40 years ago today: Nixon (R) resigns in disgrace

Good riddance to a bad crook.

Too bad we couldn't have gotten rid of Jr. (aka Shrub) in the same way.

Lying to the country is bad.

Lying to the country to promote a personal war is worse.

We should have Shrub, Cheney, RumsFAILED, and Rove put into Spandau.

Nixon began the fall of the Soviet Union, NIXON opened the door to China, now "experimenting" with free markets. Give the man his due, pyschologically twisted, but he accomplished so much. RIP Richard Nixon. If only he had not been so personally insecure.

Maybe the topic of another thread, but what was so great about opening up China? It took a third rate communist country to a world power (that we now have to worry about), while we were supposedly fighting communism, and Nixon was supposedly anti communist. And it also eventually helped de industrialize the USA.

It was good in the Cold War context...but bad news in the long run.
You love the dramatic added, resigned in DISGRACE

to me it's more disgraceful to be Impeached and not resign..

Resigned or impeached, the circumstances were disgraceful. Nixon should have come clean to the public the moment he found out about this instead of covering it up.
There's an important lesson to draw here: both parties in Congress eventually cooperated to hold Nixon accountable. The GOP didn't circle the wagon to enable Nixon to violate the Constitution.
Nixon put the country ahead of his personal legacy----------too bad we no longer have anyone in DC who feels that way.
You have to credit Nixon...he knew when the jig was up. The current one has no clue.

Well, the current administration knows he is insulated by the main stream media etc. Where Nixon knew he was not.
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Ford put this country before himself, and that should not be forgotten.
Amazing how the far left will demonize Nixon, yet he ended the Vietnam War.

You would think that the far left would at least acknowledge that as a good thing.
But factions of the Tea Party aren't at all motivated by racism. Nope, not one bit. :eusa_whistle:

The race card again. Last bastion of liberals. What a joke.

That is all they have. Cliches. They are not even worth debating. Why? Cause they shift like the sands of Egypt.

They always go back, eventually, to the race card. They ignore rational thought, and they mock facts.

They are so thick in the head, and so fucking stupid they cannot see how the democrats play them like a fiddle. Then again, they are truly hopeless sock puppets.

They do not deserve and should not receive any respect whatsoever.

This, of course, has nothing to do with the OP.
Amazing how the far left will demonize Nixon, yet he ended the Vietnam War.

You would think that the far left would at least acknowledge that as a good thing.

The Left should also thank Nixon for one of their greatest abuses of power today this side of the IRS: The EPA.
Richard Nixon's great success that liberals forget:
1.) put on a path of peace with honor in Vietnam until liberals in Congress wanted to cut off funds and let Vietnam fall under yoke of communism.
2.) brought our POW's home from Vietnam.
3.) used Vietnam and triangulation to have detente with Soviets and signed SALT 1.
4.) established OSHA.
5.) established EPA.
6.) lowered voting age to 18
7.) signed off on Title 9.
8.) signed Persons With Disabilities Act

And that's all nice and fine and good. He also froze prices and wages - a SOCIALISTIC technique. So, now we know you do support Socialism, after all.

But none of that changes that fact that the man resigned in UTTER DISGRACE and no amount of chest thumping from whacky RW Armchair QBs is going to change that fact.
You love the dramatic added, resigned in DISGRACE

to me it's more disgraceful to be Impeached and not resign..

The reason they say he resigned in disgrace was because he was going to be impeached for sure, no doubt. The hearing had been held and there were was great embarrassment to not just to Nixon and his Administration, but to the country. We learned from the TV broadcast hearings that our President had a crude and criminal side that overwhelmed his positive attributes. He made our democracy look weak, illegitimate, corrupt, vulnerable and appear to be on the same level as some banana republic. The feeling were bi-partisan. After the hearings, it was Republicans who went to the Nixon and told him he had to go. There was no question that he would be impeached and convicted in the Senate.
They told him he had to go only because the media convinced the general public he was a crook. GOP figured its best to cut your losses. This was nothing but a coup with uber liberal Jimmy Carter waiting in the wings. His job was to discourage Americans and disrupt the economy and create gas shortages.
Richard Nixon's great success that liberals forget:
1.) put on a path of peace with honor in Vietnam until liberals in Congress wanted to cut off funds and let Vietnam fall under yoke of communism.
2.) brought our POW's home from Vietnam.
3.) used Vietnam and triangulation to have detente with Soviets and signed SALT 1.
4.) established OSHA.
5.) established EPA.
6.) lowered voting age to 18
7.) signed off on Title 9.
8.) signed Persons With Disabilities Act

And that's all nice and fine and good. He also froze prices and wages - a SOCIALISTIC technique. So, now we know you do support Socialism, after all.

But none of that changes that fact that the man resigned in UTTER DISGRACE and no amount of chest thumping from whacky RW Armchair QBs is going to change that fact.

He paid for his wrongs, any apologies from Bush or Cheney yet? You know about those WMDs that did not exist?
We need a Deep Throat today. Just sayin'.

Are you volunteering?


Seriously, Deepthroat for what, pray tell?

You see, this is part of the ultimate RW butthurt meme that somehow, under the surface, Barack Obama is far more criminal that Nixon ever was.

But that is a lie. A bold-faced lie. There is not even one shred of even one scandal to pin on this president.

Benghazi was a tragedy, not a scandal.

The IRS flap is just that: a flap. And there is not even one piece of evidence to connect the president with anything the Lois Lerner did that upsets Righties. Not even one shred.

Righties destroy their own credibility when they automatically spew "scandal" and "criminal" every time they see something they don't like. Boy - Wolf. Remember that children's story.

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