didn't need to pull dirty tricks on the Democrats in 1972, the Democrats were pretty much sabotaging their own chances.
LINKS about poll in article at the site


Slim majority believe Watergate was a serious matter, according to CNN poll

posted at 12:01 pm on August 8, 2014 by Ed Morrissey

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Well, this explains a few things about our current politics – or maybe politics in general. Tomorrow will mark the fortieth anniversary of the only presidential resignation in American history, when Richard Nixon stepped down rather than face impeachment and removal over the abuses of power uncovered in the Watergate scandal. Back then, those abuses shocked the nation, especially after the White House tapes showed Nixon himself deeply involved in them. These days, nearly half of all Americans think of it as business as usual:

Forty-six percent of people believe the events leading up to the resignation of President Nixon were “just politics,” according to a new poll that coincides with the 40th anniversary of his stepping down.

The CNN poll found a narrow majority, 51 percent, believe the Watergate scandal was a serious matter, while slightly less describe it as the kind of thing in which both parties engage.

Or maybe that’s business as usual:

Those numbers have been relatively constant over the last three decades. When the question was asked in 1982 — eight years after Nixon resigned — 52 percent said it was a very serious matter, while 45 percent described it as just politics.

That’s been a remarkably stable outcome, actually, over the last 32 years of polling on the question. The results have ranged from 52/44 to 49/46, within the margins of error. The most recent result was in 2002 on the 30th anniversary of the Watergate break-in, and it was 51/42.

all of it here:
Slim majority believe Watergate was a serious matter, according to CNN poll « Hot Air
Beyond a doubt the left's finest hour and they never stopped fantasizing about it. It was about a 3rd rate "black bag" job that was common in politics. LBJ even bugged Goldwater's plane. Neither the media nor any political administration nor the American public would allow stories from an unverified, unidentified "informant" to be published as fact today. One half of the Woodward and Bernstein team was the son of card carrying communists who taught him Marxist theory including "the end justifies the means" and he was brought up with an abiding hatred for Nixon who was a HUAC prosecutor. None of this was made public at the time because the media universally hated Nixon and there was no balance to the news. Nixon fell for it and the republicans chickened out as usual. Any one of today's scandals could have the same effect on the Obama administration if the media used the same tactics.
You love the dramatic added, resigned in DISGRACE

to me it's more disgraceful to be Impeached and not resign..
Beyond a doubt the left's finest hour and they never stopped fantasizing about it. It was about a 3rd rate "black bag" job that was common in politics. LBJ even bugged Goldwater's plane. Neither the media nor any political administration nor the American public would allow stories from an unverified, unidentified "informant" to be published as fact today. One half of the Woodward and Bernstein team was the son of card carrying communists who taught him Marxist theory including "the end justifies the means" and he was brought up with an abiding hatred for Nixon who was a HUAC prosecutor. None of this was made public at the time because the media universally hated Nixon and there was no balance to the news. Nixon fell for it and the republicans chickened out as usual. Any one of today's scandals could have the same effect on the Obama administration if the media used the same tactics.

We know that will never happen. They suppress wrong doing of the current regime, just like facts about Nixon's crimes pales in comparison are being suppressed here.
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Nixon was ten million times more honorable than that muslime mulatto commie ape who lies to the American people on a minute by minute basis every day.

i wonder how he is enjoying Marthas Vineyard vacation.........................., like i give fuck :lmao:
Nixon was ten million times more honorable than that muslime mulatto commie ape who lies to the American people on a minute by minute basis every day.

i wonder how he is enjoying Marthas Vineyard vacation.........................., like i give fuck :lmao:

But factions of the Tea Party aren't at all motivated by racism. Nope, not one bit. :eusa_whistle:
Obama is begging to be impeached because Clinton never suffered shame for it and gained even more popularity.

I've already reported members of this site for hijacking this thread with stupidity.

If you need to bitch about Obama, please start an Obama thread and kindly let the grown-ups have a discussion.

So we are suppose to celebrate the resignation of a great president and leader of this Country with you or get the Hell out?

No -- no one is implying anything of the sort, all I'm saying is that this thread is about Nixon; if you steadfastly refuse to talk about Nixon and instead want to bring up Obama as the if it were the actual subject matter, then you are being off-topic and disruptive.

Comparisons are fine -- deflection is not, It's a white flag that indicates that you have nothing of substance to add.
40 years ago today: Nixon (R) resigns in disgrace

40 years later every day Obama commits crimes Nixon only whispered about
Nixon was ten million times more honorable than that muslime mulatto commie ape who lies to the American people on a minute by minute basis every day.

i wonder how he is enjoying Marthas Vineyard vacation.........................., like i give fuck :lmao:

But factions of the Tea Party aren't at all motivated by racism. Nope, not one bit. :eusa_whistle:

That is ONE person and how do you just assume they are Tea Party
that is the thing with you libs, one person says something and you make it the WHOLE group..now how do you like being all lumped together?
it's dishonest, and show's you have no honor..Just like the party you all champion, right?
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I find President Ford's short speech after the swearing in to be an especially humble and moving one.

"Truth is the glue that holds governments together".

Clearly illustrating the fact that republicans of today are nothing like republicans of the past, particularly since the advent of the bane of social conservatives.

You're being off-topic. Stop it!!!
One, the morons on the left are still praising the biggest so what crime of the century.

Two, I think they are still happy Jimmy Carter became president.

As I have said over and over again. Liberals stand for nothing. They are hypocrites about everything.

There is only one thing to say about these things in regards to the OP.

Beyond a doubt the left's finest hour and they never stopped fantasizing about it. It was about a 3rd rate "black bag" job that was common in politics. LBJ even bugged Goldwater's plane. Neither the media nor any political administration nor the American public would allow stories from an unverified, unidentified "informant" to be published as fact today. One half of the Woodward and Bernstein team was the son of card carrying communists who taught him Marxist theory including "the end justifies the means" and he was brought up with an abiding hatred for Nixon who was a HUAC prosecutor. None of this was made public at the time because the media universally hated Nixon and there was no balance to the news. Nixon fell for it and the republicans chickened out as usual. Any one of today's scandals could have the same effect on the Obama administration if the media used the same tactics.

Well, Nixon made a few mistakes.

The first one was, not having a designated fall guy.

His successors realized that having a Patsie you can blame stuff on was the way to avoid trouble- Ollie North, Scooter Libby, Lois Lerner, Webb Hubbell.
Nixon was ten million times more honorable than that muslime mulatto commie ape who lies to the American people on a minute by minute basis every day.

i wonder how he is enjoying Marthas Vineyard vacation.........................., like i give fuck :lmao:

But factions of the Tea Party aren't at all motivated by racism. Nope, not one bit. :eusa_whistle:

The race card again. Last bastion of liberals. What a joke.

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