40 years ago today: Nixon (R) resigns in disgrace

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Slim majority believe Watergate was a serious matter, according to CNN poll

posted at 12:01 pm on August 8, 2014 by Ed Morrissey

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Well, this explains a few things about our current politics – or maybe politics in general. Tomorrow will mark the fortieth anniversary of the only presidential resignation in American history, when Richard Nixon stepped down rather than face impeachment and removal over the abuses of power uncovered in the Watergate scandal. Back then, those abuses shocked the nation, especially after the White House tapes showed Nixon himself deeply involved in them. These days, nearly half of all Americans think of it as business as usual:

Forty-six percent of people believe the events leading up to the resignation of President Nixon were “just politics,” according to a new poll that coincides with the 40th anniversary of his stepping down.

The CNN poll found a narrow majority, 51 percent, believe the Watergate scandal was a serious matter, while slightly less describe it as the kind of thing in which both parties engage.

Or maybe that’s business as usual:

Those numbers have been relatively constant over the last three decades. When the question was asked in 1982 — eight years after Nixon resigned — 52 percent said it was a very serious matter, while 45 percent described it as just politics.

That’s been a remarkably stable outcome, actually, over the last 32 years of polling on the question. The results have ranged from 52/44 to 49/46, within the margins of error. The most recent result was in 2002 on the 30th anniversary of the Watergate break-in, and it was 51/42.

all of it here:
Slim majority believe Watergate was a serious matter, according to CNN poll « Hot Air

Sure, time blunts memories.

Just like Southerners who really actually think that the Civil War had nothing to do with slavery.

You love the dramatic added, resigned in DISGRACE

to me it's more disgraceful to be Impeached and not resign..

Well, you can bitch about the OP title all you want, but the truth is that Richard Milhouse Nixon absolutely DID resign in disgrace.

He didn't resign for health reasons. He resigned because he knew he was going to be impeached. That is disgraceful.

And just to help enlighten the 2 brain cells you have left in there: all Republicans of the day were saying the same thing.

When he resigned, Republicans ducked their tails between their legs and ran for the hills, and rightfully so.
You live in a dream world. Nixon's direct involvement in Watergate and the cover-up thereafter is what undid him. Nixon personally ordered the break-in and he personally ordered the cover-up. It's all part of the record these days.

Unless of course you are willing to call 60% of the REPUBLICANS in congress communists as well. Because Nixon also lost the support of most all Republicans as well.

And Obama has not been involved in even one scandal, thank you very much.

Enjoy your unicorns. Want some popcorn, too?
Nixon never ordered the break in of Watergate. He was going to stomp the Dems in the election anyway and win in a landslide, so there was no need to break in. Obama has a scandal every week. You just won't admit it.

You have obviously never seen the court documents. Again, enjoy your fantasy world. We adults, however, will stick to the facts.

And what is with this childish RW thing these days of calling anything they don't like a "scandal"? Geez.
Nixon never ordered the break-in. He ordered the cover-up and that was obstruction of justice.
Nixon was ten million times more honorable than that muslime mulatto commie ape who lies to the American people on a minute by minute basis every day.

i wonder how he is enjoying Marthas Vineyard vacation.........................., like i give fuck :lmao:

But factions of the Tea Party aren't at all motivated by racism. Nope, not one bit. :eusa_whistle:

...isolated incident...

...just caught up in righteous anger...

You love the dramatic added, resigned in DISGRACE

to me it's more disgraceful to be Impeached and not resign..

Well, you can bitch about the OP title all you want, but the truth is that Richard Milhouse Nixon absolutely DID resign in disgrace.

He didn't resign for health reasons. He resigned because he knew he was going to be impeached. That is disgraceful.

And just to help enlighten the 2 brain cells you have left in there: all Republicans of the day were saying the same thing.

