40 years ago today: Nixon (R) resigns in disgrace

You love the dramatic added, resigned in DISGRACE

to me it's more disgraceful to be Impeached and not resign..

The reason they say he resigned in disgrace was because he was going to be impeached for sure, no doubt. The hearing had been held and there were was great embarrassment to not just to Nixon and his Administration, but to the country. We learned from the TV broadcast hearings that our President had a crude and criminal side that overwhelmed his positive attributes. He made our democracy look weak, illegitimate, corrupt, vulnerable and appear to be on the same level as some banana republic. The feeling were bi-partisan. After the hearings, it was Republicans who went to the Nixon and told him he had to go. There was no question that he would be impeached and convicted in the Senate.

And that's the problem. Nixon made a lot of enemies in his own party over the years, who were happy to kick him when he was down.

I've got mixed feelings about Nixon. Watergate was bad, but not as bad as what a lot of his successors have done with blind partisan loyalty.

Other things he did (expanding the war into Cambodia, the SOuthern Strategy of the GOP welcoming Southern Racists after the Democrats had purged them) had far worse consequences than Watergate in human costs.

He also did a lot of good things.

Maybe it's time for a lot of us go get over it.

Invading Cambodia was smart and proper move (see surges in Iraq and Afghanistan) got the idea from Nixon.
Southern racist? So you don't think Whites in the South have a right to vote just because they do not share your beliefs? What about 90% of northern Blacks that vote Democrat, should they not vote? Poor example of Nixon and SouthernStrategy. Nice use of word: "purge." Seems appropriate for the Marxist left.
The tragedy is that without Watergate, Nixon would be considered a great President.

OSHA, the EPA, SALT I, Normalizing relations with China, ending the Vietnam War, starting the Cancer Institute.

The whole thing was for nothing. He didn't need to pull dirty tricks on the Democrats in 1972, the Democrats were pretty much sabotaging their own chances.

Good riddance to a bad crook.

Too bad we couldn't have gotten rid of Jr. (aka Shrub) in the same way.

Lying to the country is bad.

Lying to the country to promote a personal war is worse.

We should have Shrub, Cheney, RumsFAILED, and Rove put into Spandau.

Nixon began the fall of the Soviet Union, NIXON opened the door to China, now "experimenting" with free markets. Give the man his due, pyschologically twisted, but he accomplished so much. RIP Richard Nixon. If only he had not been so personally insecure.

Nixon began the fall of the Soviet Union


If people studied Soviet history the seeds were sown within the Soviet Union in its fall long before any politician in the US starting claiming responsibility. It surfaced with Khrushchev's infamous speech . It always existed under the sub surface , it would take too long and to much text to go through it all. What Nixon or Reagan did was just one small factor , more theater then fact

That said Nixon did put wage and price controls in when the economy started going haywire

Nixon began allowing more Soviets in the US to see how free markets worked, Reagan was theater, yes.
We need a Deep Throat today. Just sayin'.

Under Obama this whole government has been a Deep throat, hindering investigations, out of the blue losing emails, pleading the fifth instead of answering to we the people, accusations by them of how the people they represent are nothing but racist, domestic terrorist, etc.

one big disgusting deep throat, but these Republicans are about useless and make you wonder if they're in Cahoots with him and of course his party just marches in lockstep with him

I think you are too young to know who Deep Throat was. Deep Throat was the person on the inside of the Nixon administration who knew all of the bad things going on and leaked the story to Woodward and Bernstein, the Washington Post reporters, who eventually brought Nixon down.

not too young dear, I know who deep throat was. But I doubt we'll get one on this administration, they would be threatened into submission. But I wish there was one brave enough...
I was using the "PORN Deep throat" to make the point.;)
That's what it feels like sometimes under him, all low down and dirty
You with your head in the sand...News flash..Your group has been trying to get him impeached for years. Have they actually found anything to impeach him with or have him resign over. NO!
Give your true hatred a rest for awhile.
It will do you good.
Maybe the right wing should try doing something good for the country rather than trying to find whats wrong with one man.

Richard Nixon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The announcement was on the evening of August 8th, 1974, the actual resignation took effect on August 9th, 1974, at noon EST.














Gerald Ford swearing in:


(August 9, 1974, 12:00 EST)

Moving moments in US-American history.

Yeah, I was around then. He did the honorable thing. Something that half-breed boy of yours knows nothing about. HONOR.

Now go the fuck away. What's next? You pile on George Washington because he was English!?!?

Jesus....Tell your boy to do the right thing and resign also. The country would begetter off without this asshole.
40 Years ago I was stationed at Fort Hood, when the news of Nixon's resignation came, it was party city.
Seems that everyone was happy to be rid of that crook.

As compared to what we have now?

Nothing Obama has done compares to the crimes of undermining democracy that Nixon committed. One crime that doesn't get much attention is his wooing of the Teamsters and cozying up to the mob in order to get campaign contributions. He also made sure Hoffa lost out to mob-dominated FitzSimmons when he got his pardon.

Nixon Conversation 016-053?Presidential Recordings Program?Miller Center
Nixon can be defended without these obsessed idiots trying to compare him to Obama or anyone else. I call these people idiots because they do a great disservice to Nixon. The are to stupid to realize that by attacking Obama as a defense for Nixon they are admitting they don't have the knowledge to defend Nixon. That makes it look like he can't be defended. I don't defend Nixon. I got problems with lots of what he did, but a respect for lots of what he accomplished. It's just a shame that the stupids have to interfere with every thread and make academic discussions so distorted and difficult.
I think history will prove that Nixon was a much-maligned president who did more for this nation than he has ever been given credit for.

