6:13 to ...


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Nowhere or heaven.That being 6: 13 PM { EST } on a nice
Saturday evening in mid july.When out of the blue one
Donald John Trump experienced his first and only gunshot.
To the head.Very near his temple.The ideal suicide spot.
And of course lived to talk about.Also shake his fist in
the air to let God know he was allright.Got thru it like
a bad case of getting his hair trimmed.Nothing to sneeze about or
take lightly.As history was made on this early saturday evening on
July 13th.For all to see.History sometimes requires playback.
Also context and perspective.If not for no other reason than Man
is a social animal.Probably always will be.He was made like no other
creature on earth.Some men differ ... others not so much.
Some saturday nights differ { ask John Travolta } and some
are just saturday nights.,
Or as Elton John sang ... :
It's seven o'clock and I wanna rock
Wanna get a belly full of beer
Don't give us none of your aggravation
We had it with your discipline
Saturday night's alright for fighting
Get a little action in
Thankfully with God's grace and enumerable
power to handle man in his element,Donald John Trump
was spared harm and the potential devastation it would
reap across this land.
Well,they're packed pretty tight in here tonight
I'm looking for a Dolly who'll see me right
Apparently at least one Dolly archangel was
working overtime last night at precisely
6:13 PM
Nowhere or heaven.That being 6: 13 PM { EST } on a nice
Saturday evening in mid july.When out of the blue one
Donald John Trump experienced his first and only gunshot.
To the head.Very near his temple.The ideal suicide spot.
And of course lived to talk about.Also shake his fist in
the air to let God know he was allright.Got thru it like
a bad case of getting his hair trimmed.Nothing to sneeze about or
take lightly.As history was made on this early saturday evening on
July 13th.For all to see.History sometimes requires playback.
Also context and perspective.If not for no other reason than Man
is a social animal.Probably always will be.He was made like no other
creature on earth.Some men differ ... others not so much.
Some saturday nights differ { ask John Travolta } and some
are just saturday nights.,
Or as Elton John sang ... :
It's seven o'clock and I wanna rock
Wanna get a belly full of beer
Don't give us none of your aggravation
We had it with your discipline
Saturday night's alright for fighting
Get a little action in
Thankfully with God's grace and enumerable
power to handle man in his element,Donald John Trump
was spared harm and the potential devastation it would
reap across this land.
Well,they're packed pretty tight in here tonight
I'm looking for a Dolly who'll see me right
Apparently at least one Dolly archangel was
working overtime last night at precisely
6:13 PM
One correction: Trump didn’t shake his fist to let Gd know he was OK. Gd not only already knew, but He was the one who shifted the bullet off by a fraction of an inch. Trump has Gd on his side.

Trump shook his fist to let US know he was OK, and that he would continue to fight. Even more, he wanted us to continue to fight. And we will, now, more than ever.

Condolences to the family of the innocent rally goer.
Nowhere or heaven.That being 6: 13 PM { EST } on a nice
Saturday evening in mid july.When out of the blue one
Donald John Trump experienced his first and only gunshot.
To the head.Very near his temple.The ideal suicide spot.
And of course lived to talk about.Also shake his fist in
the air to let God know he was allright.Got thru it like
a bad case of getting his hair trimmed.Nothing to sneeze about or
take lightly.As history was made on this early saturday evening on
July 13th.For all to see.History sometimes requires playback.
Also context and perspective.If not for no other reason than Man
is a social animal.Probably always will be.He was made like no other
creature on earth.Some men differ ... others not so much.
Some saturday nights differ { ask John Travolta } and some
are just saturday nights.,
Or as Elton John sang ... :
It's seven o'clock and I wanna rock
Wanna get a belly full of beer
Don't give us none of your aggravation
We had it with your discipline
Saturday night's alright for fighting
Get a little action in
Thankfully with God's grace and enumerable
power to handle man in his element,Donald John Trump
was spared harm and the potential devastation it would
reap across this land.
Well,they're packed pretty tight in here tonight
I'm looking for a Dolly who'll see me right
Apparently at least one Dolly archangel was
working overtime last night at precisely
6:13 PM
There are 613 Mizvot.. G-d.was watching over Trump in that moment. May he be more humble and lead America to success
There are 613 Mizvot.. G-d.was watching over Trump in that moment. May he be more humble and lead America to success
I also think this is a sign that Gd wants Trump to win. And thus he will.

(Your pointing out 613 mitzvot and 6:13 pm is also a sign.)
If nothing else Life is chock full of signs.I remember one
such sign in the form of a TV commercial.From the ever-changing
Radical 60's.
Where an Indian with headdress was overlooking the side
of road where Litter was scattered all over.
The commercial showed the Old Indian shed a very emotional
tear from his eyes.It saddened him to his core.That commercial
was dynamic and powerful.Not a word was said.

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