When he resigned, Republicans ducked their tails between their legs and ran for the hills, and rightfully so.
Thanks for reminding us that Nixon was a (r) as if it were needed.
Nixon was ten million times more honorable than that muslime mulatto commie ape who lies to the American people on a minute by minute basis every day.

i wonder how he is enjoying Marthas Vineyard vacation.........................., like i give fuck :lmao:

But factions of the Tea Party aren't at all motivated by racism. Nope, not one bit. :eusa_whistle:

That is ONE person and how do you just assume they are Tea Party
that is the thing with you libs, one person says something and you make it the WHOLE group..now how do you like being all lumped together?
it's dishonest, and show's you have no honor..Just like the party you all champion, right?

Funny, with "that is the thing with you libs", you did the very same thing you accuse Seawytch of.

Nixon never ordered the break in of Watergate. He was going to stomp the Dems in the election anyway and win in a landslide, so there was no need to break in. Obama has a scandal every week. You just won't admit it.

You have obviously never seen the court documents. Again, enjoy your fantasy world. We adults, however, will stick to the facts.

And what is with this childish RW thing these days of calling anything they don't like a "scandal"? Geez.
Nixon never ordered the break-in. He ordered the cover-up and that was obstruction of justice.

Actually, he learned of the cover up, did nothing to stop it, was then trapped into to continuing it, there lie the crimes.
Nixon was a great President. The communists wanted him out and they succeeded in trumpeting up charges against him. Obama has done worse, yet he refuses to resign.

They had the goods on Nixon, the tapes, the breaking in of offices, the coverup. Anybody that denies criminality on the nixon administration's part is delusional. This was serious stuff as any intelligent person at the time knew. Without Ford's pardon he may have went to jail, who knows? Why do we give politicians a pass, or bankers for that matter, while we imprison young men on minor drug charges?
Nixon was a great President. The communists wanted him out and they succeeded in trumpeting up charges against him. Obama has done worse, yet he refuses to resign.

They had the goods on Nixon, the tapes, the breaking in of offices, the coverup. Anybody that denies criminality on the nixon administration's part is delusional. This was serious stuff as any intelligent person at the time knew. Without Ford's pardon he may have went to jail, who knows? Why do we give politicians a pass, or bankers for that matter, while we imprison young men on minor drug charges?

The people in this country were torn, angry, and confused; only by avoiding trial, with Ford's pardon, did the healing begin.
But ... but ... but ... Obama ... .

Obama indeed. Nixon's so-called crime pales. Nixon thought about using the IRS against his enemies, but never did. Obama hired them for that reason and sent the word down to go after conservatives.

Oh, I see you got it backwards.

I am surprised.

[MENTION=46168]Statistikhengst[/MENTION] [MENTION=26838]Ropey[/MENTION]

I heard this yesterday another reason for liberals to hate Nixon...

In 1972, Yitzhak Rabin, then serving as Israel’s ambassador in Washington, was accused of taking sides in the US election after he told an Israeli radio station that no president in American history had been more committed to Israel’s security than Nixon.

Plainly Rabin had sensed something real.

The next year, when Israel Defense Forces were set back on their heels in the first days of the 1973 war and Prime Minister Golda Meir begged for American help, Nixon delivered.

Not only that. When he learned the deliveries were being bogged down by bureaucracy, he called in his secretaries of state and defense.

As Henry Kissinger read out the list of what was being sent to Israel, Nixon replied, “Double it. Now get the hell out of here and get the job done.”

He further made clear to the Israelis not to worry about weapons and ammunition: America would replace whatever they’d lost with even more advanced equipment.

“Whatever it takes,” he told Kissinger, “save Israel.

Obama vindicates Nixon on Israel | New York Post
Good riddance to a bad crook.

Too bad we couldn't have gotten rid of Jr. (aka Shrub) in the same way.

Lying to the country is bad.

Lying to the country to promote a personal war is worse.

We should have Shrub, Cheney, RumsFAILED, and Rove put into Spandau.

Nixon began the fall of the Soviet Union, NIXON opened the door to China, now "experimenting" with free markets. Give the man his due, pyschologically twisted, but he accomplished so much. RIP Richard Nixon. If only he had not been so personally insecure.

Maybe the topic of another thread, but what was so great about opening up China? It took a third rate communist country to a world power (that we now have to worry about), while we were supposedly fighting communism, and Nixon was supposedly anti communist. And it also eventually helped de industrialize the USA.
Ford gave up his chance to remain President for the good of the mation, a fine & honorable man.

