60% of American Jews are my enemies. They are ungrateful and just plain stupid.

You damn well better care, mac, or we'll boycott your asses, as will the rest of the first world. We don't want to share a border with an authoritarian dictatorship. First off, we'll be overwhelmed by people fleeing the USA.

And then there's the spillover - like the Trucker FreeDumb Brigade which tried to turn Ottawa into a trailer park trash encampment, just as our lockdowns lifted. Seeing their months long drinking party about to end, they took to the road to protest vaccine mandates.

These were welfare assholes who resented an end to their CERB benefits, and lockdown parties if they didn't get their asses back to work when the lockdowns lifted. They were pissing and shitting in the streets, living in their trucks, and drinking all night.

The REAL Canadian truckers, 95% of whom were already vaxxed, were busy bringing goods into the country and delivering them to all of the stores and businesses throughout the country to replenish the empty shelves, and get the factories back to work. The REAL truckers weren't partying on their government benefits and spitting on the people just trying to get back to life and work after 2 years in lockdown.

When the City proved incapable of shutting their nonsense down, and the Conservatives in power in Ontario refused to shut them down, a class action suit was brought by the citizens in Ottawa for a cease and desist Order.

And you assholes called Trudeau a "fascist" for enforcing a Court Order, which the citizens of Ottawa obtained against a roving gang of drunkards.
Yeah, what you gonna do about it? Absolutely nothing. Canada is dependent on the US. You’ll eat shit, and like it hoser…
He won't be President. The more the American people see of him, the more of them are seeing his mental decline, and the insanity and dangers of his proposals.

He's bat shit crazy, and lying about everything. Springfield in turning into January 6th all over again. The Proud Boys and the KKK have now arrived, and the Mayor has declared a state of emegency. The Republican Governor has begged Trump to tell everyone that Haitians are not eating pets, and both Trump and Vance have refused to do so.

This will not "galvanize his voters". This is driving them away by the thousands. The lower the polls go, the more violent Trump's rhetoric becomes. Now he's threatening Jews if they don't vote for him.

The man is mentally unwell.
Keep on believin’….lol

Did you not read the report??? That's a "left-centre" publication. I don't use links that can't pass a fact check test - from either side. And you shouldn't believe them either.
Yeah right….youre the embodiment of a liberal sheep….baaaaaa!
Yeah right….youre the embodiment of a liberal sheep….baaaaaa!

So you have nothing. You can't attack the post so you attack the poster. Every. Single. Time.

I've never been taken in by the lying con-man you've voted for twice. I told you he was a crook the day he came down the escalator.

You're the guy believing the man who has been proven to have lied to you 40,000 times. And still you believe.
So you have nothing. You can't attack the post so you attack the poster. Every. Single. Time.

I've never been taken in by the lying con-man you've voted for twice. I told you he was a crook the day he came down the escalator.

You're the guy believing the man who has been proven to have lied to you 40,000 times. And still you believe.
You really don’t seem to get it.

I’ll say it as clearly as I can, and you read slowly, ok?

You are NOT an American citizen.
You are NOT able to vote in our election.
What you say, and post in here is NOT important.
I don’t give a fuck about your feelings, opinions, or anything you have to say.

And the most important one

Fuck off.

Get it now?
He did not say the word "enemies" but he did mean that if they don't vote for him (and vote for Harris), they are essentially ungrateful, stupid and as such.................people that are against me (in simple meaning - enemies).

With Trump, anyone that is not with him is an enemy.
No, he meant that Jews who vote for the Anti-Israel Party instead of a steadfast supporter are stupid. I agree.
He did not say the word "enemies" but he did mean that if they don't vote for him (and vote for Harris), they are essentially ungrateful, stupid and as such.................people that are against me (in simple meaning - enemies).

With Trump, anyone that is not with him is an enemy.
Don't bother you with facts, eh? You'll just make up your own. LMAO
You really don’t seem to get it.

I’ll say it as clearly as I can, and you read slowly, ok?

You are NOT an American citizen.
You are NOT able to vote in our election.
What you say, and post in here is NOT important.
I don’t give a fuck about your feelings, opinions, or anything you have to say.

And the most important one

Fuck off.

Get it now?
Thanks. Now if we can just get Donald H , the Canuck duck to take heed of your very succinct post, all will be right with the world. LOL
Thanks. Now if we can just get Donald H , the Canuck duck to take heed of your very succinct post, all will be right with the world. LOL
I'm not being ignored. I can hook you in any time I feel that you can be of some use. And if I have that power over you, the rest are easy patsies.

So something you might understand? All of Trump SS agenst assigned to protecting him, can't all be loyal. People of their nature will tend to be very highly motivated with Patriotism for their country.

You know very well that creates a contrary situation over trying to save Trump's life.

If something bad happens the next time, you will have succeeded in inheriting a failed democracy!
What if there is an SS conspiracy created within the SS to sacrifice Trump, for the sake of saving democracy? What if 8 out of ten of them are more patriotic, than loyal to Trump?

Both of the (feigned assassination attempts) suit that sort of situation existing already.

Is it time to speculate? Can the Kamala supporters see an extreme danger in Trump being elected?
It's his obsession with revenge that makes me fear for Jewish citizens. He's setting them up for "scapegoating" when he loses. Then what happens???

As Trump's fear of losing grows, so does level of violence he's prepared to inflict to keep it from happening.

He thinks that if he engineers violence now, it will prove that Democrats can't be trusted to maintain order, just like he thought that the BLM demonstrations improved his chances at re-election.

He's deliberately fomenting violence in Springfield, in the hopes of a repeat of January 6th there and then he's going to blame both the migrants and the Dems.
Trump is very dangerous.. absolutely without a conscience or any principles.

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