6.6 billion in the trash can

I don't think it was anyone in the Bush administration that stole anything. That's not the point. The process is. And they really screwed the pooch on that.

Because there is no evidence as to what happened to the money, I cannot say I disagree with you. But before I condemn anyone, I would like some evidence.

It would not surprise me, if the money didn't go directly to grease the palms of high level Iraqis and to find out that there are those in the Bush Admin who knew this. But, right now, that is only speculation.


That that..would happen..is a given. Not much gets done in the third world without bribes. Anyone who knows anything about doing business in those places..knows this.

But 6.6 billion? Come on.

And speculation? Heck..when I saw pictures of dollars on pallets going into cargo planes for shipment to Iraq..I couldn't believe that was modern day America.

Hell 6.6 isn't really a huge amount when you look at the number of hands that needed to be secured you had three different tribes to deal with you had Warlords to deal with you had outlying entities to deal with this completely leaves aside the cost of putting everything back into place from sewer to electric and all those people that had to be paid all this crap cost a huge sum......as it wasn't our Money in the first place so god only knows what accountability there was
Because there is no evidence as to what happened to the money, I cannot say I disagree with you. But before I condemn anyone, I would like some evidence.

It would not surprise me, if the money didn't go directly to grease the palms of high level Iraqis and to find out that there are those in the Bush Admin who knew this. But, right now, that is only speculation.


That that..would happen..is a given. Not much gets done in the third world without bribes. Anyone who knows anything about doing business in those places..knows this.

But 6.6 billion? Come on.

And speculation? Heck..when I saw pictures of dollars on pallets going into cargo planes for shipment to Iraq..I couldn't believe that was modern day America.

Hell 6.6 isn't really a huge amount when you look at the number of hands that needed to be secured you had three different tribes to deal with you had Warlords to deal with you had outlying entities to deal with this completely leaves aside the cost of putting everything back into place from sewer to electric and all those people that had to be paid all this crap cost a huge sum......as it wasn't our Money in the first place so god only knows what accountability there was

What the heck do you mean it isn't "our money". Of course it fucking is our money. It's money that was frozen under Saddam Hussien. And it was promised that it was to be used to "pay for the invasion". It didn't. Neither did the oil revenues. Neither did anything. We are going to be trillions in the hole for this one. We should at least begin to track how bad things were..so we don't make the same mistakes.
That that..would happen..is a given. Not much gets done in the third world without bribes. Anyone who knows anything about doing business in those places..knows this.

But 6.6 billion? Come on.

And speculation? Heck..when I saw pictures of dollars on pallets going into cargo planes for shipment to Iraq..I couldn't believe that was modern day America.

Hell 6.6 isn't really a huge amount when you look at the number of hands that needed to be secured you had three different tribes to deal with you had Warlords to deal with you had outlying entities to deal with this completely leaves aside the cost of putting everything back into place from sewer to electric and all those people that had to be paid all this crap cost a huge sum......as it wasn't our Money in the first place so god only knows what accountability there was

What the heck do you mean it isn't "our money". Of course it fucking is our money. It's money that was frozen under Saddam Hussien. And it was promised that it was to be used to "pay for the invasion". It didn't. Neither did the oil revenues. Neither did anything. We are going to be trillions in the hole for this one. We should at least begin to track how bad things were..so we don't make the same mistakes.

obama flushed 6 tril of our money. i dont see you bitchin about that. hypocrite.
That that..would happen..is a given. Not much gets done in the third world without bribes. Anyone who knows anything about doing business in those places..knows this.

But 6.6 billion? Come on.

And speculation? Heck..when I saw pictures of dollars on pallets going into cargo planes for shipment to Iraq..I couldn't believe that was modern day America.

Hell 6.6 isn't really a huge amount when you look at the number of hands that needed to be secured you had three different tribes to deal with you had Warlords to deal with you had outlying entities to deal with this completely leaves aside the cost of putting everything back into place from sewer to electric and all those people that had to be paid all this crap cost a huge sum......as it wasn't our Money in the first place so god only knows what accountability there was

What the heck do you mean it isn't "our money". Of course it fucking is our money. It's money that was frozen under Saddam Hussien. And it was promised that it was to be used to "pay for the invasion". It didn't. Neither did the oil revenues. Neither did anything. We are going to be trillions in the hole for this one. We should at least begin to track how bad things were..so we don't make the same mistakes.

It's money that was frozen under Saddam Hussien
In other words Iraqi money. So now we go from billions to Trillions in a single sentence wow impressive. Anyone who believed in anyway we would get anything back out of the endeavor is an absolute fucking idiot. Tell me sport you expecting a profit from Libya right now? were into that for a cool 1.3 billion or how about Yemen which is being attacked how much we owe on that hmmmm?

