40 years ago today: Nixon (R) resigns in disgrace

And that's the problem. Nixon made a lot of enemies in his own party over the years, who were happy to kick him when he was down.

I've got mixed feelings about Nixon. Watergate was bad, but not as bad as what a lot of his successors have done with blind partisan loyalty.

Other things he did (expanding the war into Cambodia, the SOuthern Strategy of the GOP welcoming Southern Racists after the Democrats had purged them) had far worse consequences than Watergate in human costs.

He also did a lot of good things.

Maybe it's time for a lot of us go get over it.
You lie! Racist democrats (ie Dixiecrats) never left the democrat party.

A few, like Thurmond did, most just faded away.
. And he rejected racism when he switched parties.
Good riddance to a bad crook.

Too bad we couldn't have gotten rid of Jr. (aka Shrub) in the same way.

Lying to the country is bad.

Lying to the country to promote a personal war is worse.

We should have Shrub, Cheney, RumsFAILED, and Rove put into Spandau.

Nixon began the fall of the Soviet Union, NIXON opened the door to China, now "experimenting" with free markets. Give the man his due, pyschologically twisted, but he accomplished so much. RIP Richard Nixon. If only he had not been so personally insecure.

It's a strange quirk of human nature that often the qualities that make someone a good person individually make them bad leaders, while the qualities that make someone a bad person individually often make them good leaders.

Go figure.
They told him he had to go only because the media convinced the general public he was a crook. GOP figured its best to cut your losses. This was nothing but a coup with uber liberal Jimmy Carter waiting in the wings. His job was to discourage Americans and disrupt the economy and create gas shortages.

It was Nixon who created the gas shortages with his price controls, not Carter.

Incorrect! Nixon froze all prices and wages for 90 days based on controlling inflation as we switched over to the gold standard. The war in the Middle East and the Oil embargo caused the problem directly.

In response to the US aid to Israel, on October 16, 1973, OPEC announced a decision to raise the posted price of oil by 70%, to $5.11 a barrel.[14] The following day, oil ministers agreed to the embargo, a cut in production by five percent from September's output, and to continue to cut production over time in five percent increments until their economic and political objectives were met.[15] October 19, U.S. President Richard Nixon requested Congress to appropriate $2.2 billion in emergency aid to Israel, including $1.5 billion in outright grants. George Lenczowski notes, "Military supplies did not exhaust Nixon's eagerness to prevent Israel's collapse...This [$2.2 billion] decision triggered a collective OPEC response".[16] Libya immediately announced it would embargo all oil shipments to the United States.[17] Saudi Arabia and the other Arab oil-producing states quickly followed suit, joining the embargo on October 20, 1973.[18] At their meeting in Kuwait the OPEC oil-producing countries, proclaimed the oil boycott that provided for curbs on their oil exports to various consumer countries and a total embargo on oil deliveries to the United States as a "principal hostile country".[19] The embargo was thus variously extended to Western Europe and Japan.

1973 oil crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was horrible times. Gas soared to 50 cents a gallon and gas lines wrapped around the block. Damn Carter to Hell!
Ford gave up his chance to remain President for the good of the mation, a fine & honorable man.

Do you mean through his pardoning of ex-President Nixon shortly after assuming office?
Ford might have won the election if not for his "Free Poland" gaffe during the debates.

Nixon probably would have beaten the Impeachment vote but he decided to resign because he though the Nation didn't need to be put through that.

And one of the main reasons he thought that was because the leaders of his own party met with him and told him they didn't intend to back him in an impeachment fight, and thought he should resign.

Look for politicians with that level of honor and practicality now, and all you find is the sound of crickets.
It was Nixon who created the gas shortages with his price controls, not Carter.

Incorrect! Nixon froze all prices and wages for 90 days based on controlling inflation as we switched over to the gold standard. The war in the Middle East and the Oil embargo caused the problem directly.

