41-Year-Old Hollywood Actress Commits Assisted Suicide Due to Unbearable COVID Vaccine Injuries, Says She Was "Lied To" By Media

That is easily explained. Yes, I know many people, including family members, with no apparent harm from the shots all these years later, but not a single one of them is willing to have blood examined for the tell tale traces of the shots.

It is easily explained because we know from research and data correlation, VAERS data correlated with batch data, that only 5% of the batches were very toxic. The other 95% were more or less evenly divided between mildly toxic and barely toxic at all.
Lol, OK buddy. Excuses are like ass holes. So let's play the odds. Out of a hundred people that got the shot 5 should be dead. I know hundreds upon hundreds. Out of those people only my dad has passed but he was 90. Soooo, tell me some more retard stories.
Goal posts being moved?

Here is Dr. Fauci saying that mRNA vaccines will take ten years to get approved, even if they were “perfect”, meaning no adverse reactions and 100% effective.

He said this in October of 2019.

Funny how a hundred years of science was thrown out the window for the 2020 election and a couple hundred million dollars for old Anthony.

But I am the one “moving the goal posts”?

He was specifically talking about flu vaccines, ya dipshit. And that's in part because what we have now is so good. As he also explains, in the video you DID NOT WATCH.
What Fauci actually said was that emergency mRNA vaccines for covid would take a year.

Yes, the orange slob lied about what Fauci said.
The party that likes to fuck kids became virology experts for a few months and mandated the fauci clot shot under severe penalties.
Hey Fuck Boi.
No-one forced you to get the vaccine, that trump pushed.
Did YOU get the vaccine?
Fuck Donald Trump, but as always, it's someone else's fault.
Goal posts being moved?

Here is Dr. Fauci saying that mRNA vaccines will take ten years to get approved, even if they were “perfect”, meaning no adverse reactions and 100% effective.

He said this in October of 2019.

Funny how a hundred years of science was thrown out the window for the 2020 election and a couple hundred million dollars for old Anthony.

But I am the one “moving the goal

Goal posts being moved?

Here is Dr. Fauci saying that mRNA vaccines will take ten years to get approved, even if they were “perfect”, meaning no adverse reactions and 100% effective.

He said this in October of 2019.

Funny how a hundred years of science was thrown out the window for the 2020 election and a couple hundred million dollars for old Anthony.

But I am the one “moving the goal posts”?

Lol, remind me who did good Ole Fuaci work for at the time there retard? Ever hear of operation warp speed? Lol, that was Ole Trumpy boys baby. I remember the news conference with good Ole Trumpy boy. Evidently you do not. Here is a reminder.

He was specifically talking about flu vaccines, ya dipshit. And that's in part because what we have now is so good. As he also explains, in the video you DID NOT WATCH.
I did watch it. He specifically said mRNA would take TEN a years to get approved through the FDA.

They bypassed all that with EUA, which means they are still experimental.

You CANNOT determine if it is really safe until you have done LONG TERM studies. Has any long term study been done with mRNA vaccines? Nope. And now the whole system is broken because no one is allowed to question the vaccine. How is that science? It’s now become a religion. In science you are allowed to question and demand data. Now it’s been hijacked by political sycophants who hide the truth and denounce anyone that dares to question anything.

But hey, keep getting your boosters buddy. I’m sure that will work out for ya just great in the long term.
Lol, remind me who did good Ole Fuaci work for at the time there retard? Ever hear of operation warp speed? Lol, that was Ole Trumpy boys baby. I remember the news conference with good Ole Trumpy boy. Evidently you do not. Here is a reminder.

Warp Speed did not change the scientific process.

They only were testing the new mRNA in early trial studies during President Trump.
Hey Fuck Boi.
No-one forced you to get the vaccine, that trump pushed.
Did YOU get the vaccine?
Fuck Donald Trump, but as always, it's someone else's fault.
Biden forced millions of Americans to take it in order for them to keep their jobs, which was found to be unconstitutional. Not that you care.
Warp Speed did not change the scientific process.

They only were testing the new mRNA in early trial studies during President Trump.
Lol, it sure as hell sped up the release ass clown. So if anyone is responsible it is Trumpy boy himself. Yall yelled for Fauci head yet Ole Trumpy boy didn't fire him. Explain that ass clown retard. Easy to explain Trumpy boy and Fauci were doing ther damn job. Yall told me I would die over the winter the winter came. Told me I would die in a year the year came
Yall told me it would cause sterility my daughter has had two babies. Many of her friends had babies. You are just a liar and a bad one. Tell me some more retard stories.
Because there is no evidence. Anyone can claim anything.

People get sick. People get diseases. Billions and billions of shots administered.

No doctor would diagnose ALS as resulting from an adverse vaccine reaction.

Total.bullshit. She may have believed it, but it's nonsense.
all their whining about the vaccine probably makes people sick.
The party that likes to fuck kids became virology experts for a few months and mandated the fauci clot shot under severe penalties. "Your body, your choice" went the way of "believe all women" when Briben was accused of rape.

Keep in mind, the subhuman fucks waived the mandates for themselves. I know, that's hard to believe.

I never took it. In Texas, we don't really give a fuck what anyone says outside of our boundaries.

All I have to do now, is wait. :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

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Well, he did like doing Deplorable impressions. Seeing how people acted with the Covid vax issue like this man did was not good. People freaking out and the loss of unalienable rights at the time.

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