41-Year-Old Hollywood Actress Commits Assisted Suicide Due to Unbearable COVID Vaccine Injuries, Says She Was "Lied To" By Media

A stupid and harmful lie. You should be ashamed of yourself.
More people have been harmed by the covid vaccine than have been harmed by covid because there is no covid. The entire exercise was to get people to take the vaccine. Now, to take the vaccine and the boosters knowing it might kill them. That's the point.
More people have been harmed by the covid vaccine than have been harmed by covid because there is no covid. The entire exercise was to get people to take the vaccine. Now, to take the vaccine and the boosters knowing it might kill them. That's the point.
I heard your shameful lies the first time.
Anybody that follows alternate news , realizes that Club Davos wants to lower population numbers precipitously and that their methods to date ( Bad Food, family destruction, Abortion,,,Homosexuality to name a few) are not working fast enough for their population goals. Their "15 minute cities" are not designed to support millions of people in an area, so these people ( "Surplus Population") need to be "Dealt" with. You would be crazy to "Trust" these people.

Note that many posters on these forums are actually "Social Influencers" working for F B I to "Counter Disinformation" ( anything that opposes the narratives being promoted by MSM). The other site I lurked on was GLP, but they now BAN TOR or VPN access ( I knew long ago that they were loaded with fed agents as one of them caused me some grief with the IRS and it could have only been somebody with access to financial and medical records ).

Never post without VPN Multihop protection.
Katerina Pavelek: “If the media truly [reported] on what mattered to the general public, I would have never gotten the vaccine,..We have been lied to, and profits are being put before the wellbeing of ordinary, good people….”

The booster jab I received over [a] year ago destroyed my health, my body and my life completely. There is no other way to end my suffering other than the decision I made.”

“This illness made me disabled, unable to work or have [a] social life and unable to enjoy life all together. Breathing have become more and more difficult and painful for me and my lung function has been declining. Thank you for all your friendship and support over [the] last year.

"LOS ANGELES – A young woman in her best years, actress Kat Pave, followed the norms in society as they’ve been propagandized to the people: she took her COVID-19 vaccine and the required booster...

Kat was an actress, so she also had to follow the vaccine requirements stipulated by the entertainment industry and unions if she wanted to be able to work. But then Kat became very sick. So sick that last week, she chose to end her life at a Swiss clinic specialized in assisted suicide."



Katerina Pavelek’s Last Posts​

In October 2022 Pavelek wrote:

” I am bedridden for 8 months nowPrior to receiving the shot I was happy, healthy and working as stand in in Los Angeles. After receiving booster I started having severe chest pains, digestive issues, tremors, muscle spasms, period changes, severe insomnia and complete weakness. All these issues now resulted in extreme muscle weakness, weight loss, I feel constant pressure in chest and abdomen, I lost my period and I am unable to gain strength to this day. I went from working 12 hour days to not being able to drive, shop, cook, do laundry or take my garbage out. I feel Im getting weaker and weaker. I have been to ER numerous times.”

On May 30, 2023, Pavelek posted:

“No one tells you that you will grieve when you become disabled or chronically ill,… It’s expected when a loved one dies but you don’t expect it when you experience chronic illness or disability.”

“The process is the same. The feelings are the same. The only difference is that instead of a loved one dying, it’s like you’ve died. Your life, your hopes, your dreams, your plans. Who you were and who you wanted to be. Everything. All forever changed.”

Biden: Our “patience” for the unvaccinated person is wearing thin

COVID Vaccine-Injured Rally, Los Angeles, posted by USAFrontline Doctors on June 22, 2022

Below: UK Telegraph headline June 4 2024


Below source: USA Today, “More young Americans are dying – and it’s not COVID. Why aren’t we searching for answers?”


Number of deaths following for all vaccines, reported to VAERS through 2021 Below source


Tragic. And because of this, I won't get any of their shots now. Not flu, not Covid, not Shingles
So now you know why the covid vaccines are still on the market.

Glad you're up to speed.