In response to the US aid to Israel, on October 16, 1973, OPEC announced a decision to raise the posted price of oil by 70%, to $5.11 a barrel.[14] The following day, oil ministers agreed to the embargo, a cut in production by five percent from September's output, and to continue to cut production over time in five percent increments until their economic and political objectives were met.[15] October 19, U.S. President Richard Nixon requested Congress to appropriate $2.2 billion in emergency aid to Israel, including $1.5 billion in outright grants. George Lenczowski notes, "Military supplies did not exhaust Nixon's eagerness to prevent Israel's collapse...This [$2.2 billion] decision triggered a collective OPEC response".[16] Libya immediately announced it would embargo all oil shipments to the United States.[17] Saudi Arabia and the other Arab oil-producing states quickly followed suit, joining the embargo on October 20, 1973.[18] At their meeting in Kuwait the OPEC oil-producing countries, proclaimed the oil boycott that provided for curbs on their oil exports to various consumer countries and a total embargo on oil deliveries to the United States as a "principal hostile country".[19] The embargo was thus variously extended to Western Europe and Japan.

1973 oil crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wrong. Nixon decoupled the US dollar from any hard elements (gold, silver, diamonds) and turned our currency into a free-floating currency.

Yet that is not what caused the Oil crisis in 1973..
In 69' I was in the Navy and sent the Nixon's a xmas card, they sent one back, I still have it with the original envelope.

Wow! That really is something.

I like Nixon - I was just a kid, but Nixon was one of the smartest presidents we ever had.

RIP, Mr President.


Nixon's actions re: Watergate were wrong, and I disagree with some of his policies as well. That being said, I think that, on balance, the country is better for having had him in politics than it would have been had he not been.
It was Nixon who created the gas shortages with his price controls, not Carter.

Incorrect! Nixon froze all prices and wages for 90 days based on controlling inflation as we switched over to the gold standard. The war in the Middle East and the Oil embargo caused the problem directly.

In response to the US aid to Israel, on October 16, 1973, OPEC announced a decision to raise the posted price of oil by 70%, to $5.11 a barrel.[14] The following day, oil ministers agreed to the embargo, a cut in production by five percent from September's output, and to continue to cut production over time in five percent increments until their economic and political objectives were met.[15] October 19, U.S. President Richard Nixon requested Congress to appropriate $2.2 billion in emergency aid to Israel, including $1.5 billion in outright grants. George Lenczowski notes, "Military supplies did not exhaust Nixon's eagerness to prevent Israel's collapse...This [$2.2 billion] decision triggered a collective OPEC response".[16] Libya immediately announced it would embargo all oil shipments to the United States.[17] Saudi Arabia and the other Arab oil-producing states quickly followed suit, joining the embargo on October 20, 1973.[18] At their meeting in Kuwait the OPEC oil-producing countries, proclaimed the oil boycott that provided for curbs on their oil exports to various consumer countries and a total embargo on oil deliveries to the United States as a "principal hostile country".[19] The embargo was thus variously extended to Western Europe and Japan.

1973 oil crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was horrible times. Gas soared to 50 cents a gallon and gas lines wrapped around the block. Damn Carter to Hell!

The oil embargo was lifted in March 1974, but oil prices remained high, and the effects of the energy crisis lingered throughout the decade. In addition to price controls and gasoline rationing, a national speed limit was imposed and daylight saving time was adopted year-round for the period of 1974-75. Environmentalism reached new heights during the crisis, and became a motivating force behind policymaking in Washington. Various acts of legislation during the 1970s sought to redefine America’s relationship to fossil fuels and other sources of energy, from the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act (passed by Congress in November 1973, at the height of the oil panic) to the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 and the creation of the Department of Energy in 1977.
Energy Crisis (1970s) - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com
You love the dramatic added, resigned in DISGRACE

to me it's more disgraceful to be Impeached and not resign..

I can see your point -- remember too, Nixon stepping down in very close election with Kennedy for the good of the country -- very stand-up.

Once upon a time, you could even find Democrats putting the country's good ahead of their personal interests. Rutherford B. Hayes' opponent declined to challenge the House's decision to give Hayes the election because he felt the country's healing after the War was more important than who held the White House for four years.

