41-Year-Old Hollywood Actress Commits Assisted Suicide Due to Unbearable COVID Vaccine Injuries, Says She Was "Lied To" By Media

Because there is no evidence. Anyone can claim anything.

People get sick. People get diseases. Billions and billions of shots administered.

No doctor would diagnose ALS as resulting from an adverse vaccine reaction.

Total.bullshit. She may have believed it, but it's nonsense.

Sure in an experiment you could have billions of doses administered and have "only" 20 million deaths. Was it a successful experiment?
Sure in an experiment you could have billions of doses administered and have "only" 20 million deaths. Was it a successful experiment?
The evidence is the bad results that are occurring with no other recent visits or anything odd for the afflicted

Lib loons when it threatens wishes and feelings come up with “Ok…the guy got run over by a train”. I need “evidence” the train killed him
Lol, all you anti vaxers have been telling me I am going to die for 4 years. Lol. Still here. Lol. Still healthy. Yall told me it caused sterility. My daughter has had 2 kids since. Lol yall never give up though. Fully believe in die with the lie. Lol. Hilarious
This is a true story. I know a lady who got COVID and it attacked her organs, (damaged) her heart and her liver and gall bladder. She got diabetes. Hers is now called Long Covid. She is a mess!
Yup, I know several people that took it and had terrible adverse reactions. Many others just had mysterious health problems since, plus they all seem to get COVID over and over.

It’s funny they never bring up the vax anymore, that topic has quietly gone away. It’s like they know but just don’t want to acknowledge it.

Some people have a real hard time accepting reality.
Lol, all you anti vaxers have been telling me I am going to die for 4 years. Lol. Still here. Lol. Still healthy. Yall told me it caused sterility. My daughter has had 2 kids since. Lol yall never give up though. Fully believe in die with the lie. Lol. Hilarious

Your trial doesn’t end until the ten year mark. Keep posting updates until then.

But we already know it isn’t safe on the data we have now. It’s just a question of how unsafe and what the percentages are for the long list of side effects.
Your trial doesn’t end until the ten year mark. Keep posting updates until then.

But we already know it isn’t safe on the data we have now. It’s just a question of how unsafe and what the percentages are for the long list of side effects.
Lol, keep moving that goal post retard. Hilarious
So now you know why the covid vaccines are still on the market.

Glad you're up to speed.
COVID vaccines are still on the EUA, which means they are still experimental.

They are glad to have test subjects like you get their boosters. Big Pharma makes money off folks like you.
Lol, all you anti vaxers have been telling me I am going to die for 4 years. Lol. Still here. Lol. Still healthy. Yall told me it caused sterility. My daughter has had 2 kids since. Lol yall never give up though. Fully believe in die with the lie. Lol. Hilarious
That is easily explained. Yes, I know many people, including family members, with no apparent harm from the shots all these years later, but not a single one of them is willing to have blood examined for the tell tale traces of the shots.

It is easily explained because we know from research and data correlation, VAERS data correlated with batch data, that only 5% of the batches were very toxic. The other 95% were more or less evenly divided between mildly toxic and barely toxic at all.
Lol, keep moving that goal post retard. Hilarious
Goal posts being moved?

Here is Dr. Fauci saying that mRNA vaccines will take ten years to get approved, even if they were “perfect”, meaning no adverse reactions and 100% effective.

He said this in October of 2019.

Funny how a hundred years of science was thrown out the window for the 2020 election and a couple hundred million dollars for old Anthony.

But I am the one “moving the goal posts”?
Many quietly think Long Covid is a ruse for adverse shot reaction lasting several years
Of the two people I know that had COVID, it never left them. One guy has been coughing for 3 years. Another friend has been very sick, now on oxygen and did not show up for dialysis. He is in and out of the hospital.
I'm a little confused....

It says in this post that she had been diagnosed or suspected of having ALS, Lou Gehrigs Disease, and her myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). from the shot was on top of the ALS that already existed?

ALS is a fatal disease...with all muscles and breathing affected...I had a close friend who had ALS, he died at 33 with 4 young kids left fatherless and a widow....it's a horrible disease :(

....her described pains from the covid shot seem like the same pains she would have with ALS. she likely is going through pains she would have, with or without a covid shot...but with her ALS alone....:(



Katerina Pavelek, the 41 year old model and actress, has died from assisted suicide after a long battle with her health after the COVID booster.She was diagnosed with an incurable chronic neurological illness known as myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).“My body is too weak to fight this illness and I have no more strength so I made decision to end my life at Pegasos association in Switzerland. I was diagnosed with untreatable chronic neurological illness ME/CFS caused by booster jab on top of having suspected respiratory ALS. This illness made me disabled, unable to work or have social life and unable to enjoy life all together. Breathing have become more and more difficult and painful for me and my lung function has been declining. Thank you for all your friendship and support over last year. The booster jab I received over year ago destroyed my health, my body and my life completely. There is no other way to end my suffering other than the decision I made.”
So what? Same goes for a lot of approved treatments. You aren't scaring any rational, functioning adult.
So you may be willing to give Big Pharma a total pass on responsibility for the vaccines, the rest of us don’t have to. Like I said, I am glad you little Guinea pigs like you are willing to submit your bodies to Big Pharma experiments, because now I know I will never take one when I once did consider it.

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