Huge vaxxer I work with, in her 40s. At work one day had a terrible headache so bad they took her to the ER. Less than two months later she was dead of a brain tumor so rare it almost never occurs outside of children over the age of 4. They hardly knew how to treat her.

We all know it was her vaccines and boosters.

EVERYone has a story like this. Everyone
Figures. The MSM have reported the story of her suicide but seem to have left out the details of why she did it.
She had ALS, Lou Gehrigs Disease, according to what she had posted.... She is blaming the taking of the shot on top of having ALS to making her feel so badly so quickly....and seems to only focus on the shot.... But all of the pain and muscle collapse and breathing difficulty she described, is also what happens when you have ALS

ALS is a Terminal Disease, there is no cure....you simply deteriorate, until nothing works in your body anymore....except your brain still works for you to slowly watch and feel your own self die, and there is nothing you can do about it.... It's awful!

The mentioning of her ALS, really throws a left hook in to this covid shot conspiracy that the shot did this to her....imho.
Everyone was told that by Fauci and the medical community, people that should have known better than to condone an experimental vaccine. You are trying to blame the wrong person.
Fauci claims that he was taking orders from the Fuhrer.

Safe and Effective were the 3 words that led millions to their deaths!!
Katerina Pavelek: “If the media truly [reported] on what mattered to the general public, I would have never gotten the vaccine,..We have been lied to, and profits are being put before the wellbeing of ordinary, good people….”

The booster jab I received over [a] year ago destroyed my health, my body and my life completely. There is no other way to end my suffering other than the decision I made.”

“This illness made me disabled, unable to work or have [a] social life and unable to enjoy life all together. Breathing have become more and more difficult and painful for me and my lung function has been declining. Thank you for all your friendship and support over [the] last year.

"LOS ANGELES – A young woman in her best years, actress Kat Pave, followed the norms in society as they’ve been propagandized to the people: she took her COVID-19 vaccine and the required booster...

Kat was an actress, so she also had to follow the vaccine requirements stipulated by the entertainment industry and unions if she wanted to be able to work. But then Kat became very sick. So sick that last week, she chose to end her life at a Swiss clinic specialized in assisted suicide."



Katerina Pavelek’s Last Posts​

In October 2022 Pavelek wrote:

” I am bedridden for 8 months nowPrior to receiving the shot I was happy, healthy and working as stand in in Los Angeles. After receiving booster I started having severe chest pains, digestive issues, tremors, muscle spasms, period changes, severe insomnia and complete weakness. All these issues now resulted in extreme muscle weakness, weight loss, I feel constant pressure in chest and abdomen, I lost my period and I am unable to gain strength to this day. I went from working 12 hour days to not being able to drive, shop, cook, do laundry or take my garbage out. I feel Im getting weaker and weaker. I have been to ER numerous times.”

On May 30, 2023, Pavelek posted:

“No one tells you that you will grieve when you become disabled or chronically ill,… It’s expected when a loved one dies but you don’t expect it when you experience chronic illness or disability.”

“The process is the same. The feelings are the same. The only difference is that instead of a loved one dying, it’s like you’ve died. Your life, your hopes, your dreams, your plans. Who you were and who you wanted to be. Everything. All forever changed.”

Biden: Our “patience” for the unvaccinated person is wearing thin

COVID Vaccine-Injured Rally, Los Angeles, posted by USAFrontline Doctors on June 22, 2022

Below: UK Telegraph headline June 4 2024


Below source: USA Today, “More young Americans are dying – and it’s not COVID. Why aren’t we searching for answers?”


Number of deaths following for all vaccines, reported to VAERS through 2021 Below source


It's amazing, but on my previous message board home - where I was booted off for fighting the overbearing moderators - we had some leftist posters who swore up and down, repeatedly, that NOBODY WAS FORCED TO GET THE VACCINE.

All I can do is shake my head.
Fauci claims that he was taking orders from the Fuhrer.

Safe and Effective were the 3 words that led millions to their deaths!!
Safe and Effective and can’t get it nor transmit it
Lie upon lie. They don’t live in reality and they create their own

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