40 years ago today: Nixon (R) resigns in disgrace

Richard Nixon was a great President. Liberals needed a pound of flesh to blame the turbulent 1960's and Vietnam failures on. Could not hold LBJ to account for his activities. LBJ made Nixon look like a choir boy. Nope, Mr. Liberal LBJ got a free pass, and liberal media went after Richard Nixon.
Nixon was ten million times more honorable than that muslime mulatto commie ape who lies to the American people on a minute by minute basis every day.

i wonder how he is enjoying Marthas Vineyard vacation.........................., like i give fuck :lmao:

But factions of the Tea Party aren't at all motivated by racism. Nope, not one bit. :eusa_whistle:

The race card again. Last bastion of liberals. What a joke.

That is all they have. Cliches. They are not even worth debating. Why? Cause they shift like the sands of Egypt.

They always go back, eventually, to the race card. They ignore rational thought, and they mock facts.

They are so thick in the head, and so fucking stupid they cannot see how the democrats play them like a fiddle. Then again, they are truly hopeless sock puppets.

They do not deserve and should not receive any respect whatsoever.
Nixon was ten million times more honorable than that muslime mulatto commie ape who lies to the American people on a minute by minute basis every day.

i wonder how he is enjoying Marthas Vineyard vacation.........................., like i give fuck :lmao:

But factions of the Tea Party aren't at all motivated by racism. Nope, not one bit. :eusa_whistle:

The race card again. Last bastion of liberals. What a joke.

no, they're bringing it back with a vengeance since Obama's disapprovals are so high
they can't run on his record nobody believes them anymore, so it's back to dirty politics
You love the dramatic added, resigned in DISGRACE

to me it's more disgraceful to be Impeached and not resign..

The reason they say he resigned in disgrace was because he was going to be impeached for sure, no doubt. The hearing had been held and there were was great embarrassment to not just to Nixon and his Administration, but to the country. We learned from the TV broadcast hearings that our President had a crude and criminal side that overwhelmed his positive attributes. He made our democracy look weak, illegitimate, corrupt, vulnerable and appear to be on the same level as some banana republic. The feeling were bi-partisan. After the hearings, it was Republicans who went to the Nixon and told him he had to go. There was no question that he would be impeached and convicted in the Senate.
Richard Nixon's great success that liberals forget:
1.) put on a path of peace with honor in Vietnam until liberals in Congress wanted to cut off funds and let Vietnam fall under yoke of communism.
2.) brought our POW's home from Vietnam.
3.) used Vietnam and triangulation to have detente with Soviets and signed SALT 1.
4.) established OSHA.
5.) established EPA.
6.) lowered voting age to 18
7.) signed off on Title 9.
8.) signed Persons With Disabilities Act
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You love the dramatic added, resigned in DISGRACE

to me it's more disgraceful to be Impeached and not resign..

The reason they say he resigned in disgrace was because he was going to be impeached for sure, no doubt. The hearing had been held and there were was great embarrassment to not just to Nixon and his Administration, but to the country. We learned from the TV broadcast hearings that our President had a crude and criminal side that overwhelmed his positive attributes. He made our democracy look weak, illegitimate, corrupt, vulnerable and appear to be on the same level as some banana republic. The feeling were bi-partisan. After the hearings, it was Republicans who went to the Nixon and told him he had to go. There was no question that he would be impeached and convicted in the Senate.

And that's the problem. Nixon made a lot of enemies in his own party over the years, who were happy to kick him when he was down.

I've got mixed feelings about Nixon. Watergate was bad, but not as bad as what a lot of his successors have done with blind partisan loyalty.

Other things he did (expanding the war into Cambodia, the SOuthern Strategy of the GOP welcoming Southern Racists after the Democrats had purged them) had far worse consequences than Watergate in human costs.

He also did a lot of good things.

Maybe it's time for a lot of us go get over it.
Oh, and lets not forget about upsetting balance of power in communist world by opening up diplomatic relations with Red China.
After listing the achievements of domestic moderate Nixon, the liberals fall silent.
Richard Nixon's great success that liberals forget:
1.) put on a path of peace with honor in Vietnam until liberals in Congress wanted to cut off funds and let Vietnam fall under yoke of communism.
2.) brought our POW's home from Vietnam.

