6.6 billion in the trash can

Note they tried EVERYTHING to keep from accepting the fact their their team is either incompetent or did this on purpose.

Not one of them would condem this mess.

It was all turned on me or Obama.

They have no shame and just want their sides failures forgotten forever.

6.6 billion dollars would have sent them trough the roof if it was on a Dems record
How does the stimulus spending have ANYTHING to do with Bush and team shipping pallets of 100 dollar bills onto plane after plane and then turning their heads and allowing it to just dissapear?

It's 2011, how does something that happened 7 years ago matter today when our current president wastes 10x that much money at any given time during his presidency? You want to “update” the constitution by going back to failed Government structures but yet you live in the past because it’s convenient, Ironic really.

This clown says 7 years ago means it doesnt matter
Why would 6.6 Billion send anyone through the roof when the Democrats record has Trillions?

President Obama is in charge of the government. What do you expect us to do other than acknowledge that this money was lost and hope the current administration actually tries to figure out where the money went and cut their own waste?
You are here pretending you would not be more concerned about this story if a dem admin lost the money?
You are here pretending you would not be more concerned about this story if a dem admin lost the money?

I don't pretend TM.

Government waste, corruption, and overspending is wrong no matter what party is in control. When are you going to figure that out?
I'd rather that. Because over the long term..that money comes back in terms of tax revenue..even if it doesn't get paid back..which, it's on track to be.

I'd rather have neither because they are both bad...

So you'd rather the collapse of our entire automobile industry?


I'm of the impression that those scare tactics worked nationwide.

And for TM, I don't believe the missing $6.6 billion should be swept under the table. However, I will not condemn anyone until I have some kind of idea who was responsible. My suspects at the moment are high level Iraqis. If you can provide some kind of evidence that it was someone in the Bush Admin, I'll entertain your ideas.

Note they tried EVERYTHING to keep from accepting the fact their their team is either incompetent or did this on purpose.

Not one of them would condem this mess.

It was all turned on me or Obama.

They have no shame and just want their sides failures forgotten forever.

6.6 billion dollars would have sent them trough the roof if it was on a Dems record

Ya the 50 billion we were left holding the bag on with GM or the 1.3 billion and counting we are holding the bag on with Libya or hell how about the 130 trillion in over all debt just doesn't mean all that much compared to this does it
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I'd rather have neither because they are both bad...

So you'd rather the collapse of our entire automobile industry?


I'm of the impression that those scare tactics worked nationwide.

And for TM, I don't believe the missing $6.6 billion should be swept under the table. However, I will not condemn anyone until I have some kind of idea who was responsible. My suspects at the moment are high level Iraqis. If you can provide some kind of evidence that it was someone in the Bush Admin, I'll entertain your ideas.


Maybe you should read the article posted
I'd rather have neither because they are both bad...

So you'd rather the collapse of our entire automobile industry?


I'm of the impression that those scare tactics worked nationwide.

And for TM, I don't believe the missing $6.6 billion should be swept under the table. However, I will not condemn anyone until I have some kind of idea who was responsible. My suspects at the moment are high level Iraqis. If you can provide some kind of evidence that it was someone in the Bush Admin, I'll entertain your ideas.


I don't think it was anyone in the Bush administration that stole anything. That's not the point. The process is. And they really screwed the pooch on that.
So you'd rather the collapse of our entire automobile industry?


I'm of the impression that those scare tactics worked nationwide.

And for TM, I don't believe the missing $6.6 billion should be swept under the table. However, I will not condemn anyone until I have some kind of idea who was responsible. My suspects at the moment are high level Iraqis. If you can provide some kind of evidence that it was someone in the Bush Admin, I'll entertain your ideas.


Maybe you should read the article posted

I did... did you?

I saw no names mentioned. I am certain you say "Boooooooooossssshhhhhhhh" written all over the article, but that is all your mind seems to comprehend. I can't help you with your Bush Syndrome. I'm not sure anyone can.

Someone had to know this was not how you deal with a mountain of cash
So you'd rather the collapse of our entire automobile industry?


I'm of the impression that those scare tactics worked nationwide.

And for TM, I don't believe the missing $6.6 billion should be swept under the table. However, I will not condemn anyone until I have some kind of idea who was responsible. My suspects at the moment are high level Iraqis. If you can provide some kind of evidence that it was someone in the Bush Admin, I'll entertain your ideas.


I don't think it was anyone in the Bush administration that stole anything. That's not the point. The process is. And they really screwed the pooch on that.