Partisanship aside, I think we can only mourn the days when public servants actually viewed themselves as servants of the public.
There's an important lesson to draw here: both parties in Congress eventually cooperated to hold Nixon accountable. The GOP didn't circle the wagon to enable Nixon to violate the Constitution.

They forced him out after they figured it would hurt them politically to continue support. Then the Republican appointee president pardoned Nixon to be sure that he wouldn't be held accountable for his crimes.
There's an important lesson to draw here: both parties in Congress eventually cooperated to hold Nixon accountable. The GOP didn't circle the wagon to enable Nixon to violate the Constitution.

They forced him out after they figured it would hurt them politically to continue support. Then the Republican appointee president pardoned Nixon to be sure that he wouldn't be held accountable for his crimes.
Nixon didn't commit any crimes. The pardon was so the enemies of freedom wouldn't trump up more bogus charges against this great man. He didn't serve one day in prison. He was one of our greatest Presidents ever.

Obama is the greatest liar we've ever had squatting in our White Zhouse.
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There's an important lesson to draw here: both parties in Congress eventually cooperated to hold Nixon accountable. The GOP didn't circle the wagon to enable Nixon to violate the Constitution.

They forced him out after they figured it would hurt them politically to continue support. Then the Republican appointee president pardoned Nixon to be sure that he wouldn't be held accountable for his crimes.

No one died in watergate. it was one party spying on the other party. Nixon committed only the crime of stupidity by trying to cover it up.

Now, would you like to talk about Benghazi or the IRS?
Nixon: "Well, when the President does it, that means that it is not illegal."
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There's an important lesson to draw here: both parties in Congress eventually cooperated to hold Nixon accountable. The GOP didn't circle the wagon to enable Nixon to violate the Constitution.

excellent and that was when they both had some honor
today that honor doesn't apply to the Democrat party and I'm not sure about the Republicans anymore
We need a Deep Throat today. Just sayin'.

Are you volunteering?


Seriously, Deepthroat for what, pray tell?

You see, this is part of the ultimate RW butthurt meme that somehow, under the surface, Barack Obama is far more criminal that Nixon ever was.

But that is a lie. A bold-faced lie. There is not even one shred of even one scandal to pin on this president.

Benghazi was a tragedy, not a scandal.

The IRS flap is just that: a flap. And there is not even one piece of evidence to connect the president with anything the Lois Lerner did that upsets Righties. Not even one shred.

Righties destroy their own credibility when they automatically spew "scandal" and "criminal" every time they see something they don't like. Boy - Wolf. Remember that children's story.



What did you expect from Stat, J? Politically Stat is Jillian's male aspect.
Are you volunteering?


Seriously, Deepthroat for what, pray tell?

You see, this is part of the ultimate RW butthurt meme that somehow, under the surface, Barack Obama is far more criminal that Nixon ever was.

But that is a lie. A bold-faced lie. There is not even one shred of even one scandal to pin on this president.

Benghazi was a tragedy, not a scandal.

The IRS flap is just that: a flap. And there is not even one piece of evidence to connect the president with anything the Lois Lerner did that upsets Righties. Not even one shred.

Righties destroy their own credibility when they automatically spew "scandal" and "criminal" every time they see something they don't like. Boy - Wolf. Remember that children's story.



What did you expect from Stat, J? Politically Stat is Jillian's male aspect.

Yeah sadly....... Obama is as clean as the wind driven snow:doubt:
You love the dramatic added, resigned in DISGRACE

to me it's more disgraceful to be Impeached and not resign..

I can see your point -- remember too, Nixon stepping down in very close election with Kennedy for the good of the country -- very stand-up.

Once upon a time, you could even find Democrats putting the country's good ahead of their personal interests. Rutherford B. Hayes' opponent declined to challenge the House's decision to give Hayes the election because he felt the country's healing after the War was more important than who held the White House for four years.

Partisanship aside, I think we can only mourn the days when public servants actually viewed themselves as servants of the public.

yep, that was a long time ago.
and mourn is the right word or the citizens get involved again..but I don't that see that happening.

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