Do you mean through his pardoning of ex-President Nixon shortly after assuming office?
Ford might have won the election if not for his "Free Poland" gaffe during the debates.

Nixon probably would have beaten the Impeachment vote but he decided to resign because he though the Nation didn't need to be put through that.
Actually, Nixon resigned because back then, the Republican party, and to some extent, the Democrat party, still believed in the rule of law and the Republicans told Nixon that they would not excuse his corruption.

Fast forward to today and you'll see that both parties put their party interest ahead of the rule of law. Particularly the current occupant who will do anything to promote him and his agenda. And I mean anything.

well, okay..thats wrong. He won't compromise with Republicans....so, almost anything.
You love the dramatic added, resigned in DISGRACE

to me it's more disgraceful to be Impeached and not resign..

Well, you can bitch about the OP title all you want, but the truth is that Richard Milhouse Nixon absolutely DID resign in disgrace.

He didn't resign for health reasons. He resigned because he knew he was going to be impeached. That is disgraceful.

And just to help enlighten the 2 brain cells you have left in there: all Republicans of the day were saying the same thing.

When he resigned, Republicans ducked their tails between their legs and ran for the hills, and rightfully so.

True enough.

But the political system didn't reward them for doing the right thing - standing up against a law-breaking President in their own party.

The Dems made HUGE gains in the mid-terms of 1974 and then in 1976, Jimmy Carter got elected.

By Comparison, the Democrats made a human wall around Bill Clinton, and they gained seats in the Midterms and the only reason Al Gore didn't win was because Jeb Bush stole the election for his brother.

We always complain 'why can't we be more bipartisan and just do what is good for the country", but we never seem to reward that.
Obama indeed. Nixon's so-called crime pales. Nixon thought about using the IRS against his enemies, but never did. Obama hired them for that reason and sent the word down to go after conservatives.

Oh, I see you got it backwards.

I am surprised.

[MENTION=46168]Statistikhengst[/MENTION] [MENTION=26838]Ropey[/MENTION]

I heard this yesterday another reason for liberals to hate Nixon...

In 1972, Yitzhak Rabin, then serving as Israel’s ambassador in Washington, was accused of taking sides in the US election after he told an Israeli radio station that no president in American history had been more committed to Israel’s security than Nixon.

Plainly Rabin had sensed something real.

The next year, when Israel Defense Forces were set back on their heels in the first days of the 1973 war and Prime Minister Golda Meir begged for American help, Nixon delivered.

Not only that. When he learned the deliveries were being bogged down by bureaucracy, he called in his secretaries of state and defense.

As Henry Kissinger read out the list of what was being sent to Israel, Nixon replied, “Double it. Now get the hell out of here and get the job done.”

He further made clear to the Israelis not to worry about weapons and ammunition: America would replace whatever they’d lost with even more advanced equipment.

“Whatever it takes,” he told Kissinger, “save Israel.

Obama vindicates Nixon on Israel | New York Post

Yes, more of the Nixon positives, forgotten.
here is more disgrace. But remember they like to tell you Obama hasn't been involved in one scandal and this will get a yawn out of them too.. link to the letter in article at the site


Inspectors General: Watchdog Investigations Stymied by Federal Agencies

Forty-seven Inspectors General sign letter blasting obstruction by ‘most transparent administration in history’

BY: CJ Ciaramella
August 8, 2014 5:00 am

At least three government agencies obstructed independent investigations into alleged wrongdoing, according to a letter sent to congressional oversight leaders Tuesday by 47 independent federal watchdogs.

The 47 Inspectors General (IG) said the Justice Department, the Peace Corps, and the Chemical Safety Board withheld information from their offices, citing various privileges.

“We have learned that the Inspectors General for the Peace Corps, the Environmental Protection Agency (in his role as Inspector General for the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board) and the Department of Justice have recently faced restrictions on their access to certain records available to their agencies that were needed to perform their oversight work in critical areas,” the letter said. “These restrictive readings of the IG Act represent potentially serious challenges to the authority of every Inspector General and our ability to conduct our work thoroughly, independently, and in a timely manner.”