Because there is no evidence as to what happened to the money, I cannot say I disagree with you. But before I condemn anyone, I would like some evidence.

It would not surprise me, if the money didn't go directly to grease the palms of high level Iraqis and to find out that there are those in the Bush Admin who knew this. But, right now, that is only speculation.

I'm of the impression that those scare tactics worked nationwide.

And for TM, I don't believe the missing $6.6 billion should be swept under the table. However, I will not condemn anyone until I have some kind of idea who was responsible. My suspects at the moment are high level Iraqis. If you can provide some kind of evidence that it was someone in the Bush Admin, I'll entertain your ideas.


Maybe you should read the article posted

I did... did you?

I saw no names mentioned. I am certain you say "Boooooooooossssshhhhhhhh" written all over the article, but that is all your mind seems to comprehend. I can't help you with your Bush Syndrome. I'm not sure anyone can.


So you just contend they did this out of pure stupidity?

They knew who they wanted the money to go to and I bet that person is who got it.

They just didnt want YOU and Me to know who.

They lied us into this war so why trust them on ANYTHING?
So you'd rather the collapse of our entire automobile industry?


I'm of the impression that those scare tactics worked nationwide.

And for TM, I don't believe the missing $6.6 billion should be swept under the table. However, I will not condemn anyone until I have some kind of idea who was responsible. My suspects at the moment are high level Iraqis. If you can provide some kind of evidence that it was someone in the Bush Admin, I'll entertain your ideas.


Maybe you should read the article posted

You first, drearie.
Maybe you should read the article posted

I did... did you?

I saw no names mentioned. I am certain you say "Boooooooooossssshhhhhhhh" written all over the article, but that is all your mind seems to comprehend. I can't help you with your Bush Syndrome. I'm not sure anyone can.


So you just contend they did this out of pure stupidity?

They knew who they wanted the money to go to and I bet that person is who got it.

They just didnt want YOU and Me to know who.

They lied us into this war so why trust them on ANYTHING?

No, I said that you don't have a damned bit of evidence in anything you have claimed, but that has never stopped you before. Why should any of us expect anything different in this case?

How does the stimulus spending have ANYTHING to do with Bush and team shipping pallets of 100 dollar bills onto plane after plane and then turning their heads and allowing it to just dissapear?

Please provide proof that Bush and his team personally loaded, unloaded, and turned their heads while the money was lost. Photos would be just fine, thank you.

Otherwise it was done by lower level functionaries, who wouldn't go running to their superiors, telling them that they were stealing the cash.


You're kidding right?


Of course i'm kidding. I just want to see if I can make her head explode.
Maybe you should read the article posted

I did... did you?

I saw no names mentioned. I am certain you say "Boooooooooossssshhhhhhhh" written all over the article, but that is all your mind seems to comprehend. I can't help you with your Bush Syndrome. I'm not sure anyone can.


So you just contend they did this out of pure stupidity?

They knew who they wanted the money to go to and I bet that person is who got it.

They just didnt want YOU and Me to know who.

They lied us into this war so why trust them on ANYTHING?

LOL you don't really believe one person "got" the money do you? do you remember the big stink over paying off warlords where do you suppose that money came from. Where do you suppose the money came from to entice Iraqis to join the police force and equip them despite the threat of them being killed.

You really think all the shit done over there was free? ....I'm sorry you cannot be that delusional nobody can
I'm of the impression that those scare tactics worked nationwide.

And for TM, I don't believe the missing $6.6 billion should be swept under the table. However, I will not condemn anyone until I have some kind of idea who was responsible. My suspects at the moment are high level Iraqis. If you can provide some kind of evidence that it was someone in the Bush Admin, I'll entertain your ideas.


I don't think it was anyone in the Bush administration that stole anything. That's not the point. The process is. And they really screwed the pooch on that.

Because there is no evidence as to what happened to the money, I cannot say I disagree with you. But before I condemn anyone, I would like some evidence.

It would not surprise me, if the money didn't go directly to grease the palms of high level Iraqis and to find out that there are those in the Bush Admin who knew this. But, right now, that is only speculation.


That that..would happen..is a given. Not much gets done in the third world without bribes. Anyone who knows anything about doing business in those places..knows this.

But 6.6 billion? Come on.

And speculation? Heck..when I saw pictures of dollars on pallets going into cargo planes for shipment to Iraq..I couldn't believe that was modern day America.

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