Spare me your indignation its as phony as TM's
How does the stimulus spending have ANYTHING to do with Bush and team shipping pallets of 100 dollar bills onto plane after plane and then turning their heads and allowing it to just dissapear?

It's 2011, how does something that happened 7 years ago matter today when our current president wastes 10x that much money at any given time during his presidency? You want to “update” the constitution by going back to failed Government structures but yet you live in the past because it’s convenient, Ironic really.
Then provide some specific examples to compare with the kind of incredibly brazen waste we've referenced, which is the unaccountable distribution of vast amounts of cash in Iraq and Afghanistan under the label of "war." What went on is analogous to opening a bank vault and unaccountably tossing out packets of money.
Hell 6.6 isn't really a huge amount when you look at the number of hands that needed to be secured you had three different tribes to deal with you had Warlords to deal with you had outlying entities to deal with this completely leaves aside the cost of putting everything back into place from sewer to electric and all those people that had to be paid all this crap cost a huge sum......as it wasn't our Money in the first place so god only knows what accountability there was

What the heck do you mean it isn't "our money". Of course it fucking is our money. It's money that was frozen under Saddam Hussien. And it was promised that it was to be used to "pay for the invasion". It didn't. Neither did the oil revenues. Neither did anything. We are going to be trillions in the hole for this one. We should at least begin to track how bad things were..so we don't make the same mistakes.

It's money that was frozen under Saddam Hussien
In other words Iraqi money. So now we go from billions to Trillions in a single sentence wow impressive. Anyone who believed in anyway we would get anything back out of the endeavor is an absolute fucking idiot. Tell me sport you expecting a profit from Libya right now? were into that for a cool 1.3 billion or how about Yemen which is being attacked how much we owe on that hmmmm?

Spare me your indignation its as phony as TM's

Over the long term? Yeah..it's going to cost trillions. You deny that?

And it was Bush's necons like Wolfowitz and Cheney that were arguing this war would pay for itself with oil revenue sharing. And it was no longer Saddam Hussien's government. It was a government propped up by the US. It should have been paid for out of Iraqi revenues and assets. That's what was promised.

And me? What I'd like to see is Gaddafi, six feet under or a smoldering piece of ash. And I support the targeted killing of terrorists that mean to do this country harm. If Yemen, Pakistan or any other country object..then they should be taking out their own trash. Assholes plotting to terrorist attacks should not be tolerated by anyone..even if it furthers your agenda.
What the heck do you mean it isn't "our money". Of course it fucking is our money. It's money that was frozen under Saddam Hussien. And it was promised that it was to be used to "pay for the invasion". It didn't. Neither did the oil revenues. Neither did anything. We are going to be trillions in the hole for this one. We should at least begin to track how bad things were..so we don't make the same mistakes.

It's money that was frozen under Saddam Hussien
In other words Iraqi money. So now we go from billions to Trillions in a single sentence wow impressive. Anyone who believed in anyway we would get anything back out of the endeavor is an absolute fucking idiot. Tell me sport you expecting a profit from Libya right now? were into that for a cool 1.3 billion or how about Yemen which is being attacked how much we owe on that hmmmm?

Spare me your indignation its as phony as TM's

Over the long term? Yeah..it's going to cost trillions. You deny that?

And it was Bush's necons like Wolfowitz and Cheney that were arguing this war would pay for itself with oil revenue sharing. And it was no longer Saddam Hussien's government. It was a government propped up by the US. It should have been paid for out of Iraqi revenues and assets. That's what was promised.

And me? What I'd like to see is Gaddafi, six feet under or a smoldering piece of ash. And I support the targeted killing of terrorists that mean to do this country harm. If Yemen, Pakistan or any other country object..then they should be taking out their own trash. Assholes plotting to terrorist attacks should not be tolerated by anyone..even if it furthers your agenda.

LOL I don't have an "agenda" there princess your indignation is as I said as phony as TM

It's utterly laughable how all of the sudden this is an issue yet you don't seem to be saying shit about what's currently going on today....Ya know little things the US being in far worse shape then Greece ya I know your liberal sensibilities don't extend that far easier to scream about what happened yesterday when you think it was the other party that did something.

What happened 7 years ago doesn't even strike zero on the give a shit meter maybe after we clean up the messiah's mishandling of our nations economy I'll shed a tear about events in the past.

But at the moment both of you as as transparent as a sheet of glass
The Obama-bots never ending goal to make everyone out to be a Bush-bot so that actually have some kind of case gets old super quick.