The officials said that watchdogs from other agencies have also “faced similar obstacles to their work, whether on a claim that some other law or principle trumped the clear mandate of the IG Act or by the agency’s imposition of unnecessarily burdensome administrative conditions on access.”

Inspectors General are appointed to provide independent oversight of federal agencies and investigate whistleblower claims.

“Refusing, restricting, or delaying an Inspector General’s access to documents leads to incomplete, inaccurate, or significantly delayed findings or recommendations, which in turn may prevent the agency from promptly correcting serious problems and deprive Congress of timely information regarding the agency’s performance,” the letter states.

According to the letter, the Justice Department originally refused to hand over documents in three Inspector General investigations.
all of it here:
Inspectors General: Watchdog Investigations Stymied by Federal Agencies | Washington Free Beacon
Last edited:
You have obviously never seen the court documents. Again, enjoy your fantasy world. We adults, however, will stick to the facts.

And what is with this childish RW thing these days of calling anything they don't like a "scandal"? Geez.
Nixon never ordered the break-in. He ordered the cover-up and that was obstruction of justice.

Actually, he learned of the cover up, did nothing to stop it, was then trapped into to continuing it, there lie the crimes.

True. Wonder about those 18 minutes of tape that were erased? Nixon was on tapes talking to Halderman about raising"a million dollars" to keep plumbers quite after their arrest.
You love the dramatic added, resigned in DISGRACE

to me it's more disgraceful to be Impeached and not resign..

Well, you can bitch about the OP title all you want, but the truth is that Richard Milhouse Nixon absolutely DID resign in disgrace.

He didn't resign for health reasons. He resigned because he knew he was going to be impeached. That is disgraceful.

And just to help enlighten the 2 brain cells you have left in there: all Republicans of the day were saying the same thing.

When he resigned, Republicans ducked their tails between their legs and ran for the hills, and rightfully so.

True enough.

But the political system didn't reward them for doing the right thing - standing up against a law-breaking President in their own party.

The Dems made HUGE gains in the mid-terms of 1974 and then in 1976, Jimmy Carter got elected.

By Comparison, the Democrats made a human wall around Bill Clinton, and they gained seats in the Midterms and the only reason Al Gore didn't win was because Jeb Bush stole the election for his brother.

We always complain 'why can't we be more bipartisan and just do what is good for the country", but we never seem to reward that.

The 2000 election was not stolen. Confusing butterfly ballots in Dade and Browrad counties were approved by Democratic County Clerks. Gore did not win his home state of Tennessee. If he did he would have been president. But, Donna Brazil advised him to write it off.
Obama indeed. Nixon's so-called crime pales. Nixon thought about using the IRS against his enemies, but never did. Obama hired them for that reason and sent the word down to go after conservatives.

Oh, I see you got it backwards.

I am surprised.

[MENTION=46168]Statistikhengst[/MENTION] [MENTION=26838]Ropey[/MENTION]

I heard this yesterday another reason for liberals to hate Nixon...

In 1972, Yitzhak Rabin, then serving as Israel’s ambassador in Washington, was accused of taking sides in the US election after he told an Israeli radio station that no president in American history had been more committed to Israel’s security than Nixon.

Plainly Rabin had sensed something real.

The next year, when Israel Defense Forces were set back on their heels in the first days of the 1973 war and Prime Minister Golda Meir begged for American help, Nixon delivered.

Not only that. When he learned the deliveries were being bogged down by bureaucracy, he called in his secretaries of state and defense.

As Henry Kissinger read out the list of what was being sent to Israel, Nixon replied, “Double it. Now get the hell out of here and get the job done.”

He further made clear to the Israelis not to worry about weapons and ammunition: America would replace whatever they’d lost with even more advanced equipment.

“Whatever it takes,” he told Kissinger, “save Israel.

Obama vindicates Nixon on Israel | New York Post

Sounds like Nixon did a good thing on this one count. Good for him. Still doesn't change the fact that he resigned in disgrace, though.

But thanks for sharing the information.

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