50 People who need a vicious beating.

I liked this one about Jimmy Fallon (can't stand that ass btw).

Fallon is the least funny breakout “star” ever to come from SNL. He makes Tim Meadows look like a 19-year-old Eddie Murphy. He makes Rob Schneider look like Bill Murray. He makes David Spade look like John Belushi. And for fuck’s sake, stop smirking at your own terrible jokes you chump.

It's like they can read my mind. Spooky. :laugh:
Saying Joe Namath never had a good game in his life,
or something like that, is ignorant.

I watched Super Bowl III, and Namath had a great game.

So he's still getting drunk, and telling women: "I want to kiss you"?-
That part sounds sort of similar to me. And I do not deserve to be beaten.

Get a better list than this, is all I gotta say, if you wanna laugh out'a me.
USViking said:
Saying Joe Namath never had a good game in his life,
or something like that, is ignorant.

I watched Super Bowl III, and Namath had a great game.

So he's still getting drunk, and telling women: "I want to kiss you"?-
That part sounds sort of similar to me. And I do not deserve to be beaten.

Get a better list than this, is all I gotta say, if you wanna laugh out'a me.

Do I look like the freekin manager?
USViking said:
Yes- You started the thread, and that's the same thing.

Of the other site, no. And anything that's posted here becomes Jimmy's property once you hit the submit button too, so there. :p:

Also, get a sense of humor update, some of that stuff IS funny.
I happen to like Bill O'Reilly, and he was number 3 on the list, but most of the rest got a laugh out of me.

As for Jimmy Fallon, yeah, he sucks. Anybody here see the "Family Guy" where he had sex with Meg as the SNL opening sketch, then Peter ran up and beat the crap out of him saying, "That's for always laughing during the sketch...and for looking at the camera. Now, where's that guy that had sex with my daughter."
42. Bill Maher
Quite possibly the smarmiest asshole on the planet. And he's as "libertarian" as my nutsack.

Amen! I taste bile every time I hear this hack call himself a Libertarian.

Here's to you Bill Maher, for giving Libertarians a bad name... :dev3:
Said1 said:
Of the other site, no. And anything that's posted here becomes Jimmy's property once you hit the submit button too, so there. :p:
I've wondered about post ownership for some time.

I did some google searching once, and there was
only one reference in one site to the matter, which
said anything you post is your property.

Said1 said:
Also, get a sense of humor update, some of that stuff IS funny.
It's just my bias in favor of Namath coming out.

He was one of the famous cool guys of my youth.
Didn't even bother me too much that one of my
favorite girlfriends was in love with him.

A pretty good bio of him came out last year.

He is without a doubt an alcoholic, and one of the
great skirt chasers of all time.

After he married, however, he was faithful, and
was in fact deserted by his wife, who left him to
perform the unusual role of single Dad to two
small children. He stopped drinking while his
daughters were growing up, although he has
since had occasional relapses, including the
notorious "I want to kiss you" episode on
national TV. He has for the most part been dry.
no1tovote4 said:
42. Bill Maher
Quite possibly the smarmiest asshole on the planet. And he's as "libertarian" as my nutsack.

Amen! I taste bile every time I hear this hack call himself a Libertarian.

Here's to you Bill Maher, for giving Libertarians a bad name... :dev3:

Here, here! I'll second that. Along with that stupid facial expression he makes when he thinks he's nailed some point. :bat:
USViking said:
I've wondered about post ownership for some time.

I did some google searching once, and there was
only one reference in one site to the matter, which
said anything you post is your property.

Guess you didn't look hard enough. Never pegged you for an Oprah or Steve Tyler fan either. :poke:
Said1 said:
Guess you didn't look hard enough.
Got any more info here?

I doubt the law fully covers this issue at present.

It eventually will, and I do not see it just handing
all posters' rights to their work over to the board owners.

Said1 said:
Never pegged you for an Oprah or Steve Tyler fan either. :poke:
I like Oprah OK, although I hardly ever watch her.

Aerosmith had some great songs.

Almost all pop musicians lead such debauched private lives
that they surely do deserve a few beatings.
USViking said:
Got any more info here?

I doubt the law fully covers this issue at present.

It eventually will, and I do not see it just handing
all posters' rights to their work over to the board owners.

Whatever, go bite someone else's ankles.
Said1 said:
Whatever, go bite someone else's ankles.

I am not biting. If you know where any information
on this issue can be found I would just like to read it.
Said1 said:

They got it right a couple of times, but this was my favorite...

11. Michael Moore

This guy is so full of shit, and before anyone jumps down my throat here, I could give two shits about the guy’s politics. He is a double-dealing, dishonest moron who goes around spouting his smug brand of rhetoric about caring for people while he treats the people he doesn’t agree with like dogshit. He produces the same bullshit propaganda that he is busy condemning from the other side. Moore is the worst kind of political advocate. He preaches to the choir and alienates everyone who is interested in honest discourse with childish generalizations and hilariously black-or-white faux-morality.

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