Not a single person in this thread seems to like, support or comes across as ok with what happened with this money under Bush, however we have a new president now (today) and for almost 3 years now who has wasted many times more in a shorter period of time... Focusing on the past in this case means little to nothing, what do you guys suggest doing about this 6.6 billion other than proving that Government NEEDS to be shrunk? While it seems a huge amount of the nation (and growing) want to change the habits of wasteful Government, and understand that we can only do that in today’s world you guys focus on the past as a way to clear Obama's mistakes and name for doing much much worse than Bush.

TM/Swallow’s point of view seems to be this…

Bush was evil for having 6.6 billion dollars go missing and therefore if you don’t lose mental control (direction anger) then you somehow magically supported Bush.
Ironically… TM/Swallow say…
You’re not allowed to show where Obama and his admin have gone above and beyond Bush on wasteful spending because well, because Bush did it on a smaller scale and I (Tm/Swallow) really hate Bush.

It’s interesting to see so many on the left become small Government fiscal conservatives when it comes to looking at what Bush did wrong but then become some of the biggest Government Progressive liberal Neocons when it comes to defending Obama for doing the same shit (and expanded/costly shit) as Bush…

You guys chose to prove you learned nothing from Big Government under Bush… Bush grew everything from Education to Healthcare, just like Obama… They are both religious and hold the same values on almost every single “issue” concerning our country today.
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When I first heard this story back in the mid 2000's, I just couldn't believe it. What fuckin' moron could come up with a plan to fly billions of dollars in cash to Iraq and then distribute it in such a way that there was no way to account for who got it and/or how it was spent? And frankly, how could his superiors approved such a plan with no real oversight?

Then I remembered the conservative axiom that gov't doesn't work. And for some strange inexplicable reason, when conservatives take power they have some weird need to prove that axiom true.
When I first heard this story back in the mid 2000's, I just couldn't believe it. What fuckin' moron could come up with a plan to fly billions of dollars in cash to Iraq and then distribute it in such a way that there was no way to account for who got it and/or how it was spent? And frankly, how could his superiors approved such a plan with no real oversight?

Then I remembered the conservative axiom that gov't doesn't work. And for some strange inexplicable reason, when conservatives take power they have some weird need to prove that axiom true.

Bush was a progressive liberal, not a conservative. Do you want to debate he was a conservative maybe? Go ahead, give us a list of "conservative" policies he passed... To prove Bush was a Progressive liberal I point to Obama's record on policy and the fact that Obama himself says he is a Progressive and yet his policies are Bush policies or expanded Bush policies.
When I first heard this story back in the mid 2000's, I just couldn't believe it. What fuckin' moron could come up with a plan to fly billions of dollars in cash to Iraq and then distribute it in such a way that there was no way to account for who got it and/or how it was spent? And frankly, how could his superiors approved such a plan with no real oversight?

Then I remembered the conservative axiom that gov't doesn't work. And for some strange inexplicable reason, when conservatives take power they have some weird need to prove that axiom true.

Bush was a progressive liberal, not a conservative. Do you want to debate he was a conservative maybe? Go ahead, give us a list of "conservative" policies he passed... To prove Bush was a Progressive liberal I point to Obama's record on policy and the fact that Obama himself says he is a Progressive and yet his policies are Bush policies or expanded Bush policies.

I have to laugh at the conservatives' ideas of how they can end legitimate criticism of incompetence or hypocrisy in one of their own. They either accuse a former stalwart of being a liberal or a RINO.
When I first heard this story back in the mid 2000's, I just couldn't believe it. What fuckin' moron could come up with a plan to fly billions of dollars in cash to Iraq and then distribute it in such a way that there was no way to account for who got it and/or how it was spent? And frankly, how could his superiors approved such a plan with no real oversight?

Then I remembered the conservative axiom that gov't doesn't work. And for some strange inexplicable reason, when conservatives take power they have some weird need to prove that axiom true.

Bush was a progressive liberal, not a conservative. Do you want to debate he was a conservative maybe? Go ahead, give us a list of "conservative" policies he passed... To prove Bush was a Progressive liberal I point to Obama's record on policy and the fact that Obama himself says he is a Progressive and yet his policies are Bush policies or expanded Bush policies.

I have to laugh at the conservatives' ideas of how they can end legitimate criticism of incompetence or hypocrisy in one of their own. They either accuse a former stalwart of being a liberal or a RINO.

As I said, name where he was "conservative." Carefull, you might end up making Obama out to be a giant fucking neocone, going off policy that is....
He was all yours guys and the vast majority of you loved him and defended everything he did.
He was all yours guys and the vast majority of you loved him and defended everything he did.

Name a single person who defended everything he did? Because there were as many complaints about him on the right as there were on the left.

Doesn't change the fact that you are not bothered by Obama wasting more money.

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