55% of murders committed by blacks? Explain it to the forum.

Ask the Asians that come here.
Ask them what? If they were slaves? If they were not allowed to vote?n

If they had entire hate groups dedicated to oppressing and harming them? If they lived through decades of not being able to visit white businesses and use white bathrooms?

If you don't understand that history reverberates in culture and economics to this day, you don't have the mental capacity or knowledge to be in this discussion.
Neither did the current day Democrats.

Your weasel words cut both ways.
Democrats who supported slavery are slowly dying off. Old style racists were Democrats. When I quit the democrats, it was not remotely due to racism or slavery. It was the pathetic job done by Jimmy Carter.
That is a crock of shit. Ask the Asians that come here. Ask the Jews. Ask the minority from India.
If psychology and systemic issues are the cause, then it should be reactionary across the board. Systemic means it relates to or affects an entire system.
You are having a try at talking to a truly prejudiced person. I try it at times. It fails.
The current day R have never supported slavery nor engaged in it. How can you defend the party that for a long time owned slaves?
The Proud Boys
Nick Fuentes
Richard Spencer

You Robert W think these clowns are Liberals or (D).
JFC you are dense.

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 2.11.13 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 2.12.37 PM.png
See thread title.

An answer to a question usually is an explanation, when the question is asking for an explanation.

And smarten up, you're embarrassing yourself.
I understand English. Maybe the dictionary can clear it up for you:

An explanation is an answer that makes something clearer or easier to understand.

The correct answer to a problem or question is the solution.

You said you have the answer. Therefore, you have the solution. And systemic racism isn't it. Ask the Asians.
The plate was broken when it was knocked off the table.
Glue. < the solution.

55% of black men are in jail for murder.
Stop murdering.


No psychology or systemic racism necessary. The worst racist in Illinois won't be the cause of the murder of the blacks about to die in Chicago this weekend.
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Moving on...

For decades, one of the favorite hobbies of the racists has been to ask questions to which they already have the only answer they will accept.

So they feign innocence and curiosity and ask questions, like:

"If the black are equal under the law, them why are they still doing so poorly?"

Of course, the point of asking isn't to seek an honest answer. It's to point out that they are doing poorly.

And they will not accept any answer that is not the equivalent of saying blacks are genetically inferior.
Moving on...

For decades, one of the favorite hobbies of the racists has been to ask questions to which they already have the only answer they will accept.

So they feign innocence and curiosity and ask questions, like:

"If the black are equal under the law, them why are they still doing so poorly?"

Of course, the point of asking isn't to seek an honest answer. It's to point out that they are doing poorly.

And they will not accept any answer that is not the equivalent of saying blacks are genetically inferior.
A bait and switch reply above.
Serious charge since the U.S. black population is around 13%. Not to worry though, if Biden/Harris have their way the illegal alien murder rate might top the statistics in a year or so.
Serious charge since the U.S. black population is around 13%. Not to worry though, if Biden/Harris have their way the illegal alien murder rate might top the statistics in a year or so.
Which is of course the opposite of what the stats show and is just the mental sharting of a white nationalist without a cogent thought.
Johnson was white. After his Great society kicked in, things went bad for blacks. Tell me why would blacks keep supporting Democrats who it is clear fucked up blacks lives?
I don't know but we can talk about it if you don't go off. I don't do American crazy.

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