He was faithful to his wife and familym showed respect for the constitution, and cared for the men and women of the armed forces.

Compared to what we now have, Nixon was a giant! :eusa_clap:
We need a Deep Throat today. Just sayin'.

Under Obama this whole government has been a Deep throat, hindering investigations, out of the blue losing emails, pleading the fifth instead of answering to we the people, accusations by them of how the people they represent are nothing but racist, domestic terrorist, etc.

one big disgusting deep throat, but these Republicans are about useless and make you wonder if they're in Cahoots with him and of course his party just marches in lockstep with him

I think you are too young to know who Deep Throat was. Deep Throat was the person on the inside of the Nixon administration who knew all of the bad things going on and leaked the story to Woodward and Bernstein, the Washington Post reporters, who eventually brought Nixon down.

actually, Deep Throat was a guy named Mark Felt, who was upset he wasn't promoted to FBI director after J. Edgar Hoover died, so he leaked a bunch of information trying to make his boss look bad.

Obviously, Nixon didn't understand the concept of spin control, of how to play the media, and how to put all the blame on scapegoats.

Skills his successors have successfully mastered.

So before Nixon, this shit went on all the time, and no one cared. As my dad said at the time, "He just got caught."

After Nixon, they've developed a system of slash and burn that protects the president.

Nixon was just unlucky enough to be caught in the transition.
Nixon can be defended without these obsessed idiots trying to compare him to Obama or anyone else. I call these people idiots because they do a great disservice to Nixon. The are to stupid to realize that by attacking Obama as a defense for Nixon they are admitting they don't have the knowledge to defend Nixon. That makes it look like he can't be defended. I don't defend Nixon. I got problems with lots of what he did, but a respect for lots of what he accomplished. It's just a shame that the stupids have to interfere with every thread and make academic discussions so distorted and difficult.

Yes, whether Nixon's positive action to end the USSR, and start the transition in China outweigh his paranoia will be debated in 100 years.
Nixon can be defended without these obsessed idiots trying to compare him to Obama or anyone else. I call these people idiots because they do a great disservice to Nixon. The are to stupid to realize that by attacking Obama as a defense for Nixon they are admitting they don't have the knowledge to defend Nixon. That makes it look like he can't be defended. I don't defend Nixon. I got problems with lots of what he did, but a respect for lots of what he accomplished. It's just a shame that the stupids have to interfere with every thread and make academic discussions so distorted and difficult.

Yes, whether Nixon's positive action to end the USSR, and start the transition in China outweigh his paranoia will be debated in 100 years.

China and his handling of the Cold War will be his lasting achievement in history. However people forget he was a domestic moderate/liberal and a foreign policy hawk.
Nixon was a great President. The communists wanted him out and they succeeded in trumpeting up charges against him. Obama has done worse, yet he refuses to resign.

You live in a dream world. Nixon's direct involvement in Watergate and the cover-up thereafter is what undid him. Nixon personally ordered the break-in and he personally ordered the cover-up. It's all part of the record these days.

Unless of course you are willing to call 60% of the REPUBLICANS in congress communists as well. Because Nixon also lost the support of most all Republicans as well.

And Obama has not been involved in even one scandal, thank you very much.

Enjoy your unicorns. Want some popcorn, too?
Nixon never ordered the break in of Watergate. He was going to stomp the Dems in the election anyway and win in a landslide, so there was no need to break in. Obama has a scandal every week. You just won't admit it.

You have obviously never seen the court documents. Again, enjoy your fantasy world. We adults, however, will stick to the facts.

And what is with this childish RW thing these days of calling anything they don't like a "scandal"? Geez.
Well we know if they were a Democrat they wouldn't of

take Billy boy Clinton-Impeached

and then Obama wins lie of the year and he's still there lying from his soap box

But ... but ... but ... Obama ... .

Obama indeed. Nixon's so-called crime pales. Nixon thought about using the IRS against his enemies, but never did. Obama hired them for that reason and sent the word down to go after conservatives.

Oh, I see you got it backwards.

I am surprised.
wow, static lives in some Democrat/Obama twilight zone

His dear leader hasn't been involved in one scandal

Lying to the people in the country and winning lie of the year doesn't count as a scandal in Obama twilight zone
allowing an invasion on our borders and being derelict in his duty to protect us from it isn't a scandal
Not stopping his IRS from harming the people in this country isn't a scandal

and we could go on and on in Obama twilight zone

You do realize that Obama is not the topic of this thread, right?

Is there one single Conservative here in USMB who can actually read an OP and actually stay on topic?
Nixon can be defended without these obsessed idiots trying to compare him to Obama or anyone else. I call these people idiots because they do a great disservice to Nixon. The are to stupid to realize that by attacking Obama as a defense for Nixon they are admitting they don't have the knowledge to defend Nixon. That makes it look like he can't be defended. I don't defend Nixon. I got problems with lots of what he did, but a respect for lots of what he accomplished. It's just a shame that the stupids have to interfere with every thread and make academic discussions so distorted and difficult.

Yes, whether Nixon's positive action to end the USSR, and start the transition in China outweigh his paranoia will be debated in 100 years.

China and his handling of the Cold War will be his lasting achievement in history. However people forget he was a domestic moderate/liberal and a foreign policy hawk.

All true, and again, Nixon should be credited with beginning the downfall of the Soviet Union, once Soviet citizens, and their leaders, saw the benfits of free markets................it was not ignored. Posing by a wall was ok, but by then, the wall had been coming down, stone by stone, for years.

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