He and Kissinger knew at the time the "Peace with Honor" spin was a gamble at best and would probably fail. They were just looking for a temporary fix. No one knows what would have happened in Vietnam if Nixon had remained in office.

Both he and Kissinger knew POW's were being left behind and abandoned. Something that was unforgivable to many of us. Most didn't know it at the time, but when it was learned and confirmed he lost the support of many like myself.
We need a Deep Throat today. Just sayin'.

Under Obama this whole government has been a Deep throat, hindering investigations, out of the blue losing emails, pleading the fifth instead of answering to we the people, accusations by them of how the people they represent are nothing but racist, domestic terrorist, etc.

one big disgusting deep throat, but these Republicans are about useless and make you wonder if they're in Cahoots with him and of course his party just marches in lockstep with him
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40 Years ago I was stationed at Fort Hood, when the news of Nixon's resignation came, it was party city.
Seems that everyone was happy to be rid of that crook.
You love the dramatic added, resigned in DISGRACE

to me it's more disgraceful to be Impeached and not resign..

Progressives are never disgraced. Look at Liz Warren and the phony Senator who said he was a Veteran from CT. They promote their disgraces
Richard Nixon's great success that liberals forget:
1.) put on a path of peace with honor in Vietnam until liberals in Congress wanted to cut off funds and let Vietnam fall under yoke of communism.
2.) brought our POW's home from Vietnam.

He and Kissinger knew at the time the "Peace with Honor" spin was a gamble at best and would probably fail. They were just looking for a temporary fix. No one knows what would have happened in Vietnam if Nixon had remained in office.

Both he and Kissinger knew POW's were being left behind and abandoned. Something that was unforgivable to many of us. Most didn't know it at the time, but when it was learned and confirmed he lost the support of many like myself.

Nixon was a foreign policy Hawk and bombed the North Vietnamese to the negotiation table with Operations Linebacker 1 and 2. So I think if Watergate had not come into play US air power would have always been in play. Nixon and Kissinger did screw the South Vietnamese in Paris by having back door negotiations without them, but South Vietnamese were worse than dealing with North Vietnamese. The South Vietnamese delegation was borderline psychotic. Read about the negotiations. It was bad. Leaving POW's behind? Not sure about that. Some, like Gary Garwood, were just traitors.
We need a Deep Throat today. Just sayin'.

Under Obama this whole government has been a Deep throat, hindering investigations, out of the blue losing emails, pleading the fifth instead of answering to we the people, accusations by them of how the people they represent are nothing but racist, domestic terrorist, etc.

one big disgusting deep throat, but these Republicans are about useless and make you wonder if they're in Cahoots with him and of course his party just marches in lockstep with him

I think you are too young to know who Deep Throat was. Deep Throat was the person on the inside of the Nixon administration who knew all of the bad things going on and leaked the story to Woodward and Bernstein, the Washington Post reporters, who eventually brought Nixon down.
40 Years ago I was stationed at Fort Hood, when the news of Nixon's resignation came, it was party city.
Seems that everyone was happy to be rid of that crook.

As compared to what we have now?
After listing the achievements of domestic moderate Nixon, the liberals fall silent.

I am not, Nixon began the unraveling of the Soviet Union also. Your point on LBJ, well made.
If only we could get Obama to resign for the good of the nation.:eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

The morons think he is innocent of everything.

You ever see a conservative even attempt to claim the blacked out sections of Nixon on tape proves nothing?

Of course the morons on the left try and claim 7 computer crashes sounds "perfectly reasonable."

So, let me sum up the left wing pathetic hypocrisy with this subject. The left yell, scream, build statues for Woodward and Bernstein, make movies and still cockle doodle doo about it. Nixon spied on what, FIVE DEMOCRATS?

Obama has been caught spying on everyone, caught illegally targeting conservative civilians, Illegally changes obamacare however he wants, illegally implements the Dream Act, negotiates with terrorists by trading 5 taliban generals for a deserter, and the fucking hypocrites on the left?


Someone please give me one reason any of these demented sacks of smelly shit should be dealt with, with any respect whatsoever?

I will be waiting for that list.

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